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N> ` / #G\  P6G; YP#1000 MHz# Xj\  P6G; XP#  " tM 4 l(Wireless Services) 4  N> ` K#G\  P6G; YP#1400 MHz# Xj\  P6G; XP#  "t FSS, MSS t  N> ` #G\  P6G; YP#500 MHz# Xj\  P6G; XP#  ";# %o"FSS, BSS ;#  N> ` -"#G\  P6G; YP#500 MHz# Xj\  P6G; XP#  "( k&Wireless Services (  N> ` &(#G\  P6G; YP#500 MHz# Xj\  P6G; XP#  "4. +Wireless Services 4.  N> ` K-#G\  P6G; YP#1000 MHz# Xj\  P6G; XP#  "1    2 2    36.0  37.0  37.6  38.6  40.0  40.5  41.0  41.5   42.5    !X @@@@@@@ AXu @@@@@@@  c   2` 2  " tM 6 Current  tMF .:Allocation s  "s.FIXED, MOBILE, }FSS, RADIO yASTRONOMY `"} None Exclusive % Government `"MOBILE, MSS, 2,RNSS `"o MOBILE, MSS, lRNSS `"\MOBILE, MSS, RNSS `" "AMATEUR,  "AMATEUR   "SATELLITE `"s<'FIXED, FSS, |'MOBILE `"|,FIXED, FSS, -MOBILE `"1c  u 2` 2  " tM  h R&O Allocation  tM 6Change s Z"WExclusive  tM Government4 Z" Z"? Z"4 Z"add FIXED Z";# Z"p&Exclusive Nonve'Government Z"4. Z"1 S  2P 2  " tMj +  NPRM Band  tM+ <Plan  3   "  " "? "{(Unlicensed zCommercial qVehicular Radar) P"t 6Wireless Services P";# 'g"(Amateur) P"( h&(Wireless Services) P"4. ,FSS/NGSO P"1S S Z 2PP 2  " tM -  R&O Band  tM~ <Plan  3   ?"  ?" ?"? ?"{(Unlicensed zCommercial qVehicular Radar) P"t 6Wireless Services P";# 'g"(Amateur) P"( h&(Wireless Services) P"4. -FSS P"1S   2P 2 "L"1000 MHz" 2000 MHz"-1200 MHz"L200 MHz"100 MHz"+"200 MHz"}'1000 MHz".-1000 MHz "1   2 2   42.5 43.5 45.5 46.7 46.9 47.0 47.2 48.2  49.2   AXu @@@@@@@  a^x @@@@ s  *p*  " tM 7 Current  tMI .@Allocations   "  ~FIXED, FSS, eMOBILEP"V FIXED, MOBILE,  EES, SPACE  RESEARCH P"? ! FIXED, FSS, MOBILE, MSS P"2 P"rP 1 Space Research is added to the 37.038.0 GHz band to the Government column of the U.S. Table. 2 Space Research and Earth ExplorationSatellite are added to the 40.040.5 GHz band to the Government column of the U.S. Table. 3 Blank indicates no commercial designation in that band. Parentheses indicate preexisting designations. Preexisting designations are not changed by this R&O, which provides designations only for previously undesignated bands. 4 Except for nonGovernment radio astronomy."s  x" *ppsp* " tM  n R&O Allocation  tM 7Charge s }" }"}"?}"2}"r}")" S " *psp*  " tM} + NPRM Band  tM> <Plan  3 P"  [FSS/GSOP" 'P"? Wireless Services ?"2"r")"S  m" *sp*  " tM /2 R&O Band  tM <Plan  3 R!"   FSS  N>R!`  #G\  P6G; YP#  N>!` 1000 MHz# G\  P6G; YP#j""    N>t!` # G\  P6G; YP#  N>"`  200 MHz# G\  P6G; YP#"" tM ?# Xj\  P6G; XP#  tM #Xj\  P6G; XP#Wireless Services  N>R!` ?#G\  P6G; YP#  N>!` / # G\  P6G; YP#1000 MHz# G\  P6G; YP#""2""r"")    *sp*  " X"0K# Xj\  P6G; XP## 49.2# 50.2# 50.4# 51.4# #  # " X#0 '3'3StandardHPLA4MPC.PRSX\ 3'3'StandardHPLA4MPC.PRSX\ Xhhh  hh  Xh   "# #%%%hh$#"Ԍ X0q15.` ` As shown in the chart, there are 15.4 gigahertz of spectrum in the 36.051.4 GHz band, with much of it currently allocated to wireless services and FSS on a coprimary  X0basis. In this Order, we designate a total of 4 gigahertz of spectrum for FSS on a primary basis at 37.638.6 GHz (1000 megahertz) and 40.041.0 GHz (1000 megahertz) for downlinks, and 48.250.2 GHz (2000 megahertz) for uplinks. We also provide a total of 5.6 gigahertz of spectrum for wireless services on a primary basis by retaining the existing wireless services designations at 38.640.0 GHz (1400 megahertz) and 47.248.2 GHz (1000 megahertz) and adding designations for wireless services at 37.037.6 GHz (600 megahertz), 41.042.5 GHz (1500 megahertz), 46.947.0 GHz (100 megahertz), and 50.451.4 GHz (1000 megahertz). We also retain the existing designation for unlicensed commercial vehicular radar at 46.746.9 GHz (200 megahertz) and amateur services at 47.047.2 GHz (200 megahertz). Three gigahertz of spectrum at 42.545.5 GHz is allocated for exclusive Government use. There are  X 0no current commercial designations in the remaining 2.4 gigahertz of the band, i.e., the 36.0 X 037.0 GHz, 45.546.7 GHz and 50.250.4 GHz bands, and we do not adopt any in this Order.  X 0The band plan is the same as that proposed in the NPRM, except that: (1) the proposed FSS service designations in the 37.537.6 GHz and 41.041.5 GHz bands and the proposed wireless service designations in the 38.538.6 GHz and 40.040.5 GHz bands are reversed; (2) we do not provide separate designation for GSO/FSS and NGSO/FSS; and (3) we do not provide for "underlay" licenses in the FSS designated bands.  XS0   X<0q 2.` ` Sharing Issues  X0q ` ` a. FSS and Wireless Services  X0q16.` ` Background In the NPRM, the Commission proposed separate designations for FSS and wireless services because of the technical difficulties involved in sharing between  X0ubiquitous wireless and satellite systems.$XP yO- #C\  P6QIP#э Some FSS and fixed service systems have been able to share spectrum in instances where there have been few satellite earth terminals and primarily fixed, pointtopoint terrestrial operations. In these instances,  yO coordination of specific sites and facilities is required to obtain interferencefree operations by both services.#K\  P@QIP# The Commission noted that frequency sharing was an issue of some contention and concluded that a band plan, with discrete subbands  X0designated for different tyX01Í ÍX01Í Ípes of highdensity services,%P yO #C\  P6QIP#э Generally, "high density services" refer to services in which the user population (or terminal population)  yO is very high for a particular area.#K\  P@QIP# would provide the various proposed  Xo0systems with the best opportunity to succeed.&o@P {O`" #C\  P6QIP#э See NPRM para. 12.#K\  P@QIP#ѐ The Commission also concluded that there was sufficient spectrum in the band to accommodate current and proposed uses without the"X &0*%%ZZ#"  X0need for sharing.'P {Oy #C\  P6QIP#э See NPRM para. 13.#K\  P@QIP#ѐ  X0q17.` ` Discussion The majority of commenters supported separate designations for  X0FSS and wireless services, with many arguing that band sharing would not be feasible.P("ZP {O #X\  P6G;IP##X\  P6G;IP#э See Advanced Radio Telecom Corp. ("ART") Comments at 5; Alcatel Network Systems, Inc. ("Alcatel") Comments at 2; BizTel, Inc. ("BizTel") Comments at 5; Commco, L.L.C. ("Commco") Reply Comments at 23; the Fixed PointtoPoint Communications Section, Network Equipment Division, of the Telecommunications  yO Industry Association ("TIA") Comments at 13; and Teledesic Corporation ("Teledesic") Comments at 4.#K\  P@QIP# P Teledesic states that separate frequency bands, in which each service can develop without constraint, will provide operators with the flexibility and freedom for technical innovation  Xv0needed to succeed, while sharing would limit flexibility and impose additional cost burdens.)vDP {Ok #C\  P6QIP#э See Teledesic Comments at 4.#K\  P@QIP#њ ART argues that sharing would result in interference requiring impractical or unduly  XH0expensive methods to mitigate.*HP {O #C\  P6QIP#э See ART Comments at 6.#K\  P@QIP#є Several satellite commenters, however, assert that it is  X10premature to foreclose sharing without further exploration.V+Z1h P {OJ #C\  P6QIP#э See GE American Communications, Inc. ("GE Americom") Reply Comments at 8; Lockheed Martin Corporation ("Lockheed") Comments at 13; Motorola Comments at 18; and TRW Inc. ("TRW") Comments at  yO 1516. #K\  P@QIP#V Lockheed argues that the question is not whether sharing is feasible, but to what degree, and what burdens are  X 0appropriate,, P {O> #C\  P6QIP#э See Lockheed Reply Comments at 7. #K\  P@QIP#Ѡ while SkyBridge L.L.C. ("SkyBridge") states that its system can share with terrestrial and other satellite systems and that sharing is feasible if stateoftheart sharing  X 0techniques and system design are used.- P {O #C\  P6QIP#э See SkyBridge Comments at 34.#K\  P@QIP#ќ  X 0q18.` ` Our review of the record leads us to concur with the majority of commenters that sharing the same spectrum between ubiquitous wireless and satellite systems is not currently feasible. Although there are technical sharing studies underway in international  Xb0fora,R.bP yO! #C\  P6QIP#э ITUR Working Parties 4A and 4/9S are considering sharing issues, including power flux density limits,  yO" between FSS and terrestrial services in accordance with WRC97 Resolutions 129, 133, and 134. #K\  P@QIP#R sharing is not possible at this time without significant technical constraints on both satellite and terrestrial system operations. Further, due to the low density of systems deployed in these bands at present, we can designate spectrum for particular services without having to"4 .0*%%ZZ#"  X0work around or relocate existing operations. We conclude that designating separate spectrum for FSS and wireless services will provide the various proposed systems with the best opportunity to operate free of interference and will encourage commercial development of this band. Accordingly, we find that the public interest is best served by providing separate  X0designations for FSS and wireless services, as proposed in the NPRM.  Xx0 q` ` b. GSO/FSS and NGSO/FSS   XJ0q19.` ` Background In the NPRM, the Commission proposed to designate separate spectrum for GSO/FSS and NGSO/FSS systems because it envisioned use of the band by both  X 0types of systems./ P {O #C\  P6QIP#э See NPRM para. 21.#K\  P@QIP#ѐ The Commission wanted to maximize the number of satellite systems to facilitate wider service options at reasonable rates for consumers and believed that separate  X 0designations would be the best way to accomplish this goal.   X 0q20.` ` Discussion Satellite industry commenters were divided on whether GSO/FSS and NGSO/FSS systems should share the same spectrum or whether separate designations should be provided. SkyBridge argues that the ability of NGSO systems to share spectrum with GSO systems is largely a function of NGSO system design and states that its satellite application in the Kuband is an example of how a broadband NGSO system, designed from  XO0the start to be capable of sharing with existing systems, can share with GSO systems.u0OZP {OZ #X\  P6G;IP#э See SkyBridge Comments at 23.u Hughes Communications, Inc. ("HCI"), Lockheed, and TRW argue that it is premature to divide the proposed FSS bands further for GSO or NGSO operations because not enough is  X 0known about the services that may be proposed in these bands.1 P {O #C\  P6QIP#э See HCI Comments at 1819; Lockheed Comments at 13; and TRW Reply Comments at 6. #K\  P@QIP# On the other hand, Motorola and Teledesic favor separate designations because this would avoid sharing burdens on their  X0proposed systems.2~P {O  #C\  P6QIP#э See Motorola Comments at 79; and Teledesic Comments at 23. #K\  P@QIP#ѻ  X0q21.` ` Based on our review of the record, we agree with those commenters arguing that it would be premature to make separate GSO and NGSO designations now. When the  X0NPRM was developed, the Commission had no precedent for GSO/NGSO sharing. Subsequently, SkyBridge filed its satellite application for the Kuband arguing that this type"k 20*%%ZZ#"  X0of sharing was now a possibility.3P {Oy #X\  P6G;IP#э  See In the Matter of Amendment of Parts 2 and 25 of the Commission's Rules to Permit Operation of NGSO FSS Systems CoFrequency with GSO and Terrestrial Systems in the Ku Band Frequency Range and Amendment of the Commission's Rules to Authorize Subsidiary Terrestrial Use of the 12.212.7 GHz Band by  {O Direct Broadcast Satellite Licensees and Their Affiliates, Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, FCC No. 98310 (adopted Nov. 19, 1998). Furthermore, two applications filed during the 1997 satellite filing window proposed GSO/NGSO hybrid systems, something not contemplated by  X0the NPRM. While GSO and NGSO designations ultimately may be necessary to allow the most efficient and costeffective use of the spectrum by both types of systems, we will need to determine how much spectrum is needed by the proposed satellite systems, as well as the tradeoffs concerning the possibilities of sharing the same spectrum, before deciding on such specific designations. By not designating spectrum now for GSO and NGSO for FSS, we allow for maximum flexibility during later satellite proceedings, where compatibility of the applications received can be assessed, and any other service rule issues can be addressed.  X30Accordingly, we do not provide separate GSO and NGSO FSS designations in this Order, and we will further consider this issue in future satellite proceedings.  X 0q ` ` c. Underlay Licenses in FSS Bands  X 0q22.` ` Background In the NPRM, the Commission requested comment on whether it should consider issuing "underlay" licenses in bands designated for FSS, but where that use did not exhaust the potential uses of the spectrum in that band. An underlay would involve licensing a second service in a manner that would not interfere with the FSS use. Under the  Xh0NPRM proposal, underlay operations would have more rights than those afforded to secondary  XS0operations, but the exact nature of underlay licenses was not defined.h4S|P {O #X\  P6G;IP#э See supra note 2.h The Commission sought comment on service types within existing allocations and on technical parameters and protection mechanisms that would facilitate the underlay concept.  X0q23.` ` Discussion All of the commenters addressing this issue either opposed or  X0questioned the use of underlays. 5"P {O #C\  P6QIP#э See ART Comments at 1516; Alcatel Reply Comments at 3; GE Americom Comments at 6 and Reply Comments at 11; Harris Reply Comments at 2; HCI Reply Comments at 21; ICEG Comments at 4; Lockheed Comments at 18; Motorola Comments at 16 and Reply Comments at 14; Teledesic Comments at 5; TIA  yO Comments at 17 and Reply Comments at 16; and TRW Comments at 18 and Reply Comments at 5.#K\  P@QIP#  For example, GE Americom asserts that the concept is vague and would complicate the longterm planning and investment necessary for any  X0successful satellite service.6 P {O[$ #C\  P6QIP#э See GE Americom Comments at 7.#K\  P@QIP#ќ Teledesic states that underlays would undercut the Commission's" 60*%%ZZ#" policy of identifying separate bands for satellite and wireless services and would lead to  X0operational constraints that could inhibit technical innovations.7P {Ob #C\  P6QIP#э See Teledesic Comments at 5.#K\  P@QIP#њ Motorola states that underlays would create unresolvable interference situations and would also cause significant confusion outside the U.S. because International Telecommunication Union regulations do not  X0recognize underlay licenses.8ZP {O #C\  P6QIP#э See Motorola Comments at 1517 and Reply Comments at 14.#K\  P@QIP#Ѷ TIA opposes the underlay concept for existing fixed service applications and asserts that an underlay plan would create the same problems as sharing because fixed service and FSS are mutually exclusive at these frequencies. TIA notes that both services plan to use the same geographic area, roughly the same transmission paths, and  XH0high density deployment with little or no coordination.9HP {O #C\  P6QIP#э See TIA Comments at 17 and Reply Comments at 15.#K\  P@QIP#Ѯ  X 0q24.` ` In the NPRM, the Commission proposed to allow underlay licensing of additional services in the FSS designated bands. On further consideration, we agree with the commenters that underlay licensing would be confusing and could undermine the benefits to be derived from providing separate spectrum for satellite and wireless services, including freedom from technical constraints, avoidance of complicated interference problems and the flexibility for technical innovation. We also find that underlay licensing offers no advantages sufficient to outweigh these concerns. Accordingly, we do not adopt underlay licensing in  X{0this Order.  XO0 q 3.` ` Amounts of Spectrum for FSS and Wireless Services  X!0 q25.` ` Background In the NPRM, the Commission proposed to designate 4 gigahertz of spectrum for FSS on a primary basis and 5.6 gigahertz of spectrum for wireless services on  X0a primary basis. In making this proposal, the Commission considered the needs of existing licensees and the needs of both wireless and satellite services as expressed in pending applications, including applications for terrestrial fixed services, the Sky Station proposal and the MStar satellite application filed by Motorola. Fifteen additional satellite applications  X0were filed for this band during the 1997 satellite filing window.:~P {O #C\  P6QIP#э See supra para. 11.#K\  P@QIP#ѝ  Xk0q26.` ` Discussion  Several wireless commenters express general support for the  XT0Commission's proposed band plan.;TP {O$ #C\  P6QIP#э See ART Comments at i; BizTel Comments at 6; Commco Reply Comments at 2; and TIA  yO$ Comments at 2.#K\  P@QIP# TIA proposes some adjustments, with its "preferred"Tj ;0*%%ZZ#" band plan" providing blocks of spectrum for both FSS (4 gigahertz) and commercial wireless  X0services (4.6 gigahertz)<P yOb #C\  P6QIP#э TIA uses the term "CWS" for commercial wireless services in its proposed band plan.#K\  P@QIP# that are more contiguous than those proposed in the NPRM band  X0plan, a modification supported by other commenters as well."=XP {O #C\  P6QIP#э See Alcatel Comments at 2; Digital Microwave Corporation Reply Comments at 2; Harris Reply  yO Comments at 2; and TIA Comments at 13 and Appendix A.#K\  P@QIP#" In addition, because TIA proposes that we designate 1 gigahertz of spectrum as "open" for future auctions (for fixed service, FSS, MSS and broadcastsatellite service ("BSS")), the total amount of spectrum specifically designated for wireless services in the TIA plan is 4.6 gigahertz, rather than the  Xx05.6 gigahertz proposed in the NPRM.>xP {O #C\  P6QIP#э In the NPRM, the Commission proposed a designation of 5.6 gigahertz, with no "open" designations.#K\  P@QIP# In its reply comments, TIA proposes an "alternate  Xc0band plan" that provides a lower frequency designation for FSS than in its preferred plan.?cDP yOX #C\  P6QIP#э TIA Reply Comments at Attachment C.#K\  P@QIP#ћ TIA made this change in response to a request by Motorola that new FSS allocations be  X50located as low as possible in the band.l@5P yO #X\  P6G;IP#э See Motorola Comments at 9.l  X 0q27.` ` The majority of satellite commenters argue that they need more spectrum  X 0designated for long term satellite use than the 4 gigahertz proposed in the NPRM.hAZ d P {O #C\  P6QIP#э See GE Americom Comments at 3; HCI Comments at 10; Lockheed Comments at 8; Motorola Comments at 56; PanAmSat Corporation Reply Comments at 12; Satellite Industry Association Comments at 2; and TRW  yO Comments at 3. #K\  P@QIP#h For example, HCI argues that at least 8 gigahertz (4 gigahertz for uplinks and 4 gigahertz for downlinks) is needed for the nextgeneration of broadband satellite systems, TRW proposes a mix of global and regional satellite allocations totaling 7 gigahertz, GE Americom requests 8  X0gigahertz and Motorola requests 6 gigahertz.BZ P {O #C\  P6QIP#э #C\  P6QIP#See HCI Reply Comments at 2425; TRW Reply comments at 710; GE Americom Reply Comments at 11; and Motorola Comments at 6. HCI and TRW each propose a band plan without separate GSO/FSS and  yO_ NGSO/FSS designations. #K\  P@QIP#ѕ In contrast, Teledesic supports the specific  X0FSS designations proposed in the NPRM.CP {O #C\  P6QIP#э See Teledesic Comments at 3.#K\  P@QIP#њ Several satellite industry commenters state that the Commission can not adequately determine satellite spectrum needs until it opens a satellite  XS0filing window for this band and reviews the applications received.DS:P {O>$ #C\  P6QIP#э See Lockheed Comments at 1112; Motorola Comments at 13; and TRW Comments at 1415.#K\  P@QIP# Several satellite "SD0*%%ZZ#" commenters also argue that because satellite systems take longer to develop and implement, terrestrial systems usually enter new bands first and restrict future satellite use of such  X0bands.EP {OK #C\  P6QIP#э See HCI Comments at 9, Lockheed Comments at 1011, and TRW Comments at 1112.#K\  P@QIP#  X0q28.` ` After considering the various proposals in the record, we conclude that designating 4 gigahertz for FSS and 5.6 gigahertz for wireless services best serves the public interest. While this proposal may not provide all the spectrum desired by the various commenters, we find that it strikes a reasonable balance among the competing services and provides service providers the opportunity to meet their current and projected future needs in this band. In arriving at this decision, we considered the current and future projected needs of both wireless and satellite services, including the applications filed during the recent satellite filing window. In addition, while we note that under existing allocations, FSS potentially has access to more spectrum on a shared basis, by designating 4 gigahertz of spectrum exclusively  X 0for FSS (i.e., without sharing or underlays)jF ZP {O #C\  P6QIP#э See supra para. 24.j we ensure that this spectrum will be available for satellite licensing. While it may be difficult to compare an amount of dedicated spectrum with an amount of shared spectrum, we believe that the 4 gigahertz of spectrum designated exclusively for FSS will ultimately permit more effective deployment of satellite systems than does the current shared allocation scheme, especially considering the ubiquitous nature of both wireless and satellite services and the ability of terrestrial systems to enter shared bands first and potentially restrict later satellite access to such bands. Furthermore, while we are designating a somewhat larger amount of spectrum for wireless services, we note that some of these bands may ultimately be auctioned for any allocated service, which could encompass a  X0broad range of services.GP yO #X\  P6G;IP#э The various bands being designated for wireless services currently include allocations for fixed, mobile, BSS, FSS, MSS, radionavigationsatellite ("RNSS") and broadcasting services.  X0q29.` ` We also reject the band plans proposed by HCI and TRW because several of their specific spectrum designations are notin accord with Commission decisions regarding  X0the 36.051.4 GHz band made in other ongoing proceedings.gHZDP yO #X\  P6G;IP#э For example, HCI's band plan designates 39.540.0 GHz and 47.248.2 GHz for satellites, and TRW's band plan designates 47.4547.95 GHz to FSS, whereas the Commission has already designated these bands for  {O1! wireless services. See supra notes 15 and 17. g In addition, we consider the  X0"open" designations proposed by TIAIf P yO# #X\  P6G;IP#э TIA proposes these designations for future auctions for fixed, FSS, MSS and BSS services. in both of its band plans to be overly broad and not in accord with our overall framework for the 36.051.4 GHz band. We believe that it is"~ I0*%%ZZ#" necessary, in order to achieve our goals in these bands, to identify specific designations rather than adopting the TIA "open" designations approach. Based upon our review of the record, we find that the public interest is best served by designating these bands for wireless services, with specific operations to be considered when service and licensing rules are developed in ongoing and future proceedings.  Xv0 q4.` ` Specific Designations  XH0 q` ` a. FSS Designations  X 0q30.` ` Background In the NPRM, the Commission proposed to designate the 37.538.5 GHz (spacetoEarth or downlink) band and the 48.249.2 GHz (Earthtospace or  X 0uplink) band for NGSO/FSS operations.3J P yOg #C\  P6QIP#э These bands were allocated internationally to FSS at WARC79. However, the Commission has not yet  yO/ implemented that allocation domestically for the 37.538.5 GHz band.#K\  P@QIP#3 The Commission also proposed to designate the  X 040.541.5 GHz (downlink) bandKX P yO #]\  PCIP#э #]\  PCIP#Because this band was previously allocated on an international basis to BSS and because GSO/FSS and BSS operations often have similar technical characteristics, the Commission concluded that FSS downlinks could  yO8 be accommodated in this band. #o\  PC XP#Ѥ and the 49.250.2 GHz (uplink) band for GSO/FSS operations. The Commission noted that before implementing FSS at 40.541.5 GHz we would need to obtain modification of the international frequency allocations table, a  X0modification which was subsequently adopted by WRC97.L @P yO #C\  P6QIP#э At WRC97 a provisional FSS downlink in the 40.542.5 GHz band was added for ITU Regions 2 and 3 and several countries in Region 1. The allocation is subject to provisions that require the protection of radio astronomy stations in the 42.543.5GHz band from FSS operating in the adjacent 41.542.5 GHz band, and  yO which make the allocation provisional as of January 1, 2001 for Regions 1 and 3. #K\  P@QIP# The Commission also proposed to apply the requirements contained in Part 25 of our rules concerning fixedsatellites to FSS systems operating in these bands designated for FSS use in this proceeding. Accordingly, the Commission proposed to amend Section 25.202(a)(1) of its rules to add the 37.538.5 GHz (spacetoEarth), 40.541.5 GHz (spacetoEarth) and 48.250.2 GHz (Earthtospace) bands  X0to the listed FSS frequencies.kM( P yO #]\  PCIP#э 47 C.F.R.  25.202(a)(1)k  X0q31.` ` Discussion The three commenters proposing specific band plans supported the  X0use of the 37.538.5 GHz (downlink) and the 48.250.2 GHz (uplink) bands for FSS,N P {OC# #C\  P6QIP#э See TIA Comments at Appendix A; TIA Reply Comments at Attachment C; HCI Reply Comments at  yO $ Appendix 1; and TRW Reply Comments at Table 1.