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Petitioner also requests that the construction  xpermit of Station WKLX(FM) be modified to specify Brownsville, Kentucky, as its new  xcommunity of license. Petitioner filed comments in support of the proposal reaffirming his  X0- xintention to apply for the Channel 264C3, if reallotted to Brownsville.Y0 yO- xiԍPetitioner filed a counterproposal requesting the substitution of Channel 264C3 for Channel 264A at Beaver  xDam, Kentucky, and its reallotment from Beaver Dam to Oakland, Kentucky, as an alternate allotment proposal.  xOn May 5, 1998, petitioner filed a request to withdraw its counterproposal, which is granted. In accordance with  xSection 1.420(j) of the Commission's Rules, petitioner certified that no consideration was received in exchange for the withdrawal of his counterproposal. Y No other comments were  X-received. ` `   x2. The proposed reallotment of Channel 264C3 from Beaver Dam to Brownsville,  xKentucky, was filed pursuant to the provisions of Section 1.420(i) of the Commission's Rules,  xwhich permit the modification of a station's license to specify a new community of license  xxwithout affording other interested parties an opportunity to file competing expressions of interest.  X- xSee Amendment of the Commission's Rules Regarding Modification of FM and TV  Xx- xjAuthorizations to Specify a New Community of License, 4 FCC Rcd 4870 (1989), recon. granted"xx0*&&CC"  X- x[in part, 5 FCC Rcd 7094 (1990) ("Change of Community"). As stated in the Notice, Brownsville  X- xyis an incorporated community with a population of 897 Ob-#C\  P6QIP##C\  P6QIP##X\  P6G;IP##&d2PG;&P#Ѝ#C\  P6QIP##X\  P6G;IP##K\  P@QIP##C\  P6QIP#A#C\  P6QIP#ll population figures are taken from the 1990 U.S. Census. persons and has a mayorcouncil form  xof government. It is the county seat of Edmonson County (population 10,357) and is also the  xretail and financial center for the county. Petitioner further states that it is the location of the  xcounty courthouse and several county offices. Brownsville has two banks, over 50 retail  x>establishments, a weekly newspaper, an elementary and high school, three churches, and a  xChamber of Commerce. Moreover, petitioner asserts that because Mammoth Cave National Park  xis located in Edmonson County and attracts a significant number of tourists, county tourism  xjrevenue for 1995 increased by 6.6% over 1994 to $59,068,157. Petitioner notes that Brownsville  xLis a growing community with a 65.5% gain in population in 20 years. Petitioner contends that  xthe reallotment will not deprive Beaver Dam of an "existing service" since the station is unbuilt,  X - xzciting Midway, Panacea and Quincy, Florida, 10 FCC Rcd 6122, para. 6 (1995). Furthermore,  xLpetitioner asserts that the reallotment to Brownsville will result in a preferential arrangement of  xlallotments by serving the goals of Section 307(b) of the Communications Act of 1934, as  xamended, by providing a first local transmission service to Brownsville. By way of contrast,  xretaining Station WKLX(FM), Channel 264A, in Beaver would trigger priority four because it  xwould be a second local transmission service to Brownsville. This is due to the fact that Station  Xy-WSNR(AM) (1600 kHz) has been reallotted from Hartford to Beaver Dam, Kentucky.yi yO- xԍA license (File No. BLH970912KC) was issued on December 11, 1997, and Station WSNR(AM) is operating in Beaver Dam.  XK-  @x3. We believe the public interest would be served by reallotting Channel 264C3 from  xjBeaver Dam to Brownsville, Kentucky, since it would provide the community with its first local  x=aural service, and would allow Station WKLX(FM) to expand its service area. Specifically, the  x-reallotment would result in a preferential arrangement of allotments pursuant to the Commission's  X- xchange of community procedures. See Change of Community, supra. Under those procedures,  X- xwe compare the existing arrangement of allotments with the proposed arrangement of allotments  X- xusing our FM allotment priorities. yO3- xiԍThe FM allotment priorities are: (1) First fulltime aural service; (2) Second fulltime aural service; (3) First local service; and (4) Other public interest matters. [Coequal weight given to priorities (2) and (3).]  See Revision of FM Assignment Policies and Procedures, 90 FCC 2d 88, 92 (1982).   x4. In making this analysis, we note that Brownsville would receive a first local service  xwhich triggers priority (3). On the other hand, the reallotment to Brownsville would not deprive Beaver Dam (population 2,904) of its sole local service since Station WKLX(FM) is an unbuilt  #%\Z "70*$$CC"  xstation, and Station WSNR(AM) would remain licensed to the community. Both Beaver Dam  xand Brownsville receive at least four reception services and neither community is located in nor near an urbanized area.  X-   x5. Moreover, the reallotment to Brownsville will result in new service to 103,729 persons,  xwhile theoretically only 19,696 persons would lose reception service, who already receive at least  xMfive fulltime reception services. The reallotment would result in a net gain in population of  x84,033 persons to an area of 853 square kilometers (329 square miles); and an area of 142.4  x[square kilometers (55 square miles) containing 1,208 persons will gain a fifth fulltime reception service.  X -x` `  hhTechnical Summary  X -x   2x6. An engineering analysis has determined that Channel 264C3 can be allotted to  xBrownsville in compliance with the Commission's minimum distance separation requirements  X- xwithout the imposition of a site restriction at petitioner's requested site. yO -#C\  P6QIP##C\  P6QIP##C\  P6QIP##X\  P6G;IP##X\  P6G;IP##C\  P6QIP#э#C\  P6QIP##C\  P6QIP##X\  P6G;IP##X\  P6G;IP##X\  P6G;IP##&d2PG;&P##&d2PG;&P##C\  P6QIP#T#C\  P6QIP##C\  P6QIP##X\  P6G;IP##C\  P6QIP#h#C\  P6QIP##C\  P6QIP#e coordinates for Channel 264C3 at Brownsville are North Latitude 371034 and West Longitude 861808. In accordance with  x.Section 1.420(i) of the Commission's Rules, we also modify Station WKLX(FM)'s construction  xLpermit to specify operation on Channel 264C3 at Brownsville, Kentucky, as its new community of license.   x7. Accordingly, pursuant to the authority found in Sections 4(i), 5(c)(1), 303(g) and (r)  xkand 307(b) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, and Sections 0.61, 0.204(b) and  x+0.283 of the Commission's Rules, IT IS ORDERED, That  x.effective October 19, 1998, the FM Table of Allotments, Section 73.202(b) of the Commission's Rules, IS AMENDED, with respect to the communities listed below, to read as follows: x  X-  City hppChannel No.  X|-x  Xe-x` ` Beaver Dam, Kentucky@hpp     X7-x` ` Brownsville, Kentucky@hpp 264C3   x8. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, pursuant to Section 316(a) of the Communications Act  x|of 1934, as amended, that the construction permit of Charles M. Anderson for Station  xWKLX(FM), Beaver Dam, Kentucky, IS MODIFIED to specify operation on Channel 264C3 in lieu of Channel 264A at Brownsville, Kentucky, subject to the following conditions: "!X0*$$CC "Ԍ"!X0*$$CC "Ԍ X-X` hp x (#%'0*,.8135@8: