FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: News Media Contact: June 24, 1999 Linda Paris at (202) 418-7121 FCC CHAIRMAN KENNARD COMMENDS NEWSPAPERS THAT ARE PUBLISHING TV PROGRAM RATINGS; URGES ALL PAPERS TO GET ON BOARD William E. Kennard, chairman of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), today commended nine newspapers that had presented him with a letter pledging that they fully support the V-Chip initiative and will be listing the industry program ratings with their TV listings. He urged all newspapers to make the commitment to listing the ratings so that American parents can have as many resources as possible to help them select appropriate programming for their children. The newspapers signing the letter are The Los Angeles Times, The Dallas Morning News, The Boston Herald, The Denver Post, The New York Post, Newsday, The New York Daily News, the Columbus Dispatch and the Spokane Spokesman Review. Chairman Kennard also thanked Children Now, the national advocacy group for children, and the national PTA, which have strongly supported the V-Chip program. "These newspapers, and the many others nationwide that are publishing the TV program ratings are truly acting in the public interest." said Chairman Kennard. "The V-Chip is a powerful tool for the country's parents and making the program ratings easily available to them increases its effectiveness enormously." The letter from the participating newspapers was presented to Chairman Kennard at the National Summit on Children and Violence held in Washington this week sponsored by the Department of Justice. - FCC -