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CARRIAGE OF THE TRANSMISSIONS OF DIGITAL TELEVISION BROADCAST STATIONS/AMENDMENTS OF PART 76 OF THE COMMISSION'S RULES. Granted United Church of Christ's Motion for Extension of Time to File Reply Comments firom November 24, 1998, extended to December 22, 1998. DCourier 12pt (10cpi)CG TimesUnivers (Bold)CG Times (Italic)CG Times (Bold)Times New RomanTimes New Roman (Italic)Times New Roman (Bold) href="http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Cable/Orders/1998/da982342.pdf" >http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Cable/Orders/1998/da982342.pdf

PATTERSON HARRISBURG LICENSEE CORPORATION. Issued Notice of Apparent Liability for a Forfeiture in the amount of $8,000 to Patterson Harrisburg Licensee Corporation, Licensee, Radio Station WNNK-FM, Harrisburg, PA, for apparent and repeated violations of Section 73.1206 of the Commission's rules. 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See MCI v. FCC. 515 F 2d 385 (D.C. Circ 1974).  y: 5 dddhy  U 1  1  Figure 1  Figure 1 y!HHhh@Uddfcclogo.wpgHHy! XO dd8H #S2pPG;(o# NEWS 8   X   #Xw PE37XP#Report No. IN 9870 INTERNATIONAL ACTION December 17, 1998 COMMISSION ADOPTS SPECTRUM PLAN FOR "V" BAND AT 36.051.4 GHZ, vFACILITATING DEVELOPMENT OF BROADBAND AND OTHER COMMERCIAL fSERVICES H(IB DOCKET 9795)  \The Commission today adopted a spectrum band plan that will promote the commercial development of the Vband at 36.051.4 GHz. The band plan will facilitate the prompt and efficient deployment of new broadband wireless services (both satellite and terrestrial) in spectrum that is now largely undeveloped. To reduce the need for burdensome coordination, the band plan adopted today segments the band, generally providing exclusive primary designations for fixed satellite and wireless services, and retains the existing designations for amateur radio and unlicensed vehicular radio services. The Report and Order adopted also designates spectrum for the exclusive use of Government and nonGovernment systems, further reducing the potential for interference. The Commission anticipates that future satellite and wireless network platforms will use this spectrum for applications such as broadband wireless local loop, broadband video distribution to the home, broadband access to the Global Information Infrastructure, wireless interconnection between computer networks, and other innovative services. In the band plan adopted today, the Commission prescribes separate primary designations for wireless and fixedsatellite ("FSS") services, and other commercial services. Specifically, the Commission: (1) designates a total of 4 gigahertz of spectrum for FSS on a primary basis in the 37.638.6 GHz, 40.041.0 GHz (together with mobilesatellite and broadcastsatellite services) and 48.250.2 GHz bands; (2) provides a total of 5.6 GHz of spectrum for wireless services on a primary basis, by adding new primary designations for wireless in the 37.037.6 GHz, 41.042.5 GHz, 46.947.0 GHz and 50.451.4 GHz bands (in addition to existing wireless designations in the 38.640.0 GHz and 47.248.2 GHz bands); and (3)retains the existing designations for unlicensed commercial vehicular radar in the 46.746.9 GHz band, and for amateur services in the 47.047.2 GHz band. To date, the only existing commercial services are in the 38.640.0 GHz portion of the band. w(over) "#,$$ !"