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Federal Communications Commission
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Washington, D.C. 20554
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TTY: 202/418-2555

This is an unofficial announcement of Commission action. Release of the full text of a Commission order constitutes official action. See MCI v. FCC. 515 F 2d 385 (D.C. Circ 1974).

October 26, 1999

Rosemary Kimball at (202) 418-0500


Washington, DC -- The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) today announced the official creation of two new bureaus -- the Enforcement Bureau and the Consumer Information Bureau -- that will become effective November 8. FCC Chairman William Kennard made the announcement during testimony today before the House Telecommunications Subcommittee on the FCC's 5-Year Strategic Plan.

This change will enhance the FCC's ability to serve the public by improving the effectiveness of the agency's enforcement program in an increasingly competitive communications marketplace. It will also maximize the ability of consumers to obtain quick, clear and consistent information about their rights under communications law.

Kennard said, "Our decision to establish bureaus devoted exclusively to enforcement and consumer information signals the enormous importance of these functions in our transition from an industry regulator to a market facilitator. This reorganization is the first step in a larger effort to streamline and modernize the FCC. I look forward to continuing to work with my colleagues at the Commission and in Congress to implement the additional measures that will be critical to redefining ourselves as we enter the 21st Century."

Kennard said David H. Solomon has been named Bureau Chief of the Enforcement Bureau, which consolidates enforcement functions and personnel from the Commission's existing Common Carrier, Mass Media, Wireless Telecommunications and Compliance and Information Bureaus. Jane E. Mago and Bradford M. Berry will be Deputy Bureau Chiefs and Richard K. Welch will be Associate Bureau Chief. Solomon has been FCC Deputy General Counsel since 1994; Mago was most recently Senior Legal Adviser to Commissioner Michael K. Powell; Berry is currently a litigation partner at Miller, Cassidy, Larroca and Lewin in Washington, DC; and Welch is presently Senior Counsel to the General Counsel.

Kennard announced his intention to name Lorraine C. Miller to be Bureau Chief of the Consumer Information Bureau, which consolidates the FCC's Gettysburg Call Center, the Office of Public Affairs' Public Service and Reference Operations Divisions, most of the existing staff in the Wireless Telecommunications and Common Carrier Bureaus responsible for facilitating resolution of informal consumer complaints, and staff from other bureaus responsible for handling public information requests.

The Consumer Information Bureau will also oversee the Commission's compliance with disabilities-related legal requirements generally, and will be responsible for ensuring that persons with disabilities have access to Commission processes and material in accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. Miller is presently Director of the Office of Congressional Relations at the Federal Trade Commission. Pamera Hairston and Karen Peltz Strauss will be Deputy Bureau Chiefs. Hairston is Chief of the Compliance Division of the Compliance and Information Bureau and Strauss is Legal Counsel for Telecommunications Policy at the National Association of the Deaf.

The Commission is retaining a small stand-alone Office of Media Relations responsible for interacting with members of the news media and for overseeing the agency's website. Joy Howell has been named Chief of the Office; Maureen Peratino and David Fiske will serve as Deputies. All three presently serve in the same capacities in the Office of Public Affairs, which will cease to exist once the reorganization is effective.


The new Enforcement Bureau will be the primary FCC organization responsible for enforcement of the Communications Act, as well as Commission rules, orders and authorizations. The Bureau will have four divisions, with the following key responsibilities:

Telecommunications Consumers Division, which will be responsible for enforcement regarding consumer-related obligations of common carriers such as prohibitions on slamming and unsolicited faxes; resolution of formal complaints filed by consumers against common carriers; and resolution of formal consumer complaints against regulated entities regarding accessibility of telecommunications services and equipment to persons with disabilities;

Market Disputes Resolution Division, which will be responsible for resolution of complaints against common carriers (wireline, wireless and international) by competitors and other carriers involving market issues;

Technical and Public Safety Division, which will be responsible for resolution of complaints involving public safety and technical issues such as tower marking and lighting, equipment requirements, Emergency Alert System rules and unauthorized construction or operation; and

Investigations and Hearings Division, which will be responsible for resolution of complaints against broadcast stations on non-technical matters such as indecency, enhanced underwriting, unauthorized transfer of control and misrepresentation; and resolution of complaints against wireless licensees on non-technical matters such as unauthorized transfer of control, auction collusion and misrepresentation. The Division also will conduct, or assist in the conduct of, various other investigations being conducted by the Bureau and serves as trial staff in formal Commission hearings.

The Enforcement Bureau also includes the FCC's existing Regional and Field Offices, which are responsible for handling a variety of on-scene investigations, inspections and audits in response to complaints and in support of the Commission's operations. The Bureau also provides support to the FCC Defense Commissioner. Certain enforcement activities will remain in existing bureaus. The relevant licensing bureau will have primary responsibility for issues that are addressed in the context of a specific licensing proceeding and related post-licensing matters, including enforcement of the Commission's environmental rules and automatic license cancellation rules. The Mass Media Bureau will have primary responsibility for complaints involving children's television programming, political and related programming matters and equal opportunity matters. The Common Carrier Bureau will have primary responsibility for common carrier accounting and related requirements, and for enforcement of Part 68 of the Commission's rules regarding attachment of equipment to the telephone network. The International Bureau will have primary responsibility for enforcement of international settlements rules and policies. The Cable Services Bureau will have primary responsibility for enforcement of most cable rules.


The new Consumer Information Bureau will be the primary FCC organization responsible for handling public inquiries and informal consumer complaints. It will have one division, one center, and three staff offices, with the following responsibilities:

Consumer Information Network Division, which will be responsible for handling consumer inquiries and informally resolving consumer complaints through a Consumer Center in Gettysburg, PA, a Consumer Center to be established in Washington, DC, in response to increasing public demand, and an Informal Complaints Team also in Washington, DC;

Reference Information Center, which will be responsible for the agency's management and maintenance of public records;

Consumer Education Office, which will be responsible for conducting consumer forums and disseminating fact sheets about Commission programs and policies;

Strategic Information Office, which will be responsible for collecting, evaluating and disseminating data about consumer complaints and inquiries and for compliance with FCC disabilities accessibility legal requirements applicable to the FCC itself (as opposed to regulated industries); and

Disabilities Rights Office, which will be responsible for oversight of FCC implementation of disabilities-related requirements, the provision of technical assistance on disabilities-related rulemakings, and other related functions.

The reorganization was initially adopted by the Commission in July 1999, and subsequently approved by the Senate and House Appropriations Committees and the National Treasury Employees Union Local 209.

- FCC -

Consumer Information Bureau contact: Stacey Mesa at (202) 418-0254

Enforcement Bureau contacts: Jane Mago at (202) 418-1100 until November 8, and 418- 7450 beginning November 8; and John Winston at (202) 418-1107.


David H. Solomon, Bureau Chief. Mr. Solomon, Deputy General Counsel of the FCC since 1994, joined the FCC in 1987 as Assistant General Counsel for Administrative Law. Before coming to the FCC, he practiced communications law at Crowell & Moring, a Washington, D.C. law firm, and worked for Paul Simon when he was a Member of Congress.

Jane E. Mago, Deputy Bureau Chief. Ms. Mago, a 21-year veteran at the FCC, has, among other things, served as Senior Legal Advisor to Commissioners Michael K. Powell and Rachelle B. Chong. She has also served as Assistant General Counsel for Trial and Enforcement. Ms. Mago will be primarily responsible for overseeing the Technical and Public Safety Division, the Investigations and Hearings Division and the FCC Field Operations.

Bradford M. Berry, Deputy Bureau Chief. Mr. Berry is joining the FCC from the law firm of Miller, Cassidy, Larroca & Lewin, where he is a partner. At the firm, Mr. Berry specialized in complex civil litigation including civil rights litigation. Mr. Berry previously served as Counsel to the Deputy Attorney General of the United States Department of Justice, overseeing civil litigating divisions. Mr. Berry will be primarily responsible for overseeing the Market Disputes Resolution Division and the Telecommunications Consumers Division.

Richard K. Welch, Associate Bureau Chief. Mr. Welch, Senior Counsel to the General Counsel of the FCC since 1998, has previously served as Deputy Chief of the Common Carrier Bureau and Chief of the Common Carrier Bureau Policy and Program Planning Division. From 1994 to 1996, Mr. Welch served as Common Carrier Advisor to Commissioner Rachelle B. Chong.

Arlan K. van Doorn, Assistant Chief and Senior Advisor for National Defense and Public Safety. Mr. van Doorn, who joined the FCC in 1965, has, in addition to his role as Deputy Chief of the Compliance and Information Bureau, served as the U.S. Chairman of the Mixed Commission with Mexico, which resolves trans-border communications and interference problems.

John R. Winston, Assistant Bureau Chief. Mr. Winston has been Assistant Chief of the Compliance and Information Bureau since 1994. He came to the Commission in 1992 as Director of the Commission Office of Small Business Activities. Mr. Winston has been a Presidential Appointee three times, serving in executive positions within the Departments of Transportation, Commerce, and the US Commission on Minority Business Development.

Suzanne M. Tetreault, Assistant Bureau Chief. Ms. Tetreault has been Deputy Associate General Counsel for Administrative Law since 1994. In this position, she has been actively involved in implementation of the Telecommunications Act of 1996. In addition, she has served as Acting Deputy Chief of the Common Carrier Bureau. She has worked at the FCC since 1991.

Glenn T. Reynolds, Chief, Market Disputes Resolution Division. Mr. Reynolds, currently Acting Chief of the FCC's Common Carrier Enforcement Division, first joined the FCC as a staff attorney in that division in 1996. He has since served as Counsel to the Chief of the Common Carrier Bureau and as Deputy Chief of the Enforcement Division.

Catherine W. Seidel, Chief, Telecommunications Consumers Division. Ms. Seidel joins the Enforcement Bureau from the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau where she has been Chief of the Enforcement and Consumer Information Division. Ms. Seidel has also worked in the Common Carrier Bureau Enforcement Division and the Mass Media Bureau Video Services Division. Prior to joining the agency in 1994, Ms. Seidel spent almost 10 years at Bell Atlantic.

Joseph P. Casey, Chief, Technical and Public Safety Division. Mr. Casey has spent his entire 28-year career in compliance and enforcement work at the FCC, most recently as Deputy Chief for Compliance and Engineering of the Compliance and Information Bureau (CIB). For the ten years prior to that he was the Regional Director of CIB's Northeast Region.

Charles W. Kelley, Chief, Investigations and Hearings Division. Mr. Kelley, a 34 year veteran of the FCC, has served as the Chief of the Mass Media Bureau's Enforcement Division since 1982. His areas of responsibility have included broadcast hearings, complaints and investigations.

Russell D. (Joe) Monie, Jr. will continue as Regional Director for the Federal Communication Commission's Northeast Region, a capacity in which he has served since 1989. Mr. Monie also serves as the U.S. Chairman of the ITU's Study Group on Spectrum Management, Monitoring Subcommittee.

Charles Wayne Craig will continue as Regional Director for the Western Region. Mr. Craig has served in various enforcement capacities at the FCC since 1974 and has been Deputy Regional Director for the Western Region since 1996.

Dennis P. Carlton, a 24-year FCC veteran, will continue as Regional Director of the South Central Region, a capacity in which he has served since 1996. From 1990 to 1996, when the Kansas City and Atlanta Regions were combined, Mr. Carlton was Regional Director of the Kansas City Region.

(New Phone Numbers are Effective November 8)

Office of the Bureau Chief (202) 418-7450
Bureau Chief-David H. Solomon
Deputy Bureau Chief-Jane E. Mago
Deputy Bureau Chief -Bradford M. Berry
Associate Bureau Chief-Richard K. Welch
Assistant Bureau Chief and Senior Advisor for National Defense and Public Safety-Arlan Van Doorn
Assistant Bureau Chief-John R. Winston
Assistant Bureau Chief-Suzanne M. Tetreault

Telecommunications Consumers Division (202) 418-7320
Division Chief-Catherine W. Seidel
Deputy Division Chief-Colleen K. Heitkamp

Market Disputes Resolution Division (202) 418-7330
Division Chief-Glenn Reynolds
Deputy Division Chief-Alexander Starr
Deputy Division Chief-Frank Lamancusa

Technical and Public Safety Division (202) 418-1160
Division Chief-Joseph P. Casey

Investigations and Hearings Division (202) 418-1420
Division Chief-Charles W. Kelley
Deputy Division Chief-Edythe Wise
Deputy Division Chief-Raelynn Tibayan Remy

Regional Directors
Dennis P. Carlton-South Central Region (816) 353-8938
Russell (Joe) Monie, Jr.-Northeast Region (847) 298-5405
Charles W. Craig -Western Region (510) 732-6021

Office of Management and Resources (202) 418-1135
Assistant Bureau Chief-Robert W. Crisman
Deputy Assistant Bureau Chief-Gregory Weiss

Enforcement Bureau Organizational Structure


Lorraine C. Miller, Bureau Chief. Ms. Miller is presently Director, Office of Congressional Relations, Federal Trade Commission. She has also served as staff member to House Speakers Jim Wright of Texas and Tom Foley of Washington and as Floor Assistant for Chief Deputy Whip John Lewis of Georgia. She was Deputy Assistant to the President for Legislative Affairs (House of Representatives) from 1993 to 1995. Ms. Miller is presently Second Vice President, District of Columbia Branch, NAACP.

Pamera Hairston, Deputy Bureau Chief. Ms. Hairston started at the FCC in 1987 as a staff attorney in the Mass Media Bureau's Enforcement Division. She served as a supervisory attorney in the Mass Media Bureau, Legal Services Branch Chief in the Field Operations Bureau and Compliance Division Chief in the Compliance and Information Bureau.

Karen Peltz Strauss, Deputy Bureau Chief. Ms. Strauss is presently Legal Counsel for the National Association of the Deaf, as well as legislative consultant for the Council of Organizational Representatives, a coalition that works on national issues affecting people who are deaf or hard of hearing. Over the past 18 years she has come to be known as one of the country's foremost advocates on issues related to telecommunications access for people with disabilities. She has been instrumental in the passage of significant access legislation and she has been recognized with numerous honors and awards.

(New Phone Numbers are Effective November 8)

Office of Bureau Chief: (202) 418-1400

Consumer Information Network Division: 1-888-CALL FCC (1-888-225-5322);
TTY: 1-888-TELLFCC (1-888-835-5322)

Reference Information Center: (202) 418-0270

Strategic Information Office: (202) 418-2512

Consumer Education Office: (202) 418-2513

Disabilities Rights Office: (202) 418-2517

Consumer Information Bureau Organizational Chart