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AL MONTGOMERY" " 51 32-08-30<<086-44-43  aE^" AL MONTGOMERY" " 57 31-58-32<<086-09-46  aE# AL MOUNT CHEAHA" " 56 33-29-07<<085-48-33  aE# AL OPELIKA" " 31 32-38-33<<085-14-13  aEP$ AL OZARK" " 33 31-12-29<<085-36-51  aE$ AL SELMA" " 55 32-08-58<<086-46-48  aE% AL TROY" " 48 31-58-32<<086-09-46  aEB& AL TUSCALOOSA" " 34 33-28-48<<087-25-50  aE& AL TUSKEGEE" " 24 32-03-36<<085-57-02  aE' AR ARKADELPHIA" " 46 33-54-26<<093-06-46"'3,(( &p!"Ԍ aE AR EL DORADO2733-04-41 092-13-41  aE AR FAYETTEVILLE1536-00-57 094-04-59  aEL AR FAYETTEVILLE4535-48-53 094-01-41  aE AR FORT SMITH1735-42-37 094-08-15  aE AR FORT SMITH1835-30-43 094-21-38  aE> AR FORT SMITH2135-04-16 094-40-46  aE AR HOT SPRINGS1434-22-21 093-02-47  aE AR JONESBORO2035-54-14 090-46-14  aE0 AR JONESBORO4935-53-27 090-54-06  aE AR JONESBORO5835-53-17 090-56-09  aE| AR LITTLE ROCK1234-47-57 092-29-59  aE" AR LITTLE ROCK2234-28-23 092-12-11  aE AR LITTLE ROCK3234-47-57 092-29-59  aEn AR LITTLE ROCK3334-47-57 092-29-29  aE AR LITTLE ROCK4334-52-28 092-00-35  aE AR LITTLE ROCK4734-28-23 092-12-11  aE` AR MOUNTAIN VIEW3535-48-47 092-17-24  aE AR NEWARK2635-43-25 091-26-40  aE AR PINE BLUFF2434-31-52 092-02-42  aER AR PINE BLUFF3934-26-31 092-13-03  aE AR ROGERS5036-12-15 094-06-05  aE AR SPRINGDALE3936-11-07 094-17-49  aED AZ FLAGSTAFF1834-58-04 111-30-30  aE AZ FLAGSTAFF2234-58-06 111-30-28  aE AZ FLAGSTAFF2734-58-05 111-30-29  aE6 AZ FLAGSTAFF2835-14-26 111-35-48  aE AZ GREEN VALLEY4732-24-54 110-42-56  aE AZ KINGMAN1935-01-57 114-21-56  aE( AZ KINGMAN4635-11-20 114-03-12  aE AZ LAKE HAVASU CITY3534-33-06 114-11-37  aEt AZ MCNARY4234-04-22 109-51-12  aE AZ MESA3633-20-00 112-03-48  aE AZ NOGALES2531-42-18 110-55-26  aEf AZ PHOENIX1433-20-00 112-03-46  aE  AZ PHOENIX1733-20-02 112-03-40  aE AZ PHOENIX2033-20-02 112-03-42  aEX AZ PHOENIX2333-20-03 112-03-43  aE AZ PHOENIX2433-20-01 112-03-45  aE AZ PHOENIX2633-20-01 112-03-32  aEJ AZ PHOENIX2933-20-00 112-03-49  aE AZ PHOENIX3433-20-00 112-03-46  aE AZ PHOENIX4933-20-01 112-03-44  aE< AZ PRESCOTT2534-41-15 112-07-01  aE AZ SIERRA VISTA4431-33-59 110-13-57  aE AZ TOLLESON5233-20-03 112-03-38  aE. AZ TUCSON1932-14-55 111-06-57  aE AZ TUCSON2832-12-53 111-00-21  aEz AZ TUCSON3032-24-55 110-42-54  aE  AZ TUCSON3132-24-56 110-42-49  aE AZ TUCSON3232-14-56 111-06-58  aEl AZ TUCSON3532-24-54 110-42-59  aE! AZ TUCSON4132-14-55 111-06-57  aE! AZ YUMA1633-03-17 114-49-34  aE^" AZ YUMA4133-03-10 114-49-40  aE# CA ANAHEIM3234-11-14 117-42-01  aE# CA ARCATA2240-43-36 123-58-18  aEP$ CA BAKERSFIELD1035-27-14 118-35-37  aE$ CA BAKERSFIELD2535-26-20 118-44-23  aE% CA BAKERSFIELD3335-27-11 118-35-25  aEB& CA BAKERSFIELD5535-26-20 118-44-24  aE& CA BARSTOW2734-53-38 117-01-43  aE' CA BARSTOW4434-36-34 117-17-11H'3,(( &p!