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Release of the full text of a Commission order constitutes official action. See MCI v. FCC. 515 F 2d 385 (D.C. Circ 1974).  y: 5 dddhy  M8i U 1  1  Figure 1  Figure 1 y!HH@Uddfcclogo.wpgHHy! Xz dd88u H#S2pPG;h# NEWS L X Report No. IN 9840 INTERNATIONAL ACTION  July 17, 1998  X-   #\  P6G; ?P# # Xw PE37 WXP# pFCC UNANIMOUSLY AFFIRMS 1997 DEMS RELOCATION ORDER X-TPG(ET DOCKET 9799) ă xAfter conducting a comprehensive review of its earlier decision, the FCC has unanimously affirmed its March 14, 1997, Order relocating the Digital Electronic Message Service (DEMS) from the 18 GHz band to the 24 GHz band. Commission affirmed its earlier conclusion that all relevant procedural and substantive requirements were met, and that the relocation decision best serves the public interest by facilitating the provision of DEMS on a nationwide basis and promoting competition in the pointtomultipoint telecommunications market. xThe 1997 relocation decision was made in response to a specific request from the National Telecommunications and Information Agency (NTIA), acting on behalf of the Department of Defense (DOD), which cited national security concerns. The decision also reflected the Commission's commitment to keeping DEMS on a uniform nationwide frequency band. xThe original relocation action was taken without public notice and comment. The FCC's DEMS relocation order was challenged based on the decision to forego notice and comment procedures and the amount of replacement spectrum allocated to DEMS. xIn January and March 1997, NTIA, acting on behalf of the DOD, requested that the Commission protect military satellite communications systems operating in the 18 GHz band in the Washington, DC, and Denver, CO, areas from interference. NTIA stated that DEMS licensees, then operating in the 18 GHz band, night cause harmful interference to the government systems and that protection was, therefore, essential. To facilitate a solution, NTIA made 400 MHz of replacement spectrum available at the 24.2524.45 GHz and 25.0525.25 GHz bands. "xPrior to the relocation, commercial DEMS was allocated 100 MHz of spectrum at 18 GHz, and employed five channel pairs that were each 10 MHz wide. However, because of the more problematic propagation characteristics at 24 GHz, and in view of the Commission's desire to allow DEMS licensees to provide equivalent service using similar equipment, the Commission allocated 400 MHz of spectrum at 24 GHz to DEMS and designated five channel pairs 40 MHz wide. Although, this allocations seemingly represented a fourfold in the spectrum, this amount of spectrum at the higher 24 GHz frequency was deemed to be equivalent to the previous allocation at 18 GHz for practical use."#,$$ $"Ԍ Y-ԙx In forgoing notice and comment procedures, the Commission relied on the military and good cause exceptions to the Administrative Procedure Act (APA). Relocating DEMS from the 18 GHz band to the 24 GHz band not only protected military systems from harmful interference, but also benefited consumers by enabling DEMS licensees to develop competing wireless local phone and data networks nationally. xThe Commission found that the relocation of DEMS outside of Washington, DC, and  Y_-Denver, CO, was required. It reasoned that addressing the interference problems only in Washington, DC, and Denver, CO, alone would preclude DEMS from being available in those areas because it is unlikely that 24 GHz equipment could be manufactured economically solely for those markets. The Commission reasoned that such piecemeal relocation would not solve sharing problems between DEMS and nongeostationary fixed satellite systems being developed to provide broadband services in the 18 GHz band nationwide.  Y -x The FCC also concluded that its decision to make a fourfold increase in the amount of spectrum available for DEMS was proper. The Commission found that DEMS requires at least four times the amount of spectrum at 24 GHz to provide equivalent service using similar equipment due primarily to less favorable radio propagation characteristics at 24 GHz.  Y-xAction by the Commission July 9, 1998, by Memorandum, Opinion and Order (FCC 98155). Chairman Kennard, Commissioners Ness, FurchtgottRoth, Powell and Tristani. CFCC  $)H xInternational Bureau contact: James Taylor at (202) 4182113 xNews Media contact: Rosemary Kimball or Audrey Spivack (202) 4180500