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(1) (a) (i) 1) a).K+&,$@`O5Bȗ+&>$ 2R-PPHQQ58`O5T(G2P1. a. i. (1) (a) (i) 1) a).K+&,$@`O5Bȗ+&>/` ` ` 59`O5T(G2P1. a. i. (1) (a) (i) 1) a).K+&,$@`O5Bȗ+&>:` ` `  60`O5T(G2P1. a. i. (1) (a) (i) 1) a).K+&,$@`O5Bȗ+&>E` ` `  61`O5T(G2P1. a. i. (1) (a) (i) 1) a).K+&,$@`O5Bȗ+&>P` ` ` hhh 2TRuS4TQ62`O5T(G2P1. a. i. (1) (a) (i) 1) a).K+&,$@`O5Bȗ+&>[ 63`O5T(G2P1. a. i. (1) (a) (i) 1) a).K+&,$@`O5Bȗ+&>f 64`O5T(G2P1. a. i. (1) (a) (i) 1) a).K+&,$@`O5Bȗ+&>q 20U T4  . T4  #&I\  P6Qu&P#Federal Communications Commission`g(#bFCC 98263 ă   yx}dddy .    S4   1. 1. 1. a.(1)(a) i) a) I. 1. 1. a.(1)(a) i) a) Od Before the  FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION .5Washington D.C. 20554  T44 In the Matter of  Th4AT&T SUBMARINE SYSTEMS, INC.q)  T54` `  hhCq)ppFile No. SCL94006  T4Application for a License to Land and q)  T4Operate a Digital Submarine Cable Systemq)  T 4Between St. Thomas and St. Croix in theq)  Ti 4U.S. Virgin Islands  hhCq)  S 4  MEMORANDUM OPINION AND ORDER \  T 4Adopted:` ` October 5, 1998 hhCqReleased:October 9G%p , 1998 (#(# By the Commission:  T4G INTRODUCTION ă  Tk41.` ` In this decision, we deny the Virgin Islands Telephone Corporation's ("Vitelco") application for review of the International Bureau's grant of a license to AT&T Submarine Systems, Inc. ("AT&TSSI") to land and operate, on a noncommon carrier basis, a digital submarine cable  T4system extending between St. Thomas and St. Croix in the U.S. Virgin Islands. xP:'ԍXVirgin Islands Telephone Corp. Application for Review (filed June 7, 1996) ("Vitelco Application").(#Ɯ We find that the Telecommunications Act of 1996 ("1996 Act") does not require us to regulate AT&TSSI as a common carrier and that there are no other public interest reasons for doing so. Therefore, we uphold the Bureau's decision to regulate AT&TSSI as a noncommon carrier in its provision of  T4capacity on the St. ThomasSt. Croix cable system.X zP'ԍXSee AT&T Submarine Systems, Inc., 11 FCC Rcd 14885 (Int'l Bur. 1996) ("Order").(#Ɣ  T4MP BACKGROUND ă  T:42. ` ` AT&TSSI, a whollyowned subsidiary of AT&T Corp. (AT&T), operates a submarine cable station in St. Thomas that serves several cable systems, including Americas1 and Columbus II. In its application for a cable landing license in 1994, AT&TSSI stated that the St.  T4Thomas cable station was operating at capacity and would not be able to accommodate future growth. xP+#'ԍXAT&TSSI Application to Land and Operate a Digital Submarine Cable System Between St. Thomas and St. Croix in the U.S. Virgin Islands at 2 (filed September 2, 1994). Cable station capacity refers to the number of cable sytems or cable fiber pairs that a cable station can physically accomodate. Cable capacity refers to the circuits on a cable system available for transporting telecommunications services.(#  Tn4Accordingly, AT&TSSI applied for a license to land and operate the St. ThomasSt. Croix cable"n0*((UU" system on a noncommon carrier basis in which bulk capacity would be sold outright to purchasers on  T4an indefeasible right of use (IRU) basis. % zP5'ԍXId. As the Commission stated: "An IRU interest in a communications facility is a form of acquired capital in which the holder possesses an exclusive and irrevocable right to use the facility and to include its capital contribution in its rate base, but not the right to control the facility or, depending on the particular IRU contract, any right to salvage . . . . The IRU is conveyed by a facility co-owner to a carrier that did not elect to become a facility co-owner or that as a facility co-owner did not purchase sufficient capacity to meet its projected demand over the life of the facility." Reevaluation of the Depreciated-Original-Cost Standard in Setting Prices for Conveyances of Capital Interests in Overseas  zP'Communications Facilities Between or Among U.S. Carriers, Report and Order, 7 FCC Rcd 4561, 4561 n.1 (1992). (#ƛ The St. ThomasSt. Croix system would consist of three segments: (1) a cable station at St. Thomas; (2) a submarine cable and system interfaces at the cable  Tg4stations at St. Thomas and St. Croix; and (3) a cable station at St. Croix. AT&TSSI stated that the St. ThomasSt. Croix cable system would also provide a "virtual node" in St. Croix that would, in effect, expand the capacity of the existing St. Thomas cable station by providing a viable alternative  T4interconnection point for current and future international cable systems in the Caribbean region.~% xP 'ԍXAT&TSSI stated that the St. ThomasSt. Croix cable system will employ SL100 fiber optic repeaterless technology and will operate at 622 Mbps on each of 12 optical fiber pairs. The operating capacity is 8064 64 Kbit/s circuits per fiber pair or up to 40,320 virtual voice circuits per fiber pair when Digital Circuit Multiplication Equipment is used. AT&TSSI Application for a License to Land and Operate a Digital Submarine System Between St. Thomas and St. Croix in the U.S. Virgin Islands at 2 (filed Sep. 2, 1994); AT&T First Supplemental Comments at 1 (filed Jan. 6, 1995).(#~ The  T4system could also be used by authorized carriers to provide alternate routing of interisland traffic within the U.S. Virgin Islands. AT&TSSI stated that it would offer IRU capacity to all carriers at market prices, and on the same terms and conditions. AT&TSSI stated that its common carrier affiliate did not have any plans to use the proposed system. AT&TSSI stated that, as a noncommon  T4carrier, it did not want to own and operate common carrier cables.{% xP'ԍXAT&T Opposition to Deny (filed October 27, 1994) at 8, n.16.(#{  T 4  Ti 43. ` ` The Bureau issued AT&TSSI a cable landing license on May 8, 1996. The Bureau recently approved the pro forma assignment of this license from AT&TSSI to Transoceanic  T 4Communications, which is also a whollyowned subsidiary of AT&TSSI. % zPG'ԍXSee In the Matter of Transoceanic Communications, Inc., AT&T Submarine Systems, Inc., File No.  zP'SCL94006AL, Modification of Cable Landing License, DA98284, released February 17, 1998. (#  For purposes of this Order, we will continue to refer to AT&TSSI as the licensee.  T74` ` X DISCUSSION ă  T44. ` ` The issues before us on review are whether the Bureau erred in concluding that: (1) AT&TSSI is not a "telecommunications carrier," as defined in the 1996 Act, and (2) the public  Tk4interest does not require AT&TSSI to operate its cable on a common carrier basis. The petitioner,"k0*&&UU"  T4Vitelco, is the incumbent provider of local exchange services in the U.S. Virgin Islands.+% xPh'ԍX4Vitelco currently operates microwave facilities between St. Thomas and St. Croix. It states that before the Commission gave public notice of AT&TSSI's application, Vitelco's board of directors approved plans for its own fiber optic facility as a backup to its microwave facilities and to expand its capacity for local broadband service. According to Vitelco, it is undecided how it will proceed in light of AT&TSSI's application. Vitelco Petition to Deny at 1 (filed Oct. 14, 1994).(#+ Vitelco, along with Telefonica Larga Distancia de Puerto Rico (TLD), an interexchange services provider in the U.S. Virgin IslandsPuerto Rico market, had previously filed petitions to deny AT&TSSI's application because they believed AT&TSSI should be required to operate the St. Thomas cable station on a common carrier basis. For the following reasons, we reject Vitelco's application for review and find that the Bureau did not err in allowing AT&TSSI to operate the St. ThomasSt. Croix cable system on a noncommon carrier basis.  Th45. ` ` We first address Vitelco's argument that the 1996 Act includes a new statutory definition of telecommunications carrier which, as applied to the AT&TSSI cable, requires that the proposed cable system be operated on a common carrier basis. As defined in the 1996 Act: X"The term 'telecommunications carrier' means any provider of telecommunications services, except that such term does not include aggregators of telecommunications services (as defined in section 226). A telecommunications carrier shall be treated as  T 4a common carrier under this Act only to the extent that it is engaged in providing telecommunications services, except that the Commission shall determine whether the  T 4provision of fixed and mobile satellite service shall be treated as common carriage."Q x% xP'ԍX47 U.S.C.  153(44). (#Q  The Act further defines "telecommunications services" as "the offering of telecommunications for a fee directly to the public, or to such classes of users as to be effectively available directly to the  T4public, regardless of the facilities used."P % zPy'ԍXId.  153(46).(#P Vitelco argues that, because AT&TSSI sells cable capacity to common carriers or consortia of common carriers who sell telecommunications services directly to the public, AT&TSSI provides a telecommunications service that is "effectively available directly to the public." Vitelco also avers that, because AT&TSSI's customers are not restricted from offering telecommunications services to the public, AT&TSSI is a "telecommunications carrier"  T4as defined in the 1996 Act.c % xP 'ԍXVitelco Application at 45; Reply at 23. (#c  T4  Tl46. ` ` We disagree with Vitelco that the activities of AT&TSSI's customers are relevant to a determination of whether AT&TSSI is a telecommunications carrier or a common carrier. As the Commission has previously held, the term "telecommunications carrier" means essentially the same as"* 0*&&UU"  T4common carrier. % zPh'ԍXAs the Commission concluded in Cable & Wireless, the legislative history of the 1996 Act indicates that the definition of telecommunications services is intended to clarify that telecommunications services are  zP'common carrier services. Cable & Wireless, 12 FCC Rcd 8516, 85218522 (1997) ("Cable &  zP'Wireless"). Specifically, the Joint Explanatory Statement states that the definition of telecommunications services "recognizes the distinction between common carrier services that are  zPV'provided to the public ... and private services." H.R. Conf. Rep. No. 104458 at 116 (1996).(# It does not, as Vitelco suggests, introduce a new concept whereby we must look to the customers' customers to determine the status of a carrier.  Tg47. ` ` The Communications Act of 1934, as amended, defines "common carrier" as "any  T44person engaged as a common carrier for hire, in interstate or foreign communication by wire ..."P 4H% xP 'ԍX47 U.S.C.  153(10).(#P The Commission's rules define a "communication common carrier" as "any person engaged in  T4rendering communications for hire to the public."M% xPF'ԍX47 C.F.R.  21.2.(#M The courts, in the NARUC I decision, established  T4a twopart test to determine if common carriage is required:  T74X"[W]e must inquire, first, whether there will be any legal compulsion ... to serve [the public] indifferently, and if not, second, whether there are reasons, implicit in the nature of ... [the] operations to expect an indifferent holding out to the eligible user  T 4public." h % S'ԍXNational Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners v. Federal Communications Commission#&a\  P6G;u&P#,  S~'525 F.2d 630, 642 (D.C. Cir. 1976), #&_*f9 xr G; &X#cert. denied.# &a\  P6G;u&P#, 425 U.S. 992 (1976) (#&_*f9 xr G; &X#"NARUC I"# &a\  P6G;u&P#) (citing Semon v. Royal Indemnity Co., 279 F.2d 737, 739 (5th Cir. 1960).(#   T8 4Accordingly, the Commission concluded in Cable & Wireless that, applying the NARUC I  T 4test, a carrier does not have to be regulated as a common carrier if (1) it intends to make "individualized decisions, whether and on what terms to serve" or (2) the public interest does not  T 4require the carrier to be legally compelled to serve the public indifferently.d % zP'ԍXCable & Wireless, 12 FCC Rcd at 85218522. See also TelOptik, Ltd., 100 F.C.C. 2d 1033, 1046 (1987) (selling bulk capacity through individual negotiations or marketing needs does not constitute common carrier activity); Domestic FixedSatellite Transponder Sales, 90 F.C.C. 2d 1238, 12523  zPT'(1982) aff'd. sub nom Wold Communications v. F.C.C., 735 F.2d 1465 (D.C. Cir. 1984)  zP'("Transponder Sales") (sale or longterm lease of transponders not common carrier activity).(#d  T:48. ` ` In this case, the Bureau found that, even though AT&TSSI stated it would provide cable capacity at market prices, AT&TSSI would have to engage in negotiations with each of its  T4customers on the price and other terms which would vary depending on the customers' capacity needs, duration of the contract, and technical specifications (e.g., transmission speeds, maintenance  Tn4levels, reliability criteria, restoration ability, and warranty coverage).vnp% zP~%'ԍXOrder at  64. See AT&TSSI Opposition at 11.(#v The Bureau thus concluded"n0*&&UU"  T4that AT&TSSI would not be providing cable capacity indiscriminately.P% zPh'ԍXOrder at  64.(#P On August 14, 1998, AT&TSSI informed the Commission that, in light of the difficulty it faced in selling capacity on the cable, it: (1) requested the Commission to relieve it of the commitment to make its initial offers on  Tg4nondiscriminatory terms and conditions; (2) would like the flexibility to tailor its initial offers to what it perceives are an offeree's needs; and (3) would like to clarify that it has the sole discretion to make individualized decisions on offering bulk capacity to restricted classes of users and the terms of  T4such offers, and to tailor its capacity offerings to the special requirements of individual customers.!Z% zP'ԍXEx parte letter to Magalie Roman Salas, Secretary, Federal Communications Commission, from David  zP 'Matsushima, Senior Attorney, AT&T, dated August 14, 1998, at 13 ("AT&T August 14, 1998 letter").(#! Since 1998, when the cable was completed, AT&TSSI has sold only 2 of the 12 optical fiber pairs on  Th4this route.6Zh% zP 'ԍXId. at 2, n.4. AT&T sold the two optical fiber pairs to the Pan American cable system, which is scheduled to begin operations in November 1998, between the U.S. Virgin Islands, Aruba, Venezuela, Colombia, Panama, Ecuador, Peru, and Chile. (#6 For the reasons stated by the Bureau, and because of AT&TSSI's recent statements concerning its individualized negotiations with potential customers, we conclude that AT&TSSI will not sell capacity in the proposed cable indifferently to the public and that, therefore, we are not required to classify AT&TSSI as a common carrier on this route under the 1996 Act and the second  T 4part of the NARUC I test.  Tj 4Ã  T7 49.` ` We next consider under the first part of the NARUC I decision whether the public  T 4interest requires common carrier operation of the facility.t % zP}'ԍXSee supra, n.15, for the twopart NARUC I test.(#t We agree with the Bureau that the public  T 4interest does not require AT&TSSI to operate the cable on a common carrier basis.W j % zP'ԍXOrder at  3061.(#W In ascertaining the public interest, the focus of our inquiry here is whether the license applicant has sufficient market  Tl4power to warrant regulatory treatment as a common carrier.l % zP'ԍXSee NorLight, 2 FCC Rcd 132, 134 (1987); Transponder Sales, 90 F.C.C. 2d at 12523.(#ƞ In particular, in the past we have found that if sufficient alternative facilities, including common carrier facilities, are available an  T4applicant would be unable to charge monopoly rents and hence would not have market power. % zP4'ԍXId. See also Optel, 8 FCC Rcd 2267, 2269 (1993); Pacific Telecom Cable, 2 FCC Rcd 2686, 2687 (1987); Transnational Telecom, 5 FCC Rcd 598, 599 (1990). (#  T4  T4 10. ` ` The two relevant markets we analyze are (1) facilities providing access to the St.  Tm4Thomas cable station;'Xm% xP"'ԍXThis is a relevant market because AT&TSSI proposes, as part of developing the St. ThomasSt.Croix cable, to create a "virtual node" in St. Croix that would enable international cables to interconnect with the cable station at St. Thomas.(#' and (2) facilities operating between St. Thomas and St. Croix. There are three cable systems that interconnect at the St. Thomas station: the TainoCarib cable which provides service in the U.S. Virgin Islands; Americas1, which carries traffic to the U.S. mainland, Trinidad,"0*&&UU" and points in South America; and ColumbusII, which connects to the U.S. mainland and Europe.  T4The record shows that each of these cables has ample capacity.X% xP5'ԍXTainoCarib has 45,360 circuits, Americas I has 22,680 circuits, and Columbus II has 22,680 circuits, respectively, each capable of carrying 64 Kbps. "1996 Section 43.82 Circuit Status Data" (Int'l Bur. December 1997). (# Thus, even if AT&TSSI denies  T4carriers access to the St.ThomasSt. Croix system, there is an ample supply of alternate cable capacity  Tg4that is available to gain access to the St. Thomas cable station. Moreover, we find that it is not in  T44AT&TSSI's economic interests to charge monopoly rents here because the system is a highcapacity  T4cable which AT&TSSI is seeking to utilize fully by offering capacity at competitive prices.~% zP 'ԍXSee Order at  42; AT&T August 14, 1998 letter at 23.(#~   T4 11. ` ` We also conclude that AT&T's cable is not dominating the St. ThomastoSt. Croix route and, hence, should not be regulated as a common carrier. Vitelco's argument has two facets: (1) Vitelco's microwave facility was the only facility serving this route at that time and was already operating at capacity, so that the AT&TSSI cable would have become the only fiber optic facility  T4available to carriers; and (2) AT&TSSI's high sunk costs and enormous capacity would prevent  T 4Vitelco or any other carrier from building a cable.X z% xP'ԍXVitelco Application at 3.(#X We are not persuaded that either of these arguments establishes that AT&TSSI has market power on this route. First, as the Bureau found, Vitelco, the incumbent local exchange carrier, currently has its own microwave facilities between St. Thomas and St. Croix and does not depend on the AT&TSSI cable to transport its local exchange  T 4traffic between those two points.U % zPz'ԍXSee Order at  51. (#U If Vitelco's own facilities are inadequate to meet its needs, Vitelco has several options: it can upgrade its microwave facility, build a new fiber optic cable, or lease space on the AT&TSSI cable. Thus, the AT&TSSI cable, rather than being a bottleneck facility, in fact serves as an alternative to Vitelco's own microwave facilities for carrying local traffic on the St.  T4ThomasSt. Croix route.% xP@'ԍXWe also note that, with respect to using the AT&TSSI cable as a link between the submarine cables landing at St. Thomas and the submarine cables landing at St. Croix, the Bureau found, and Vitelco did not dispute, that the AT&TSSI cable would serve the public interest by providing route diversity and  zP'restoration capabilities that are now unavailable for these major international cables. See Order at  48. (# In addition, AT&TSSI notes that the Pan American Cable, which will  T4operate on a common carrier basis,N % zP'ԍXSee Americatel Corp., et al, 13 F.C.C. Rcd 857, 858 (1998).(#ƀ is scheduled to begin providing service between several  T4Caribbean points, including St. Thomas and St. Croix, beginning in November 1998.` % zP"'ԍXAT&T August 14, 1998 letter at 3.(#` Second,  Tk4Vitelco retains the option of building its own fiber optic cable, and, in fact, stated its intention to do  T84so.!8r% xPJ%'ԍXVitelco Petition to Deny at 1 (Board of Directors voted to build fiber optic cable facility as "backup to  xP&'its microwave facilities and to provide local broadband service"). (# Although this option may have become less costeffective because of AT&TSSI's investment in"8!0*&&UU" its own cable, it nevertheless remains an option that would become more viable if AT&TSSI engages in anticompetitive conduct, as Vitelco fears. The possibility that Vitelco could build such a facility should also serve as a further incentive to AT&TSSI to provide competitivelypriced offerings. Thus, we conclude that sufficient alternative facilities (including common carrier facilities that will provide service beginning in November 1998) are available, that AT&TSSI does not have market power, and that, therefore, we are not required to classify AT&TSSI as a common carrier on this  T4route under the 1996 Act and the first part of the NARUC I test.  Ti4c; ORDERING CLAUSE ă  T4 12. ` ` Accordingly, IT IS ORDERED, pursuant to Section 1.115(g) of our rules, 47 C.F.R. 1.115(g), the abovecaptioned application for review is DENIED.  ` `  FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION ` `  hhCMagalie Roman Salas  Tk4` `  hhCSecretarypp