$4(3 &3 &((HԌ aE CA BLYTHE" " 4 33-36-36<<114-35-44  aE CA CALIPATRIA" " 50 33-03-19<<114-49-39  aEL CA CERES" " 15 37-35-21<<120-57-23  aE CA CHICO" " 36 40-15-31<<122-05-20  aE CA CHICO" " 43 39-57-30<<121-42-48  aE> CA CHICO" " 51 39-43-54<<121-50-18  aE CA CLOVIS" " 44 36-44-45<<119-16-57  aE CA COALINGA" " 22 36-08-30<<120-21-18  aE0 CA CONCORD" " 63 37-53-34<<121-53-53  aE CA CORONA" " 39 34-13-27<<118-03-45  aE| CA COTATI" " 23 38-20-54<<122-34-27  aE" CA EL CENTRO" " 22 33-03-06<<114-49-41  aE CA EL CENTRO" " 48 33-03-19<<114-49-39  aEn CA EUREKA" " 11 40-43-36<<123-58-19  aE CA EUREKA" " 16 40-43-52<<123-57-06  aE CA EUREKA" " 17 40-43-36<<123-58-18  aE` CA EUREKA" " 28 40-49-32<<124-00-05  aE CA FORT BRAGG" " 15 39-41-38<<123-34-43  aE CA FRESNO" " 7 37-04-23<<119-25-52  aER CA FRESNO" " 9 37-04-38<<119-26-00  aE CA FRESNO" " 14 37-04-14<<119-25-31  aE CA FRESNO" " 16 36-44-45<<119-16-53  aED CA FRESNO" " 40 36-44-45<<119-16-52  aE CA HANFORD" " 20 37-04-22<<119-25-53  aE CA HUNTINGTON BEACH" " 48 33-58-19<<117-56-57  aE6 CA LOS ANGELES" " 8 34-13-37<<118-03-58  aE CA LOS ANGELES" " 35 34-13-35<<118-03-56  aE CA LOS ANGELES" " 36 34-13-32<<118-03-52  aE( CA LOS ANGELES" " 41 34-13-26<<118-03-45  aE CA LOS ANGELES" " 42 34-13-36<<118-03-59  aEt CA LOS ANGELES" " 43 34-13-38<<118-04-00  aE CA LOS ANGELES" " 59 34-13-26<<118-03-44  aE CA LOS ANGELES" " 60 34-13-57<<118-04-18  aEf CA LOS ANGELES" " 65 34-13-29<<118-03-47  aE  CA LOS ANGELES" " 66 34-13-42<<118-04-02  aE CA LOS ANGELES" " 68 34-13-36<<118-03-56  aEX CA MERCED" " 38 37-31-59<<120-01-36  aE CA MODESTO" " 18 38-07-07<<120-43-23  aE CA MONTEREY" " 31 36-45-23<<121-30-05  aEJ CA MONTEREY" " 32 36-32-05<<121-37-14  aE CA NOVATO" " 47 38-08-53<<122-35-33  aE CA OAKLAND" " 56 37-45-20<<122-27-05  aE< CA ONTARIO" " 47 34-13-37<<118-03-58  aE CA OXNARD" " 24 34-19-51<<119-01-22  aE CA PALM SPRINGS" " 46 33-52-00<<116-25-56  aE. CA PALM SPRINGS" " 52 33-38-55<<116-33-34  aE CA PARADISE" " 20 39-57-45<<121-42-40  aEz CA PORTERVILLE" " 48 36-17-14<<118-50-17  aE  CA RANCHO PALOS VERDES" " 51 33-21-00<<118-21-05  aE CA REDDING" " 14 40-36-10<<122-39-00  aEl CA REDDING" " 18 40-36-09<<122-39-01  aE! CA RIVERSIDE" " 69 34-11-16<<117-41-55  aE! CA SACRAMENTO" " 21 38-15-52<<121-29-22  aE^" CA SACRAMENTO" " 35 38-15-52<<121-29-22  aE# CA SACRAMENTO" " 48 38-37-49<<120-51-20  aE# CA SACRAMENTO" " 53 38-16-18<<121-30-18  aEP$ CA SACRAMENTO" " 55 38-16-18<<121-30-18  aE$ CA SACRAMENTO" " 61 38-14-24<<121-30-03  aE% CA SALINAS" " 13 36-45-22<<121-30-05  aEB& CA SALINAS" " 43 37-03-30<<121-46-33  aE& CA SAN BERNARDINO" " 26 33-57-57<<117-17-05  aE' CA SAN BERNARDINO" " 38 34-11-15<<117-41-58"'4,(( &p!"Ԍ aE CA SAN BERNARDINO6134-11-15 117-41-54  aE CA SAN DIEGO1832-41-52 116-56-02  aEL CA SAN DIEGO1932-41-47 116-56-07  aE CA SAN DIEGO2532-50-20 117-14-56  aE CA SAN DIEGO3032-41-47 116-56-07  aE> CA SAN DIEGO4032-41-48 116-56-06  aE CA SAN DIEGO5532-50-17 117-14-56  aE CA SAN FRANCISCO1937-45-20 122-27-05  aE0 CA SAN FRANCISCO2437-45-20 122-27-05  aE CA SAN FRANCISCO2737-41-12 122-26-03  aE| CA SAN FRANCISCO2837-45-20 122-27-05  aE" CA SAN FRANCISCO2937-29-57 121-52-16  aE CA SAN FRANCISCO3337-45-20 122-27-05  aEn CA SAN FRANCISCO3437-45-20 122-27-05  aE CA SAN FRANCISCO3937-45-20 122-27-05  aE CA SAN FRANCISCO4537-45-20 122-27-05  aE` CA SAN FRANCISCO5737-45-20 122-27-05  aE CA SAN JOSE1237-06-40 121-50-34  aE CA SAN JOSE4137-06-41 121-50-30  aER CA SAN JOSE4937-29-05 121-51-51  aE CA SAN JOSE5037-29-07 121-51-57  aE CA SAN JOSE5237-29-17 121-51-59  aED CA SAN LUIS OBISPO1535-21-37 120-39-17  aE CA SAN LUIS OBISPO3435-21-38 120-39-21  aE CA SAN MATEO5937-41-07 122-26-01  aE6 CA SANGER3637-04-26 119-25-52  aE CA SANTA ANA5334-13-27 118-03-44  aE CA SANTA BARBARA2634-25-18 119-41-55  aE( CA SANTA BARBARA2734-31-32 119-57-28  aE CA SANTA MARIA1934-54-37 120-11-08  aEt CA SANTA ROSA5438-40-10 122-37-52  aE CA STOCKTON2538-14-24 121-30-03  aE CA STOCKTON4638-14-24 121-30-03  aEf CA STOCKTON6237-53-35 121-53-58  aE  CA TWENTYNINE PALMS2334-09-15 116-11-50  aE CA VALLEJO3037-45-20 122-27-05  aEX CA VENTURA4934-19-51 119-01-22  aE CA VISALIA2836-40-02 118-52-42  aE CA VISALIA5036-17-14 118-50-17  aEJ CA WATSONVILLE5836-45-23 121-30-05  aE CO ALAMOSA4637-28-10 105-52-00  aE CO BOULDER1539-40-18 105-13-12  aE< CO BROOMFIELD3639-40-55 105-29-49  aE CO CASTLE ROCK4739-25-58 104-39-18  aE CO COLORADO SPRINGS1038-44-41 104-51-41  aE. CO COLORADO SPRINGS2238-44-43 104-51-40  aE CO COLORADO SPRINGS2438-44-45 104-51-38  aEz CO CRAIG4840-30-55 107-32-47  aE  CO DENVER1639-43-46 105-14-08  aE CO DENVER1739-43-46 105-14-12  aEl CO DENVER1839-43-49 105-15-00  aE! CO DENVER1939-40-18 105-13-12  aE! CO DENVER3239-43-45 105-14-12  aE^" CO DENVER3439-43-59 105-14-12  aE# CO DENVER3539-43-48 105-14-02  aE# CO DENVER4039-35-59 105-12-35  aEP$ CO DENVER4439-40-24 105-13-03  aE$ CO DENVER5139-43-59 105-14-12  aE% CO DURANGO1737-15-44 107-53-58  aEB& CO FORT COLLINS2140-38-32 104-49-05  aE& CO GLENWOOD SPRINGS2339-25-05 107-22-01  aE' CO GLENWOOD SPRINGS3939-32-49 107-19-24H'4,(( &p!$4(4M4M'((HԌ aE CO GRAND JUNCTION" " 2 39-05-15<<108-33-56  aE CO GRAND JUNCTION" " 7 39-02-55<<108-15-06  aEL CO GRAND JUNCTION" " 14 39-04-00<<108-44-41  aE CO GRAND JUNCTION" " 15 39-03-56<<108-44-52  aE CO GRAND JUNCTION" " 16 39-03-14<<108-15-13  aE> CO LA JUNTA" " 30 37-59-06<<103-32-19  aE CO LAMAR" " 50 38-05-14<<102-37-02  aE CO LEADVILLE" " 49 39-14-52<<106-17-28  aE0 CO LONGMONT" " 26 40-05-47<<104-54-04  aE CO MONTROSE" " 13 38-31-02<<107-51-12  aE| CO PUEBLO" " 27 38-22-25<<104-33-27  aE" CO PUEBLO" " 29 38-44-44<<104-51-39  aE CO STEAMBOAT SPRINGS" " 10 40-27-43<<106-51-02  aEn CO STERLING" " 23 40-34-57<<103-01-56  aE CO TRINIDAD" " 43 37-10-05<<104-29-31  aE CT BRIDGEPORT" " 42 41-21-43<<073-06-48  aE` CT BRIDGEPORT" " 52 41-16-43<<073-11-08  aE CT HARTFORD" " 5 41-42-13<<072-49-57  aE CT HARTFORD" " 11 41-46-30<<072-48-20  aER CT HARTFORD" " 32 41-46-27<<072-48-20  aE CT HARTFORD" " 46 41-46-30<<072-48-04  aE CT NEW BRITAIN" " 35 41-42-02<<072-49-57  aED CT NEW HAVEN" " 6 41-25-23<<072-57-06  aE CT NEW HAVEN" " 10 41-25-23<<072-57-06  aE CT NEW HAVEN" " 39 41-19-42<<072-54-25  aE6 CT NEW LONDON" " 34 41-25-05<<072-11-55  aE CT NORWICH" " 45 41-31-11<<072-10-04  aE CT WATERBURY" " 12 41-31-04<<073-01-07  aE( DC WASHINGTON" " 6 38-57-21<<077-04-57  aE DC WASHINGTON" " 27 38-57-49<<077-06-18  aEt DC WASHINGTON" " 33 38-57-49<<077-06-18  aE DC WASHINGTON" " 34 38-57-01<<077-04-47  aE DC WASHINGTON" " 35 38-57-49<<077-06-18  aEf DC WASHINGTON" " 39 38-57-01<<077-04-47  aE  DC WASHINGTON" " 48 38-56-24<<077-04-54  aE DC WASHINGTON" " 51 38-57-44<<077-01-36  aEX DE SEAFORD" " 44 38-39-15<<075-36-42  aE DE WILMINGTON" " 31 39-41-43<<075-17-55  aE DE WILMINGTON" " 55 40-02-30<<075-14-24  aEJ FL BOCA RATON" " 44 25-59-34<<080-10-27  aE FL BRADENTON" " 5 27-29-42<<082-34-17  aE FL BRADENTON" " 42 27-24-30<<082-15-00  aE< FL CAPE CORAL" " 35 26-47-43<<081-48-04  aE FL CLEARWATER" " 21 28-11-04<<082-45-39  aE FL CLERMONT" " 17 28-34-51<<081-04-32  aE. FL COCOA" " 30 28-18-26<<080-54-48  aE FL COCOA" " 51 28-18-26<<080-54-48  aEz FL DAYTONA BEACH" " 11 28-56-17<<081-18-58  aE  FL DAYTONA BEACH" " 49 29-17-10<<081-29-37  aE FL FORT LAUDERDALE" " 52 25-57-59<<080-12-33  aEl FL FORT MYERS" " 15 26-49-27<<081-45-51  aE! FL FORT MYERS" " 31 26-48-54<<081-45-44  aE! FL FORT MYERS" " 53 26-48-01<<081-45-48  aE^" FL FORT PIERCE" " 38 27-26-05<<080-21-42  aE# FL FORT PIERCE" " 50 27-07-20<<080-23-21  aE# FL FORT WALTON BEACH" " 25 30-26-36<<086-35-56  aEP$ FL FORT WALTON BEACH" " 40 30-24-09<<086-59-35  aE$ FL FORT WALTON BEACH" " 49 30-23-43<<086-30-11  aE% FL GAINESVILLE" " 16 29-32-11<<082-24-00  aEB& FL GAINESVILLE" " 36 29-42-34<<082-23-40  aE& FL HIGH SPRINGS" " 28 29-37-47<<082-34-24  aE' FL HOLLYWOOD" " 47 25-57-59<<080-12-33"'5,(( &p!"Ԍ aE FL JACKSONVILLE1330-16-23 081-33-13  aE FL JACKSONVILLE1930-16-34 081-33-58  aEL FL JACKSONVILLE3230-16-53 081-34-15  aE FL JACKSONVILLE3430-16-36 081-33-47  aE FL JACKSONVILLE3830-16-53 081-34-15  aE> FL JACKSONVILLE4230-16-23 081-33-13  aE FL JACKSONVILLE4430-16-34 081-33-53  aE FL KEY WEST 324-33-18 081-48-07  aE0 FL KEY WEST1224-34-19 081-44-25  aE FL LAKE WORTH3626-43-35 080-04-53  aE| FL LAKELAND1927-50-15 081-56-53  aE" FL LEESBURG4028-55-16 081-19-09  aE FL LEESBURG4628-51-35 081-46-27  aEn FL LIVE OAK4830-33-08 083-00-32  aE FL MARATHON3424-42-48 081-05-06  aE FL MELBOURNE2028-18-26 080-54-48  aE` FL MELBOURNE4828-05-37 081-07-28  aE FL MIAMI 825-57-49 080-12-44  aE FL MIAMI 925-57-59 080-12-44  aER FL MIAMI1825-57-30 080-12-44  aE FL MIAMI1925-57-30 080-12-44  aE FL MIAMI2025-58-07 080-13-20  aED FL MIAMI2125-41-05 080-18-52  aE FL MIAMI2225-58-07 080-13-20  aE FL MIAMI2425-58-07 080-13-20  aE6 FL MIAMI3025-32-24 080-28-07  aE FL MIAMI3225-57-59 080-12-33  aE FL MIAMI4625-59-34 080-10-27  aE( FL NAPLES4326-25-22 081-37-49  aE FL NAPLES4526-25-22 081-37-49  aEt FL NEW SMYRNA BEACH3329-10-24 081-09-24  aE FL OCALA3129-21-32 082-19-53  aE FL ORANGE PARK1030-04-27 081-48-23  aEf FL ORLANDO1428-29-21 081-46-13  aE  FL ORLANDO2228-36-17 081-05-13  aE FL ORLANDO2328-36-08 081-05-37  aEX FL ORLANDO3928-36-08 081-05-37  aE FL ORLANDO4128-34-51 081-04-32  aE FL ORLANDO5828-36-08 081-05-37  aEJ FL PALM BEACH4926-45-47 080-12-19  aE FL PANAMA CITY1930-21-09 085-23-26  aE FL PANAMA CITY2930-23-42 085-32-02  aE< FL PANAMA CITY3830-22-02 085-55-29  aE FL PANAMA CITY4130-26-00 085-24-51  aE FL PANAMA CITY BEACH4730-10-59 085-46-42  aE. FL PENSACOLA1730-37-38 087-37-31  aE FL PENSACOLA3130-26-36 087-14-03  aEz FL PENSACOLA3430-37-35 087-38-50  aE  FL PENSACOLA4530-35-18 087-33-16  aE FL SARASOTA5227-33-27 082-21-59  aEl FL ST. PETERSBURG2428-11-04 082-45-39  aE! FL ST. PETERSBURG5727-50-32 082-15-46  aE! FL ST. PETERSBURG5927-49-48 082-15-59  aE^" FL TALLAHASSEE 230-35-11 084-14-11  aE# FL TALLAHASSEE2230-40-06 083-58-06  aE# FL TALLAHASSEE3230-21-29 084-36-39  aEP$ FL TAMPA 727-50-32 082-15-46  aE$ FL TAMPA1227-49-09 082-14-26  aE% FL TAMPA2927-50-32 082-15-46  aEB& FL TAMPA3427-50-53 082-15-48  aE& FL TAMPA4727-50-32 082-15-46  aE' FL TAMPA5427-49-48 082-15-59H'5,(( &p!$4(5 u5 uO((HԌ aE FL TEQUESTA" " 16 27-07-17<<080-23-41  aE FL TICE" " 33 26-47-08<<081-47-41  aEL FL VENICE" " 25 27-06-01<<082-22-18  aE FL WEST PALM BEACH" " 13 26-35-17<<080-12-28  aE FL WEST PALM BEACH" " 27 26-34-37<<080-14-32  aE> FL WEST PALM BEACH" " 28 26-34-37<<080-14-32  aE FL WEST PALM BEACH" " 55 26-35-20<<080-12-43  aE GA ALBANY" " 17 31-19-52<<083-51-44  aE0 GA ALBANY" " 30 31-19-52<<083-51-43  aE GA ATHENS" " 22 33-48-18<<084-08-40  aE| GA ATHENS" " 48 34-07-32<<083-51-31  aE" GA ATLANTA" " 10 33-45-24<<084-19-55  aE GA ATLANTA" " 19 33-48-27<<084-20-26  aEn GA ATLANTA" " 20 33-46-57<<084-23-20  aE GA ATLANTA" " 21 33-45-35<<084-20-07  aE GA ATLANTA" " 25 33-48-27<<084-20-26  aE` GA ATLANTA" " 27 33-47-49<<084-20-00  aE GA ATLANTA" " 38 34-03-59<<084-27-17  aE GA ATLANTA" " 39 33-45-51<<084-21-42  aER GA ATLANTA" " 43 33-45-34<<084-23-19  aE GA AUGUSTA" " 30 33-25-15<<081-50-19  aE GA AUGUSTA" " 31 33-24-29<<081-50-36  aED GA AUGUSTA" " 42 33-24-15<<081-50-19  aE GA AUGUSTA" " 51 33-25-00<<081-50-06  aE GA BAINBRIDGE" " 50 30-39-01<<084-12-13  aE6 GA BAXLEY" " 35 31-45-53<<082-13-38  aE GA BRUNSWICK" " 24 31-08-22<<081-56-15  aE GA CHATSWORTH" " 33 34-45-06<<084-42-54  aE( GA COCHRAN" " 7 32-28-11<<083-15-17  aE GA COLUMBUS" " 15 32-19-25<<084-46-46  aEt GA COLUMBUS" " 23 32-51-08<<084-42-04  aE GA COLUMBUS" " 35 32-27-28<<084-53-08  aE GA COLUMBUS" " 47 32-19-25<<084-46-46  aEf GA COLUMBUS" " 49 32-27-40<<084-52-43  aE  GA CORDELE" " 51 31-54-15<<083-48-12  aE GA DALTON" " 16 34-57-07<<085-22-58  aEX GA DAWSON" " 26 31-56-15<<084-33-15  aE GA MACON" " 16 32-44-58<<083-33-35  aE GA MACON" " 40 32-45-12<<083-33-46  aEJ GA MACON" " 45 32-45-10<<083-33-32  aE GA MACON" " 50 32-44-58<<083-33-35  aE GA MONROE" " 44 33-44-22<<084-00-14  aE< GA PELHAM" " 20 31-08-05<<084-06-16  aE GA PERRY" " 32 32-45-09<<083-33-35  aE GA ROME" " 51 34-18-47<<084-38-55  aE. GA SAVANNAH" " 15 32-03-14<<081-21-01  aE GA SAVANNAH" " 23 32-03-30<<081-20-20  aEz GA SAVANNAH" " 39 32-03-32<<081-17-57  aE  GA SAVANNAH" " 46 32-08-48<<081-37-05  aE GA THOMASVILLE" " 52 30-40-13<<083-56-26  aEl GA TOCCOA" " 24 34-36-44<<083-22-05  aE! GA VALDOSTA" " 43 31-10-18<<083-21-57  aE! GA WAYCROSS" " 18 31-13-17<<082-34-24  aE^" GA WRENS" " 36 33-15-33<<082-17-09  aE# HI HILO" " 8 19-43-00<<155-08-13  aE# HI HILO" " 18 19-43-57<<155-04-04  aEP$ HI HILO" " 19 19-43-44<<155-05-31  aE$ HI HILO" " 21 19-43-57<<155-04-04  aE% HI HILO" " 22 19-43-51<<155-04-11  aEB& HI HILO" " 23 19-43-51<<155-04-11  aE& HI HILO" " 31 19-43-44<<155-05-31  aE' HI HILO" " 39 19-43-44<<155-05-31"'6,(( &p!"Ԍ aE HI HONOLULU 821-17-46 157-50-36  aE HI HONOLULU1821-17-46 157-50-36  aEL HI HONOLULU1921-23-51 158-06-01  aE HI HONOLULU2221-17-39 157-50-18  aE HI HONOLULU2321-24-03 158-06-10  aE> HI HONOLULU2721-23-45 158-05-58  aE HI HONOLULU3121-18-49 157-51-43  aE HI HONOLULU3321-18-49 157-51-43  aE0 HI HONOLULU3521-17-09 157-50-19  aE HI HONOLULU3921-23-45 158-05-58  aE| HI HONOLULU4021-17-37 157-50-34  aE" HI HONOLULU4321-23-45 158-05-58  aE HI KAILUA KONA2519-42-56 155-55-00  aEn HI KANEOHE4121-19-49 157-45-24  aE HI LIHUE 721-58-41 159-22-16  aE HI LIHUE1221-58-41 159-22-16  aE` HI LIHUE2821-58-41 159-22-16  aE HI LIHUE4521-58-41 159-22-16  aE HI WAILUKU1620-42-34 156-15-54  aER HI WAILUKU2020-49-24 156-27-27  aE HI WAILUKU2420-42-41 156-15-35  aE HI WAILUKU2820-53-25 156-30-22  aED HI WAILUKU2920-42-43 156-15-26  aE HI WAILUKU3020-42-40 156-15-34  aE HI WAILUKU3420-53-25 156-30-22  aE6 HI WAILUKU3620-42-41 156-15-26  aE IA AMES5941-48-33 093-36-53  aE IA BURLINGTON4140-49-25 091-08-22  aE( IA CEDAR RAPIDS2742-05-25 092-05-13  aE IA CEDAR RAPIDS4742-17-17 091-52-54  aEt IA CEDAR RAPIDS5142-17-39 091-53-10  aE IA CEDAR RAPIDS5242-18-59 091-51-31  aE IA CENTERVILLE4440-43-30 092-52-12  aEf IA COUNCIL BLUFFS3341-15-15 095-50-07  aE  IA DAVENPORT3441-31-58 090-34-40  aE IA DAVENPORT4941-19-17 090-22-47  aEX IA DAVENPORT5641-32-49 090-28-35  aE IA DES MOINES1641-48-01 093-36-27  aE IA DES MOINES1941-48-33 093-36-53  aEJ IA DES MOINES2641-48-35 093-37-16  aE IA DES MOINES3141-48-35 093-37-16  aE IA DES MOINES5041-48-33 093-36-53  aE< IA DUBUQUE4342-31-05 090-37-16  aE IA FORT DODGE2542-49-03 094-24-41  aE IA IOWA CITY2541-45-26 091-31-31  aE. IA IOWA CITY4541-43-15 091-20-30  aE IA MASON CITY1843-22-20 092-49-59  aEz IA MASON CITY4243-22-20 092-49-59  aE  IA OTTUMWA1441-11-42 091-57-15  aE IA RED OAK3541-20-40 095-15-21  aEl IA SIOUX CITY2842-30-53 096-18-13  aE! IA SIOUX CITY3042-35-12 096-13-57  aE! IA SIOUX CITY3942-30-53 096-18-13  aE^" IA SIOUX CITY4142-35-12 096-13-57  aE# IA SIOUX CITY4942-35-16 096-13-22  aE# IA WATERLOO3542-18-59 091-51-31  aEP$ IA WATERLOO5542-24-04 091-50-43  aE$ ID BOISE2143-45-16 116-05-56  aE% ID BOISE2543-45-17 116-05-53  aEB& ID BOISE2643-45-16 116-05-56  aE& ID BURLEY4842-32-05 113-47-46  aE' ID CALDWELL1043-45-18 116-05-52H'6,(( &p!$4(66v((HԌ aE ID COEUR D'ALENE" " 56 47-43-54<<116-43-47  aE ID FILER" " 18 42-43-47<<114-24-52  aEL ID GRANGEVILLE" " 44 45-55-34<<116-07-17  aE ID IDAHO FALLS" " 9 43-30-02<<112-39-36  aE ID IDAHO FALLS" " 36 43-29-51<<112-39-50  aE> ID LEWISTON" " 32 46-27-27<<117-05-56  aE ID MOSCOW" " 33 46-40-54<<116-58-13  aE ID NAMPA" " 22 43-45-20<<116-05-55  aE0 ID NAMPA" " 27 43-45-18<<116-05-52  aE ID POCATELLO" " 17 43-30-02<<112-39-36  aE| ID POCATELLO" " 23 42-55-15<<112-20-44  aE" ID TWIN FALLS" " 16 42-43-48<<114-24-52  aE ID TWIN FALLS" " 24 42-43-47<<114-24-52  aEn ID TWIN FALLS" " 34 42-43-42<<114-24-43  aE ID WEISER" " 34 44-14-49<<116-58-12  aE IL AURORA" " 59 41-52-44<<087-38-10  aE` IL BLOOMINGTON" " 28 40-38-45<<089-10-45  aE IL CARBONDALE" " 40 38-06-15<<089-14-37  aE IL CHAMPAIGN" " 41 40-04-11<<087-54-45  aER IL CHAMPAIGN" " 48 40-06-23<<088-26-59  aE IL CHARLESTON" " 50 39-28-43<<088-10-21  aE IL CHICAGO" " 3 41-53-56<<087-37-23  aED IL CHICAGO" " 19 41-53-56<<087-37-23  aE IL CHICAGO" " 21 41-53-56<<087-37-23  aE IL CHICAGO" " 27 41-52-44<<087-38-10  aE6 IL CHICAGO" " 29 41-52-44<<087-38-10  aE IL CHICAGO" " 31 41-53-56<<087-37-23  aE IL CHICAGO" " 43 41-53-56<<087-37-23  aE( IL CHICAGO" " 45 41-53-56<<087-37-23  aE IL CHICAGO" " 47 41-52-44<<087-38-10  aEt IL CHICAGO" " 52 41-52-44<<087-38-10  aE IL DECATUR" " 18 39-57-07<<088-49-55  aE IL DECATUR" " 22 39-57-03<<088-52-05  aEf IL EAST ST. LOUIS" " 47 38-23-18<<090-29-16  aE  IL FREEPORT" " 41 42-17-48<<089-10-15  aE IL HARRISBURG" " 34 37-36-46<<088-52-20  aEX IL JACKSONVILLE" " 15 39-44-08<<090-10-32  aE IL JOLIET" " 53 41-53-56<<087-37-23  aE IL LASALLE" " 10 41-16-51<<088-56-13  aEJ IL MACOMB" " 21 40-23-53<<090-43-56  aE IL MARION" " 17 37-33-26<<089-01-24  aE IL MOLINE" " 23 41-19-17<<090-22-47  aE< IL MOLINE" " 38 41-18-44<<090-22-47  aE IL MOUNT VERNON" " 21 38-32-39<<088-55-26  aE IL OLNEY" " 19 38-50-18<<088-07-46  aE. IL PEORIA" " 30 40-38-07<<089-32-19  aE IL PEORIA" " 39 40-43-26<<089-29-04  aEz IL PEORIA" " 40 40-39-11<<089-35-14  aE  IL PEORIA" " 46 40-37-44<<089-34-12  aE IL PEORIA" " 57 40-37-48<<089-32-51  aEl IL QUINCY" " 32 39-58-18<<091-19-42  aE! IL QUINCY" " 34 39-58-44<<091-18-33  aE! IL QUINCY" " 54 39-57-03<<091-19-54  aE^" IL ROCK ISLAND" " 58 41-32-49<<090-28-35  aE# IL ROCKFORD" " 16 42-17-14<<089-10-15  aE# IL ROCKFORD" " 42 42-17-26<<089-09-51  aEP$ IL ROCKFORD" " 54 42-17-50<<089-14-24  aE$ IL SPRINGFIELD" " 42 39-48-15<<089-27-40  aE% IL SPRINGFIELD" " 44 39-47-56<<089-26-45  aEB& IL SPRINGFIELD" " 53 39-47-27<<089-30-53  aE& IL URBANA" " 26 40-18-42<<087-54-48  aE' IL URBANA" " 33 40-02-18<<088-40-10"'7,(( &p!"Ԍ aE IN ANGOLA1241-27-15 084-48-10  aE IN BLOOMINGTON1439-08-32 086-29-43  aEL IN BLOOMINGTON2739-24-16 086-08-37  aE IN BLOOMINGTON5339-24-27 086-08-52  aE IN BLOOMINGTON5639-24-12 086-08-50  aE> IN ELKHART5841-36-58 086-11-38  aE IN EVANSVILLE2838-01-27 087-21-43  aE IN EVANSVILLE4537-53-17 087-32-37  aE0 IN EVANSVILLE5438-01-27 087-21-43  aE IN EVANSVILLE5837-53-14 087-31-07  aE| IN EVANSVILLE5937-51-56 087-34-04  aE" IN FORT WAYNE 441-05-38 085-10-48  aE IN FORT WAYNE1941-05-40 085-10-36  aEn IN FORT WAYNE2441-06-08 085-11-04  aE IN FORT WAYNE3641-06-33 085-11-44  aE IN FORT WAYNE4041-06-13 085-11-28  aE` IN GARY1741-20-56 087-24-02  aE IN GARY5141-52-44 087-38-10  aE IN HAMMOND3641-33-10 087-47-09  aER IN INDIANAPOLIS 939-53-25 086-12-20  aE IN INDIANAPOLIS1639-53-39 086-12-19  aE IN INDIANAPOLIS2139-53-59 086-12-01  aED IN INDIANAPOLIS2539-53-59 086-12-02  aE IN INDIANAPOLIS4439-50-25 086-10-34  aE IN INDIANAPOLIS4539-53-20 086-12-07  aE6 IN INDIANAPOLIS4639-55-43 086-10-55  aE IN KOKOMO5440-20-20 085-57-15  aE IN LAFAYETTE1140-23-20 086-36-46  aE( IN MARION3240-08-57 085-56-15  aE IN MUNCIE5240-09-38 085-22-42  aEt IN RICHMOND3039-30-44 084-38-09  aE IN SALEM5738-21-00 085-50-57  aE IN SOUTH BEND3041-37-00 086-13-01  aEf IN SOUTH BEND3541-36-59 086-11-43  aE  IN SOUTH BEND4241-36-20 086-12-45  aE IN SOUTH BEND4841-35-43 086-09-38  aEX IN TERRE HAUTE2439-14-36 087-23-07  aE IN TERRE HAUTE3639-14-33 087-23-29  aE IN TERRE HAUTE3939-13-58 087-23-49  aEJ IN VINCENNES5238-39-06 087-28-37  aE KS COLBY1539-15-25 101-21-10  aE KS ENSIGN 537-38-28 100-20-40  aE< KS FORT SCOTT4037-26-36 094-39-31  aE KS GARDEN CITY1737-46-40 100-52-08  aE KS GARDEN CITY1837-39-01 100-40-06  aE. KS GARDEN CITY4237-46-06 100-55-04  aE KS GOODLAND1439-28-09 101-33-20  aEz KS GREAT BEND2238-25-54 098-46-18  aE  KS HAYS1638-46-16 098-44-17  aE KS HAYS2038-53-01 099-20-15  aEl KS HUTCHINSON1938-03-40 097-45-49  aE! KS HUTCHINSON2938-03-21 097-46-35  aE! KS HUTCHINSON3537-56-23 097-33-42  aE^" KS LAKIN2337-49-38 101-06-35  aE# KS LAWRENCE3938-53-46 095-10-29  aE# KS OAKLEY4039-07-42 100-51-12  aEP$ KS PITTSBURG3037-13-15 094-42-25  aE$ KS SALINA1739-06-16 097-23-15  aE% KS TOPEKA2339-03-51 095-45-49  aEB& KS TOPEKA2639-05-34 095-47-04  aE& KS TOPEKA4439-00-19 096-02-58  aE' KS TOPEKA4839-01-34 095-54-58H'7,(( &p!