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Release of the full text of a Commission order constitutes official action. See MCI v. FCC. 515 F 2d 385 (D.C. Circ 1974).  gy:  dddhy  K:d  U 1  1  Figure 1  Figure 1 y!HHhh@Uddfcclogo.wpgHHy! XO dd[8Q #S2pPG;# NEWS L X   # PE37:1P#` `  MhhXppJanuary 8, 1999 sFCC Filings December 24  aF< 2! In the Matter of FederalState Joint Board on Universal Service (CC Docket  cP< 2!No. 9645). Petition for Waiver of Section 214(e) and 254(e) of the  2!$Telecommunications Act of 1996 filed by the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities. December 30  a < 2! In the Matter of Development of Operational, Technical and Spectrum  a< 2!Requirements for Meeting Federal, State, and Local Public Safety Agency  2!!Communication Requirements Through the Year 2010; Establishment of Rules  c< 2!and Requirements for Priority Access Service (WT Docket No. 9686). Comments State of Wisconsin.  c<  a< 2! In the Matter of Notice of Proposed Rulemaking for the Restructuring of  c< 2!Amateur Radio Licensing (WT Docket No. 98143). Reply Comments Nickolaus E. Leggett/N3NL.  a<  a< 2!LIn the Matter of Application of Telecommunications, Inc. and AT&T  2!DCorporation for Transfer of Control of Commission Licenses and  c< 2!Authorizations (CS Docket No. 98178). Petition to Deny Hiawatha  2!DBroadcasting Broadband Communications, Inc.; Motion to Accept Late Filed Petition to Deny Hiawatha Broadband Communications, Inc.  a*< 2! In the Matter of Application by BellSouth Corporation, BellSouth  2!!Telecommunications, Inc., and BellSouth Long Distance, Inc. for Provision of  c> < 2!InRegion, InterLATA Services in Louisiana (CC Docket No. 98121). Reply Comments Bell Atlantic.  c^#< "^#,$$| | ""Ԍ c<e' é2 ă December 31  a*< 2! In the Matter of Table of Allotments/FM Broadcast Stations (Manzanita,  c4<OR)(CC Docket No. 98189). Reply Comments John L. Zolkoske.  aJ< 2!  In the Matter of Revision of the Commission's Rules To Ensure Compatibility  2!xwith Enhanced 911 Emergency Calling Systems (CC Docket No. 94102).  c^ < 2! Request for Waiver of Section 20.18(c) of the Commission's Rules New Mexico  ch <RSA 6III Partnership, ENMR Telephone Cooperative, Inc.  ar <  2!In the Matter of Development of Operational, Technical and Spectrum  2!Requirements for Meeting Federal, State, and Local Public Safety Agency  2!!Communication Requirements Through the Year 2010; Establishment of Rules  a< 2!Vand Requirements for Priority Access Service (WT Docket No. 9686).  c< 2! Comments Executive Office of the President of the US/Office of Management and  2!"Budget, Richard C. Nowakowski/PublicSafety Communications OfficialsInternational.  a< 2!  In the Matter of Beehive Telephone Company, Inc./Beehive Telephone, Inc.  c< 2!rNevada Tariff F.C.C. No. 1 (CC Docket No. 98108). Petition for Reconsideration.  a< 2! In the Matter of American Samoa License, Inc. Petition for Assumption of  2!!State Commission Jurisdiction Under Section 252(e)(5) of the Communications  c < 2!Act (CC Docket No. 98239). Opposition The American Samoa Telecommunications Authority.  c*<January 4  a> < 2! In the Matter of Amendment of Part 15 of the Commission's Rules to Allow  2! Certification of Equipment in the 24.0524.25 GHz Band at Field Strengths up  cR"< 2!$2500 mV/m (ET Docket No. 98156)(RM 9189). Reply Comments Sierra Digital Communications, Inc., The American Radio Relay League, Inc.  ah$<  2!>!In the Matter of Satellite Delivery of Network Signals to Unserved Households  2!8for Purposes of the Satellite Home Viewer Act/Part 73 Definition and  a'< 2!Measurement of Signals of Grade B Intensity (CS Docket No. 98201)(RM  c(< 2!V9335)(RM 9345). Motion for Leave to Make Supplemental Filing The National Association of Broadcasters. "*,,,)"Ԍ a< Ùe'3  2!In the Matter of Amendment of Section 73.202(b) Table of Assignments FM  2!b Broadcast Stations (Jewett, New York and Windham, New York)(MM Docket  c2<No. 98194)(RM 9360). Comments Ridgefield Broadcasting Corporation.  aH< 2!! In the Matter of Revision of the Commission's Rules To Ensure Comparability  cR< 2!v With Enhanced Emergency Calling Systems (CC Docket No. 94102). Petition or Waiver Price Communications Wireless, Inc.  ar < 2! In the Matter of Development of Operational, Technical and Spectrum  2!Requirements for Meeting Federal, State, and Local Public Safety Agency  2!!Communication Requirements Through the Year 2010; Establishment of Rules  a< 2!Vand Requirements for Priority Access Service (WT Docket No. 9686).  