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A. 1. a.(1)(a) i) a) 1. 1. 1. a.(1)(a) i) a)#C\  P6QP#X01Í ÍX01Í Í#XP\  P6Q DXP#"5@^2Coddȧ8CCdr2C28ddddddddddCCrrrdzNdzoȐC8CtdCdoYoYCdo8Co8odooYNCodddYO,Oh2CC!CCPRCdodddddȐYYYYYN8N8N8N8oddddooooddoddddzodddYYYYYYddddooPoNoNCNodo8RoodȐYYoNoNNF2ldCddddddComments were also filed by Elijah Mondy, Jr. ("Mondy"), to which petitioner responded.( u yO- xԍNone of Mondy's comments in this proceeding have been accepted for consideration for the following reasons:  xx(1) they contravene the requirements of  1.52 of the Commission's Rules, which requires a party, in the absence  xof counsel, to sign and verify the document and state his/her address. While Mondy did sign his comments and  yO.- xprovide his address, the comments were not verified. See Moscow, Ohio; Paris , Wilmore, Morehead, Falmouth,  yO- xWinchester, Carrollton, Elizabethtown, Dry Ridge, Somerset, and Williamstown, Kentucky, ("Moscow"),  4 FCC Rcd  x3441 (1988). (2) Mondy's comments did not include a certificate of service as required by  1.420(i) of the  yO - x Commission's Rules. The Notice stated that filings not conforming with the service requirements of the  yON!- xxCommissions' Rules would violate the Commission's ex parte rules and would not be considered in the proceeding.  yO"- xSee Moscow, supra. (3) Mondy's responsive comments to the petitioner's reply comments, in addition to containing  yO"- xthe above enumerated infractions, were filed beyond the dates specified in the Notice. Pursuant to  1.415(d) of  xthe Commission's Rules no additional comments may be filed unless specifically requested or authorized by the  xCommission. In light of our rejection of Mondy's comments, petitioner's response thereto is moot and therefore will not be discussed. No other comments were received.  X0- 2. As stated in the Notice, petitioner seeks to invoke the provisions of Section 1.420(i)  Fof the Commission's Rules to enable it to provide a first local aural transmission service to",))ZZ"  X- FTurrell, Arkansas (population 988),qn yOy-ԍPopulation figures reported herein are from the 1990 U.S. Census Reports.q an incorporated community that is not associated with any  X- Furbanized area. See Modification of FM and TV Authorizations to Specify a New Community  X- Fof License ("Change of Community R&O"), 4 FCC Rcd 4870 (1989)), recon. granted in part  X- Fk("Change of Community MO&O"), 5 FCC Rcd 7094 (1990). Petitioner's proposal is mutually  Fexclusive with its existing authorization at Wilson (population 1,068), as the distance between  Fthe two communities is 15.4 kilometers (9.5 miles) whereas a distance of 115 kilometers (71 miles) is required in this instance.  3. In further support of the proposal, petitioner urges that adoption of its proposal  X1- FMwould result in a preferential arrangement of allotments consistent with the Revision of FM  X - FAssignment Policies and Procedures, 90 FCC Rcd 88 (1982), Xn yO# - xԍThe allotment priorities are: (1) first fulltime aural service; (2) second fulltime aural service; (3) first local service; and (4) other public interest matters. [Coequal weight is given to priorities (2) and (3).]  ("Revision") as the reallotment  Fwould provide Turrell with its first local aural transmission service, whereas Wilson will retain  F local aural service from Station KOSE(AM). Additionally, petitioner advises that while the  Fpopulations of Wilson and Turrell are approximately the same, the reallotment of Channel  F234A to Turrell will enable it to provide service to 87,700 people, representing a threefold  Fincrease over the degree of potential service if proposed Station KAFW(FM) remains in  FLWilson. Moreover, petitioner reiterates that as Station KAFW(FM) is an unbuilt facility, there  Xy- Fwill be no loss of existing service to Wilson if its reallotment proposal is granted. See Sanibel  Xb- Fand San Carlos Park, Florida, 10 FCC Rcd 7215 (1995); Pawley's Island and Atlantic Beach,  XK- FSouth Carolina, 8 FCC Rcd 8657 (1993); and Glencoe and LeSueur, Minnesota, 7 FCC Rcd  Fk7651 (1992). Additionally, petitioner remarks that as Station KOSE(AM) has been reallotted  X- Ffrom Osceola to Wilson, Arkansas,Xn yO~- xԍPetitioner reports that on October 9, 1996, the Commission granted an application to change the community of  xlicense of Station KOSE(AM) from Osceola to Wilson, Arkansas (see File No. BP960223AB). A license to cover the construction permit issued to Station KOSE(AM) was granted July 29, 1997 (see File No. BL970509AC).  Wilson will not be deprived of local aural service if Channel 234A is reallotted to Turrell.  4. In consideration of the above, we believe the public interest would be served by  F>granting the petitioner's proposal as it will result in a preferential arrangement of allotments  X- Fpursuant to the Commission's change of community procedures. See Change of Community,  X- Fsupra. Applying those procedures, we compare the existing arrangement of allotments with the  X|- Fproposal using the FM allotment priorities ("Revision", supra). In this instance, the first two  Fyallotment priorities are not applicable to this proposal. Turrell, which is not within nor adjacent  Fto an urbanized area, will receive its first local aural transmission service (priority 3) and is  Ftherefore favored over the retention of the allotment at Wilson (priority 4). Additionally, the  F reallotment will afford the petitioner an opportunity to increase its service area. Moreover,  F>Wilson will continue to receive local transmission service provided by Station KOSE(AM).  F>Therefore, in accordance with the provisions of Section 1.420(i) of the Commission's Rules,",-(-(ZZ<"  F.we will modify the authorization of Station KAFW(FM) to specify operation on Channel 234A at Turrell, Arkansas, in lieu of Wilson, Arkansas.  X- 5. As stated in the Notice, Channel 234A can be allotted to Turrell, Arkansas, at the  Fpetitioner's designated site in conformity with the minimum distance separation requirements  Fof the Commission's Rules, at the city reference coordinates 352236 NL and 901512 WL.  6. Accordingly, pursuant to the authority contained in Sections 4(i), 5(c)(1), 303(g) and  F(r) and 307(b) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, and Sections 0.61, 0.204(b)  FMand 0.283 of the Commission's Rules, IT IS ORDERED, That effective December 7, 1998, the  FFM Table of Allotments, Section 73.202(b) of the Commission's Rules, IS AMENDED for the communities listed below, as follows:  X -#XP\  P6Q DXP# N N City"VVJrChannel No.  X - N N Turrell, ArkansasVVJr 234A  Xy- N N Wilson, ArkansasVVJr ^^  7. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, That pursuant to Section 316(a) of the  F[Communications Act of 1934, as amended, the authorization of Pollack Broadcasting Company  Flfor Station KAFW(FM) (File No. BPH921023JV), IS MODIFIED to specify operation on  FChannel 234A at Turrell, Arkansas, in lieu of Wilson, Arkansas, subject to the following conditions:  X-X` hp x (#%'0*,.8135@8: