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Release of the full text of a Commission order constitutes official action. See MCI v. FCC. 515 F 2d 385 (D.C. Circ 1974).  gy:  dddhy  K:d  U 1  1  Figure 1  Figure 1 y!HHhh@Uddfcclogo.wpgHHy! XO dd8Q #S2pPG;6N# NEWS L` X   a<  # PE37P# ` `  MhhX July 2, 1999 FCC Filings  c<  a< June 23  2!In the Matter of the Department of Justice/Federal Bureau of Investigation  2!TPetition for Reconsideration, filed March 31, 1999 (CC Docket No. 97213).  c6 < Comments US West, Inc.  aJ< 2!In the Matter of Overcoming Obstacles to Telephone Service for Indians on  cT< 2!Reservations (DA991010/BO Docket No. 9911). Comments Stefan J. Levine,  cj< 2! In the Matter of Defining Primary Lines (CC Docket No. 97181). Opposition  2!to Petitions for Reconsideration AT&T Corporation, Ameritech, US West  c<Communications, Inc.,  a< 2! In the Matter of Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act:  2!Department of Justice and Federal Bureau of Investigation Petition for  c< 2!DReconsideration (CC Docket No. 97213). Opposition to Petition for  2!Reconsideration The United States Telephone Association; Opposition BellSouth Corporation, MCI WorldCom, Inc.  a< 2!b  In the Matter of Implementation of the Subscriber Carrier Selection Changes  a< 2!`Provisions of the Telecommunications Act of 1996/Policies and Rules  2! Concerning Unauthorized Changes of Consumers Long Distance Carriers (CC  c< 2!Docket No. 94129). Comments to Petitions for Reconsideration MCI  2!WorldCom, Inc., Opposition to Petitions for Reconsideration of the Second Report  c!<and Order The National Association of State Utility Consumer Advocates', "!0*d"d"| | X "Ԍ a<ԙ e'2 ă  c(< 2!JOpposition and Comments Cable and Wireless USA, Inc.; Comments on  2!8Reconsideration Petitions AT&T Corporation; Partial Opposition to Petitions for  2!RReconsideration The Ameritech Operating Companies; Support Opposition to  2!Petitions for Reconsideration and/or Clarification US West Communications, Inc.;  2!Opposition Sprint Corporation, The Rural LECs to AT&T, Qwest  cZ <Communications Corporation.  an < 2!Z In the Matter of Amendment of Section 202(b), Table of Allotments, FM  2! Broadcast Stations (Blackduck and Kelliher, MN/MM Docket No. 9978, RM  c <9478, RM 9646). Reply Comments De La Hunt Broadcasting.  a< In the Matter of Amendment of Section 202(b), Table of Allotments,  2! FM Broadcast Stations (Cordele, Hawkinsville & Montezuma, Georgia)(MM  c< 2!Docket No. 99199/RM 9564). Comments Metro Com Corp./WKKN(FM)/Cordele, Georgia.  a< 2!J In the Matter of Amendment of Section 73.202(b), Table of Allotments FM  2! Broadcast Stations (Wake Village, Texas and Arcadia, Louisiana)(MM Docket  c< 2!No. 99144/RM 9538). Joint Filing of Comments Houston Christian Broadcasters, Inc., and Charles and Patti Odom.  a< 2! In the Matter of Inmate Phone Service Proceeding (CC Docket No. 96128).  c < Opening Comments Utility Consumers' Action Network.  a<  a< June 24  2!p!In the Matter of the Establishment of Policies and Service Rules for the Mobile  2!Satellite Service in the 2 GHz Band (IB Docket No. 9981/RM 9328).  cF!< 2! Comments PANAMSAT Corporation, CELSAT America, Inc., The National  2!Telecommunications and Information Administration, The National  2!^Telecommunications and Information Administration, U.S. Department of  2!&Transportation, INMARSAT, Inc., TMI Communications and Company, LP,  2!BellSouth Corporation, The Personal Communications Industry Association,  2!tPegasus Development Corporation, Century OCN Programming, Inc., APCO, The  2!Fixed Wireless Communications Coalition, Hughes Communications Galaxy, Inc., Hughes Communications, Inc., The Association of American Railroads.  