c< 2! Comments Executive Office of the President of the US/Office of Management and Budget.  a< 2! In the Matter of Revision of Part 15 of the Commission's Rules Regarding  c< 2!BUltrawideband Transmission Systems (ET Docket No. 98153). Reply Comments M/ACOM. January 5  a< 2! In the Matter of the 17.l19.7 GHz Frequency Band, Blanket Licensing of  2!0 Satellite Earth Stations in the 17.7 20.2 GHz and 27.5 30.0 GHz Frequency  2!Bands, and he Allocation of Additional Spectrum in the 17.3 17.8 GHz and  2!24.75 25.25 GHz Frequency Bands for Broadcast SatelliteService Use (IB  c< 2!nDocket No. 98172)(RM 9005)(RM 9118). Reply Comments The City of Long Beach, California.  a> < 2! In the Matter of Amendment of Section 73.202(b) Table of Allotments FM  2!: Broadcast Stations (Cross Plains, Texas)(MM Docket No. 98198)(RM 9304).  cR"< 2! Reply Comments Equicom, Inc., First Broadcasting Management, LLC,  2!Wagonwheel Broadcasting, Gulfwest Broadcasting Company, Sonoma Media Corporation.  az&< 2!&  In the Matter of Direct Access to the INTELSAT System (IB Docket No. 98 c'<192). Comments COMSAT Corporation. pp  a)< 2! In the Matter of AT&T Corporation, VLT Co. L.L.C. Violet License Co.  2! L.L.C., and TNV (Bahamas) Limited Applications for FCC Consent for Grant"*,,,)" e'4  2!of Section 214 Authority, Modification of Authorizations and Assignment of  2!Licenses in Connection with Proposed Joint Venture between AT&T  c<< 2! Corporation and British Telecommunications (IB Docket No. 98212). Motion for Extension of Time In Which to File Comments Cable & Wireless plc.  a\ < 2! In the Mater of Notice of Inquiry in the Matter of Revision of Part 15 of the  2! Commission's Rules Regarding UltraWideband Transmission Systems (FCC cp <98208). Reply Comments Thomas E. McEwan, TEL Innovations.  a| <  2!^In the Matter of the Development of Operational, Technical and Spectrum  2!Requirements For Meeting Federal, State and Local Public Safety Agency  2! Communication Requirements Through the Year 2010 (WT Docket No. 9686).  c< Comments Vanu G. Bose.  a< 2!  In the Matter of GTE Telephone Operating Cos./GTOC Tariff No. 10/GTOC  c< 2!,Transmittal No. 1148 (CC Docket No. 9879). Comments Washington Utilities  2! and Transportation Commission, The Minnesota Department of Public Service,  2!pMinnesota Public Utilities Commission, Minnesota Attorney General, Residential  c< 2!pUtilities Division, Hyperion Telecommunications, Inc., The Telecommunications  2!Resellers Association, RCN Telecom Services, Inc., The United States Telephone  2!Association, KC Telecom, Inc., Ameritech, The Association for Local  2!Telecommunications Services, Transwire Communications, Inc.; Opposition to  2!Petitions for Reconsideration US West, Inc., GTE Service Corporation, ACI  c< 2!Corporation, MCI Worldcom, National Association of Regulatory Utility  2!6Commissioners; Opposition to MCI Worldcom and NARUC Petitions for  2!:Reconsideration Pacific Bell; Comments BellSouth Corporation, BellSouth  c2<Telecommunications, Inc., Logix Communications Corporation.  cF!<January 6  aZ#< 2!  In the Matter of NORCOM Communications Corporation Association for East  2! End Land Mobile Coverage LMR 900 Association of Suffolk Metro NY LMR  an%< 2!nAssociation NY LMR Association Wireless Communications Association  2! Wireless Communications Association of Suffolk County (WT Docket No. 98 c'< 2!F181). Correction to Consolidated Reply to Opposition to Motion to Delete And/Or Change Issue The Association for East End Land Mobile Coverage.  a*< "*,,,)"Ԍe'5  a<  2!In the Matter of 1998 Biennial Regulatory Review Streamlining of Mass  2!!Media Applications, Rules, and Processes (MM Docket No. 9843)/Policies and  2!Rules Regarding Minority and Female Ownership of Mass Media Facilities  cF<(MM Docket No. 94149). Petition for Reconsideration Michael L. Horvath.  cR<  a\ < 2!  In the Matter of GTE Telephone Operating Cos./GTOC Tariff No. 10/GTOC  cf < 2!RTransmittal No. 1148 (CC Docket No. 9879). Response to Petitions for  2!\Reconsideration The People of the State of California and the California Public Utilities Commission.  a< b  FCC ă