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WOGX, licensed to Ocala, serves   zthe western side of Florida, with its Grade B signal reaching the Gulf of Mexico. In contrast,   [WOFL, licensed to Orlando, serves the central and eastern portions of the state, with its Grade   ZB contour reaching the Atlantic Ocean. Meredith points out that grant of the WOFL modification   application will not permit the station's Grade B signal to be received in any additional counties located in the overlap area.  X- ` `  l6. Meredith states that, in order to achieve staffing efficiencies and to avoid duplication   of resources in operating WOGX, some WOFL department heads hold combined responsibilities   Kfor both WOFL and WOGX in management, news, sales, traffic, promotion, business, production,   programming, and engineering. However, Meredith notes that it employs 22 persons fulltime  X9-  iwhose responsibilities are dedicated solely to the operation of WOGX. As for programming, both   =stations are Fox affiliates and Meredith states that all WOGX programming originates from the""` ,-(-(ZZ\"   \WOFL studios. The 30 minute news program broadcast daily on both stations is dedicated   exclusively to OcalaGainesville news with reports gathered by WOGX news staff. The opening   nine minute segment of the news program is separately programmed for each television station, providing a discrete, locallyoriented opening news summary to each station's audience.  X- 7. Discussion. In adopting the duopoly rule's fixed standard of prohibiting overlap of   Grade B service contours, the Commission also acknowledged the need for "flexibility" in that   rule's application, noting that waivers should be granted where rigid conformance to the rule  XJ-  would be "inappropriate." Multiple Ownership of Standard, FM and Television Broadcast  X5-  Stations, 45 FCC 2d 1476, 1479 n.12, recon. granted in part, 3 RR 2d 1554 (1964). To that end,   the Commission has developed a set of factors to be considered when evaluating an applicant's   yrequest for waiver of the duopoly rule, including the extent of the overlap, the number of media   voices available in the overlap area, the distinctness of the respective markets, the independence   !of the stations' operations, and the concentration of economic power resulting from the  X -  zcombination. See Iowa State University Broadcasting Corporation, 9 FCC Rcd 481, 48788  X -  (1993), aff'd sub nom. Iowans for WOITV, Inc. v. FCC, 50 F.3d 1096 (D.C. Cir. 1995); H&C  X-  LCommunications, Inc., 9 FCC Rcd 144, 146 (1993). After weighing the factors, the Commission   -considers any public interest benefits proposed by the applicant to determine whether, in light of  Xn-  the overlap, the benefits outweigh any detriment which may occur from grant of the waiver. See,  XY-  e.g., Iowa State University, 9 FCC Rcd at 48788. As with any waiver, it will only be granted if the Commission concludes that the waiver is in the public interest.  X- 08. Currently, the Commission is reexamining its broadcast television ownership policies,   Nincluding the duopoly rule. In January 1995, the Commission proposed a new analytical  X-  framework within which to evaluate its broadcast television ownership rules. See Television  X-  Ownership Further Notice, supra. Subsequent to the release of the Television Ownership Further  X-  Notice, Congress directed the Commission to conduct a rulemaking proceeding to determine   whether to retain, modify or eliminate existing limitations on the number of television stations  X-  that an entity may control within the same television market. See Section 202(c) of the   Telecommunications Act of 1996, Pub. L. No. 104104, 110 Stat. 56 (Feb. 8, 1996) ("Telecomm   ZAct"). In response to this Congressional directive in the Telecomm Act and to update the record,  XO-  the Commission released the Television Ownership Second Further Notice. In that Second  X:-  Further Notice, the Commission tentatively concluded to authorize common ownership of   ktelevision stations that are in separate DMAs and whose Grade A contours do not overlap.  X-Television Ownership Second Further Notice at  57.  X - 9. The Commission stated in the Television Ownership Second Further Notice that it will   be inclined, during the pendency of the television ownership proceeding, to grant temporary   [duopoly waivers involving stations in different DMAs with no overlapping Grade A contours,   .conditioned on coming into compliance with the outcome of the proceeding within six months   of its conclusion. It also noted there its tentative conclusion that the record in that proceeding   K"supports relaxation of the geographic scope of the duopoly rule from its current Grade B overlap  XZ&-  standard to a standard based on DMAs supplemented with a Grade A overlap criterion." Id. at"Z&,-(-(ZZ$"    57. The Commission further stated that "we do not believe granting waivers satisfying the   proposed standard, and conditioning them on the outcome of this proceeding, will adversely affect  X-  your competition and diversity goals in the interim." Id. Additionally, the Commission gave the  X-  staff delegated authority to act on applications seeking waivers consistent with this interim policy.  X-Id.  X|- 1 10. Given the clearly articulated policy in the Television Ownership Second Further  Xg-  Notice, we do not believe that an unconditional grant of a duopoly waiver to permit common  XR-  ownership of the modified facilities of WOFL and WOGX is appropriate. See WHOATV, Inc.,  X=-  11 FCC Rcd 20041, 2004647 & 20051 (1996). However, we believe that grant of a conditional   zwaiver of the duopoly rule, subject to the outcome of the pending ownership proceeding, is   justified in this case. The temporary common ownership of the modified facilities of WOFL and   the licensed facilities of WOGX would be consistent with the interim policy set forth in the  X -  <Television Ownership Second Further Notice, as the stations are in separate DMA's and there is   zno Grade A overlap between them. Moreover, our examination of the record presented here   reveals nothing suggesting that we should not follow the established interim policy in this case.   Accordingly, we conclude that grant of a temporary waiver, conditioned on the resolution of the   pending broadcast television ownership rulemaking, will serve the public interest, convenience   =and necessity. Any requests to extend this conditional waiver should be filed at least 45 days   prior to the end of the sixmonth period and would be closely scrutinized. Additionally, we find   Meredith has met our technical requirements and we grant the application for modification of WOFL.    #Xj\  P6G;yoXP# 11. Accordingly, IT IS ORDERED, that the request for a conditional waiver of Section   73.3555(b) IS GRANTED to permit the common ownership of the modified facilities of WOFL   and WOGX, subject to the outcome of the Commission's pending broadcast ownership   rulemaking in MM Docket Nos. 91221 and 878. Should divestiture be required as a result of   that proceeding, Meredith Corporation is directed to file, within six months from the release of   the final order in MM Docket Nos. 91221 and 878, an application for Commission consent to   =dispose of such station as would be necessary for it to come into compliance with the rules as provided in the final order.  2 12. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, that the application for modification of license of WOFL(TV), Orlando, Florida (BPCT960626KE) IS GRANTED. X` hp x (#%'0*,.8135@8: