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Clarke filed a reply. We will deny the petition for partial reconsideration.  XK- 2. Background.  This proceeding originated with a rulemaking petition (RM7053) filed  Fby Eric R. Hilding ("Hilding"), seeking the allotment of Channel 255A to Columbia, California,  Fas that community's first local aural service. In response to the petition, the Commission  X- Fissued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, 5 FCC Rcd 2003 (1990)  ("NPRM"), proposing the  X- Frequested allotment and soliciting comment on whether Columbia was a community for  FLallotment purposes. Thereafter, HGroup, Inc., predecessor in interest to Clarke, filed a timely  Fjcounterproposal (RM8040), seeking a mutually exclusive allotment of Channel 256A at Arnold as that community's first local aural service.  X- a3. The Report and Order, 6 FCC Rcd 3292 (1991) ("R&O"), denied Hilding's  Frulemaking petition and did not allot an FM channel to Columbia because the information  Fprovided by Hilding was deemed insufficient to show that Columbia was a community for  X="- Fallotment purposes. Likewise, the R&O dismissed HGroup's counterproposal and did not allot  Fan FM channel to Arnold because the counterproposal was not acceptable for consideration.  FSpecifically, HGroup had not submitted a technical study demonstrating that Channel 256A at Arnold complied with the Commission's minimum distance separation requirements.   X&- 4. Both Hilding and Clarke filed petitions for reconsideration of the R&O, arguing that  X'- Fytheir allotment requests should have been granted. The Commission staff agreed in its MO&O  Fand found that it was unnecessary to consider comparatively these mutually exclusive proposals"(,))ZZB'"  X- Fbecause an alternative channel was available for allotment at Arnold. As a result, the MO&O  Fallotted Channel 255A to Columbia, as originally requested by Hilding, and Channel 240A to Arnold, in lieu of Channel 256A that had been counterproposed by Clarke.  X- 5. With respect to Hilding's reconsideration petition, the Commission staff disregarded  X- F/two procedural deficiencies: failures to verify the reconsideration petition and to serve the  F=petition on Clarke. Even though these defects were not cured by Hilding, the staff concluded  Xa- Fthat it would be inappropriate to deny the community of Columbia its first aural service when  Facceptance of the defective pleading would not prejudice any party in the proceeding. Indeed,  FClarke had responded to Hilding's petition even though Clarke had not been served with the  Fypetition. As to the substance of Hilding's petition, the staff agreed with Hilding that Columbia  Fshould have been found to constitute a community for allotment purposes because of its  Fsubsequent inclusion in the 1990 U.S. Census and the objective indicia of community status previously submitted.  X - 6. Similarly, the MO&O concluded that Clarke's counterproposal should have been  Faccepted. Although Clarke had not submitted an engineering study demonstrating that Channel  F{256A at Arnold would comply with the minimum distance separation requirements of the  Xf- FCommission's Rules, the staff determined that the information initially provided, i.e. the specific  XQ- F coordinates for the restricted transmitter site for Channel 256A at Arnold, was sufficient to  X:- F=enable Hilding to respond fully to Clarke's counterproposal. Furthermore, the MO&O rejected  FLClarke's argument that Channel 240A should not be allotted to Arnold because of lineofsight coverage problems.  X- 7. Petition for Partial Reconsideration. Clarke filed a petition for partial reconsideration  X- Fkof the MO&O, contending that Hilding's petition for reconsideration should not have been  F=considered because the Bureau lacks the power to waive Hilding's obligations to serve Clarke  F1with its reconsideration petition or to verify the petition under of Section 1.52 of the  X- F.Commission's Rules. Citing Goldendale, Washington, 7 FCC Rcd 6483 (1992), Clarke contends  F{that, while we may accept a latefiled cure of an improperly verified pleading, we may not  F^accept an unverified pleading. Because Hilding never attempted to cure his defective  Fsubmission, and the time for correcting the error has passed as well, Clarke argues that  X.- FHilding's petition for reconsideration was defective ab initio, that it should have been dismissed  X- F.without consideration, and that the allotment of Channel 255A at Columbia should be deleted.  X- 8. On a substantive basis, Clarke argues that the allotment of Channel 240A to Arnold  Fshould not be considered as an alternative to its counterproposal of Channel 256A. It claims  Fthat it had expressly "considered and rejected the possibility" of applying to operate on Channel  F240A. Clarke, in making this claim, states that it recognizes the Commission's right to allot  Fa different channel from the one requested, but of an equivalent class, in order to resolve  Fcompeting allotment proposals. However, Clarke states that it cannot use Channel 240A for  Fa fully spaced station from its preferred site if the necessarily restricted reference site is  Fretained. Because no one else expressed an interest in applying for Channel 240A, if allotted,  Fand Clarke justifiably rejected the use of that channel at Arnold, Clarke argues that it should"3',-(-(ZZ%"  Fzbe deleted in accord with Commission policy not to allot a channel for which an interest has  FMnot been expressed. Thus, Clarke urges that Channel 256A should be allotted to Arnold as requested in its original counterproposal.  X- 9. In its opposition, Clear Mountain argues that Clarke's claim that there was not a  Fvalid expression of interest to allot Channel 240A to Arnold is moot because Clear Mountain  Xv- Flfiled a timely application for Channel 240A at Arnold. Citing several Commission cases,vm {O- xԍ See, e.g., Montrose and Scranton, PA, 3 FCC Rcd 1061 (1988), recon. denied, 4 FCC Rcd 7799 (1989), rev.  {O-denied, 5 FCC Rcd 6305 (1990).  FClear Mountain argues that its application is a valid expression of interest and that the  F{Commission will not delete a channel for which there has been an expression of interest.  FClear Mountain also contends that the Commission properly allotted Channel 240A to Arnold  F{and that the allotment should be retained. In this regard, Clear Mountain states that the  FCommission has the authority to substitute Channel 240A to Arnold, in lieu of Clarke's  Fcounterproposal to allot Channel 256A to that community, in order to satisfy Hilding's and  FClarke's competing proposals for Channels 255A and 256A, respectively. Clear Mountain  X - Fpoints out that the NPRM in this proceeding gave notice to Clarke that the Commission might  Fallot channels different from those proposed for any of the subject communities. Clear  FNMountain further challenges Clarke's claim that Channel 240A is not an equivalent class  Fchannel for allotment to Arnold in lieu of Channel 256A. In support of this position, Clear  FMountain contends that, under Commission precedent, channels are considered equivalent for  Fallotment purposes if they are of the same class, would comply with the minimum distance  F/separation requirements, and would enable a station to provide city-grade coverage to the  F_community where the allotment would be made. Since Channel 240A fulfills these requirements, Clear Mountain concludes that it was appropriate for allotment.  X-  10. In its reply, Clarke argues that the filing of an application for Channel 240A at  FArnold does not moot Clarke's argument that there was no valid expression of interest for  FChannel 240A at Arnold because an expression of interest was not made during the rulemaking  Fproceeding. Clarke contends that the cases cited by Clear Mountain on this issue are  Fydistinguishable because they involved the reallotment of vacant, but appliedfor, channels and  Xg- Fare not like the instant case where a new allotment is proposed for a community. Finally,  FMClarke contends that even if Channel 240A were equivalent to Channel 256A at Arnold, the  FCommission may not use its authority to allot this alternate channel where there is an express disavowal of any interest in that channel.  X-  11. Discussion. After carefully reviewing the record in this case, we conclude that the  X- FMO&O properly allotted Channels 255A and 240A to Columbia and Arnold, respectively, and  Fthat Clarke's petition for partial reconsideration should be denied. As a threshold matter, we  F=find that Clarke's procedural arguments do not warrant deleting the allotment of Channel 255A  X"- Fat Columbia. Although the MO&O determined that Hilding's petition was procedurally  F defective for failure to verify the petition and to serve the petition on Clarke and that these"#$,-(-(ZZe""  Fdefects could be disregarded for public interest reasons, we find upon reexamination that these  Fomissions do not violate the Commission's Rules. With respect to verification, Section 1.429(h)  Fzprovides that "[p]etitions for reconsideration [in rulemaking proceedings], oppositions, and  Freplies shall conform to the requirements of Sections 1.49 and 1.52, except that they need not  Fbe verified." Likewise, under Section 1.429(e), petitions for reconsideration in rulemaking  FNproceedings need not be served on parties to the proceeding, although the Commission  F encourages service of petitions for reconsideration if the number of parties is small. Since  FHilding was not required to verify the reconsideration petition or to serve it on Clarke and since  XH- Fthe petition was timely filed,[ZHm {O - xԍ A summary of the R&O in this proceeding was published in the Federal Register on June 7, 1991 (56 F.R.  x26367), and reconsideration petitions were due on July 8, 1991. Since Hilding's petition was received at the Commission on July 3, 1991, it was timely filed.[ the petition was not procedurally defective; therefore, there is  X1-no procedural basis for deleting the allotment of Channel 255A at Columbia.X1m yO - x;ԍ We also reject Clarke's contention that we did not have jurisdiction to revisit the question of Columbia's status  xMas a community for allotment purposes. Since Hilding's reconsideration petition was timely filed and not procedurally defective, the Commission had the jurisdiction to reconsider the Columbia allotment.  