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Authority for COMSAT to participate in Inmarsat's procurement and construction of Inmarsat-3 (F-5) satellite was granted in an order (FCC File No. CSS-91-001-LA) released September 25, 1992. The current Inmarsat-3 (F-5) deployment plan shows a launch scheduled to take place during the month of January 1998, utilizing an Ariane launch vehicle. The plan also indicates that the final apogee motor firing will take place over the Mediterranean Ocean followed by a one-day drift of the satellite to its operating orbit location at 25ø East Longitude. The test of the spacecraft bus will be conducted during this initial drift period. The communications payload tests will be performed at this location and will occur over a two week period. The Inmarsat-3 (F-5) satellite is to be located at 25ø East Longitude and will serve as a spare satellite for the INMARSAT operational satellites to support Inmarsat maritime, aeronautical, and land mobile satellite services. 3. The estimated costs associated with the Inmarsat-3 (F-5) satellite are as follows: Cost of Spacecraft Manufacture (including delivery price, engineering changes and amendments) $ 57.7 million Launch Support Service $ 2.6 million Performance Incentives $ 25.6 million Lease Interest Cost, Capitalized $ 23.2 million Consultancy $ 2.6 million Launch services $ 67.5 million Launch Insurance $ 8.4 million In-house Costs $ 8.0 million TOTAL Inmarsat cost $ 195.6 million TOTAL COMSAT cost (based on current ownership share of 23.0%) $ 45.0 million 4. The Commission has already determined that Comsat's participation in the procurement of the Inmarsat-3 (F-5) satellite is required to meet traffic requirements. We, therefore, find that the public interest will be served by the grant of Comsat's application for the launch, positioning and in-orbit testing of the Inmarsat-3 (F-5) satellite, subject to the conditions set forth below. 5. Accordingly, IT IS ORDERED that Comsat's application to participate in the launch and test program of the Inmarsat-3 (F-5) satellite at 25ø East Longitude IS GRANTED subject to the following terms and conditions: (a) This authorization is limited to the drift, launch and test program at 25ø East Longitude. Any change in the authorized locations due to a launch delay or other circumstances will be considered upon a proper request by Comsat; (b) Comsat shall furnish via the Inmarsat-3 (F-5) satellite only those channels of communication for commercial service which have been, or may be, authorized by separate order of the Commission under Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended; (c) Within 30 days after completion of the testing program, Comsat shall provide the Commission with a summary report of its results and, upon request, shall make the detailed test data available; (d) Conduct of the drift, launch and test program authorized herein shall be without interruption of commercial satellite service now authorized at U.S. earth stations; (e) Neither this authorization nor any right granted herein shall be assigned or otherwise transferred without approval of the Commission; and (f) Unless extended or modified for good cause, this authorization shall terminate one year after the release date of this order. 6. This order is issued pursuant to Section 0.261 of the Commission's Rules, 47 C.F.R.  0.261, and is effective upon adoption. Petitions for Reconsideration under Section 1.106 or applications for review under Section 1.115 of the Commission's Rules, 47 C.F.R.  1.106 and  1.115, may be filed within 30 days of the date of this order (See 47 C.F.R.  1.4(b)(2)). FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION Thomas S. Tycz Chief, Satellite and Radiocommunication Division International Bureau