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Release of the full text of a Commission order constitutes official action. See MCI v. FCC. 515 F 2d 385 (D.C. Circ 1974).  y:  dddhy  M83i U 1  1  Figure 1  Figure 1 y!HH@Uddfcclogo.wpgHHy! Xz dd^8u H#S2pPG;h# NEWS L X   #Xw PE37WXP#Report No. IN 98 41 INTERNATIONAL ACTION July 17, 1998 j _FCC PROPOSES WITHDRAWING AS MARITIME "ACCOUNTING AUTHORITY;" L FUNCTION WOULD BE COMPLETELY PRIVATIZED Tx AS PART OF BIENNIAL REVIEW T (IB Docket No. 9896) TP TPxThe Commission has proposed withdrawing from its role as a nationwide clearinghouse for settling accounts for maritime mobile, maritime satellite, aircraft, and handheld terminal radio services and turning that role over completely to the private sector. Currently, the FCC and 17 private entities which have been approved by the FCC to perform this function. xInternational telecommunications settlements for maritime radio involve the collection and payment of charges due foreign administrations from messages transmitted at sea by or between maritime mobile and maritime mobilesatellite stations located on board ships subject to U.S. registry and utilizing foreign coast and earthstation facilities. The entities that perform this settlement function are referred to as accounting authorities. Historically, most countries have required individual ships to settle their own accounts with foreign administrations and coast stations. In the United States, however, the U.S. Government has served as a nationwide accounting authority for settling maritime mobile service message charges since 1913 and, more recently, for maritime satellite service messages. Today, maritime mobile radio services only account for about six per cent of the FCC's clearinghouse functions. Satellitebased services, including aeronautical and handheld terminals, now account for 94 percent of the FCC's activity.  Yr-x The proposed changes will strengthen the system of private accounting authorities the Commission has created over the years and allow them to become more competitive. The Commission tentatively concluded there is no need for a governmental body to perform the accountsettlement functions, because these functions have been performed without difficulty by a variety of private authorities, operating under FCC rules, for many years. xIn addition to proposing to withdraw from its accounting authority function, the Commission proposed rules to make clear that private entities certified under FCC rules have a duty to deal with the public in a nondiscriminatory manner. xIt also proposed to withhold action on all applications now pending before the Commission for certification as an accounting authority until the outcome of this rulemaking, and to require applicants to amend their applications to reflect any changes to the rules adopted as a result of this proceeding. C(over)"e#,%%0 0 p&"Ԍ4H 2 xAction by the Commission June 18, 1998, by Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (FCC 98 123). Chairman Kennard, Commissioners Ness, FurchtgottRoth, Powell and Tristani with Commissioner FurchtgottRoth issuing a separate statement. ? FCC xNews Media contact: Rosemary Kimball at (202) 4180500. xInternational Bureau contact: John Copes at (202) 4181478.