#K\  P@QIP# and there were no objections from the other commenters. NTIA, however, stated that certain FSS"N0*%%ZZ#" operations in the 37.538.5 GHz band might cause problems with Government operations in the 37.038.0 GHz band and requested that the FSS allocation be shifted upward 100  X0megahertz (to 37.638.6 GHz) to lessen such potential interference problems.OP {OK #C\  P6QIP#э See Letter of August 27, 1998, from William T. Hatch of NTIA to Dale N. Hatfield, Chief, Office of  yO Engineering and Technology.#K\  P@QIP# We consider the 100 megahertz shift requested by NTIA to be in the public interest because it will avoid potential interference problems with Government operations, it should have no adverse impact on potential licensees, and the 37.638.6 GHz band is already allocated internationally for FSS use. We also note that this shift merely moves the FSS and wireless services designations and does not change the amount of spectrum designated to FSS or wireless services. Accordingly, we designate the 37.638.6 GHz and 48.250.2 GHz bands for FSS in our final band plan.  X 0q32.` ` With regard to the 40.541.5 GHz (downlink) band, there was unanimous support from the commenters proposing specific band plans for designating the 40.541.0 GHz  X 0segment for FSS, and only ICEG was against the proposal.iP "P yO #X\  P6G;IP#э See ICEG Comments at 2.i We disagree with the assertion of ICEG that the FSS designation in the 40.541.5 GHz band will stifle the growth of wireless networks in the 40 GHz band. TIA, in its alternate band plan, suggests that we reverse the proposed service designations for the 40.040.5 GHz and the 41.041.5 GHz bands. Specifically, while we proposed to designate the 40.040.5 GHz band for wireless services and the 41.041.5 GHz band for FSS, TIA recommends that we reverse this and designate the 40.040.5 GHz band for FSS and the 41.041.5 GHz band for wireless services. TIA states that these changes will provide a lower part of the band for FSS and will provide more contiguous designations for both FSS and wireless services than those proposed in the  X0NPRM. We find merit in TIA's proposal because it moves half (500 megahertz) of the FSS designated band from a provisional international allocation (41.041.5 GHz) to a fully worldwide allocation (40.040.5 GHz) and because it would also provide the wireless services designation with 1.5 gigahertz of contiguous spectrum instead of the 1 gigahertz of contiguous  X0spectrum proposed in the NPRM. We, therefore, designate the 40.041.0 GHz band for FSS in our final band plan. We note that the 40.040.5 GHz band is also allocated to MSS  X0(downlink),?QXP yO #X\  P6G;IP#э A corresponding uplink band is not designated in this proceeding. However, we note that the 45.547.0 GHz band contains an uplink allocation for MSS. If it is necessary, an uplink designation can be made in future satellite proceedings.? that 40.541.0 GHz band is also allocated to BSS and that some of the applicants who filed applications during the 36.051.4 GHz band satellite filing window seek to provide MSS operations in addition to FSS. It is not our intention to preclude other allocated satellite services in these particular FSS designated bands. We, therefore, designate these other allocated satellite services in the band plan. Service and licensing rules for the use of these bands by these designated satellite services can be determined in future proceedings. "$Q0*%%ZZ`#"  X0q33.` ` Furthermore, because we intend that the requirements contained in Part 25 of our rules concerning fixedsatellites apply to FSS systems operating in the bands designated for FSS in this proceeding, and there were no objections to this proposal, we amend Section 25.202(a)(1) of our rules to add the 37.638.6 GHz (spacetoEarth), 40.041.0 GHz (spacetoEarth), and 48.250.2 GHz (Earthtospace) bands to the listed FSS frequencies.  Xv0 q` ` b. Wireless Services Designations  XH0q34.` ` Background In the NPRM, the Commission proposed to designate the 37.037.5 GHz, 38.540.5 GHz, 41.542.5 GHz, 46.947.0 GHz, 47.248.2 GHz and 50.451.4 GHz bands for wireless services. The Commission noted that it had already received comment on the 38.640.0 GHz band in the 39 GHz proceeding, and on the 41.542.5 GHz, and 47.248.2 GHz bands in the Millimeter Wave proceeding.  X 0q35.` ` Discussion All of the commenters proposing specific band plans support  X 0designating the 37.037.5 GHz, 38.540.0 GHz, 46.947.0 GHz and 50.451.4 GHz bands for  X0wireless services.RXP yO  #C\  P6QIP#э TIA in its preferred band plan proposes to designate the 37.037.5 GHz and 46.947.0 GHz bands for wireless services, however, it proposes an "open" designation in its alternate band plan. As previously discussed,  yO we reject TIA's open designations and instead designate wireless services. #K\  P@QIP#Ѯ Accordingly, we make these designations with certain minor modifications needed to correspond to the FSS designations discussed above. First, because  Xd0of the FSS bands being shifted upward 100 MHz, to 37.638.6 GHz,oSdP {O #]\  PCIP#э See supra para 32.o the bands for wireless services will include the 37.037.6 and 38.640.0 GHz bands. Also as discussed previously,  X60the 40.040.5 GHz band that was proposed for wireless services in the NPRM is being designated in the final band plan for FSS, while the 41.041.5 GHz band that was proposed for FSS is being designated for wireless services. Furthermore, because the proposed 41.542.5 GHz and 47.248.2 GHz designations have already been proposed or allocated for  X0wireless services in other ongoing proceedings,qTzP {O #X\  P6G;IP#э See supra notes 14 and 15.q they are also designated for wireless services in our final band plan.  X0q36.` ` We currently anticipate that the bands being designated for wireless services will be used primarily for terrestrial fixed and mobile services. Further proceedings to develop service and auction rules for these bands will be necessary, however, before operations are authorized. We note that such future proceedings may further define the specific services to be assigned by auction and to operate in particular bands consistent with the U.S. Table of Frequency Allocations. "$ T0*%%ZZ`#"Ԍ X0 ę B.qChanges to the Table of Frequency Allocations  X0 q1.` ` Exclusive Government and NonGovernment Bands  X0 q37.` ` Background In the NPRM, the Commission noted that most of the spectrum in the 36.051.4 GHz band is allocated in the United States on a coprimary basis to both  Xx0Government and nonGovernment operations.6U xP yO #C\  P6QIP#э Except for the 38.639.5 GHz, 40.542.5 GHz, and 47.047.2 GHz bands which are reserved for exclusive nonGovernment operations, and the 43.545.5 GHz band which is reserved for exclusive Government operations. Current and proposed Government operations in the 36.051.4 GHz band include radionavigationsatellite, radio  yOI astronomy, space research, earth explorationsatellite, vehicle radar services, and satellite operations.#K\  P@QIP#6 The Commission requested comment on the feasibility of sharing between Government and nonGovernment systems in this band and noted that joint occupancy of the band could be handled by developing sharing criteria or by  X30providing bands for exclusive Government and nonGovernment use.V"3P yO #X\  P6G;IP#э The Commission also suggested that it might be easier for Government FSS and nonGovernment FSS systems to share than for Government operations to share with nonGovernment wireless services, in part, because it may be possible to develop FSS sharing criteria without significantly reducing the amount of spectrum  {O available for nonGovernment use. See NPRM para. 18. The Commission also stated that NTIA would be the coarbiter with the Commission in deciding how spectrum sharing would be implemented and that current Government operations and requests by the Government for future frequency assignments would be handled in the same manner as they  X 0are now.W P yO" #C\  P6QIP#э Currently, all Government and nonGovernment proposed assignments in shared bands are coordinated with NTIA through the IRAC Frequency Assignment Subcommittee.  X 0q38.