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DA 00-1239 June 5, 2000 |
Low Power FM Filing Window Deadline Extended
FCC Extends Filing Window Deadline for Low Power FM New Station Construction Permit Applications Through June 8, 2000 |
The Mass Media Bureau issues this Public Notice to announce that the current window for filing low power FM (LPFM) new station construction permit applications (Form 318) has been extended through June 8, 2000 for both electronically and paper-filed applications. The window, which opened on May 30, was originally scheduled to close on June 5, 2000. However, the Commission has received reports that potential applicants had difficulty filing electronically on June 3 and June 4. Because the window filing period was short in the first instance and because it represents the only opportunity that applicants from twelve states or territories will have to file Form 318 for at least 12 months, the Bureau has concluded that, as a matter of equity, an extension is appropriate. Applicants from the following jurisdictions may file during this extension period: Alaska, California, District of Columbia, Georgia, Indiana, Louisiana, Maine, Mariana Islands, Maryland, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, and Utah. The new deadline for electronically filed applications is 11:59 PM EDT on June 8, 2000. Electronic filing is available through the broadcast station Consolidated Database System (CDBS) online electronic forms filing system. Users can access this system via the Internet from the Mass Media Bureau’s web site at:
Electronic filing system instructions are available in the CDBS User’s Guide. The Guide can be accessed from the Mass Media Bureau web site, above, by clicking on the “CDBS” link. This action will take the user to the Mass Media Bureau CDBS Electronic Filing System site. The user should then click on the “Go to CDBS User’s Guide” link. Internet access to the CDBS online electronic forms filing system requires, at a minimum, a browser such as Netscape version 3.04 or Internet Explorer version 3.51. The new deadline for paper filers is 7 PM EDT on June 8, 2000. For paper filers, Form 318 may be downloaded from the Internet at:
Detailed instructions on paper filing procedures are contained in Public Notice, Low Power FM Filing Window, DA 00-914 (released April 28, 2000). A copy of this Public Notice may be found by clicking on the “April 28, 2000 LPFM Public Notice” link at the main LPFM web page:
For additional information, contact Peter Doyle or Brian Butler, Audio Services Division, Mass Media Bureau at (202) 418-2780 or (202) 418-2700.