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(#  r5 4XcX#d6X@K Oe@#(#  X   s4i 4 Erratum  s4^ 4Report No. 84E Released: April 28, 1999  r5 4 The Commission released a Public Notice Report Number 84A on April 20,  r5S41999  . This notice is hereby modified as indicted below: BLMPIF19990122AAH G1, G2, G3, G4 Change transmitter antenna type,  s5H4 WHR779 Daytona Beach, FL location and EIRP. DAYTONA BEACH COMMUNITY COLLEGE VCORRECTED BLMPIF19990122AAH G1, G2, G3, G4 Change transmitter antenna type,  s534 WLX780 Daytona Beach, FL location and EIRP. DAYTONA BEACH COMMUNITY COLLEGE BMPIF19990122AAK G3, G4 Change transmitter antenna type,  s54 WLX930538 Jacksonville, FL location and EIRP. UNIVERSITY OF NORTH FLORIDA VCORRECTED BMPIF19990122AAK G3, G4 Change transmitter antenna type,  s54 WLX930 Jacksonville, FL location and EIRP. UNIVERSITY OF NORTH FLORIDA  g/B!' # wZ6X@`7/@#Inquiries should be directed to Melvin Collins at 202 4181622.#d6X@`7 Oe@#  ?"4# *6X@K g@## x6X@K 2X@# ***FCC***