` ` On September 24, 1998, NTIA filed a letter proposing that the 47.248.2 GHz band be reallocated for exclusive nonGovernment use, and the 42.543.5 GHz band be  X{0reallocated for exclusive Government use.oX{ P {O #C\  P6QIP#э See supra note 10.o NTIA states that sharing between Government and nonGovernment users is generally better than band reallocation because it offers increased flexibility for all users. However, in cases where widearea systems are authorized where sharing is difficult, band reallocation may be the better choice. In support of its proposal, NTIA states that bidders for licenses in the 47.248.2 GHz band will want some  X0assurance as to the usability of the licenses they will bid on visavis future Government operations in the band. Furthermore, NTIA states that there is a general federal requirement for about one gigahertz of spectrum in this band, including future requirements that cannot be satisfied in the 38 GHz band and any possible future expansion of federal satellite systems currently operating in the 43.545.5 GHz band. NTIA also states that federal agencies have" X0*%%ZZ#" no operational frequency assignments in the 47.248.2 GHz band and that the FCC has no service rules for the 42.543.5 GHz band. NTIA's proposal was placed on public notice and  X0comments were filed.iYP {OK #X\  P6G;IP#э See supra note 32.i  X0 q39.` ` Discussion In response to the NPRM, Motorola and TRW indicated they  X0favored sharing, where feasible, to maximize spectrum use.ZZP {O #C\  P6QIP#э See Motorola Comments at 10; and TRW Comments at 16.#K\  P@QIP#Ѳ TIA, however, states that sharing between Government and nonGovernment users should be minimized because coordination with Government users often takes months rather than the hours or days typical  XJ0of commercial users.[JP {O #C\  P6QIP#э See TIA Comments at 19.#K\  P@QIP#ћ GE Americom and HCI assert that more information on existing and proposed Government use of these bands is needed to avoid uncertainty that would be harmful  X 0to the satellite industry's ability to develop services in these bands.\ ~P {OK #C\  P6QIP#э See HCI Comments at 1516; and GE Americom Reply Comments at 9.#K\  P@QIP#ѽ NTIA submitted current  X 0and proposed Government requirements for the band and proposed general sharing criteria. ] P {O #C\  P6QIP#э See Letter of April 30, 1997, from Richard D. Parlow of NTIA to Richard Smith, Chief, Office of  yO Engineering and Technology.#K\  P@QIP#   X 0NTIA also deemed the proposed band plan acceptable, subject to NTIA/FCC consultations on  X 0band sharing criteria, which included protection of specific NASA/NSF sites^ j P yO #C\  P6QIP#э The NASA/NSF sites are at Goldstone, CA; Socorro, N.M., and Greenbank, W.V.#K\  P@QIP# and coordination. NTIA subsequently indicated that sharing should generally be feasible in the band and requested that we continue to coordinate proposed uses and develop specific band sharing criteria, if necessary, when domestic rules and auction criteria are developed for individual bands.  XM0q40.` ` In response to NTIA's reallocation proposal, Sky Station International, Inc. filed comments supporting the proposal while Lockheed said it did not specifically object, but  X0stated that the proposal would further reduce the amount of spectrum available for FSS._ P {O #X\  P6G;IP#э See Sky Station Comments to the Public Notice at 1; and Lockheed Comments at 2. TIA supports the separation of Government and nonGovernment spectrum as well as the reallocation of the 47.248.2 GHz band for exclusive commercial use. TIA, however, questions the Government need for one gigahertz of additional exclusive spectrum and asks the Commission to work with NTIA to limit the amount of spectrum to that which NTIA" _0*%%ZZP#"  X0realistically expects to use.`P {Oy #X\  P6G;IP#э See TIA Comments to the Public Notice at 23.  X0q41.` ` We adopt NTIA's proposal concerning reallocation of the 42.543.5 GHz and 47.248.2 GHz bands. We note that NTIA has identified the 42.543.5 GHz band for future expansion of federal systems and that this band is not part of the spectrum designated for FSS or wireless services in our band plan and thus should have no adverse impact on nonGovernment FSS and wireless services. In addition, while the radio astronomy service is allocated to the 42.543.5 GHz band and is used for both Government and nonGovernment operations, NTIA has agreed that it would be desirable to continue these allocations. Because we have no commercial designations for the 42.543.5 GHz band except for radio astronomy, and because it will allow commercial operators in the 47 GHz band freedom to operate without being encumbered by future Government systems, we hereby reallocate the 42.543.5 GHz band for exclusive Government use, except for nonGovernment radio astronomy and the 47.248.2 GHz band for exclusive nonGovernment use. We, therefore, amend the U.S. Table of Frequency Allocations accordingly.  X0q42.` ` We conclude that it is premature to adopt any additional band designations for exclusive Government or nonGovernment use in the 36.051.4 GHz band at this time. It appears that sharing will generally be feasible and that further decisions about sharing can best be addressed in subsequent proceedings concerning individual bands. In addition, NTIA has agreed to provide specific information regarding location, parameters, and operational limitations of Government operations in a timely manner, to allow the development of domestic rules for such individual bands. To alleviate concerns about lengthy coordination between Government and nonGovernment users, NTIA has also agreed to encourage federal agencies to satisfy their fixed and mobile requirements in the 36.051.4 GHz band through the use of commercial services, or by using the 36.037.0 GHz band, which has no commercial designation, and the 42.543.5 GHz band, which is designated for exclusive government use in  X0this Order.    X~0 q  Xg0q2.` ` New NonGovernment Allocations  X90q43.` ` Background In the NPRM, the Commission proposed certain changes to the nonGovernment column of the U.S. Table of Frequency Allocations to accommodate the proposed band plan. These changes primarily concerned new allocations for FSS, with  X0proposed downlinks at 37.538.5 GHz and 40.541.5 GHz.jaZP {O# #C\  P6QIP#э See supra para. 30.j The Commission also proposed to upgrade the fixed and mobile services allocation in the 40.542.5 GHz band from secondary to primary status in order to accommodate the proposed wireless underlay in the" a0*%%ZZ"#" 40.541.5 GHz band and the proposed wireless designation in the 41.542.5 GHz band. The gCommission also proposed to add a primary fixed service allocation to the 46.947.0 GHz band to accommodate the proposed wireless designation for that band.  X0q44.` ` Discussion No commenter objected to modifying the allocations table to accommodate the band plan. Because our final band plan differs from that proposed in the  Xv0NPRM, however, our changes to the allocations table differ somewhat from those originally proposed. Thus we modify the nonGovernment column of the U.S. Table of Frequency  XJ0Allocations as follows:bJP yO #C\  P6QIP#э Changes to the international table of allocations resulting from implementing decisions made at WRC97  yO will be addressed in a separate proceeding.#K\  P@QIP# first, we add primary FSS downlink allocations to the 37.638.6 GHz band and 40.541.0 GHz band to accommodate the new FSS designations in these bands; second, we upgrade the fixed and mobile allocations in the 41.042.5 GHz band from secondary to primary status to accommodate the new wireless services designation in this band; and third, we add a primary allocation for fixed service to the existing mobile service designation in the 46.947.0 GHz band to accommodate the wireless services designation in this band.  X0 q3.` ` New Government Allocations  Xd0q45.` ` Background In the NPRM, the Commission, at NTIA's request, proposed certain changes to the Government column of the U.S. Table of Frequency Allocations to  X80permit additional Government operations.hc8 P {O  #X\  P6G;IP#э See supra note 9.h First, the Commission proposed to add space research (spacetoEarth) on a primary basis to the Government column at 37.038.0 GHz. Second, the Commission proposed to add space research (Earthtospace) and earth explorationsatellite (Earthtospace) allocations, both on a primary basis, to the Government column at 40.040.5 GHz. Third, the Commission proposed a secondary earth explorationsatellite (spacetoEarth) allocation at 40.040.5 GHz. This spectrum was allocated worldwide at WARC92, but it has not been allocated domestically.  X0q46.` ` Discussion No commenters objected to the proposed Government allocations.  