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X4WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554`(#d DA 99 174 ă   yx\ dddy  aE#G\  P6G;مP#News media information 202/4180500 FaxOnDemand 202/4182830 Internet: http://www.fcc.gov ftp.fcc.gov  X4#Xj\  P6G;ynXP#`(# Released: January 20, 1999 ă  X 4L CLARIFICATION OF FILING OF REVISED BROADCAST OWNERSHIP REPORT ă  "FCC Form 323, which is used to collect information about the ownership of commercial  xEbroadcast station licensees and permittees, was revised to elicit gender and race or ethnicity  xinformation for holders of attributable interests in such licensees and permittees. This revised  x<FCC Form 323 (December 1998 edition) has been approved by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and is now effective and available for use.  X4 "In accord with the policies and requirements adopted by the Commission in the Report  X4 xand Order in MM Docket Nos. 9843 and 94149 (FCC 98281, released November 25, 1998),  x"all commercial licensees that are not exempted from the annual reporting program are required  xto submit in 1999, on the anniversary date of their stations' renewal application filing date, the  xrevised FCC Form 323. After the initial filing of the revised FCC Form 323, licensees will submit updated ownership information every two years, rather than annually.  " Consistent with OMB's standards for maintaining, collecting and presenting federal data  xon race and ethnicity and in order for the Commission to obtain such current information in the  xmost expeditious manner possible, ALL nonexempt commercial broadcast station licensees must  xfile initially a revised FCC Form 323 (December 1998 edition). To accommodate nonexempt  xclicensees that have experienced no changes in the identity and ownership interests of previously  xVreported holders of attributable interests, such 1999 filers need only submit a revised FCC Form  x323, identifying themselves, attesting that no changes have occurred, and completing Question  x<11 in full. Once a revised FCC Form 323 is filed, licensees eligible for "no change" letter filings can again submit them.  " For additional information, please contact Jim Brown of the Video Services Division, Mass Media Bureau at (202) 4181600. fm F C C