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XX  XX  ddZd  Figure 1  Figure 1 #` 2pPG;` # U 1  1 y!HHX@Uddfcclogo.wpgHHy$XX81818181!$_!d %dd)h d  dB0#I2PG;-P#News media information 202 / 4180500 2FaxOnonDemand 202 / 4182830 8EInternet: http://www.fcc.gov |lftp.fcc.gov_!PUBLIC NOTICE#Xm2PG; IXP# ,8181A % %!! %71,  P*-$ % %*XX % %! %71$X` hp x (#%'0*,.8135@8: PETITIONS FOR RULEMAKING FILED  Y[ - d (Interested persons may file statements opposing or supporting the Petitions for Rulemaking listed herein within 30 days. See Section 1.4 and 1.405 of the Commission's Rules for further information).  X- RM NO.  RULES SEC. ,PETITIONER DATE REC'D NATURE OF PETITION  Y-X` hp x (#%'0*,.8135@8:t@BXЩ  Y-9221* 73.202(b),Jerry Snyder and 22112596YYApplication for a New Construction Permit filed  Y- , Associates, Inc.22YYby Station KYXS (FM) for Channel 240C1 at  Y- ,P. O. Box 63822YYMineral Wells, Texas (BPH 961125IG), at coordinates  Y- ,Mineral Wells, TX 76067YY323935; 980934. This applicaton is being  ,22YYconsidered as a counterproposal in MM Docket No.  Y_- ,(Filed by Robert W. Healy,YY9791 which proposes the substitution of Channel  YH- , Attorney22YY300C1 for Channel 300C2 at Gainesville, Texas; the  Y1- ,Smithwick & BelendiukYYreallotment of Channel 300C1 to Lewisville, Texas;  Y- ,1990 M Street, N.W.22YYthe     modification of Station KECS (FM)'s construction  Y- ,Suite 51022YYpermit; the substitution of Channel 300A for Channel  Y- ,Washington, D.C. 20036)YYYY300C1 at Corsicana, Texas; the reallotments of  ,22YYChannel 300A to Robinson, Texas; the modification  ,22YYof Station KICI (FM)'s license accordingly; the  ,22YYYYYYYYYYsubstitution of Channel 237A ))))))))for Channel 299A at  ,22YYJacksboro, Texas; and the substitution of Channel  ,22YY240C3 for Channel 240C1 at Mineral Wells, Texas.  ,22YY 4"(#(#(#XX#g!X|  %71_ !%h    _0 H   U Ԍ*THE ABOVE APPLICATION WILL BE TREATED AS A COUNTERPROPOSAL IN MM DOCKET NO. 9791. REPLY COMMENTS TO THIS COUNTERPROPOSAL SHOULD BE SUBMITTED IN THIS DOCKET NO LATER THAN 15 DAYS (RATHER THAN 30 DAYS) AFTER THE DATE OF THIS PUBLIC NOTICE.  X- RM NO.  RULES SEC. ,PETITIONER22 DATE REC'D YYNATURE OF PETITION  Yv-, 2Y47l9;>t@B, 2Y47l9;>t@BЩ  Y`-9222 Part 90,Association of Public22120197YYRequest Amendment of the Commission's Rules  YI- , Safety CommunicationsYYRelating to Implementation of Public Safety  Y2- , OfficialsInternational,YYRadio Systems.  , Inc. (APCO)  ,  ,(Filed by Robert M. Gurss,  , Attorney  ,Wilkes, Artis, Hedrick & Lane  ,1666 K Street, N.W. # 1100  ,Washington, D.C. 20006) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________  FCC