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Release of the full text of a Commission order constitutes official action. See MCI v. FCC. 515 F 2d 385 (D.C. Circ 1974).  y: 5 dddhy  M8i U 1  1  Figure 1  Figure 1 y!HH,,@Uddfcclogo.wpgHHy! Xz dd8u H#S2pPG;# NEWS L X   X(##XR  P7jQXP# October 2, 1998 j<X(#P # 4  pG; \ #  jV<~OPEN PROCEEDINGS# Xw PE37XP#у  Y- The following is a listing of current FCC Notices of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRMs) and Notices of Inquiry (NOIs) open for public comment, except routine petitions to amend the Table of Allotments. This listing also includes pertinent Public Notices (PNs) announcing comment subjects and dates. For additional information, contact Martha Contee, Public  Y -Service Division at (202) 4180260, TTY (202) 4182555, email mcontee@fcc.gov. #X\  P6G; P# Please note: as comment and reply comment periods expire, they are deleted from this listing. *Asterisk indicates  yO -comment period deadline is past, but reply comment period still is open.# Xj\  P6G; y XP#  a,< # |\  P6G; :P#CABLE SERVICES BUREAU # Xj\  P6G; y XP#  X-  X    CS 98120; NPRM 7/9/98 (adopted 7/9/98); FCC 98153 Carriage of the Transmissions of Digital Television Broadcast Stations Amendments to  X-Part 76 of the Commission's Rules The Commission is seeking comments on changes to the broadcast signal carriage rules and other cable television rules, to accommodate digital television transmissions. Comments due September 17, 1998*; reply comments due October 30, 1998.  XP-Xx CS 98120; Order 8/27/98 (adopted 8/27/98) ; DA 981719(# XxDTV Must Carry Proceedings(#  X - XxGranted, in part the Association of Local Television Stations' Motion for Extension of Time in CS Docket No. 98120. Comments due October 13; reply comments due November 24.(#  X!-  X"-  X#- "#,$$ (#"Ԍ a<ԙ # |\  P6G; :P#COMMON CARRIER BUREAU# Xj\  P6G; y XP#  X -   X- CC 98131; NPRM 7/24/98 (adopted 7/15/98); FCC 98164 1998 Biennial Regulatory Review Part 61 of the Commission's Rules and Related  X-Tariffing Requirements Issued Notice of Proposed Rulemaking in the 1998 Biennial Review part 61 of the Commission's Rules and Related Tariffing Requirements. Comments due 30 days after publication in the Federal Register; reply comments due 60 days after publication in the Federal Register.  X - CC 98141; PN 7/30/98; DA 981492 SBC Communications, Inc. and Ameritech Corporation Seek FCC Consent for a Proposed Transfer of Control and Commission Seeks Comment on Proposed Protective Order Filed by SBC and Ameritech  Xl- On July 24, 1998, SBC Communications, Inc. and Ameritech Corporation filed joint applications under Sections 214 and 310(d) of the Communications Act requesting Commission approval of the transfer of control to SBC of licenses and authorizations controlled or requested by Ameritech or its affiliates or subsidiaries. This transfer of control would take place as the result of a proposed merger of SBC and Ameritech. Comments due September 15, 1998*; oppositions or responses due October 15, 1998. Contact: Radhika Karmarkar, Lisa Choi or Bill Dever, Policy and Program Planning Division at (202) 4181580.  X- XxCC 98141; Order 9/1/98 (adopted 9/1/98); DA 981765(# XxAmeritech Corp., Transferor and SBC Communications, Inc., Transferee(#  XX- Xx Granted extension of time to file petitions/comments and oppositions/responses in this proceeding. Comments due October 15; replies November 16. (#  X- PN 8/6/98; DA 981571 Request by the Alliance of Information and Referral Systems United Way of America, United Way 211 (Atlanta, GA), United Way of Connecticut, Florida Alliance of Information and Referral Services, Inc. and Texas I&R Network for Assignment of 211  X$-Dialing Code Pleading Cycle Established On May 28, 1998, The Alliance of Information and Referral Systems, the United Way of American, United Way 211 (Atlanta, GA), United Way of Connecticut, Florida Alliance of Information and Referral Services, Inc., and the Texas I&R Network, filed a Petition for assignment of 211 dialing code for use by the public to access essential community resource"),_*_*'" services, providing free information and referrals regarding community service organizations. Comments due September 8, 1998*; replies due September 21, 1998.*  X-Xx (# XxPN 9/18/98; DA 981899(# XxCommon Carrier Bureau Revises Pleading Schedule for the Alliance of Information and Referral Systems, United Way of America, United Way 211, United Way of Connecticut, Florida Alliance of Information and Referral Services, Inc., and Texas I&R Network Request for Assignment of 211 Dialing Code(#  X - XxOn August 6, 1998, the Common Carrier Bureau released a Public Notice, DA 98-1571, seeking comment on a request by the Alliance of Information and Referral Systems, United Way of America, United Way 211 (Atlanta, GA), United Way of Connecticut, Florida Alliance of Information and Referral Services, Inc., and Texas I&R Network for assignment of 211 dialing code. A pleading cycle of September 8 for comments and September 21 for replies was established. The Bureau is extending the reply comment period until October 5. Contact: Al McCloud, Network Services Division at (202) 418-2499; TTY: (202) 418-0484.(#  Xb-  XK-  X4- CC 98147, CC 9811, CC 9826, CC 9832, CC 9878, CC 9891; MO&O and NPRM 8/7/98; FCC 98188  X-Deployment of Wireline Services Offering Advanced Telecommunications Capability The Commission took steps to implement Congress' framework with respect to encouraging the rapid deployment of new telecommunications technologies advanced services. Comments due September 21, 1998*; replies due October 13, 1998.  X|- CC 98146, CC 98147; PN 8/12/98; FCC 98187, FCC 98188; DA 981624 Common Carrier Bureau Establishes Revised Pleading Cycle for Comments in Section 706 Notice of Inquiry, FCC 98187, and Deployment of Advanced Telecommunications Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, FCC 98188 CC Docket Nos. 98146 and 98147  X - Extended comment period in NOI (CC Docket No. 98146) pursuant to Section 706 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996. Comments due September 14, 1998; reply comments due October 8, 1998. Extended comment period in MO&O and NPRM (CC Docket No. 98147) regarding six petitions of relief. Comments due September 25, 1998*; reply comments due  Xh$-October 16, 1998. Contact: Janice M. Myles, Policy and Program Planning at (202) 4181580.  X:&-  X (- PN 8/19/98; DA 981614 "(,_*_*'"ԌSprint Local Telephone Companies File Petition for Waiver of Automated Reporting Management Information System 4303 Filing Requirement  X- On July 27, 1998, Sprint Local Telephone Companies filed a petition for waiver of the Automated Reporting Management Information Systems (ARMIS) 4303 filing requirement. Comments on this petition due September 18, 1998*; reply comments due October 5, 1998. Contact: Andrew Mulitz, Chief, Legal Branch, Accounting Safeguards Division at (202) 4180850.  XH-  X - PN 8/26/98; DA 981694 Puerto Rico Telephone and Southwestern Bell File Revisions to their Cost Allocation Manuals Public Comment Invited  X - The Commission is seeking comments on Puerto Rico Telephone Company's and SBC Telecommunications for Pacific Bell's updates to their cost allocation manuals. Comments due September 25*; replies due October 9. Contact: Colleen Nibbe at (202) 4180810.  X4- CC 98157; PN 8/28/98; DA 981712 Petition of U S West Communications, Inc. for Forbearance from Regulation as a Dominant Carrier in the Phoenix, Arizona, MSA CC Docket No. 98157 Pleading  X-Cycle Established On March 5, 1998, US West Communications, Inc. filed a petition requesting that the Commission exercise its authority to forbear from regulating U S West as a dominant carrier in the provision of high capacity services in the Phoenix, Arizona Metropolitan Statistical Area, pursuant to Section 10 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996. Comments due October 7, 1998; replies due October 28, 1998. Contact: Harold Watson, Competitive Pricing Division at (202) 418-1530.  X - PN 9/1/98; DA 981738 GTE Service Corporation Petitions for Establishment of New Rate Elements to Offer  X!-SONETBased Switched Transport Services Pleading Cycle Established On July 17, 1998, GTE Service Corporation, on behalf of GTE Telephone Operating Companies and the GTE System Telephone Companies, filed a petition to provide additional SONET-based switched access services, or, in the alternative, petition for expedited waiver of Part 69 of the Commission's Rules to provide additional SONET-based switched access services. GTE requests authority to establish two new rate elements. The Commission is seeking comments on GTE's request. Comments due October 1, 1998*; replies October 16, 1998. Contact: Harold Watson, Competitive Pricing Division at (202) 418-1530."(,_*_*'"Ԍ  X-  X- CC 9884; PN 9/3/98; DA 981792  X- Pleading Cycle Established for Comments on US WEST's Ex Parte Submission Concerning the Petition for Preemption, Declaratory Ruling and Injunctive Relief Filed by McLeodUSA Telecommunications Services, Inc. CC Docket No. 9884  XH- On June 2, 1998, McLeodUSA Telecommunications Services, Inc. filed a petition pursuant to section 253 of the Communications Act, as amended, seeking preemption, declaratory ruling and injunctive relief regarding an order of the Nebraska Public Service Commission that allowed US WEST to withdraw Centrex service. On August 21, 1998, US WEST filed an ex parte submission indicating that the Supreme Court of Nebraska has recently reversed and remanded the Nebraska Commission's Order and directed the Nebraska Commission to dismiss the underlying complaints for lack of standing. The Commission seeks comments on US WEST's ex parte submission. Comments due September 24*; replies October 5. (DA No. 98-1792). Contact: Janice Myles, Policy and Program Planning Division at (202) 418-1577.  X4- PN 9/11/98; DA 981815 National Exchange Carrier Association, Inc. Files Revisions to Its Cost Accounting and  X-Procedures Manual Public Comment Invited On September 4, 1998, the National Exchange Carrier Association, Inc. filed updates to its cost accounting and procedures manual. Comments due October 13; replies October 27. Contact: Debbie Weber at (202) 4180812.  Xe- Xx (#  XN- PN 9/15; DA 981866  X - Common Carrier Bureau Seeks Comment on Petition of the New England Public Communications Council, Inc., Requesting Preemption of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts' Order Banning Charges by Payphone Service Providers for Directory  X-Assistance On June 16, 1998, the New England Public Communications Council, Inc., petitioned the Commission to declare that the continued prohibition imposed by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts against payphone service providers charging for intrastate directory assistance calls is preempted and without effect pursuant to Section 276 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended. Comments to this petition due October 15; replies October 30. (DA No. 98-1866). Contact: Al McCloud, Network Services Division at (202) 418-2499; TTY: (202) 418-0484. "(,_*_*'"Ԍ X- CC 98170; NPRM 9/17/98 (adopted 9/17/98); FCC 98232 TruthinBilling and Billing Format  X- The Commission proposed to make telephone bills more consumer-friendly by providing customers with information they need to make informed choices in a competitive telecommunications marketplace. Comments due: 30 days from Federal Register publication; reply comments Due: 45 days from Federal Register publication.  X1- CC 9645; PN 9/17/98; DA 981872 RealWorld Advanced Technology Request for Waiver Pleading Cycle Established CC  X -Docket No. 9645  X -In the May 8, 1997 Universal Service Report and Order, the Commission directed all interstate telecommunications carriers, payphone providers,a nd others which provide interstate telecommunications service for a fee to contribute to the Universal Service Funds. Carriers that provide only international telecommunications service are not required to contribute to the universal service support mechanisms. RealWorld Advanced Technology, Inc., a reseller of international telecommunications service, is seeking a waiver of the Commission's Rules in order to contribute directly to the Universal Service Fund, based only on the revenue from calls terminating in the United States. Comments to RealWorld's Request for Waiver due October 2; replies October 13. Contact: Sheryl Todd or Linda P. Armstrong, Accounting Policy Division at (202) 4187400; TTY: (202) 4180484.  