Washington, D.C. – As part of Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairman Michael Powell’s initiative to improve the Commission’s effectiveness, efficiency and responsiveness, Donald Abelson, Chief of the International Bureau, today announced the Bureau’s new structure. The restructured Bureau will consist of three Divisions: Policy Division, Satellite Division and Strategic Analysis & Negotiations Division. The reorganization consolidates the International Bureau’s work on international policy and spectrum issues and the Commission’s role in bilateral, regional and multilateral organizations.
“These changes will enable the Bureau to best serve the Commission and the public in authorizing satellite and international telecommunications services and in leading the world in developing procompetitive and transparent regulatory approaches,” Mr. Abelson said.
International Bureau Staff Contact: Jacqueline Ponti at 202-418-0436.
News about the Federal Communications Commission can also be found
on the Commission’s web site www.fcc.gov.
Office of the Bureau Chief
Bureau Chief: |
Donald Abelson |
Deputy Bureau Chief: |
Anna M. Gomez |
Deputy Bureau Chief: |
Roderick K. Porter |
Associate Bureau Chief/Chief of Staff: |
Jacqueline M. Ponti |
Associate Bureau Chief: |
Linda L. Haller |
Assistant Bureau Chief: |
Jacquelynn Ruff |
Chief Engineer: |
Richard Engelman |
Chief Economist: |
Douglas Webbink |
Senior Legal Advisor: |
Christopher Murphy |
Senior Legal Advisor: |
Alexandra Field |
Administrative and Management Office
Assistant Bureau Chief: |
Thomas Sullivan |
Deputy Assistant Bureau Chief: |
Sarah Van Valzah |
Policy Division
The Policy Division conducts international spectrum rulemakings, develops international telecommunications policy, and licenses international telecommunications facilities, including submarine cables. The Division’s focus in developing international telecommunications policy is to achieve low calling rates for U.S. consumers and to facilitate competition in the provision of international facilities and services. The Bureau also coordinates within the FCC and with other U.S. agencies on spectrum rulemaking and other issues. In addition, the Division provides expertise regarding foreign ownership issues. Further, the Division provides assistance to U.S. trade officials and represents the Commission in international telecommunications trade negotiations. The Policy Division coordinates and consults with other Divisions within the International Bureau, as well as other Bureaus/Offices within the Commission, to share expertise and provide advice and guidance on areas within the purview of the Division.
Division Chief: |
James Ball |
Deputy Division Chief: |
Breck Blalock |
Deputy Division Chief: |
Claudia Fox |
Assistant Division Chief: |
George Li |
Assistant Division Chief, Engineering: |
Ronald Repasi |
Satellite Division
The primary mission of the Satellite Division is to serve U.S. consumers by promoting a competitive and innovative domestic and global telecommunications marketplace. The Division strives to achieve this goal by: authorizing as many satellite systems as possible and as quickly as possible to facilitate deployment of satellite services; minimizing regulation and maximizing flexibility for satellite telecommunications providers to meet customer needs; and fostering efficient use of the radio frequency spectrum and orbital resources. The Division also provides information and expertise about the commercial satellite industry in the domestic spectrum management process and advocates U.S. satellite radiocommunication interests in international coordinations and negotiations. The Division shares its regulatory expertise with foreign administrations, and advocates an open, transparent, non-discriminatory global satellite radiocommunication environment.
Division Chief: |
Thomas Tycz |
Deputy Division Chief: |
Fern Jarmulnek |
Deputy Division Chief: |
Cassandra Thomas |
Senior Engineer: |
John Martin |
Branch Chiefs:
Policy Branch
Systems Analysis Branch
Engineering Branch |
Jennifer Gilsenan
William Howden
Robert Nelson |
Strategic Analysis and Negotiations Division
The Strategic Analysis & Negotiations Division serves as the organization within the Commission responsible for all intergovernmental and regional leadership, negotiating, and planning functions. As such, the Division oversees the Commission’s global participation in: (1) international fora such as those held under the auspices of the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), including World Radiocommunication Conferences; (2) various regional organizations, such as the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), the Inter-American Telecommunications Conference (CITEL), and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD); and (3) cross-border negotiations with Canada and Mexico. The Division coordinates bilateral and educational outreach on behalf of the Commission by facilitating on-site exchanges at the between FCC experts and foreign government officials. The Division also maintains ongoing relationships with foreign regulatory counterparts. In addition, the Division performs economic and policy analyses regarding the international communications market and regulatory trends, including implications for U.S. policy.
Division Chief: |
Kathryn O’Brien |
Deputy Division Chief: |
John Deasy |
Deputy Division Chief: |
John Giusti |
Assistant Division Chief: |
Linda Dubroof |
Assistant Division Chief: |
Karen Onyeije |
Senior Engineer: |
Larry Olson |
Branch Chiefs:
Cross Border, Negotiations & Treaty Compliance Branch
Regional & Industry Analysis Branch
International Spectrum & Telecommunciations Branch
International Radiocommuncation Branch
James Ballis
Patricia Cooper
Pamela Gerr
William Luther |