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This is an unofficial announcement of Commission action. Release of the full text of a Commission order constitutes official action. See MCI v. FCC. 515 F 2d 385 (D.C. Circ 1974).

Report No. MM 98-10 MASS MEDIA ACTION June 30, 1998


Radio and television stations applying for new call signs could in the future be able to get them instantly from the FCC as fast as it takes to click on the Internet.

The FCC today issued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking and asked for comments on allowing broadcast licensees and permittees to utilize a new on-line, electronic call sign reservation and authorization system that would be accessed through its own Website (www.fcc.gov). It would allow licensees to instantly reserve desired call signs, reducing the time it takes under current procedures for call sign submission and approval by mail.

The FCC said it was proposing this action on its own initiative to streamline its own internal procedures in conjunction with its ongoing 1998 Biennial Regulatory Review. Its goal is to speed-up service to broadcasters, give licensees more certainty in making call sign changes, and create a more customer-friendly environment.

Under the proposed system, broadcasters who want to change station call signs, as well as initial license applicants who have received a construction permit, would be able to electronically access the FCC's call sign data base, verify that a desired call sign is available, and instantly reserve it. The computer system would trigger error messages for any mistakes or omissions by the applicant, thereby insuring that the request is ready for immediate reservation. If a fee is required, as in the case of call sign changes for existing commercial radio and tv stations, the electronic system would automatically provide the applicant with the proper form with the correct amount to be submitted already written in.

Under the proposed system, access to the new call sign reservation and authorization system would be made via the Internet's World Wide Web. The FCC said it was sensitive to possible inconveniences that mandatory use of the electronic system could impose on some licensees and permittees, and asked for comments on whether use of the on-line system should be mandatory, or permissive for certain licensees, and whether if mandatory, it should be phased-in.

Until now, new and modified call sign requests have been handled on a first-come basis via mailed applications. Incomplete letter applications, or applications containing the wrong fee where applicable, are returned, also by mail. Licensees have risked losing a desired call sign if an intervening completed request for the same call sign is received by the FCC. The new instantaneous electronic system would eliminate these difficulties.

The FCC is involved in a series of steps to implement electronic filing.

It recently launched a comprehensive electronic filing initiative, which includes a recently commenced proceeding to allow parties to file comments electronically in FCC notice and comment rulemakings.

In the Mass Media area, it recently released a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on electronic filing of 16 key broadcast application and reporting forms, including assignment and transfer forms, and applications for new commercial stations and modifications to licensed facilities.

Requests for vanity call signs for amateur radio stations can already be requested electronically via the Internet. Broadcast television licensees may currently file their Children's Television Programming Reports electronically.

Action by the Commission June 30, 1998, by Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (FCC 98-130), Chairman Kennard, Commissioners Ness, Furchtgott-Roth, Powell and Tristani.

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News Media Contact: David Fiske (202) 418-0513
Mass Media Bureau Contact: James J. Brown or Jerianne Timmerman (202) 418-1600