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Priority and preemption are required by ITU Radio  xRegulation S5.362A and in the U.S. in 47 C.F.R  2.106 fn US308. Further in that regard, Aeronautical earth  xstations must comply with priority and preemptive access provisions of Section 87.187 of the Commission's rules"O$'0*%%$"  x4(47 C.F.R. 87.187). In the Upper Lband Notice we propose extension of the priority access and preemption  xstandards and policies for mobilesatellite service to the lower Lband (1525-1544 MHz and 1626.5-1645.5 MHz).  xP (Upper Lband Notice at 2527. See also AMSC at p.3. "! (0*%%ZZ\"Ԍ Y2ԙ17. ` ` The primary purpose of the policy we adopt here is to ensure that aircraft do not experience any discontinuity of AMSS that might arise if such aircraft is not able to handoff communications seamlessly from Inmarsat to a domestic provider of AMS(R)S or  Y2AMSS in the United States. This policy only applies to aircraft in international flight and  Y2does not apply to passengers who change planes in the United States and complete their  Y2international flight on a different aircraft.3)6 Y* 2  ԍ#c PE37P#International air service, as defined in the Convention on International Civil Aviation of 1944, Article 96, is, "an air service which passes through the air space over the territory of more than one State."3  Yc218. ` ` In addition, the use of Inmarsat space segment capacity is permitted only on those frequencies coordinated in the Mexico City Agreement and pursuant to subsequent  Y52international coordination agreements.*y5a6 YG2  |ԍ#c PE37P# See Article 14 (also called S9) of the ITU Radio Regulations which requires that coordination for upper  xLband spectrum be achieved through negotiations between parties (in the instant case, Inmarsat, AMSC, Canada,  xP(Mexico, and Russia).ċ AMSC maintains that the frequency coordination process "remains unresolved" and that authorizing use of Inmarsat space segment in U.S. airspace "will have an impact on the amount of spectrum that is available for the U.S. MSS  Y 2system."+ 6 YC2ԍX#c PE37P#AMSC at p.12; Reply of AMSC at 4.(#Ƃ Commenters contend that spectrum allocation issues have been resolved and that the current and the future impact of allowing the use of Inmarsat on spectrum use is  Y 2minimal.j,A S 6 Y2  <ԍ#c PE37P##c PE37P#See AlliedSignal at 3.3, 4.3; BT at p.34; Inmarsat at p.6; "[T]he amount of spectrum now used for  xdomestic aeronautical service is small due to the availability of less expensive terrestrial aeronautical services"  xARINC at p. 2; "Relatively few aircraft will use Inmarsat aeronautical services domestically even without a  xP?(restriction." Comsat at p. 6, FN 7 and FN 8. See also Allied Signal at 4.3;j  Y219. ` ` In the Aeronautical Services Reconsideration and Further Notice, the Commission expressed concern that permitting Inmarsat to provide AMS(R)S and AMSS in the United States would result in claims for additional spectrum and possible interference to the AMSC system. Consequently, the Commission stated that it would limit the scope of  Y:2Inmarsat service in the U.S. pending the outcome of the coordination process.-:\6 YG#2ԍ#c PE37P#Aeronautical Services Reconsideration and Further Notice at 18, 21 and 28. We believe that the arrangements agreed to in the Mexico City Agreement have sufficiently coordinated"# -0*%%ZZp" use of the spectrum and that the Mexico City Agreement's annual usage review provisions will allow us to monitor closely the efficacy of the arrangements and the impact on Lband spectrum usage in the U.S. Further, the amount of spectrum that would be required for Inmarsat to provide AMS(R)S or AMSS in connection with international flights in the United States should be minimal given the limited number of aircraft in international flight operating within U.S. airspace. Consequently, our action here should have minimal impact on future yeartoyear Lband coordination agreements. Nevertheless, our action in this Report and Order does not prejudge future international negotiations, nor how the Commission will  YH2assign Lband spectrum domestically in the pending Lband Proceeding..H6 Y 2ԍ#c PE37P#See Lband Proceeding at footnote 5.  Y 220. ` ` Finally, several commenters expressed confusion over our use of the term  Y 2"U.S. earth station" in the Aeronautical Services Reconsideration and Further Notice.=/ y6 Y/2  ԍ#c PE37P#See AlliedSignal at 6.3; Inmarsat at 1516; BT at 67, footnote 15 and Reply of BT at 6. See also  zP(Aeronautical Services Reconsideration and Further Notice at 22.  = We clarify for the record that the mobile earth stations at issue here are aircraft earth stations  Y 2licensed by the U.S.w0 6 Y~2ԍ#c PE37P#See 47 C.F.R. 87.5. w  W 2B. Modified Authorization  Y}221. ` ` Because the Inmarsat space segment at issue here will be used for international communications service, we will not require Comsat to waive its privileges and immunities in order to provide AMS(R)S and AMSS via Inmarsat to international flights as defined in  Y82this Report and Order.1A86 Y2  ԍ#c PE37P#See DISCO II Order at 109. See also Aeronautical Services II at FN 28 stating, in pertinent part, ". .  x. In the United States, we have generally authorized the use of Inmarsat facilities for communications that are  xinternational in character except in instances where use of Inmarsat for domestic communications fulfilled specific needs.. . ." Indeed, because of overriding safety concerns regarding on the ground or midair handoff, we find that even if our definition of international service were challenged and it were ruled that the provision of AMS(R)S and AMSS on the "domestic leg" of an international flight (i.e., the flight segment between two domestic points that makes up part of an international flight) constituted "domestic service," we would nevertheless allow Comsat to provide AMS(R)S and AMSS on these flight segments. If Comsat wishes, however, to obtain permanent authorization to provide purely domestic AMS(R)S and/or AMSS on an ancillary and supportive basis using Inmarsat space segment capacity, it will be  Y2bound by the framework established in the DISCO II Order  for the provision of domestic" 10*%%ZZ`" service and be required to waive its privileges and immunities.  Y222. ` ` We also reiterate the Commission policy, established in Section 87.187 and footnote 2.106 of our rules, that any use, international or domestic, of Inmarsat space segment in the U.S. is subject to priority and preemptive access requirements for aviation safety.  Y_223. ` ` Accordingly, on the basis of the findings and conclusions in this proceeding, we modify Comsat's authority to provide AMS(R)S and AMSS via the Inmarsat system on an ancillary and supportive basis to aircraft during international flights in the U.S. as defined herein. IV. CONCLUSIONx  Y 224. ` ` The actions we take in this Order will provide continuity of service and uninterrupted access to the aeronautical mobile safety service and other communications services for aircraft equipped to access Inmarsat during international flights. Uninterrupted access to AMS(R)S and AMSS provides a vital public service for aircraft in international flight. In addition, since the Lband spectrum has been coordinated, there will be no negative impact on AMSC, the U.S. licensee. wV. ORDERING CLAUSESx  Y225. ` ` Accordingly, IT IS ORDERED that Aeronautical MobileSatellite (Route) Service and Aeronautical MobileSatellite Service via the International Mobile Satellite  Y2Organization to aircraft in international flight in the United States shall be provided pursuant  Y2to the policy set out in this Report and Order. This policy applies to aircraft in international  Y2flight and does not apply to passengers who change planes in the United States and complete their international flight on a different aircraft. For purposes of this Report and Order, International flight shall be defined as: (1) an aircraft travelling between the United States and a foreign point; or (2) an aircraft whose flight originates or terminates at a foreign point and lands at one or more points in the United States.   Y 226. ` ` IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that Comsat Corporation's authorization to provide AMS(R)S and AMSS via the Inmarsat system on an ancillary and supportive basis to aircraft during international flights in the U.S is modified to the extent described herein.  Y!227. ` ` IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that service provided pursuant to this Order MUST COMPLY with Commission rules for priority and preemptive access set forth in Section 2.106 Footnote US308 of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R. 2.106 Footnote US308."j$ 10*%%ZZ`""Ԍ ` `  ,hhhFEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION ` `  ,hhhMargalie Roman Salas ` `  ,hhhSecretary