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DS1864 INTERNATIONAL ACTION JULY 29, 1998 #TxP7{P#   X '#G\  P6G;YP##Xj\  P6G; XP# ` ` FCC GRANTS 16 EARTH STATION LICENSES ` ` FOR FOREIGNLICENSED SATELLITE SYSTEMS   TO OPERATE IN THE UNITED STATES UNDER  NEW RULES IMPLEMENTING 1997 WTO AGREEMENT \  XU4 On July 24, 1998, the Federal Communications Commission granted 16 licenses for earth stations that will enable foreignlicensed satellite systems to serve the United States. These licenses were issued under the Commission's revised foreign entry rules adopted last November in order to give effect to the United States' commitments under the World Trade Organization Agreement on Basic Telecommunications Services (WTO Agreement). The 1997 WTO Agreement, which took effect in February, reflects the commitment of the United States and 71 other signatories to significantly increase competition in the global market for telecommunications services, including satellite services. The signatories to the WTO Agreement account for over 90 percent of the worldwide revenues in telecommunications services. By opening these markets, the WTO Agreement will allow new entrants to deploy innovative, costeffective technologies and advance the development of new services, such as satellite services, around the globe. "These licenses are a tangible example of the new competitive arena for global telecommunications, and of the FCC's commitment to ensuring that U.S. consumers have the opportunity to choose among competing providers of satellite and other telecommunications services. We look forward to reviewing the applications of many more potential licensees in the near future," stated Regina M. Keeney, Chief of the FCC's International Bureau. These earth station licenses were granted under the Commission's new open entry standards implementing the WTO Agreement. As a result, various entities, including Williams Communications, EDS Spectrum Corporation, and MFS International, have been authorized to use satellite systems licensed in countries such as Mexico and Canada to provide fixed satellite services in the United States and between the United States and foreign destinations. These operations will commence later this year. X+,,,XXD+3X!.6 nter 16.67cpi (LegaXԌ The Commission also continues to encourage foreign countries to implement their WTO commitments and to adopt procompetitive regulatory policies. The International Bureau has held a series of telecommunications workshops for international regulators from a range of countries. The workshops are designed to facilitate dialogue and the sharing of information between regulatory authorities, with the goal of fostering development of procompetitive regulatory policies in markets throughout the world.  qԩ FCC \ News Media contact: Rosemary Kimball at (202) 4180500. International Bureau contacts: Linda Haller at (202) 4180760; Sylvia Lam at (202) 4180742.  X 4#o\  PC XP#  X!'   X"4  X#4       X(4#o\  PC XP#\ "),**XX'"Ԍ X4ԙREPORT NO. DS1864hhCqppJULY 29, 1998  X4THE COMMISSION, #G\  P6G;YP##X\  P6G; IP#by its International Bureau, took the following actions pursuant to ` `  delegated authority. The effective dates of the actions are July 24, 1998. ` `   X4# Xj\  P6G; XP#SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES:  X4` `   X 4#X\  P6G; IP## Xj\  P6G; XP#796DSEP/L98 E980198hhCDIRECTTOPHONE INTERNATIONAL 6.1meter Cband transmit/receive earth station to provide digital voice and data services via the SOLIDARIDAD F2 satellite at 113 degrees W.L. for communications between the U.S. and Mexico, on a common carrier basis.  X 4781DSEMP/L98 KB26hhCPACAMTEL, L.L.C. "International Mod" to add SOLIDARIDAD F1 at 109.2 and F2 at 113 degrees W.L., MORELOS 2 at 116.8 degrees W.L., ANIK E1 at 111.1 and E2 at 107.3 degrees W.L. for communication between the U.S. and foreign countries listed in the underlying application.  X4618DSEP/L98 E980153hhCSPECTRUM SATELLITE, INC. One 13meter and two 7.2meter Cband earth stations to provide analog and digitial video, teleconference voice and video, computer data, and Internet services via ALSAT, INTELSAT (for international service only), ANIK E1 at 111.1 and E2 at 107.3 degrees W.L., MORELOS 2 at 116.8 degrees W.L. and SOLIDARIDAD F1 at 109.2 and F2 at 113 degrees W.L..  