c*<"*,,,)"Ԍ a<ԙ e'3 ă  a(< 2! In the Matter of 1998 Biennial Regulatory Review "Annual Report of Cable  2!Television Systems," Form 325, filed pursuant to Section 76.403 of the  c<< 2!Commission's Rules (CS Docket No. 9861). Petition for Reconsideration Counsel for Ameritech.  a\ < 2! In the Matter of Application of Amendment of Section 73.202(b) Table of  2!Allotments, FM Broadcast Stations (Pitkin, Louisiana)(MM Docket No. 99 cp < 2!26/RM 9436/RM 9651/RM 9652). Reply Comments to Counterproposal  c| <Arkansas Wireless Co.  c <  a< 2!| In the Matters of Ameritech Corporation Telephone Operating Companies'  2!Continuing Property Records Audit/Bell Atlantic (North) Telephone  2!jCompanies' Continuing Property Records Audit/Bell Atlantic (South)  a< 2!Telephone Companies' Continuing Property Records Audit/BellSouth  2!|Telecommunications' Continuing Property Records Audit/Pacific Bell and  2!Nevada Bell Telephone Companies' Continuing Records Property Records  2! Audit/Southwestern Bell Telephone Company's Continuing Property Records  2!!Audit/US West Telephone Companies' Continuing Property Records Audit (CC  c< 2!Docket No. 99117/ASD File No. 9922). Motion for Extension of Time MCI WorldCom.  a< 2! In the Matter of Applications of RIO GRANDE BROADCASTING CO. ET.  2!AL. For Construction Permit for New FM Channel 247A Rio Grande, Puerto  c< 2!Rico (MM Docket No. 90380/File No. BPH880815MV). Petition for  2!Reconsideration Rio Grande Broadcasting Company, United Broadcasters  c*<Company. June 25  2! In the Matter of Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association's Petition  2!: for Forbearance From Commercial Mobile Radio Service Number Portability  cf$<Obligations (WT Docket No. 98229). Opposition AT&T Wireless Services,  cr%< 2! Inc., Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association, The Telecommunications Resellers Association, Counterproposal Delta Radio, Inc.  a'<  2!X In the Matter of Creation of a Low Power Radio Service (MM Docket No. 99 c)<35/RM 9208/RM 9242). Comments Radio Pacific, Inc. "*,,,)"Ԍ a< Ùe'4  2! In the Matter of Revision of the Commission's Rules to Ensure Compatibility  2!With Enhanced 911 Emergency Calling Systems (CC Docket No. 94102).  c<< Reply Comments The Wireless Consumers Alliance, Inc.  aP< June 28  2!0 In the Matter of Amendment of Section 73.202(b) of the Commission's Rules  2!,Table of Allotments to allocate Channel 279C1 at Rangely, Colorado (MM  cx < 2!@Docket No. 99151/RM 9559). Counterproposal Idaho Broadcasting Consortium,  c <Inc.  2!v In the Matter of Amendment of Section 73.202(b) of the Commission's Rules,  a< 2!!FM Table of Allotments (North Tunica, Mississippi, Marianna, Arkansas)(MM  c<Docket No. 99146/RM 9490). Counterproposal Bear Creek Radio.  a< 2! In the Matter of Amendment of Section 73.202(b) Table of Allotments FM  2!b Broadcast Stations (Paonia & Olathe, Colorado)(MM Docket No. 98188/RM  c< 2!b9346). Second Expression of Interest and Second Reply Comments Good Government Radio.  a< 2!J In the Matter of Amendment of Section 73.202(b) Table of Allotments, FM  2!Broadcast Stations, North Tunica, Mississippi, (CC Docket No. 99146/RM  c <9490). Comments Olvie E. Sisk.  a < 2!J In the Matter of Amendment of Section 73.202(b) Table of Allotments, FM  2!Broadcast Stations (Wake Village, Texas Arcadia and Gibsland,  c4< 2!Louisiana)(MM Docket No. 99144/RM 9538). Counterproposal Baker Creek Broadcasting Company.  