Xi0TIA states that terrestrial sharing with the NASA stationsvdiP {O #X\  P6G;IP#э See supra para. 39 and note 94.v in remote rural locations is feasible in the spacetoEarth direction through geographic avoidance, but that sharing is not feasible in the Earthtospace direction because complicated coordination or pointing/power  X$0restrictions would be necessary, which would unduly constrain wireless services.e$DP {O% #C\  P6QIP#э See TIA Comments at 19.#K\  P@QIP#ѕ "$e0*%%ZZ`#"Ԍ X0ԙq47.` ` Currently, the only space research sharing with wireless services is in the 37.038.0 GHz band, in the spacetoEarth direction, and we agree with TIA that sharing in this band should cause little or no inconvenience to wireless services. The allocation of space research and earth explorationsatellite at 40.040.5 GHz in the Government column will have to share with FSS which is designated in the nonGovernment column. Sharing criteria for  X0this band can be developed during future satellite proceedings.fAP yO #]\  PCIP#э NTIA also suggests that sharing between space research and commercial satellites (FSS) in the 37.538.0 GHz band would be less problematic if the band is designated for GSO rather than NGSO systems. While we are not providing designations for GSO and NGSO systems at this time, we will consider this request in future  X^ 0satellite proceedings#o\  PC XP#. Accordingly, we adopt the  Xv0allocation changes to the Government column as proposed in the NPRM.  Xa0  XJ0 IV. ORDERING CLAUSES X30?K  X 0q48.` ` Accordingly, IT IS ORDERED that, pursuant to Sections 1, 4(i), 301, 302, 303(e), 303(f), 303(g), 303(r), 304, and 307 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C.  154(i), 301, 302, 303(e), 303(f), 303(g), 303(r), 304, and 307, this Report and Order IS ADOPTED and Parts 2 and 25 of the Commission's Rules ARE AMENDED as specified in Appendix C.  X0q49.` ` IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the rule amendments set forth in Appendix C shall be effective 30 days after publication in the Federal Register.  XM0q50.` ` Pursuant to the Regulatory Flexibility Act, see 5 U.S.C.  604, a Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis ("FRFA") has been performed regarding the rules adopted in this Report and Order. The FRFA is contained in Appendix B. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the Commission's Office of Public Affairs, Reference Operations Division, SHALL SEND a copy of this Report and Order, including the FRFA, to the Chief Counsel for Advocacy of the Small Business Administration. q` `  hh, q` `  hh,FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION q` `  hh,Magalie Roman Salas q` `  hh,Secretary "f0*%%ZZ #"  X0 X  ]APPENDIX A  X0 COMMENTS IN RESPONSE TO NPRM ă   X0 COMMENTERS Advanced Radio Telecom Corp. (ART) Alcatel Network Systems, Inc. (Alcatel) BizTel, Inc. (BizTel) Cellular Phone Taskforce (Taskforce) GE American Communications, Inc. (GE Americom) Hughes Communications, Inc. (HCI) ICEG, Inc. dba International Communications Electronics Group (ICEG) Lockheed Martin Corporation (Lockheed) Motorola Satellite Systems, Inc. (Motorola) Satellite Industry Association (SIA) SkyBridge L.L.C. (SkyBridge) Teledesic Corporation (Teledesic)  Xb0Fixed PointtoPoint Communications Section, Network Equipment Division of the  Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) TRW Inc. (TRW) Winstar Communications, Inc. (Winstar) National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA)  X0 REPLY COMMENTERS Advanced Radio Telecom Corp. (ART) Alcatel Network Systems, Inc. (Alcatel) Commco, L.L.C. (Commco) Digital Microwave Corporation (DMC) GE American Communications, Inc. (GE Americom) Harris Corporation Farinon Division (Harris) Hughes Communications, Inc. (HCI) Lockheed Martin Corporation (Lockheed) Motorola Satellite Systems, Inc. (Motorola) PanAmSat Corporation (PanAmSat) Sky Station International, Inc. (SSI) Teledesic Corporation (Teledesic) Fixed PointtoPoint Communications Section, Network Equipment Division, of the qTelecommunications Industry Association (TIA) TRW Inc. (TRW) Winstar Communications, Inc. (Winstar)"Q%f,>(>(ZZp&#"  X0vc COMMENTS IN RESPONSE TO OCTOBER 1, 1998 PUBLIC NOTICE  X0? ă Fixed PointtoPoint Communications Section, Network Equipment Division, of the qTelecommunications Industry Association (TIA) Sky Station International, Inc. (SSI) Lockheed Martin Corporation (Lockheed) Winstar Communications, Inc. (Winstar)"_f,>(>(ZZ#"  X0 X  APPENDIX B ă  X0  FINAL REGULATORY FLEXIBILITY ANALYSIS ă  X0 q  X0qAs required by the Regulatory Flexibility Act ("RFA"),gZP {O #]\  PCIP#э See 5 U.S.C.  603. The RFA, see 5 U.S.C.  601 et. seq.#x6X@K>fX@##]\  PCIP#, has been amended by the Contract With America Advancement Act of 1996, Pub. L. No. 104121, 110 Stat. 847 (1996) (CWAAA). Title II of the CWAAA is the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996 (SBREFA). an Initial Regulatory  X0Flexibility Analysis ("IRFA") was incorporated in the Notice of Proposed Rule Making  Xx0("NPRM") in IB Docket No. 9795.-hxP {O #C\  P6QIP#X` hp x (#%'0*,.8135@8:0Apply. The RFA generally defines the term "small entity " as having the same meaning as the  X)0terms "small business," "small organization," and "small governmental jurisdiction."mj)P yO #]\  PCIP#э Id.  601(6). m In addition, the term "small business" has the same meaning as the term "small business concern"  X0under the Small Business Act.YkP yOJ #]\  PCIP#э 5 U.S.C.  601(3) (incorporating by reference the definition of "small business concern" in 15 U.S.C. 632). Pursuant to the RFA, the statutory definition of a small business applies "unless an agency, after consultation with the Office of Advocacy of the Small Business Administration and after opportunity for public comment, establishes one or more definitions of such term which are appropriate to the activities of the agency and publishes such definition(s) in the Federal Register." 5 U.S.C.  601(3).Y A small business concern is one which: (1) is independently owned and operated; (2) is not dominant in its field of operation; and (3) satisfies any additional criteria established by the Small Business Administration ("SBA")."N k0*%%ZZ#"ԌThe Commission has not developed a definition of small entities specifically applicable to FSS licensees. Therefore, the applicable definition of small entity is the definition under the  X0Small Business Administration ("SBA") rules applicable to Communications services, Not Elsewhere Classified. This definition provides that a small entity is one with no more than  X0$11.0 million in annual receipts.lP yO #C\  P6QIP#э 13 C.F.R.  121.201, Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Code 4899.#C\  P6QIP# According to Census Bureau data, there are 848 firms that fall under the category of Communications Services, Not Elsewhere Classified. Of those, approximately 775 reported annual receipts of $11 million or less and qualify as small  X_0entities.mX_XP yOh #C\  P6QIP#э U.S. Bureau of the Census, U.S. Department of Commerce, 1992 Census of Transportation, Communications, and Utilities, UC92S1, Subject Series, Establishment and Firm Size, Table 2D,  yO Employment Size of Firms: 1992, SIC Code 4899 (issued May 1995). #C\  P6QIP#Ѯ We note that new services will be permitted under the adopted designations for FSS, and we are unable at this time to provide a more precise estimate of how many potential small entities will be providing these services. As described, the designations we hereby adopt will also permit wireless services to use this spectrum. The Commission has not developed a definition of small entities applicable to wireless services licensees. Therefore, the applicable definition of small entity is the definition under the SBA rules applicable to radiotelephone (wireless) companies. This provides that a small entity is a radiotelephone company employing no more than 1,500  X0persons.ynxP yO #]\  PCIP#э 13 C.F.R.  121.201, SIC code 4812. y According to the Bureau of the Census, only twelve radiotelephone firms out of a  Xy0total of 1,178 such firms which operated during 1992 had 1,000 or more employees.oyP yO2 #]\  PCIP#э 1992 Census, Series UC92S1, at Table 5, SIC code 4812. We note that new services will be permitted under the adopted designations for wireless services, and we are unable at this time to provide a more precise estimate of how many potential small entities will be providing these services, or which wireless services will be utilized.  