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103OQ6CDocument Style=(5Qܺ*5ںOQE*%&   104OQ6CDocument Style=(5Qܺ*5ںOQE0' (    105OQ6CDocument Style=(5Qܺ*5ںOQE) * . 2 e e' 5Z106OQ6CDocument Style=(5Qܺ*5ںOQE +, 107OQ6CDocument Style=(5Qܺ*5ںOQE -. 2K  "i~'^5>I\\>>>\g0>03\\\\\\\\\\33gggQyyrg>Frgygrr>3>T\>Q\Q\Q>\\33\3\\\\>F3\\\\QX%Xc>0cT>>>0>>>>>>>>\3QQQQQwyQrQrQrQrQ>3>3>3>3\\\\\\\\\\Q\Z\\\g\QQQyQyQycyQtrQrQrQrQ\\\c\c\>3>\>>>\gcc\r3rIr>r>r3\l\\\\y>y>y>gFgFgFgcrMr3rT\\\\\\crQrQrQ\r>\gFr>\t0\\=!=WddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddNBnnBT\>Q\\\\\3;\7;\7>>QQ\??n\\pBnnBmgg>Q\7"yyyy\njc\gnn\4F X4w #Xj\  P6G;XP# Federal Communications Commission ă`)(#[ DA 981527   yxdddy 4  3%aQ#&a\  P6G;r&P#3  X'`+#Xj\  P6G;XP# Before the w Federal Communications Commission +Washington, D.C. 20554  X4\  Xl4In the Matter of hhCq) ` `  hhCq)  X>41998 Biennial Regulatory Review q)  X'4Amendment of Parts 2, 25 and 68 of theq)  X4Commission's Rules to Further Streamline the%aQ)  X4Equipment Authorization Process for Radio%aQ)  X 4Frequency Equipment, Modify the Equipment) GEN Docket No. 9868  X 4Authorization Process for Telephone Terminal%aQ)  X 4Equipment, Implement %aQ!  Mutual Recognition %aQ!  )  X 4Agreements and Begin %aQ#  Implementation of the %aQ# )  X 4Global Mobile Personal %aQ%  Communications by  %aQ% )  Xo4Satellite (GMPCS) %aQ'  ArrangementshhC %aQ' q) P%aQ(Arrangements) P  XA4  ORDER GRANTING EXTENSION OF TIME ă  X4 Adopted: July 31, 1998hhCqReleased: August 4, 1998 By the Chief, Office of Engineering and Technology 1. On June 29, 1998, the Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) submitted a motion to the Commission to extend the reply comment deadline in the above captioned proceeding from August 10, 1998 to August 26, 1998. TIA states that the additional time is required to review the comments received by the Commission and to develop an appropriate response. 2. The Commission does not routinely grant extensions of time in rule making proceedings. However, we believe that providing more time will enable TIA to submit additional information that will be beneficial to the record in this proceeding. Accordingly, we agree to extend the reply comment deadline. IT IS ORDERED that the time for filing reply comments in the above captioned proceeding IS EXTENDED to August 26, 1998. 3. This action is taken pursuant to the authority found in Section 4(i) and 303 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C.  154(i) and 303; and pursuant to Sections 0.31, 0.241 and 1.46 of the Commission's Rules, 47 CFR  0.31, 0.241 and 1.46. ` `  hhCqFEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION  %aQ)   %aQ)  ` `  hhCqDale N. Hatfield ` `  hhCqChief ` `  hhCqOffice of Engineering and Technology