X- CC 9645; PN 9/18/98; DA 981871 Network Operator Services, Inc. Petition for Waiver of Universal Service Contribution or Reconsideration Pleading Cycle Established CC Docket No. 9645  X"- In the May 8, 1997, Universal Service Order, the Commission directed all interstate telecommunications carriers, payphone providers, and others which provide interstate telecommunications service for a fee to contribute to the Universal Service Funds. Contributions must be based in part on contributors' end-user telecommunications revenues from the previous year. Network Operator Services, Inc. has filed a petition requesting authority to calculate its contribution on the basis of its current revenues, or, in the alternative, for reconsideration of the requirement to use prior year revenues to calculate the contribution amount. Comments due October 2; replies October 13. Contact: Sheryl Todd or Linda P. Armstrong, Accounting Policy Division at (202) 418-7400; TTY: (202) 418-0484.  X''- PN 9/23/98; DA 981937 Common Carrier Bureau Seeks Comment on Southwestern Bell Telephone Company,"(,_*_*'" Pacific Bell, and Nevada Bell's Petition for Expedited Declaratory Ruling on Interstate Intralata Toll Dialing Parity, or in the Alternative, Various Other Relief Pleading  X-Cycle Established  X-On September 18, 1998, Southwestern Bell Telephone Company, Pacific Bell, and Nevada Bell (SBC LECs) filed a petition requesting a declaratory ruling that there is no current obligation to implement interstate intraLATA toll dialing parity for interstate intraLATA toll calls on February 8, 1999. In the alternative, the SBC LECs request that the Commission waive or suspend the application of its interstate intraLATA toll dialing parity rules for the SBC LECs until the conclusion of the Supreme Court's consideration of California v. FCC. Comments due October 7; replies October 14. Contact: Gregory Cooke, Network Services Division at (202) 4182320; TTY: (202) 4180484.  X - CC 96115; Order 9/24/98 (adopted 9/23/98); FCC 98239 Implementation of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 Telecommunications Carriers' Use of Customer Proprietary Network Information and Other Customer Information  XK- Extended the deadline by which all telecommunications carriers must implement effective electronic safeguards to protect against unauthorized access to customer proprietary network information (CPNI). Deadline is now six months after the release date of the Commission's Order on reconsideration addressing CPNI issues in CC Docket No. 96-115.  X-  X-  X- PN 9/25/98 Common Carrier Bureau Seeks Comment on Sprint Corporation's Petition for  Xe-Declaratory Ruling Relating to Eligibility for Payphone Compensation On August 21, 1998, Sprint Corporation filed a petition seeking a declaratory ruling that a payphone service provider is not eligible for compensation from carriers for access code and subscriber 800 calls if it engages in any of three listed practices from any of its payphones. Comments due October 26; replies November 16. Contact: Al McCloud, Network Services Division at (202) 418-2499; TTY: (202) 418-0484.  X"- PN 9/25/98; DA 981958 Bell Atlantic Telephone Companies File Revisions to Its Cost Allocation Manual Public  XQ%-Comment Invited On September 14, 1998, the Bell Atlantic Telephone Companies filed revisions to its cost allocation manual (CAM). The revisions reflect changes to its nonregulated activities and affiliate transactions. Comments due October 16; replies November 2. Contact: Debbie Weber at(202) 4180812; TTY: (202) 4180484."