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Release of the full text of a Commission order constitutes official action. See MCI v. FCC. 515 F 2d 385 (D.C. Circ 1974).  y: 5 dddhy  M8h U 1  1  Figure 1  Figure 1 y!HHhh@Uddfcclogo.wpgHHy! Xz dd`8k @#S2pPG;# NEWS L ,   Њ #X~xP7 XP# # Xw PE37 XP# # Xw PE37 XP## Xw PE37 XP## Xw PE37 XP## Xj\  P6G;9XP#`(#XJanuary 5, 199 %$X 8 %$X ԃ ` `   X4  CHAIRMAN KENNARD VISITS "PLUGGEDIN" #Xj\  P6G;9XP# \"Without access to information, many young minds will not be able to meaningfully participate in our future society," FCC Chairman William Kennard said today in Palo Alto, California.  XH4Kennard made his remarks during a visit to PluggedIn, a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping bring computer and communications technologies to the East Palo Alto, California community. He toured the facility and then made brief remarks to the press. "PluggedIn is succeeding in bridging the information gap between the haves and have nots," Kennard said, "If we accept the premise that information is the power and the essence of future decisions, we must also accept the reality that we need to connect our classrooms, so that our children begin to acquire these necessary skills from a very young age."  X4  During his remarks to PluggedIn, Kennard, stressed "the importance of advanced computer skills in today's job market and the necessity that everyone in all communities have access to advanced telecommunications services." Kennard said that "quality telecommunications services should be available at the best price to all American consumers  X4rich and poor, old and young, urban and rural."  "I commend PluggedIn for being a role model for connecting lowincome communities with the information economy," said Kennard, "it's a prime example of the private sector working in conjunction with a communitybased program to provide technical training and employment assistance to an underserved community." PluggedIn was established in 1992 and serves the community of East Palo Alto with stateoftheart computers to perform online research, complete homework assignments, create web pages or participate in one of 30 classes. Classes range from basic computer introduction to advanced classes in specific software applications. oԩ FCC \  X 4 Office of Public Affairs contacts: Meribeth McCarrick at (202) 4180256 or  X!4 David Fiske at (202) 4180513  X#4