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Xz dd8u H#S2pPG;"# NEWS L X   X(##Xw PE37=XP#TP  ?<#x6X@`7>fX@# x` `  hh@hppJuly 21 $A , 1998 P BROADCAST STATION TOTALS AS JUNE 30, 1998 The Commission has announced the following totals for broadcast stations licensed as of June 30, 1998:  ?<x` ` AM RADIOhh@hpp4727  ?<x` ` FM RADIOhh@hpp5618  ? <x` ` FM EDUCATIONALhh@hpp1984 x` ` __________________________________  ?2 <x` ` TOTALhh@ h 12329  ? <x` ` UHF COMMERCIAL TV@hpp 652  ? <x` ` VHF COMMERCIAL TV@h pp 559  ?R<x` ` UHF EDUCATIONAL TV@ pp 244  ?<x` ` VHF EDUCATIONAL TV pp 125 x` ` __________________________________  ?<x` ` TOTALhh h 1580 x` ` FM TRANSLATORS & BOOSTERS 3028  ?<x` ` UHF TRANSLATORS@ 2730  ?<x` ` VHF TRANSLATORS @hpp2194 x` ` __________________________________  ?Z<x` ` TOTALhh@hpp7952  ?<x` ` UHF LOW POWER TV@hpp1530  ?<x` ` VHF LOW POWER TV@hpp 558 x` ` __________________________________  ?B<x` ` TOTALhh@hpp2088 H8 FCC  Y*-#Xw PE37=XP# X`  X` hp x (#%'0*,.8135@8:fX@# "#,$$z z 0*"Ԍ pp  xx 0(#(#Xpp