(,_*_*'"Ԍ A%8'  A%8'   X- CC 98171; NPRM and NOI 9/25/98 (adopted 9/17/98); FCC 98233 1998 Biennial Regulatory Review Streamlined Contributor Reporting Requirements Associated with Administration of Telecommunications Relay Services, North American  X-Numbering Plan, Local Number Portability, and Universal Service Support Mechanisms Proposed to simplify the Commission's filing requirements so that a single worksheet will replace several different forms currently filed with similar information. Comments Due: October 30, 1998; Reply Comments Due: November 16, 1998.  X - PN 9/29/98; DA 981964 United States Telephone Association Files Petition for Forbearance From Depreciation  X -Regulation of Price Cap Local Exchange Carriers ASD 9891 On September 21, 1998, the United States Telephone Association filed a petition requesting that the FCC forbear from regulating the depreciation and amortization practices of local exchange carriers subject to price caps regulation. Comments due October 28; replies November 12. Contact: Andrew Mulitz, Chief, Legal Branch, Accounting Safeguards Division at (202) 4180850; TTY: (202) 4180484.  X-  a< # |\  P6G; :P#INTERNATIONAL BUREAU  X- # Xj\  P6G; y XP# IB 98148, CC 90337; NPRM 8/6/98 (adopted 8/6/98); FCC 98190 1998 Biennial Regulatory Review Reform of the International Settlements Policy and  XX-Associated Filing Requirements Proposed rules to reform the international settlement policy to promote greater competition and lower international calling prices. The Commission proposed to lift regulations under the existing policy that restricts the kinds of arrangements U.S. carriers may enter into with foreign telecommunications carriers in World Trade Organization Member countries. Comments due September 16, 1998*; replies due October 16, 1998.  X#- IB 98172; NPRM 9/18/98 (adopted 9/17/98); FCC 98235 Redesignation of the 17.7-19.7 GHz Band Among the Various Allocated Services  X-(- Proposed to redesignate the 17.7-19.7 GHz band among the various allocated services in order to make more efficient and better use of this portion of the spectrum. Comments due"),_*_*'" November 5; replies December 7.  X- Order 9/28/98 (adopted 9/25;98); DA 981951  X- Satellite Radio Applications for Earth Stations to Operate with INTELSAT Satellites  Xv-Transferring to New Skies N.V. Extended the time to file reply comments in the Satellite Radio Applications for Earth Stations to Operate With INTELSAT Satellites Transferring to New Skies Satellites, N.V. proceeding from October 5, 1998 until October 13, 1998.  a < # |\  P6G; :P#MASS MEDIA BUREAU # x6X@`7fX@#  X-#Xj\  P6G; y XP# MM 9893; Erratum 6/22/98 1998 Biennial Regulatory ReviewStreamlining of Radio Technical Rules in Parts 73 and 74 of the Commission's Rules  X'- Erratum to NPRM released June 15 (FCC 98117). Comments due August 21, 1998*; reply comments due September 21, 1998*. x  X- xMM 9893; MO&O 7/23/98; DA 981468 xExtended comment deadline to October 20, 1998; reply comment deadline to xNovember 20, 1998.  a*< # |\  P6G; :P#WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU # Xj\  P6G; y XP#  X4-  X - WT 98136, ET 94124; MO&O/NPRM 7/29/98 (adopted 6/30/98); FCC 98142 Rules Promoting Commercial Use of 47 GHz Band  X#- Adopted rules regarding the use of the 47.248.2 GHz frequency band (47 GHz band), upholding conclusions the Commission reached in the Second Report and Order in this proceeding. Sought comment on various proposals regarding the 47 GHz band including licensing and operating rules, auctioning, and suggestions for structuring rules to take into account the Government and nonGovernment allocation of the band. Comments due September 21, 1998*; replies due October 13, 1998. "7) ,_*_*("Ԍ X- ę PN 8/10/98; DA 981578; Report No. LB 9858 Wireless Telecommunications Bureau Commercial Wireless Division Puerto Rico Telephone Company and GTE Holdings LLC Seek FCC Consent for Transfer of  X-Control Pleading Cycle Established The Puerto Rico Telephone Company and GTE Holdings (Puerto Rico) LLC have filed applications under section 310(d) of the Communications Act requesting Commissio napproval of the transfer of control to GTE Holdings of licenses and authorizations controlled or requested by PRTC, a shollyowned subsidiary of the Puerto Rico Telephone Authority (PRTA). The Commission is seeking comments on these applications for transfer of control. Comments due September 17, 1998*; replies due September 30, 1998*. Contacts: Jonathan Radin or Elizabeth Williams, Commercial Wireless Division, WTB (Parts 22 and 24) at (202) 4187240; Steve Buenzow, Private Wireless Division, WTB (Parts 90 and 101) at (717) 3382657; Jeanette Spriggs, IB (Part 25) at (202) 4181468.  Xy- XxPN 9/10/98; DA 981803(# XxRevised Comment Cycle for Applications filed by Puerto Rico Telephone Company and GTE Holdings (Puerto Rico) for Consent for Transfer of Control  X-of Puerto Rico Telephone Company (# XxAmended August 7, 1998, Public Notice issued by WTB (DA 981578) announcing Puerto Rico Telephone Company's and GTE Holdings applications seeking consent for GTE acquisition of PRTC, to include the application of PRTC and GTE under section 214 of the Communications Act requesting the Commission approval of the transfer of control of GTE Holdings of the license and authorization of Cellulares Telefonica, Inc., a subsidiary of PRTC. Extended pleading cycle comments due October 2; replies October 13. Contact: Jonathan Radin or Elizabeth Williams, Commercial Wireless Division (Part 22 and Part 24) at (202) 4187240; Steven Buenzow, Private Wireless Division (Part 90 and Part 101) at (717) 3382646; Jeanette Spriggs, International Bureau (Part 25) at (202) 4180727; Troy Tanner (Section 214) at (202) 4181468.(#  X- WT 98143; NPRM 8/10/98 (adopted 7/29/98); FCC 98183 " ,u"u" "Ԍ X- 1998 Biennial Regulatory Review Amendment of Part 97 of the Commission's Amateur  X-Service Rules Initiated a proceeding to examine FCC rules for the Amateur Radio Service in an effort to eliminate unnecessary and dupliative rules, as well as to streamline licensing processes. Comments due December 1, 1998; replies due January 15, 1999.  XH- PN 8/21/98; DA 981687 Wireless Bureau Seeks Comment on July 31, 1998 Letter from Personal Communications Industry Association Proposing Streamlining of Wireless Regulations  X - On July 31, 1998, the Personal Communications Industry Association submitted a letter to the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau concerning potential streamlining or elimination of certain wireless regulations. Interested parties should file comments no later than 15 days from Federal Register Publication of this Public Notice. Contact: Jeffrey Steinberg, Commercial Wireless Division at (202) 4180620.  XK-  X4-Gen 88549; PN 8/28/98; Report WT 9830  X- Comments Invited on North Central Texas (Region 40) Public Safety Plan Amendment  X-(Gen Docket No. 88549) On June 22, 1989, the Commission accepted the Public Safety Plan for North Central Texas (Region 40) governing the use of the frequency assignments in the 821824/866869 bands. On July 17, 1997, Region 40 submitted a proposed amendment to its plan that would revise its current channel allotments. Comments due September 28*; replies due October 13. Contact: Joy Alford at (202) 4180680.  X - PR 91143; PN 8/28/87; Report WT 9828 Comments Invited on Arizona (Region 3) Public Safety Plan Amendment (PR Docket  X-No. 91143) On September 4, 1991, the Commission accepted the Public Safety Plan for Arizona (Region 3) governing the use of the frequency assignments in the 821824/866869 MHz bands. On June 12, 1998, Region 3 submitted a proposed amendment to its plan that would revise the current channel allotments. Comments due September 28*; reply comments due October 13. Contact: Joy Alford at (202) 4180680  X (- PN 8/28/98; DA 981715 "( ,_*_*'"ԌWireless Telecommunications Bureau Seeks Comment on United States Cellular  X-Corporation Request for Waiver of Section 22.942 of the Commission's Rules On May 11, 1998, United States Cellular Corporation filed a request for waiver of section 22.942 of the Commission's rules regarding the limitation on cellular licensees holding interests i the other channel block overlapping cellular geographic service area. Comments due September 28*; replies due October 13. Contact: David Krech, Commercial Wireless Division at (202) 4187240.  X1- CC 95116; MO&O 9/1/98 (adopted 9/1/98); DA 981763 Telephone Number Portability  X - Granted a petition filed by the Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association (CTIA) requesting a nine-month stay of the requirement that all cellular, broadband personal communications service (PCS), and covered specialized mobile radio (SMR) carriers provide service provider number portability by June 30, 1999, while supporting nationwide roaming. The Bureau finds that extending the deadline from June 30, 1999 to March 31, 2000 is necessary to ensure the efficient development of wireless number portability.  X- GEN Docket No. 90287; PN 9/15/98; DA 981777; Report No. WT 9831 Comments Invited on Northern California Area (Region 6) Public Safety Plan Amendment (GEN Docket No. 90287)  X- On November 20, 1990, the Commission adopted the Public Safety Plan for Northern California Region 6 governing the use of the frequency assignments in the 821824/866869 MHz bands. On March 6, 1998, the Northern California Region 6 Planning Update Committee submitted a proposed amendment to its Plan that would revise its current channel allotments. The Commission is soliciting comments from the public before taking action. Comments due October 1*; replies October 16. Contact: Joy Alford at (202) 4180680.  X- WT 98169; Order, MO&O, and NPRM 9/17/98 (adopted 9/15/98); FCC 98228  X!- Amendment of Part 95 of the Commission's Rules to Provide Regulatory Flexibility in the 218219 MHz Service/Amendment of Part 95 of the Commission's Rules to Allow  X#-Interactive Video and Data Service Licenses to Provide Mobile Services The Commission undertook a comprehensive examination of the Commission's regulations governing the licensing and use of frequencies in the 218-219 MHz band, allocated to the interactive Video and Data Services (IVDS) in the Personal Radio Services. Comments Due: October 30, 1998; Reply Comments Due: November 25, 1998. Comments to be filed in WT Docket No. 98-169 only. "( ,_*_*'"Ԍ X-ԙ WT 98160; NPRM 9/18/98 (adopted 9/17/98); FCC 98217 1998 Biennial Regulatory Review Amendment of Part ) of the Commission's Rules to Close the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau's Gettysburg Reference Facility  Xv- The Commission proposed to amend rules to eliminate the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau's Reference Room in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. The Commission also proposed to update Section 0.453 of the Commission's Rules to accurately reflect the location and availability of license application information within the Wireless Bureau. Comments due 30 days after publication in the Federal Register; reply comments due 45 days after publication in the Federal Register.  X - CC 94102; DA 9/22/98; DA 981936 Additional Comment Sought Wireless 911 "Strongest Signal" Proposal Filed by Ad Hoc Alliance for Public Access to 911 CC Docket No. 94102  XK- The Commission is seeking additional comment in the wireless Enhanced 911 rulemaking proceeding with respect to an ex parte presentation filed by Ad Hoc Alliance for Public Access to 911 on September 17, 1998. Separate letters addressing the Alliance ex parte filing were submitted to the commission by: the Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials-International, Inc. and the National Association of State None-One-One Administrators (jointly), and the National Emergency Number Association. In its ex parte filing, the Ad Hoc Alliance presented an approach under which the Commission would require that, if the signal from the users provider is "inadequate" at the time a 911 call is placed through the use of an analog cellular handset, then the handset must have the capability to select automatically the strongest available compatible channel of communication for purposes of completing the 911 call. The Ad Hoc Alliance also provided an engineering report regarding the minimum level of signal strength at the cellular handset considered necessary for "good" communication. The Commission is seeking additional comment to assist the Commission in determining whether to adopt the approach presented by the Ad Hoc Alliance in its September 17 ex parte filing. Comments due October 7; replies October 19. Comments due October 7; replies October 19. Contact: Won Kim, Policy Division at (202) 418-1310.  