DA 00-1916 August 21, 2000 MASS MEDIA BUREAU ISSUES AMFM, INC./CLEAR CHANNEL COMMUNICATIONS, INC. TRANSFER OF CONTROL AUTHORIZATIONS The Mass Media Bureau today issued authorizations for the transfer of control of AMFM, Inc. and its subsidiary licensees to Clear Channel Communications, Inc. The Bureau also issued authorizations granting the related divestiture applications to various third parties and to the CCU/AMFM Trust I, Charles E. Giddens, Trustee. The Commission’s decision approving the transfer of control, the related assignment applications for the divestiture stations, and the trust applications was adopted on August 7, 2000 and is effective on August 15, 2000. Copies of the authorizations and conditions for the transfer of control applications, the divestiture applications and the trust applications are available in the Commission’s Reference Information Center, Room CY-B533. Mass Media Bureau Contacts: Melanie Godschall (202) 418-2787, Amy Brett (202) 418-2703 -FCC- PUBLIC NOTICE Federal Communications Commission 445 12th St., S.W. Washington, D.C. 20554