Ԍ Y4"5{ 2   Y4The band plan adopted today differs from that proposed in the Notice of Proposed  Y4Rulemaking ("NPRM") in three ways. First, while the NPRM proposed to designate the 37.537.6 GHz and 41.041.5 GHz bands for FSS, and the 38.538.6 GHz and 40.040.5  Y4GHz bands for wireless services, in this Order the Commission designates the 37.537.6 GHz and 41.041.5 GHz bands for wireless services, and the 38.538.6 GHz and 40.040.5 GHz bands for FSS. This change provides more contiguous spectrum for wireless services and relocates the FSS designation to spectrum which is globally allocated for FSS. Second, while  Y14the NPRM proposed to provide separate designations for Geostationary Orbit fixedsatellite  Y 4service and NonGeostationary Orbit fixedsatellite service operations, the Commission declines to make such additional designations at this time, because the extent to which GSO and NGSO operations will occupy the bands designated for FSS is not yet known. The  Y 4Commission may revisit this issue at a later date. Third, while the NPRM proposed to allow  Y 4"underlay" licenses, i.e., the licensing of a second service in the bands designated for FSS, in  Y 4this Report and Order the Commission does not adopt underlay licensing in this proceeding because it finds that underlay licenses could make it more difficult to administer the various services and could increase the potential for interference between satellite and terrestrial services. The Commission also revises the nonGovernment column of the U.S. Table of Frequency Allocations, contained in Part 2 of the FCC Rules, to accommodate the band plan. The Commission adds primary allocations for FSS in the 37.638.6 GHz and 40.541.0 GHz bands to accommodate the new FSS designations in these bands. The Commission also upgrades the fixed and mobile allocations in the 41.042.5 GHz band from secondary to primary status to accommodate the new wireless services designation in this band. In addition, the Commission adds a primary allocation for fixed service to the existing mobile service allocation in the 46.947.0 GHz band, again to accommodate a new wireless services designation. Finally, the Commission revises the U.S. Table of Allocations to provide for Government operations in the 36.051.4 GHz band. Specifically, at the request of the National Telecommunications and Information Administration ("NTIA"), the Commission adds the following allocations to the Government column of the U.S. Table: (1) space research (spacetoEarth) on a primary basis in the 37.038.0 GHz band; (2) space research (Earthtospace) and earth explorationsatellite ("EES") (Earthtospace), both on a primary basis, in the 40.040.5 GHz band; and (3) EES (spacetoEarth) on a secondary basis in the 40.040.5 GHz band. These allocations will allow certain additional Government operations in the band. In addition, the Commission also reallocates the 42.543.5 GHz band for exclusive Government use and the 47.248.2 GHz band for exclusive nonGovernment use to better meet the needs of Government and commercial operators in this band.  Action by the Commission December 17, 1998, by Report and Order (FCC 98336). Chairman Kennard, Commissioners Ness, FurchtgottRoth, Powell and Tristani.   