X"- PN 9/28/98; DA 981970; Report LB9870  X#-  Xh$- ALLTEL Corporation and Standard Group, Inc. Seek FCC Consent for Transfer of  XQ%-Control Pleading Cycle Established The ALLTEL Corporation and the Standard Group, Inc. have filed applications under Sections 310(d) of the Communications Act requesting Commission approval of the transfer of control to ALLTEL of various radio licenses held by subsidiaries of Standard. Comments"( ,_*_*'" due November 5; replies November 16. Contact: Jonathan Radin or Elizabeth Williams (Part 22 and 24) at (202) 418-7240; Steven Buenzow (Part 90 and 101) at (717) 338-2646; Troy Tanner, IB (Section 214) at (202) 418-1468.  X- WT 9686; 1st R&O and 3rd NPRM 9/29/98 (adopted 8/6/98); FCC 98191 The Development of Operational, Technical and Spectrum Requirements for Meeting Federal, State and Local Public Safety Agency Communication Requirements Through  X1-the Year 2010 Establishment of Rules and Requirements for Priority Access Service The Commission is seeking comment on how to license the 8.8 MHz of spectrum designated as "reserve" in the First Report and Order. Specifically, the Commission is seeking comment on whether some or all of this spectrum should be licensed by means of the Regional Committee process, licensed directly to each state, or licensed pursuant to any alternative licensing process not expressly described herein. The Commission proposes technical criteria to protect satellitebased global navigation systems from harmful interference. The Commission also seeks comment on proposals to promote interoperability on public safety channels below 512 MHz and seeks comment concerning how the public safety community is addressing computer hardware and software adjustments needed to remedy the Year 2000 problem. Comments due 60 days after Federal Register publication; replies due 90 days after Federal Register Publication.  X- PN 9/30/98; DA 981985  X- FCC Seeks Comment on Technology for Communications International's Requests for  X-Waiver to Permit Use of Marine Frequencies for LandBased Services On January 6, 1998, Technology for Communications International (TIC) filed a request of waiver of Sections 80.207 and 80.453 of the Commission's Rules to enable it to use maritime frequencies for both maritime communications service and service to fixed and mobile transceivers on land, on a secondary, noninterference basis, using 2K8D1D and 2K8F1D emission. The secondary service would be devoted to a tracking and messaging system for the commercial trucking industry. Comments due October 15; replies October 26. Contact: Michael J. Wilhelm, Policy and rules Branch, Public Safety and Private Wireless Division at (202) 4180870.  X#-  Xh$-  a:&< # |\  P6G; :P#OFFICE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY # Xj\  P6G; y XP#  X-(- 98153; NOI 9/1/98 (adopted 8/20/98); FCC 98208 "),_*_*'"ԌRevision of Part 15 of the Commission's Rules Regarding UltraWideband Transmission Systems  X- Initiated inquiry to investigate the possibility of permitting the operation of ultra-wideband radio systems on an unlicensed basis under part 15 of the Commission's rules. Comments due 75 days from publication in Federal Register; reply comments due 105 days from publication in Federal Register. x  X1- ET 98156; NPRM 9/1/98 (adopted 8/21/98); FCC 98209  X -Amendment of Part 15 of the Commission's Rules  X - Proposed to amend part 15 of the Commission's Rules to allow the operation of fixed point-to-point transmitters in the 24.05-24.25 GHz band at field strengths of up to 2500 m V/m. Comments due 75 days after publication in the Federal Register; reply comments due  X-105 days after publication in the Federal Register.