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Release of the full text of a Commission order constitutes official action. See MCI v. FCC. 515 F 2d 385 (D.C. Circ 1974).  ey:  dddhy  M8}h U 1  1  Figure 1  Figure 1 y!HH,,@Uddfcclogo.wpgHHy! Xz dd8k @#S2pPG;h# NEWS L   h #Xw PE37WXP#   %X  December 14, 1998  E   X/4V FCC ANNOUNCES NEW WEBSITE ON LOW POWER FM RADIO PROPOSALS   \The FCC today announced that it has created a new page on its website containing information on the issue of whether the FCC should authorize future low power FM radio services for local communities.  Y04The website can be accessed as follows:  Y 4 The site refers to the issue under review at the FCC involving the potential licensing of stations at various low power levels that could meet the special needs of neighborhoodbased community groups, religious groups or churches, minority groups, schools and universities, and small businesses, allowing these groups or businesses to use the public airwaves to speak to their local and nearby communities. The website includes information and links to a variety of information including: * The current proceeding at the FCC whereby comments are being reviewed on petitions that had been received urging the FCC to open a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on low power FM service, including links to the FCC Public Notices and the petitions. * A speech by Chairman William Kennard to the National Association of Broadcasters Radio Convention on October 16, 1998. * A speech by Commission Gloria Tristani to the Texas Broadcasters Association on September 3, 1998, on local radio issues. * A report by the National Telecommunications and Information Administration on Minority Commercial Broadcast Ownership in the United States. * Information on low power AM and FM broadcast stations from the FCC Audio Services Bureau webpage. The website will be updated as new information becomes available. News Media Contact: David Fiske (202) 4180500 Mass Media Bureau Contact: Susanna Zwerling 4182120.