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See Section 202(c) of the Telecommunications Act of 1996, Pub. L. No. 104 x`104, 110 Stat. 56 (Feb. 8, 1996) (Telecom Act). In response to this Congressional directive in  Xt2 xthe Telecom Act and to update the record, the Commission released the Television Ownership  X_2Second Further Notice.  X32  8. The Commission stated in the Television Ownership Second Further Notice that it will  x4be inclined, during the pendency of the television ownership proceeding, to grant temporary  xduopoly waivers to authorize common ownership of television stations that are in different  X2 xDMA's and whose Grade A contours do not overlap, conditioned on coming into compliance with  X2 x the outcome of the proceeding within six months of its conclusion. Television Ownership Second  X2 xFurther Notice, 11 FCC Rcd at 21681. It also noted there its tentative conclusion that the record  xin that proceeding "supports relaxation of the geographic scope of the duopoly rule from its  x8current Grade B overlap standard to a standard based on DMA's supplemented with a Grade A  X2 x~overlap criterion." Id. The Commission further stated that "we do not believe granting waivers  xLsatisfying the proposed standard, and conditioning them on the outcome of this proceeding, will  XU2 xadversely affect our competition and diversity goals in the interim. Id. Additionally, the  x`Commission gave the staff delegated authority to act on applications seeking waivers consistent  X)2with this interim policy.   X2  9. Based on the Commission's interim policy outlined in the Television Ownership  X 2 x Second Further Notice, we believe that grant of a conditional waiver of the duopoly rule, subject  xto the outcome of the pending ownership proceeding, is justified. The temporary common  xownership of KFXK and KSHV would be consistent with the interim policy set forth in the  X#2 xTelevision Ownership Second Further Notice, as the stations are in separate DMA's and there is  xno Grade A overlap between KFXK and KSHV. Moreover, our examination of the record  xpresented here reveals nothing suggesting that we should not follow the established interim policy  xHin this case. Accordingly, we conclude that grant of a temporary waiver, conditioned on the"`&,-(-(ZZ$"  xapplicant coming into compliance with the outcome of the pending television ownership  xXrulemaking proceeding within six months of its conclusion, will serve the public interest,  x2convenience and necessity. Any requests to extend this conditional waiver should be filed at least 45 days prior to the end of the sixmonth period and would be closely scrutinized.  X2  N 10. In view of the foregoing, and having determined that the applicants are qualified, we  Xv2find that a grant of these applications will serve the public interest, convenience and necessity.   Xa2  XJ2   11. ACCORDINGLY, IT IS ORDERED, That the request for conditional waiver of  xSection 73.3555(b) of the Commission's Rules, to permit the common ownership of television  x*stations KFXK(TV), Longview, Texas, and KSHV(TV), Shreveport, Texas, IS GRANTED,  xVsubject to the outcome of the Commission's pending broadcast television ownership rulemaking  xin MM Docket Nos. 91221 and 878. Should divestiture be required as a result of that  xLproceeding, the licensee is directed to file, within six months from the release of the final order  xin MM Docket Nos. 91221 and 878, an application for Commission consent to dispose of such  xstation as would be necessary for it to come into compliance with the rules as provided in the final order.  X{2  Xd2   12. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, That the applications for transfer of control of  xvWarwick Communications, Inc., from Inwood Investors Partnership, L.P. to White Knight  x.Broadcasting of Longview, Inc. (File Nos. BTCCT980403ID, BTCTTL980403IE, BTCTTL X2980403IF and BTCTTL980403IG) ARE GRANTED.   FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION  Roy J. Stewart  X~2 Chief, Mass Media Bureau