Y(4 ԩ FCC lNews Media contact: Rosemary Kimball at (202) 4180500 International Bureau contact: Charles Breig at (202) 4182156; TTY at (202) 4182555"*,,,("  X4 3'''Current Windows FormRSx  dX  Xhh  Xh  NonGovernment Allocations and Designations in the 36.051.4 GHz Band  Y4 d6X w ddx !X@@@@@@@ w  S  2 2  " tM'T Current  tM'I;Allocation s  d_"EES, SPACE RESEARCH, ;FIXED, MOBILE %" sN'*] FIXED, MOBILE %" sN'FIXED, MOBILE %"FIXED, MOBILE FSS, MSS(39.540) %" sN'FSS, MSS %"&!BSS, fixed, mobile, C!BROADCASTING %"f&BSS, fixed, mobile, &BROADCASTING %"+BSS, fixed, mobile, +BROADCASTING %"1S S  " tM5'; R&O Allocation  tM'RChanges  _"  _" F<5V  F<T1 _"  sN'add FSS1 l"J4 l"t  F<\2 l"># *"add FSS l"9'change fixed, &mobile to FIXED, 'MOBILE x"y,change fixed, +mobile to FIXED, -MOBILE x"1S < % 2  " tM'k  FNPRM Band  tM 'ZPlan  3  "  "V .p Wireless Services ;@ (37.037.5) V  "|FSS/NGSO (37.538.5) Wireless Services (38.538.6)  "J4 (Wireless Services)  "t 0Wireless Services  "># %w"FSS/GSO  "( 'FSS/GSO  "34.  +Wireless Services  "1<  x 2 2  " tM 'm  L.R&O Band  tMF 'ZPlan  3   "     jWF ' #G\  P6G;oP##Xj\  P6G;XP#  GE h#G\  P6G;oP#1000 MHz#Xj\  P6G;XP#  "V ,s Wireless Services V  GE hF #G\  P6G;oP#600 MHz#Xj\  P6G;XP#  " oFSS   GE h #G\  P6G;oP#1000 MHz#Xj\  P6G;XP#  " jW 'J4 (Wireless Services) J4  GE h8K#G\  P6G;oP#1400 MHz#Xj\  P6G;XP#  "t  FSS, MSS t  GE h#G\  P6G;oP#500 MHz#Xj\  P6G;XP#  "># 'r"FSS, BSS >#  GE h."#G\  P6G;oP#500 MHz#Xj\  P6G;XP#  "( &Wireless Services (  GE h%(#G\  P6G;oP#500 MHz#Xj\  P6G;XP#  "34.  +Wireless Services 34.  GE h!K-#G\  P6G;oP#1000 MHz#Xj\  P6G;XP#  "1    2 2   36.0 37.0 37.6 38.6 40.0 40.5 41.0 41.5  42.5    !X@@@@@@@ AXu@@@@@@@  c   2c 2  " jW'R Current  jWF'J:Allocation s  "2FIXED, MOBILE, FSS, RADIO ASTRONOMY c"-| None Exclusive 8$ Government c"MOBILE, MSS, ,RNSS c"  MOBILE, MSS, ;lRNSS c"_MOBILE, MSS, RNSS c""AMATEUR, "AMATEUR "SATELLITE c"A'FIXED, FSS, 'MOBILE c",FIXED, FSS, -MOBILE c"1c  u 2c 2  " jW'9i R&O Allocation  jW'SChange s Z"VExclusive  jGovernment4 Z"V Z" Z"J4 Z"add FIXED Z"># Z"'Exclusive Nond'Government Z"34. Z"1 S  2V 2  " jWj'H  NPRM Band  jW+'ZPlan  3   "  "V " "-(Unlicensed -Commercial "Vehicular Radar) V"t 3Wireless Services V"># %g"(Amateur) V"( ~&(Wireless Services) V"34. ,FSS/NGSO V"1S S Z 2VV 2  "J  R&O Band  jW~'ZPlan  3   ?"  ?"V ?" ?"-(Unlicensed -Commercial "Vehicular Radar) V"t 3Wireless Services V"># %g"(Amateur) V"( ~&(Wireless Services) V"34. )-FSS V"1S   2V 2 "m"1000 MHz"A 2000 MHz"1200 MHz"8K200 MHz"100 MHz","200 MHz"'1000 MHz"--1000 MHz "1   2 2   42.5 43.5 45.5 46.7 46.9 47.0 47.2 48.2  49.2   AXu@@@@@@@  aXx@@@@ s  *}*  " jW'T Current  jWI'J:Allocations   "  FIXED, FSS, `MOBILEV"(T FIXED, MOBILE, 6 EES, SPACE 7 RESEARCH V" FIXED, FSS, MOBILE, MSS V"J, V"lV 1 Space Research is added to the 37.038.0 GHz band to the Government column of the U.S. Table. 2 Space Research and Earth ExplorationSatellite are added to the 40.040.5 GHz band to the Government column of the U.S. Table. 3 Blank indicates no commercial designation in that band. Parentheses indicate preexisting designations. Preexisting designations are not changed by this R&O, which provides designations only for previously undesignated bands. 4 Except for nonGovernment radio astronomy."s  x"" jW'9i R&O Allocation  jW'SCharge s }" }"V}"}"J,}"l}")" S " *}}s}*  " jW}'H NPRM Band  jW>'ZPlan  3 V"  WFSS/GSOV"V V'V" Wireless Services p"J,p"lp")"S  m" *}s}*  " jW'L- R&O Band  jW 'ZPlan  3 R!"   FSS  GER!h #G\  P6G;oP# 1000 MHz#G\  P6G;oP#j""V V V V#G\  P6G;oP# F 200 MHz#G\  P6G;oP#"" jW'#Xj\  P6G;XP# #Xj\  P6G;XP#Wireless Services  GER!h#G\  P6G;oP# #G\  P6G;oP#1000 MHz#G\  P6G;oP#""J,""l"")    *s}*  " e"4l#Xj\  P6G;XP## 49.2# 50.2# 50.4# 51.4# #  # " e#4 '3''Current Windows FormRSx  3'3'Current Windows FormRSx  dXhhh  hh  Xh