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Release of the full text of a Commission order constitutes official action. See MCI v. FCC. 515 F 2d 385 (D.C. Circ 1974).  y: 5 dddhy  M8h U 1  1  Figure 1  Figure 1 y!HHhh@Uddfcclogo.wpgHHy! Xz ddW8k @#S2pPG;# NEWS L X #Xj\  P6G; 9XP#` `  hhCqpp  *September 1, 1998# Xw PE37XP#  a4#^\  P6Q5P#  X4#XP\  P6Q 9XP#FRANCIS K. WILLIAMS LEAVES FCC TO ACCEPT INTERNATIONAL rJCOMMUNICATIONS & INFORMATION POLICY POSITION AT U.S. DEPARTMENT   eOF STATE   \Francis K. Williams is leaving the Federal Communications Commission effective August 29, 1998 concluding more than 32 years of distinguished service to the agency. He has accepted an International Communications and Information Policy position at the U.S. Department of State. There he will continue to play a significant role in guiding the United States preparations for upcoming International Telecommunication Union (ITU) conferences, primarily the Minneapolis Plenipotentiary Conference this fall and the year 2000 World   Radiocommunication Conference (WRC2000). Williams began his career with the FCC in 1966 as an Electronics Engineer assigned to the Frequency Allocation & Treaty Division within the Office of the Chief Engineer (currently the Office of Engineering and Technology). In 1971, he was promoted to Chief, Treaty Branch in that Division, and in 1975 he transferred to the FCC International Conference Preparation Staff. In 1977 he was again appointed Chief, Treaty Branch. When the FCCs international activities within the various bureaus and offices were consolidated in the newly established International Bureau in 1994, Williams transferred to its   Radiocommunication Policy Branch. Over the past 25 years, he has played a major role in preparing for, and representing the United States at World Radio and Plenipotentiary Conferences of the ITU. He has served   as chairman of many domestic and international working groups and committees. Currently, Williams is in charge of United States preparations for conferences related to regulatory matters within the ITU Radiocommunication Sector. In this capacity, he is now heading all U.S. preparations for the Special Committee for Regulatory and Procedural Matters (SCRPM) developing international consensus for WRC2000. At the 1997 ITU Radiocommunication Assembly, Williams was elected to serve as an international Vice-Chair   of the SCRPM. Williams also chaired the Working Groups on regulatory issues for the FCC's WRC-95 and WRC-97 Advisory Committees and as well, will continue to do so for WRC  2000. $%T     $%T