V0qDescription of Projected Reporting, Recordkeeping and Other Compliance  X0Requirements. The Commission has adopted rules in this Order that involve no reporting requirements at this time. Final service and licensing rules will be proposed at a later date.  V0q Steps Taken to Minimize Significant Economic Impact on Small Entities, and  X0Significant Alternatives Considered. The NPRM solicited comment on other alternatives such as other mechanisms of Government/nonGovernment sharing in those bands proposed  Xi0primarily for FSS uses. The NPRM also requested comment on whether a sufficient amount of spectrum had been designated for wireless and satellite services or whether a different split would be better."=o0*%%ZZ#"ԌqThis Order should positively impact both large and small businesses by providing additional spectrum in which to provide services. Our decisions do not displace incumbent operators. We will be able to address small business concerns regarding specific subbands as we proceed to establish licensing and service rules for those bands in other proceedings.  X0qReport to Congress. The Commission will send a copy of the Report and Order including this FRFA, in a report to be sent to Congress pursuant to the Small Business  Xa0Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996, see 5 U.S.C.  801(a)(1)(A). In addition, the  XL0Commission will send a copy of the Report and Order, including FRFA, to   the Chief Counsel  X50for Advocacy of the Small Business Administration. A copy of the Report and Order and  X 0FRFA (or summaries thereof) will also be published in the Federal Register. See 5 U.S.C.  604(b).  X 0? " o0*%%ZZ #"  X0? APPENDIX C Final Rules Đ?K Parts 2 and 25 of title 47 of the Code of Federal Regulations are proposed to be amended as follows:  X0   qPART 2 FREQUENCY ALLOCATIONS AND RADIO TREATY MATTERS; Xv0qGENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS   XH0X` hp x (#%'0*,.8135@8:հX   a^x @@@@ ddxvvvvv "  "" &sp& " International table "United States table "(FCC use designators&    & &Psp& "]Region 1 allocation GHz" Region 2 allocation GHz",Region 3 allocation GHz"PGovernment"I NonGovernment"r'Rule part(s)"+Specialuse +frequencies(    (" {(1)!@"i +(2)!@"N I (3)!@"Allocation GHz '(4)1P" { Allocation GHz !(5)1P"( }'(6)1P"- ,(7)(    ( &Psp& "~*>"V*>"M*>"R*>"!*>"'*>",*&   5  1& &sp&   L9P36!37ll  EARTH EXPLORATION SATELLITE (passive) FIXED MOBILE SPACE RESEARCH (passive) S5.149s  36!37 EARTH EXPLORATION SATELLITE (passive) FIXED MOBILE SPACE RESEARCH (passive) S5.149s  36!37 EARTH EXPLORATION SATELLITE (passive) FIXED MOBILE SPACE RESEARCH (passive) S5.149s  36!37 EARTH EXPLORATION SATELLITE (passive) FIXED MOBILE SPACE RESEARCH (passive) US263 US342NN s  36!37 EARTH EXPLORATION SATELLITE (passive) FIXED MOBILE SPACE RESEARCH (passive) US263 US342s  s "-&5  !  >& &psp&  37!37.5 FIXED MOBILE SPACE RESEARCH (spacetoEarth) p 37!37.5 FIXED MOBILE SPACE RESEARCH (spacetoEarth) p 37!37.5 FIXED MOBILE SPACE RESEARCH (spacetoEarth) p 37!37.5 FIXED MOBILE SPACE RESEARCH (spacetoEarth) p 37!37.5 FIXED MOBILE p  p"-&!  5  s & &psp&  37.5!37.6 FIXED FIXEDSATELLITE (spacetoEarth) MOBILE SPACE RESEARCH (spacetoEarth) Earth ExplorationSatellite (spacetoEarth) 37.5!37.6 FIXED FIXEDSATELLITE (spacetoEarth) MOBILE SPACE RESEARCH (spacetoEarth) Earth ExplorationSatellite (spacetoEarth) 37.5!37.6 FIXED FIXEDSATELLITE (spacetoEarth) MOBILE SPACE RESEARCH (spacetoEarth) Earth ExplorationSatellite (spacetoEarth) 37.5!37.6 FIXED MOBILE SPACE RESEARCH (spacetoEarth) 37.5!37.6 FIXED MOBILE  "-&5  5  & &sp&  37.6!38 FIXED FIXEDSATELLITE (spacetoEarth) MOBILE SPACE RESEARCH (spacetoEarth) Earth ExplorationSatellite (spacetoEarth) 37.6!38 FIXED FIXEDSATELLITE (spacetoEarth) MOBILE SPACE RESEARCH (spacetoEarth) Earth ExplorationSatellite (spacetoEarth) 37.6!38 FIXED FIXEDSATELLITE (spacetoEarth) MOBILE SPACE RESEARCH (spacetoEarth) Earth ExplorationSatellite (spacetoEarth) 37.6!38 FIXED MOBILE SPACE RESEARCH (spacetoEarth) 37.6!38 FIXED MOBILE FIXEDSATELLITE (spacetoEarth)  SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS (25)"-&5  ;  & &@sp&  38!38.6 FIXED FIXEDSATELLITE (spacetoEarth) MOBILE Earth ExplorationSatellite (spacetoEarth)9@ 38!38.6 FIXED FIXEDSATELLITE (spacetoEarth) MOBILE Earth ExplorationSatellite (spacetoEarth)9@ 38!38.6 FIXED FIXEDSATELLITE (spacetoEarth) MOBILE Earth ExplorationSatellite (spacetoEarth)9@ 38!38.6 FIXED MOBILE9@ 38!38.6 FIXED FIXEDSATELLITE (spacetoEarth) MOBILE9@  SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS (25) 9@"-"o P`"&;    & &@sp& " International table "United States table "(FCC use designators&    & &Psp& "]Region 1 allocation GHz" Region 2 allocation GHz",Region 3 allocation GHz"PGovernment"I NonGovernment"r'Rule part(s)"+Specialuse +frequencies(    (" {(1)!@"i +(2)!@"N I (3)!@"Allocation GHz '(4)1P" { Allocation GHz !(5)1P"( }'(6)1P"- ,(7)( +  ( &P0sp&  38.6!39.5 FIXED FIXEDSATELLITE (spacetoEarth) MOBILE Earth ExplorationSatellite (spacetoEarth)\0 38.6!39.5 FIXED FIXEDSATELLITE (spacetoEarth) MOBILE Earth ExplorationSatellite (spacetoEarth)\0 38.6!39.5 FIXED FIXEDSATELLITE (spacetoEarth) MOBILE Earth ExplorationSatellite (spacetoEarth)\0 38.6!39.5 US291\0 38.6!39.5 FIXED FIXEDSATELLITE (spacetoEarth) MOBILE US291\0  FIXED MICROWAVE SERVICES (101) Auxiliary Broadcasting (74)\0"-&+  5  1& &0sp&  39.5!40 FIXED FIXEDSATELLITE (spacetoEarth) MOBILE MOBILESATELLITE (spacetoEarth) Earth ExplorationSatellite (spacetoEarth)  39.5!40 FIXED FIXEDSATELLITE (spacetoEarth) MOBILE MOBILESATELLITE (spacetoEarth) Earth ExplorationSatellite (spacetoEarth)  39.5!40 FIXED FIXEDSATELLITE (spacetoEarth) MOBILE MOBILESATELLITE (spacetoEarth) Earth ExplorationSatellite (spacetoEarth)  39.5!40 FIXEDSATELLITE (spacetoEarth) MOBILESATELLITE (spacetoEarth) US291 G117  39.5!40 FIXED FIXEDSATELLITE (spacetoEarth) MOBILE MOBILESATELLITE (spacetoEarth) US291   FIXED MICROWAVE SERVICES (101) Auxiliary Broadcasting (74) "-&5    \& &sp&  40!40.5 EARTH EXPLORATION SATELLITE (Earthtospace) FIXED FIXEDSATELLITE (spacetoEarth) MOBILE MOBILESATELLITE (spacetoEarth) SPACE RESEARCH (Earthtospace) Earth ExplorationSatellite (spacetoEarth)_ 40!40.5 EARTH EXPLORATION SATELLITE (Earthtospace) FIXED FIXEDSATELLITE (spacetoEarth) MOBILE MOBILESATELLITE (spacetoEarth) SPACE RESEARCH (Earthtospace) Earth ExplorationSatellite (spacetoEarth)_ 40!40.5 EARTH EXPLORATION SATELLITE (Earthtospace) FIXED FIXEDSATELLITE (spacetoEarth) MOBILE MOBILESATELLITE (spacetoEarth) SPACE RESEARCH (Earthtospace) Earth ExplorationSatellite (spacetoEarth)_ 40!40.5 EARTH EXPLORATIONSATELLITE (Earthtospace) FIXEDSATELLITE (spacetoEarth) MOBILESATELLITE (spacetoEarth) SPACE RESEARCH (Earthtospace) Earth ExplorationSatellite (spacetoEarth) G117_ 40!40.5 FIXEDSATELLITE (spacetoEarth) MOBILESATELLITE (spacetoEarth) _ SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS (25) _"-&     & &`sp&  40.5!41.0 BROADCASTING SATELLITE BROADCASTING Fixed Mobile 40.5!41.0 BROADCASTING SATELLITE BROADCASTING Fixed Mobile @ 40.5!41.0 BROADCASTING SATELLITE BROADCASTING Fixed Mobile,Ʈ@ 40.5!41.0 US211)` 40.5!41.0 BROADCASTING SATELLITE BROADCASTING FIXEDSATELLITE (spacetoEarth) Fixed Mobile US211)`  SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS (25) )`"-" o `"&    _& &`sp& " International table "United States table "(FCC use designators&    & &Psp& "]Region 1 allocation GHz" Region 2 allocation GHz",Region 3 allocation GHz"PGovernment"I NonGovernment"r'Rule part(s)"+Specialuse +frequencies(    (" {(1)!@"i +(2)!@"N I (3)!@"Allocation GHz '(4)1P" { Allocation GHz !(5)1P"( }'(6)1P"- ,(7)(   ( &Psp&  41.0!42.5 BROADCASTING SATELLITE BROADCASTING Fixed Mobile 41.0!42.5 BROADCASTING SATELLITE BROADCASTING Fixed Mobile \0 41.0!42.5 BROADCASTING SATELLITE BROADCASTING Fixed Mobile,Ʈ\0 41.0!42.5 US211 41.0!42.5 BROADCASTING SATELLITE BROADCASTING FIXED MOBILE US211  "-&  5  1& &sp&  42.5!43.5 FIXED FIXEDSATELLITE (Earthtospace) S5.552 MOBILE except aeronautical mobile RADIO ASTRONOMY S5.149 42.5!43.5 FIXED FIXEDSATELLITE (Earthtospace) S5.552 MOBILE except aeronautical mobile RADIO ASTRONOMY S5.149 42.5!43.5 FIXED FIXEDSATELLITE (Earthtospace) S5.552 MOBILE except aeronautical mobile RADIO ASTRONOMY S5.149 42.5!43.5 FIXED FIXEDSATELLITE (Earthtospace) MOBILE except aeronautical mobile RADIO ASTRONOMY US342 42.5!43.5 RADIO ASTRONOMY "-&5    & &sp&  43.5!45.5 MOBILE S5.553 MOBILESATELLITE RADIONAVIGATION RADIONAVIGATION SATELLITE S5.554 43.5!45.5 MOBILE S5.553 MOBILESATELLITE RADIONAVIGATION RADIONAVIGATION SATELLITE S5.554 43.5!45.5 MOBILE S5.553 MOBILESATELLITE RADIONAVIGATION RADIONAVIGATION SATELLITE S5.554 43.5!45.5 FIXEDSATELLITE (Earthtospace) MOBILESATELLITE (Earthtospace) G117 43.5!45.5 "-&    & &sp&  45.5!46.9 MOBILE S5.553 MOBILESATELLITE RADIONAVIGATION RADIONAVIGATION SATELLITE S5.554v 45.5!46.9 MOBILE S5.553 MOBILESATELLITE RADIONAVIGATION RADIONAVIGATION SATELLITE S5.554v 45.5!46.9 MOBILE S5.553 MOBILESATELLITE RADIONAVIGATION RADIONAVIGATION SATELLITE S5.554v 45.5 ! 46.9 MOBILE MOBILESATELLITE (Earthtospace) RADIONAVIGATION SATELLITE S5.554v 45.5 ! 46.9 MOBILE MOBILESATELLITE (Earthtospace) RADIONAVIGATION SATELLITE S5.554 v  RADIO FREQUENCY DEVICES (15)v"-&  E  & &sp&  46.9!47 MOBILE S5.553 MOBILESATELLITE RADIONAVIGATION RADIONAVIGATION SATELLITE S5.554 46.9!47 MOBILE S5.553 MOBILESATELLITE RADIONAVIGATION RADIONAVIGATION SATELLITE S5.554 46.9!47 MOBILE S5.553 MOBILESATELLITE RADIONAVIGATION RADIONAVIGATION SATELLITE S5.554 46.9 ! 47 MOBILE MOBILESATELLITE (Earthtospace) RADIONAVIGATION SATELLITE S5.554 46.9 ! 47 FIXED MOBILE MOBILESATELLITE (Earthtospace) RADIONAVIGATION SATELLITE S5.554  "-"!o `0"&E    v& &sp& " International table "United States table "(FCC use designators&    & &Psp& "]Region 1 allocation GHz" Region 2 allocation GHz",Region 3 allocation GHz"PGovernment"I NonGovernment"r'Rule part(s)"+Specialuse +frequencies(    (" {(1)!@"i +(2)!@"N I (3)!@"Allocation GHz '(4)1P" { Allocation GHz !(5)1P"( }'(6)1P"- ,(7)(   ( &Psp&  47!47.2 AMATEUR AMATEURSATELLITEH 47!47.2 AMATEUR AMATEURSATELLITEH 47!47.2 AMATEUR AMATEURSATELLITEH 47!47.2H 47 ! 47.2 AMATEUR AMATEURSATELLITEH  AMATEUR (97)H"-&    1& &sp&  47.2!48.2 FIXED FIXEDSATELLITE (Earthtospace) S5.552 MOBILE S5.149 S5.340 S5.555  47.2!48.2 FIXED FIXEDSATELLITE (Earthtospace) S5.552 MOBILE S5.149 S5.340 S5.555   47.2!48.2 FIXED FIXEDSATELLITE (Earthtospace) S5.552 MOBILE S5.149 S5.340 S5.555   47.2 ! 48.2   47.2! 48.2 FIXED FIXEDSATELLITE (Earthtospace) MOBILE S5.555 US264 US297 US342    "-&    H& &sp&  48.2!50.2 FIXED FIXEDSATELLITE (Earthtospace) S5.552 MOBILE S5.149 S5.340 S5.555 48.2!50.2 FIXED FIXEDSATELLITE (Earthtospace) S5.552 MOBILE S5.149 S5.340 S5.555  48.2!50.2 FIXED FIXEDSATELLITE (Earthtospace) S5.552 MOBILE S5.149 S5.340 S5.555  48.2 ! 50.2 FIXED FIXEDSATELLITE (Earthtospace) MOBILE S5.555 US264 US297 US342  48.2! 50.2 FIXED FIXEDSATELLITE (Earthtospace) MOBILE S5.555 US264 US297 US342  SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS (25)"-&    & &sp&  50.2!50.4 EARTH EXPLORATION SATELLITE (passive) FIXED MOBILE SPACE RESEARCH (passive)0 50.2!50.4 EARTH EXPLORATION SATELLITE (passive) FIXED MOBILE SPACE RESEARCH (passive)0 50.2!50.4 EARTH EXPLORATION SATELLITE (passive) FIXED MOBILE SPACE RESEARCH (passive)0 50.2! 50.4 EARTH EXPLORATION SATELLITE (passive) FIXED MOBILE SPACE RESEARCH (passive) US263X 50.2! 50.4 EARTH EXPLORATION SATELLITE (passive) FIXED MOBILE SPACE RESEARCH (passive) US263X X"-&  5  & &sp&  50.4!51.4  L9ePFIXEDl  FIXEDSATELLITE (Earthtospace) MOBILE MobileSatellite (Earthtospace)0 50.4!51.4 FIXED FIXEDSATELLITE (Earthtospace) MOBILE MobileSatellite (Earthtospace)  50.4!51.4 FIXED FIXEDSATELLITE (Earthtospace) MOBILE MobileSatellite (Earthtospace),Ʈ 50.4! 51.4 FIXED FIXEDSATELLITE (Earthtospace) MOBILE MOBILESATELLITE (Earthtospace) G117 50.4! 51.4 FIXED FIXEDSATELLITE (Earthtospace) MOBILE MOBILESATELLITE (Earthtospace) "-&5    X& &sp& "~*"V*"M*"R*"!*"'*",*    L9P '3'3Standardindows FormRSX\ 3'3'Standardindows FormRSX\ հX"  X   ""o `"  X0#Xj\  P6G; XP# X SINTERNATIONAL FOOTNOTES ? Y* * * * * I. New "S" Numbering Scheme Y* * * * * Y  XH0 4YS5.34044All emissions are prohibited in the following bands: 14001427 MHz,  X 044m 26902700 MHzm m except those provided for by Nos. S5.421 and S5.422,  X 010.6810.7 GHzm m except those provided for by No. S5.483,(#m  X 015.3515.4 GHzm m except those provided for by No. S5.511, 23.624 GHz, 31.331.5 GHz,  X 031.531.8 GHz m m in Region 2,  X048.9449.04 GHzm m from airborne stations, 51.454.25 GHz, 58.259 GHz, 6465 GHz, 8692 GHz, 105116 GHz,  X0 p 140.69140.98 GHzm m from airborne stations and from space stations in the spacetoEarth direction, (#m  X0182185 GHz m m except those provided for by No. S5.563, 217231 GHz. Y* * * * *  Xe0 0YS5.55244The allocation of the spectrum for the fixedsatellite service in the bands 42.5-43.5  GHz and 47.2-50.2 GHz for Earthtospace transmission is greater than that in the band 37.5-39.5  GHz for spacetoEarth transmission in order to accommodate feeder links to broadcasting  satellites. Administrations are urged to take all practicable steps to reserve the band  047.2-49.2GHz for feeder links for the broadcastingsatellite service operating in the band 40.5-42.5 GHz.  X 0 0PYS5.55344In the bands 43.5-47 GHz, 66-71 GHz, 95-100 GHz, 134-142GHz, 190-200 GHz and  252-265 GHz, stations in the land mobile service may be operated subject to not causing harmful  Pinterference to the space radiocommunication services to which these bands are allocated (see No.S5.43).  XQ%0 0PYS5.55444In the bands 43.5-47 GHz, 66-71 GHz, 95100 GHz, 134-142GHz, 190-200 GHz and  252-265 GHz, satellite links connecting land stations at specified fixed points are also authorized when used in conjunction with the mobilesatellite service or the radionavigationsatellite service.  X(0 0YS5.55544Additional allocation: the bands 48.94-49.04 GHz, 97.88-98.08 GHz, 140.69-140.98  GHz, 144.68-144.98 GHz, 145.45-145.75 GHz, 146.82-147.12 GHz, 250-251 GHz and 262.24-")#o,** +" 262.76 GHz are also allocated to the radio astronomy service on a primary basis. Y* * * * * UNITED STATES (US) FOOTNOTES Y* * * * *  XH0YUS34244In making assignments to stations of other services to which the bands: h ddxvvvvv ddx $> F h  q    1336013410 kHz  48254835 MHz*  48.9449.04 GHz*q q   37.538.25 MHz  14.4714.5 GHz*  97.8898.08 GHz*q q  322328.6 MHz*m  22.0122.21 GHz*m  140.69140.98 GHz*q q  13301400 MHz* 22.2122.5 GHz 144.68144.98 GHz* q q m  1610.61613.8 MHz*O 22.8122.86 GHz*O 145.45145.75 GHz* q q  16601670 MHz 23.0723.12 GHz* 146.82147.12 GHz*q q O 32603267 MHz*1 31.231.3 GHz1 262.24262.76 GHz*q q  33323339 MHz* 36.4336.5 GHz* 265275 GHzq  1   3345.83352.5 MHz*# 42.543.5 GHz#    P are allocated (* indicates radio astronomy use for spectral line observations), all practicable steps  `shall be taken to protect the radio astronomy service from harmful interference. Emissions from  Pspaceborne or airborne stations can be particularly serious sources of interference to the radio  astronomy service (see Nos. 343/S4.5 and 344/S4.6 and Article 36/S29 of the ITU Radio Regulations). Y* * * * *  Xk0 PART 25SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS  X=0 1.YThe authority citation for Part 25 continues to read as follows:  @ AUTHORITY: Secs. 25.101 to 25.601 issued under Sec. 4, 48 Stat. 1066, as amended; 47  `U.S.C. 154. Interpret or apply secs. 101104, 76 Stat. 419427; 47 U.S.C. 701744; 47 U.S.C. 554.  X$02. The table and footnotes in paragraph 25.202(a)(1) are revised to read as follows:  25.202 Frequencies, frequency tolerance and emission limitations.  Xn'0  XW(0   (a)(1) Frequency bands. The following frequencies are available for use by the fixedsatellite  service. Precise frequencies and bandwidths of emission shall be assigned on a casebycase"B)$o,***`" basis.  m  O ddx $> F ddx% O  q    SpacetoEarth (GHz)C  Earthtospace (GHz)q     X0 3.74.21  X0 10.9511.21,2   X0 11.4511.71,2  X0 11.712.23  Xo0 17.719.71 19.720.2  XA 0 37.638.6 40.041.0#   X0 5.9256.4251  X0 13.7514.04  X0 14.014.25  X0 14.214.5  Xo0 27.529.51  XX0 29.530.0 48.250.2 C  X 0 m  4m `  1YThis band is shared coequally with terrestrial radiocommunication services.  X 0 p 2YUse of this band by the fixedsatellite service is limited to international systems, i.e., other than domestic systems.  X0 0 3YUse of this band by the fixedsatellite service in Region 2 is limited to national and  subregional systems. Fixedsatellite transponders may be used additionally for transmissions in the broadcastingsatellite service.  X0  4YThis band is shared on an equal basis with the Government radiolocation service, grandfathered  pspace stations in the Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System, and until January 1, 2000, spaceborne sensors.  X?0  5YIn this band, stations in the radionavigation service shall operate on a secondary basis to the fixedsatellite service.  X0  * * * * *