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In  xaddition to being unfair to the nine other applicants who have filed applications based upon our  X_- xaction in the Report and Order, such a procedure would be contrary to the public interest benefit  XH- xof an orderly and efficient transaction of Commission business. See Colorado Radio Corp. v.  X1-FCC, 118 F.2d 24 (D.C. Cir. 1994); Idaho Broadcasting, Inc., 11 FCC Rcd 5264 (1996).    x3. In any event, even assuming SUNY had made a timely request to have its Station  xWFNP license modified to a reserved Channel 273A allotment, SUNY has never submitted an  xMengineering showing that noncommercial educational channels were unavailable due to TV  X - xChannel 6 interference or preclusion by a foreign allotment. As stated in the Notice of Proposed  X - xRule Making in this proceeding, such a submission is a prerequisite to reserving a commercial  xchannel such as Channel 273A for noncommercial educational use. 8 FCC Rcd 947 (1993). In  xjthis connection, we note that SUNY in its Consolidated Reply to the oppositions to its original  xPetition for Reconsideration referred to such an engineering submission by Sacred Heart  xUniversity in support of its joint counterproposal in this proceeding. The Sacred Heart University  xjoint counterproposal was determined to be both procedurally and technically defective and, along  xwith its engineering submission, was not considered in this proceeding. Similarly, in view of the  xfact that SUNY expressly stated that it did not want its license modified to a reserved Channel  x273A allotment, there was no need for the staff to consider this submission in the context of the SUNY proposal.  X-  x4. We recognize that the staff's Notice of Proposed Rule Making in this proceeding  x incorrectly suggested that we could modify a noncommercial educational FM license to an  xunreserved commercial FM channel in a rulemaking proceeding. But we do not believe that this  xerror so prejudiced SUNY as to warrant an exception to our established rules and policies in this  XN- xarea. Indeed, the Notice specifically requested that SUNY provide information regarding the  xavailability of channels in the noncommercial educational FM band and clarify whether it sought  xto have Channel 273A allotted on a commercial or noncommercial educational basis. In  X - xcomments filed in response to the Notice, SUNY stated that it did not want Channel 273A  xreserved for noncommercial educational use. We consequently believe that our action in this  x.proceeding allotting Channel 273A to Rosendale and opening a filing window for this channel will provide significant public interest benefits that override SUNY's objections.   %x5. Accordingly, IT IS ORDERED, That, pursuant to Section 1.115(g) of the  xCommission's Rules, the aforementioned Motion for Clarification and/or Further Review filed by the State University of New York IS DENIED. "h$X,N(N(ZZ(#"Ԍx6. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, That this proceeding IS TERMINATED.   /x7. For further information concerning this proceeding, contact Robert Hayne, Mass Media Bureau, (202) 4182177. x` `  hh@FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION x` `  hh@Magalie Roman Salas x` `  hh@Secretary  X -