PUBLIC NOTICE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 1919 M STREET, N.W. WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554 News media information 202/418-0500 Fax-On-Demand 202/418-2830 Internet: Released: April 27, 1998 Report No. 310 EXPERIMENTAL ACTIONS The Commission, by its Office of Engineering and Technology, Experimental Licensing Branch, granted the following experimental applications during the period from 3/1/98 to 3/31/98:  WA2XNZ CELLNET DATA SYSTEMS, INC. New experimental to operate in 183.5-184.5 MHz to test a remote meter reading system for export. Fixed: Continental United States, AK and HI  WA2XQN NORTHROP GRUMMAN CORPORATION New experimental to operate on 9375 and in 9682.8-9917.3 MHz for test, development, and demonstration of airborne radar for export. Mobile: Linthicum (Anne Arundel), MD and Continental United States  WA2XQS SATCOM MEDIA CORP. New experimental to operate in 14000-14500 MHz for test, development, and demonstrations of VSAT terminals. Fixed & Mobile: State of CA  WA2XNH LOCKHEED MARTIN CORPORATION New experimental to operate in 38.6-40 GHz to develop equipment for communication services. Fixed: Orlando (Orange), FL