X - n 12. We also believe that Clarke has not set forth a sufficient substantive basis for  Fkdeleting or modifying the allotment of Channel 240A at Arnold. Although Clarke contends  Fythat there was not a valid expression of interest to allot Channel 240A to Arnold, we agree with  FClear Mountain that this argument is moot. In this regard, it is well established that the  FCommission will not allot an FM or TV channel in the absence of an expression of interest in the allotment. The reason for this policy is that: [a]bsent an expression of interest, a newly allotted channel could lie vacant after the Commission had expended limited resources conducting a rule making proceeding and after parties had submitted comments regarding a proposed channel. . . . A further allotment under these circumstances would not only waste Commission and participants' resources, it could preclude additional or improved service elsewhere with no countervailing service benefit to the public.  X- FMSanta Isabel, Puerto Rico, and Christiansted, Virgin Islands, 3 FCC Rcd 2336, 2337 (1988).  X~- FIn the instant case, we believe that the purpose of this policy has been fulfilled because Clear  F\Mountain filed a timely application for Channel 240A during the filing window. In addition,  F|this application was subsequently granted, and the station is operating. Under these  Fcircumstances, we see no public interest reason for disturbing this allotment merely because the expression of interest was not made during the rulemaking proceeding.  X- 2 13. Furthermore, we properly allotted Channel 240A to Arnold in accord with our  X- Fauthority to resolve conflicts among mutually exclusive proposals. The NPRM placed all" ,-(-(ZZ"  F0parties on notice that the filing of a counterproposal may lead the Commission to allot a  FLchannel different from that requested for any of the communities involved. Channel 240A was  Fselected for just that purpose to resolve the conflict between Hilding's original rulemaking  Fyproposal and Clarke's counterproposal by enabling the contending communities of Arnold and Columbia to be awarded new local aural services.  Xv- @ 14. It is also well established that an alternate channel may be allotted, provided it is  X_- Fequivalent, i.e. it is of the same class, meets the minimum distance separation requirements, and  Fprovides a 70 dBu signal over the entirety of the community. Channel 240A at Arnold meets  X3- Fall three of these requirements and thus is an appropriate alternate channel. Like Channel  F256A that was counterproposed by Clarke's predecessor, Channel 240A is a Class A channel  Fand complies with the minimum distance separation requirements. Furthermore, as we  X - FLexplained in the MO&O, our engineering analysis indicates that Channel 240A can be allotted  Fto Arnold at a site that would provide lineofsight coverage to the community, enabling a  X - Fstation to place a citygrade signal (i.e., of 70 dBu field strength) over Arnold. m {O;- xԍ MO&O, 7 FCC Rcd at 6304. Indeed, we have reexamined maps of the site area and the lineofsight to the  xcenter city coordinates of Arnold, analyzing the terrain profile from that reference site towards Arnold. Despite the  xrugged terrain, we find an ample available site area and an obstructionfree lineofsight path towards Arnold from  xthe allotment reference point. We find that while there may be difficulty in securing the ideal site, a city grade signal can be placed comfortably over Arnold employing Channel 240A. While Clarke  Fclaims that the site restriction utilized by the Commission for Channel 240A may preclude  F[Clarke's use of its preferred site, this argument does not negate our finding that Channel 240A  Fis an appropriate alternate channel for allotment because at the allotment stage there is no  Fguarantee that any particular party will be awarded a construction permit and because there was  F.a sufficient area for transmitter sites for this channel. Indeed, Clear Mountain currently holds  F/a construction permit (File No. BPH921214MG) at such site to operate on Channel 240A at Arnold.   X- 15. Finally, the remedy Clarke advances for the alleged defective allotment of Channel  F!240A the deletion of Channel 255A at Columbia and the allotment of Channel 256A at  FNArnold cannot be granted. If only one allotment were to be made, we would allot on a  X- Fjcomparative basis Channel 255A to Columbia under the Commission's FM allotment priorities.Zzm yO- xԍ The FM allotment priorities are as follows: (1) first fulltime aural service; (2) second fulltime aural service;  xy(3) first local service; and (4) other public interest matters. Coequal weight is given to priorities (2) and (3).  {Ok -Revision of FM Assignment Policies and Procedures, 90 FCC 2d 88 (1982).  FChannel 255A would be allotted to Columbia as a first local service, which is a higher priority  F(3) than that of allotting a second aural service to Arnold (Priority 4 other public interest  Fmatters). Such an outcome would preclude Arnold from having a second local aural service.  XT- F\We do not believe that such a result is as desirable as having made new allotments at both Columbia and Arnold. ",-(-(ZZ="Ԍ X- O16. Accordingly, IT IS ORDERED That the petition for partial reconsideration in MM Docket 90176 filed by Clarke Broadcasting Corporation is DENIED.  X-17. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, That this proceeding IS TERMINATED.  X- 18. For further information concerning the above, contact J. Bertron Withers, Jr., Mass Media Bureau (202) 4182180.  N N "VVJr  XH- VVJFEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION  X -  VVJCharles W. Logan  X - "VVJChief, Policy and Rules Division  X - VVJMass Media Bureau