NEWS May 8, 1997 GRETCHEN RUBIN TO BECOME COUNSEL TO CHAIRMAN; JULIUS GENACHOWSKI TO LEAVE FCC Chairman Hundt has announced that his Chief Counsel, Julius Genachowski, will soon leave the Commission and that Gretchen Rubin will become Counsel to the Chairman. Genachowski came to the Commission in 1994 as Special Counsel to General Counsel William E. Kennard. He became Counsel to Chairman Hundt in March 1995 and Chief Counsel to the Chairman in December 1996. Prior to the Commission, Genachowski served as a law clerk to Supreme Court Justice David Souter, Supreme Court Justice William J. Brennan, Jr., and Chief Judge Abner Mikva of the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. He has also worked for the House of Representatives Committee investigating the Iran-Contra Affair, for Representative Charles E. Schumer, and for former CBS News President Fred Friendly. At the FCC, Genachowki was responsible at various times for mass media, cable, wireless and international issues. Chairman Hundt said: "Julius has been the brains behind our best ideas and the brawn for our heavy lifting. He helped repeal outdated broadcast rules like fin/syn and PTAR. He helped replace rules that weren't working with those that would, like our 3-hour children's educational TV rule. And we let him leave the Commission only after he helped devise and adopt our framework for digital television -- one that relies on the market, ensures competition and preserves and promotes the public interest. "His contributions in the international area will be long lasting. One example: Thanks to Julius, we will see the Commission become more active in promoting the licensing of multiple, independent broadcasters abroad. Julius also found time to build better bridges between the Commission and the academy, and he was a uniquely effective recruiter of first-rate legal talent. "Julius has been a gifted and marvelous counsel, and a good friend. He has sacrificed a great deal to remain at the Commission as long as he has. I want to publicly express my great appreciation for his wisdom and hard work for me, the Commission and the American public." Upon Genachowski's departure, Gretchen Rubin will become Counsel to the Chairman. Rubin came to the Commission in 1995 as Special Advisor to Mass Media Bureau Chief Roy Stewart. Before coming to the Commission, she served as a law clerk to Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor and Judge Pierre Leval, Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. She also served as Editor-in-Chief of the Yale Law Journal. Chairman Hundt said: "Gretchen has been the Commission's not-so-secret weapon for some time. She is brilliant and indefatigable, and you will find her to be the impossible dream come true: she is a worthy successor to Julius." - FCC -