X4682DSEMP/L98 E900015hhCWILLIAMS COMMUNICATIONS, INC. "Mod" for Kuband Hub station to communicate between the U.S. and Canada via ANIK E1 at 111.1 and E2 at 107.3 degrees W.L. satellites, and between the U.S. and Mexico via MORELOS 2 at 116.8 degrees W.L. and SOLIDARIDAD F1 at 109.2 and F2 at 113 degrees W.L. satellites, to add and replace transmitting equipment.  Xn4530DSEMP/L98 E940526hhCFORD COMMUNICATIONS, INC. "Mod and Amendment" to add ANIK E1 at 111.1 degrees W.L. and SOLIDARIDAD F1 at 109.2 degrees W.L. satellites as point of communications.  X"4684DSEMP/L98 E870823hhCWILLIAMS COMMUNICATIONS, INC. "Mod" for Kuband transmit/receive to communicate between the U.S. and Canada via ANIK E1 at 111.1 and E2 at 107.3 degrees W.L. satellites, and between the U.S. and Mexico via MORELOS 2 at 116.8 degrees W.L. and SOLIDARIDAD F1 at 109.2 and F2 at 113 degrees W.L. satellites, to add and replace transmitting equipment. "Z),**XXN'"Ԍ X4ԙREPORT NO. DS1864hhCqppJULY 29, 1998  X4718DSEP/L98 E980173hhCTURNER BROADCASTING SYSTEM, INC. 9.1meter Cband transmit/receive earth station to provide analog and digital video services via ALSAT, between the U.S. and Canada via ANIK E1 at 111.1 and E2 at 107.3 degrees W.L. satellites, and between the U.S. and Mexico via MORELOS 2 at 116.8 degrees W.L. and SOLIDARIDAD F1 at 109.2 and F2 at 113 degrees W.L. satellites, on a noncommon carrier basis.  X 4595DSEP/L98 E980201hhCDALLAS FORT WORTH TELEPORT II, LTD. 6.1meter antenna to provide analog video with associated audio service via ANIK E1 at 111.1 and E2 at 107.3 degrees W.L. satellites, and between the U.S. and Mexico via MORELOS 2 at 116.8 degrees W.L. and SOLIDARIDAD F1 at 109.2 and F2 at 113 degrees W.L. satellites on a noncommon carrier basis.  X4694DSEMP/L98 E910367hhCWILLIAMS COMMUNICATIONS, INC. "Mod" for Cband transmit/receive earth station to communicate between the U.S. and Mexico via MORELOS 2 at 116.8 degrees W.L. and SOLIDARIDAD F1 at 109.2 and F2 at 113 degrees W.L. satellites on a common carrier basis.  X4596DSEP/L98 E980146hhCMEDLEY INTERNATIONAL TELEPORT, INC. 9.3meter Cband transmit/receive earth station to provide digital data services via PANAMSAT 1, and 2R, SOLIDARIDAD F1 at 109.2 and F2 at 113 degrees W.L. satellites on a noncommon carrier basis.  X4619DSEP/L98 E980154hhCSPECTRUM SATELLITE, INC. 9.1meter Cband transmit/receive earth station to provide analog television, teleconference voice and video, computer data, and Internet services via ALSAT, INTELSAT (for international service only), ANIK E1 at 111.1 and E2 at 107.3 degrees W.L. satellites, and between the U.S. and Mexico via MORELOS 2 at 116.8 degrees W.L. and SOLIDARIDAD F1 at 109.2 and F2 at 113 degrees W.L. satellites on a noncommon carrier basis.  X 4606DSEMP/L98 E873929hhCE.D.S. SPECTRUM CORPORATION "International and Domestic Mod" to add MORELOS 2 at 116.8 degrees W.L., SOLIDARIDAD F1 at 109.2 and F2 at 113 degrees W.L. satellites for communications between the U.S. and Mexico, and to add emission designator.  X"4328DSEP/L98 E980091hhCMFS INTERNATIONAL, INC. 4.1meter Cband transmit/receive earth station to provide analog TV, analog voice, and digital data services via ALAST, ANIK E1 at 111.1 and E2 at 107.3 degrees W.L. satellites, and SOLIDARIDAD F1 at 109.2 and F2 at 113 degrees W.L. satellites. "),**XX'"Ԍ X4ԙREPORT NO. DS1864hhCqppJULY 29, 1998  X4538DSEP/L98 E980132hhCMFS INTERNATIONAL, INC. 13.1meter Cband transmit/receive earth station to provide analog TV, analog voice, and digital data services via ALAST, ANIK E1 at 111.1 and E2 at 107.3 degrees W.L. satellites, and SOLIDARIDAD F1 at 109.2 and F2 at 113 degrees W.L. satellites.  XH4501DSEP/L98 E980127hhCECHOSTAR NORTH AMERICA CORP. 9meter Kuband transmit/receive earth station to provide analog TV, digital TV, IBS, and digital data services via ALSAT, INTELSAT (for international service only), ANIK E1 at 111.1 and E2 at 107.3 degrees W.L. satellites, and SOLIDARIDAD F1 at 109.2 and F2 at 113 degrees W.L. satellites on a noncommon carrier basis.  X 4502DSEP/L98 E980128hhCECHOSTAR NORTH AMERICA CORP. 9meter Kuband transmit/receive earth station to provide analog TV, digital TV, IBS, and digital data services via ALSAT, INTELSAT (for international service only), ANIK E1 at 111.1 and E2 at 107.3 degrees W.L. satellites, and SOLIDARIDAD F1 at 109.2 and F2 at 113 degrees W.L. satellites on a noncommon carrier basis.