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Federal Communications Commission
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DA 00-2440
Released: October 30, 2000

Telecommunications Network Security and Reliability in the 21st Century

The FCC's Office of Engineering and Technology and the Center for Global Security Research at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory of the University of California will co-sponsor a conference on telecommunications security and reliability. The conference will begin at 8:45 a.m. on Tuesday, October 31 in the Commission Meeting Room (TWC-305), 445 12th Street, S.W., Washington, D.C., and conclude at 5:00 p.m. The goal of the conference is to increase understanding of telecommunications network security and reliability issues, identify relevant areas of research, and understand more fully the roles of industry and government in facilitating a robust communications infrastructure.

Members of the audience may participate in the conference, which will be moderated by the Chairpersons of the four conference sessions, during the times that are listed below:

Session 1
(09:00 - 10:30)

Telecommunications Network Security and Reliability


David Farber, Chief Technologist, FCC


Steve Bellovin, Fellow - AT&T Labs
Richard DeMillo, Vice President and Chief Technology Officer, Hewlett-Packard
J. Scott Marcus, Chief Technology Officer, Genuity (formerly GTE Internetworking)


Do the rapid growth of the Internet and underlying communications paths (e.g., wireline, wireless, cable, and satellite) present new challenges in security and reliability as ever increasing numbers of service providers enter telecommunications markets seeking interconnection and increased bandwidth? How many backbones are needed and how independent, in terms of physical diversity, should those backbones be? At what level is infrastructure and information security provided: line carrier, nodes, wireless, user, handset and integrated or add-on? And, in the future, at what levels should security be provided, and by whom?

10:30 - 10:45       Break

Session 2
(10:45 - 12:15)

Growth of Electronic Commerce: Reliability and Security Challenges


Colin Crook, Fellow - Royal Academy of Engineering; formerly Chief Technology Officer, Citibank (ret.)


Pat Cain, Security Advocate, Genuity (formerly GTE Internetworking)
Will Leland, Chief Scientist and Director of Network Security Research, Telcordia Technolgies, Inc.
Bruce McConnell, President, McConnell International; formerly Director, International Y2K Cooperation Centre
William M. Mularie, Director, Information Systems Office (ISO), Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency


How successfully will industry be able to provide reliable and secure services as e-commerce continues to expand rapidly? What is the status of Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) and end-to-end security? What are the international commerce and security implications of rapidly expanding e-commerce?

12:15 - 13:15       No host lunch. Information concerning local restaurants will be provided.

Session 3
13:15 - 14:45)

Research Issues: Government and Industry Roles


Stan Trost, Senior Technical Advisor, Department of Energy, Office of Defense Programs


Gary Hayward, Executive Director, Telcordia Technologies, Inc.
Carl Landwehr, Senior Fellow, Mitretek Systems
Donald Marks, Emerging Technology and Testing, Computer Security Division, NIST
Jay Smart, Technical Advisor, National Security Agency


Where should government provide research/funding for development of security solutions that industry cannot (e.g., either for a niche use or for widespread use for the whole population)? What can government do that industry cannot, or will not, and vice-versa in protecting critical telecommunications infrastructure?

14:45 - 15:15       Break

Session 4
(15:15 - 16:45)

Challenges for Government


John Hamre, President and CEO, Center for Strategic and International Studies, formerly U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense


Mark Graff, Chief Scientist, Para-Protect Services, Inc.
David Longhurst, Deputy Director, Information Policy and Plans, Ministry of Defence, U.K.
William J. Marlow, Executive Vice President of Strategic Planning and Acquisitions, Global Integrity
Don Prosnitz, Chief Science and Technology Advisor, U.S. Department of Justice


What are the key policy implications of advances in telecommunications networks technologies? What will be the impact of developments in information technology on government policies (e.g., intrusion detection and critical infrastructure protection)? How should governments integrate their systems for security while providing on-line services to their constituents? How do continuing advances in technology affect law enforcement? How do international developments affect national telecommunications network infrastructures (e.g., are issues primarily technological or political)?

16:45 - 17:00       Conclusion

Members of the public may attend the conference, and every effort will be made to accommodate as many people as possible. Admittance, however, will be limited to the seating available in the Commission meeting room. Please allow sufficient time for clearance through Commission security before the conference begins. The audio portion of this conference will be broadcast live on the Internet via the FCC's Internet audio broadcast page at http://www.fcc.gov/realaudio, and available as a video by cable through the Capitol Connection. (703-993-3100 or CapitolConnection.org). Additional information concerning this conference may be obtained from Kent Nilsson at 202-418-0845 (e-mail:knilsson@fcc.gov), TTY 202-418-2989. A report of the conference will be available after the conference. For copies of the conference report, please contact Eileen Vergino at CGSR at 925-422-6141 (e-mail: verginoes@llnl.gov). A videotape of this conference may be obtained from INFOCUS at 703-834-0100.