a^#< 2! In the Matter of Amendment of Section 73.202(b), Table of Allotments, FM  ah$< 2! Broadcasting Stations (North Tunica, Mississippi Kennett, Missouri Munford,  2!Tennessee and Friars Point, Tennessee)(MM Docket No. 99146/RM 9490).  c|&< Comments and Counterproposal Legend Broadcasting, Inc.  c(< "*,,,)"Ԍ a<ԙ e'5 ă  a(< 2! In the Matter of Amendment of Section 73.202(b) Table of Allotments FM  2!l Broadcast Stations Arcadia, Louisiana and Wake Village, Texas)(MM Docket  c<< 2!TNo. 99144/RM 9538). Expression of Interest Roy E. Henderson d/b/a the Better Broadcasting Company, Comments North Louisiana Gospel Association.  a\ < 2! In the Matter of Amendment of Section 73.202(b), Table of Allotments, FM  2!f!Broadcast Stations (Mishicot, Wisconsin; Gulliver, Manistique and Rogers city,  cp < 2!~Michigan (MM Docket No. 99145/RM 9336). Comments and Conditional Counterproposal BayLakesValley Broadcasters, Inc./WGBM(FM).  a< 2! In the Matter of Amendment of Section 73.202(b), Table of Allotments, FM  2!rBroadcast Stations (Congress, Arizona)(MM Docket No. 99147/RM 9555).  c< Comments on Proposed Rulemaking Mountain West Broadcasting.  a< 2! In the Matter of Amendment of Section 73.202(b), Table of Allotments, FM  2!Broadcast Stations (Poncha Springs, Colorado)(MM Docket No. 99150/RM  c<9558). Comments on Proposed Rulemaking Mountain West Broadcasting.  a< 2! In the Matter of Amendment of Section 73.202(b), Table of Allotments, FM  2!b Broadcast Stations (Del Norte, Colorado)(MM Docket No. 99148/RM 9556).  c< Comments on Proposed Rulemaking Mountain West Broadcasting.  a < 2! In the Matter of Amendment of Section 73.202(b), Table of Allotments, FM  2!!Broadcast Stations (Captain Cook, Hawaii)(MM Docket No. 99152/RM 9560).  c< Comments on Proposed Rulemaking Mountain West Broadcasting.  c(<  a2< 2! In the Matter of Amendment of Section 73.202(b), Table of Allotments, FM  2!Broadcast Stations (Rangely, Colorado)(MM Docket No. 99151/RM 9559).  cF!< Comments on Proposed Rulemaking Mountain West Broadcasting.  cZ#<  ad$< 2!b  In the Matter of Implementation of the Subscriber Carrier Selection Changes  2! Provisions of the Telecommunications Act of 1996/One Call Communications,  cx&< 2!Inc. d/b/a Opticom Petition for Waiver (CC Docket No. 94129). Petition for  c'< 2!Clarification; Petition for Declaratory Ruling Or, In the Alternative, Waiver New York Telephone Company d/b/a Bell AtlanticNew York.  a*< "*,,,)"Ԍ a<ԙe'6 ă  a(< 2! In the Matter of Overcoming Obstacles to Telephone Service for Indians  c2< 2!\Reservations (BO Docket No. 9911/DA991010). Comments AMSC  2!Subsidiary Corporation, The National Tribal Telecommunications Alliance, The Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association, SkyBridge, L.L.C.  a\ < 2! In the Matter of Policy and Rules Concerning the Interstate Interexchange  2! Marketplace/Implementation of Section 254(g) of the Communications Act of  cp < 2!1934 as amended (CC Docket No. 9661). Reply Comments Omnipoint Communications, Inc.  a< 2! In the Matter of California Public Utility Commission and the People of the  2!!State of California Petition for Deregulation of Additional Authority Pertaining  2!f!to Area Code Relief and to NXX Code Conservation Measures/Implementation  2!of the Local Competition Provisions of the Telecommunications Act of 1996  c< 2!(CC Docket No. 9698). Reply Comments The United States Telephone Association.  a< 2!| In the Matter of AVR, L.P. d/b/a Hyperion of Tennessee, L.P. Petition for  2! Preemption of Tennessee Code Annotated Section 654201(d) and Tennessee  a< 2!Regulatory Authority Decision Denying Hyperion's Application Requesting  2!dAuthority to Provide Service in Tennessee Rural LED Service Areas (CC  c< 2!Docket No. 9892). Petition for Reconsideration TDS Telecommunications Corporation.  a < 2! In the Matter of Policy and Rules Concerning the Interstate Interexchange  2! Marketplace/Implementation of Section 254(g) of the Communications Act of  c4< 2!81934, as amended (CC Docket No. 9661). Reply Comments The State of  2!Hawaii, The State of Alaska, The Cellular Telecommunications Industry  2!Association, SBC Wireless, Inc., The Personal Communications Industry  2!Association, Bell Atlantic Mobile, Inc., Aerial Communications, Inc., United States Cellular Corporation, NEXTEL Communications, Inc.  ar%< June 29  a|&<  2!In the Matter of the Petition by the United States Department of  2!H!Transportation for Assignment of an Abbreviated Dialing Code (N11) to Access Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Services Nationwide (File Number  a*<"*,,,)"Ԍe'7  c(< 2!NSDL9924). Comments Indiana Department of Transportation, The NOrtheastern Indiana Regional Coordinating Council.  aH< 2! In the Matter of Amendment of Section 73.202(b) Table of Allotments FM  2!4!Broadcast Stations (Paonia and Olathe, Colorado)(MM Docket No. 98188/RM  c\ < 2!49346). Reply Comments Angel T. Babudro, National Association of Regional Councils.  a| < 2! In the Matter of Petition for Declaratory Ruling and Request for Expedited  a < 2!\Action on the July 15, 1997 Order of the Pennsylvania Public Utility  2!Commission Regarding Area Codes 412, 610, 215, and 717 (NSD File No. L 2! 99929/Implementation of the Local Competition Provisions of the  c< 2!Telecommunications Act of 1996 (CC Docket No. 9698). Reply Comments  2!The California Public Utilities Commission and the People of the State of  c<California.  a< 2! In the Matter of Federal State Joint Board on Universal Service (CC Docket  2! No. 9645/ForwardLooking Mechanism for High Cost Support for NonRural  c<LECs (CC Docket No. 97160). Comments Yukon Telephone Company, Inc.  c<  a< 2! In the Matter of Amendment of Section 73.202(b) Table of Allotments FM  2!0 Broadcast Stations (Arcadia, La. and Wake Village, TX)(MM Docket No. 99 c <144/RM 9538). Comments William W. Brown.  a"< June 30  2!,In the Matter of Motion to Accept Late Filed Pleading (IB Docket No. 99 c@ <67/Rm 9165). Comments SkyBridge, LLC.  aV"< 2! In the Matter of Implementation of the Local Competition Provisions of the  2!nTelecommunications Act of 1996 (UNE Remand)(CC Docket No. 9698).  cj$< Comments CompTel.  a~&< 2!  In the Matter of Revision of the Commission's Rules to Ensure Compatibility  2!xwith Enhanced 911 Emergency Calling Systems (CC Docket No. 94102).  c(< 2! Quarterly Update to Request for Waiver of Section 20.18 Public Service Cellular,  2!Inc., Missouri RSA No. 7 Limited Partnership, Aliant Cellular Inc.DiGiPH PCS, Inc."*,,,)"Ԍ a<ԙ e'8  2!In the Matter of Implementation of the Pay Telephone Reclassification and  2! Compensation Provisions of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 (CC Docket  c<<No. 96128). Opposition AT&T Corporation.  aR< 2! In the Matter of 1998 Biennial Regulatory Review Streamlining of Mass  2!!Media Applications, Rules, and Processes (MM Docket No. 9843)/Policies and  2!Rules Regarding Minority and Female Ownership of Mass Media Facilities  cp < 2!j(MM Docket No. 94149). Comments In Support of Motion for Stay Floyco, Inc.  a< 2! In the Matter of Defining Primary Lines Classification of Centrex Type  c< 2!Dormitory Lines (CC Docket No. 97181). Comments BellSouth  c<Telecommunications, Inc.; AT&T Opposition to BellSouth.  c< 6  a< FCC ă