$4(7 7 ((HԌ aE KS WICHITA" " 21 37-46-54<<097-31-10  aE KS WICHITA" " 25 37-56-23<<097-30-42  aEL KS WICHITA" " 34 37-33-58<<097-19-28  aE KS WICHITA" " 45 37-46-37<<097-31-01  aE KY ASHLAND" " 26 38-27-43<<082-37-12  aE> KY ASHLAND" " 45 38-25-11<<082-24-06  aE KY BEATTYVILLE" " 7 37-36-23<<083-41-16  aE KY BOWLING GREEN" " 16 37-02-10<<086-10-20  aE0 KY BOWLING GREEN" " 18 37-03-52<<086-26-07  aE KY BOWLING GREEN" " 33 37-03-52<<086-26-07  aE| KY BOWLING GREEN" " 48 37-05-22<<086-38-05  aE" KY CAMPBELLSVILLE" " 19 37-10-05<<085-18-32  aE KY COVINGTON" " 24 39-01-50<<084-30-23  aEn KY DANVILLE" " 4 37-47-18<<084-40-49  aE KY ELIZABETHTOWN" " 43 37-40-55<<085-50-32  aE KY HARLAN" " 51 36-48-00<<083-22-36  aE` KY HAZARD" " 12 37-11-38<<083-10-52  aE KY HAZARD" " 16 37-11-34<<083-11-16  aE KY LEXINGTON" " 20 38-03-56<<084-29-13  aER KY LEXINGTON" " 40 38-02-03<<084-23-39  aE KY LEXINGTON" " 42 37-52-45<<084-19-33  aE KY LEXINGTON" " 59 38-02-22<<084-24-11  aED KY LOUISVILLE" " 8 38-01-59<<085-45-16  aE KY LOUISVILLE" " 17 38-22-02<<085-49-53  aE KY LOUISVILLE" " 26 38-22-10<<085-50-02  aE6 KY LOUISVILLE" " 38 38-22-02<<085-49-53  aE KY LOUISVILLE" " 47 38-27-23<<085-25-28  aE KY LOUISVILLE" " 49 38-21-00<<085-50-57  aE( KY LOUISVILLE" " 55 38-21-23<<085-50-52  aE KY MADISONVILLE" " 20 37-24-46<<087-31-32  aEt KY MADISONVILLE" " 42 37-11-25<<087-30-47  aE KY MOREHEAD" " 15 38-10-38<<083-24-18  aE KY MOREHEAD" " 21 38-17-25<<083-22-56  aEf KY MURRAY" " 36 36-41-33<<088-32-10  aE  KY NEWPORT" " 29 39-07-19<<084-32-52  aE KY OWENSBORO" " 29 37-51-06<<087-19-43  aEX KY OWENTON" " 44 38-31-32<<084-48-40  aE KY PADUCAH" " 32 37-11-31<<088-58-53  aE KY PADUCAH" " 41 37-05-38<<088-40-19  aEJ KY PADUCAH" " 50 37-23-42<<088-56-23  aE KY PIKEVILLE" " 24 37-17-06<<082-31-29  aE KY SOMERSET" " 14 37-10-00<<084-49-28  aE< LA ALEXANDRIA" " 26 31-33-56<<092-32-50  aE LA ALEXANDRIA" " 32 31-33-54<<092-33-00  aE LA ALEXANDRIA" " 35 31-02-15<<092-29-45  aE. LA BATON ROUGE" " 22 30-22-22<<091-12-16  aE LA BATON ROUGE" " 34 30-19-35<<091-16-36  aEz LA BATON ROUGE" " 42 30-17-49<<091-11-40  aE  LA BATON ROUGE" " 45 30-19-35<<091-16-36  aE LA BATON ROUGE" " 46 30-21-58<<091-12-47  aEl LA COLUMBIA" " 57 32-03-19<<092-11-12  aE! LA LAFAYETTE" " 16 30-21-44<<092-12-53  aE! LA LAFAYETTE" " 23 30-02-38<<092-22-14  aE^" LA LAFAYETTE" " 28 30-02-19<<092-22-15  aE# LA LAFAYETTE" " 56 30-19-18<<092-22-41  aE# LA LAKE CHARLES" " 20 30-23-59<<093-00-10  aEP$ LA LAKE CHARLES" " 30 30-17-26<<093-34-35  aE$ LA LAKE CHARLES" " 53 30-23-43<<093-00-08  aE% LA MONROE" " 19 32-11-45<<092-04-10  aEB& LA MONROE" " 55 32-11-45<<092-04-10  aE& LA NEW ORLEANS" " 11 29-57-14<<089-56-58  aE' LA NEW ORLEANS" " 14 29-55-11<<090-01-29"'8,(( &p!"Ԍ aE LA NEW ORLEANS1529-58-55 089-56-58  aE LA NEW ORLEANS2929-57-14 089-56-58  aEL LA NEW ORLEANS3029-54-23 090-02-23  aE LA NEW ORLEANS3129-58-57 089-57-09  aE LA NEW ORLEANS3929-58-41 089-56-26  aE> LA NEW ORLEANS4329-57-01 089-57-28  aE LA NEW ORLEANS5029-55-11 090-01-29  aE LA SHREVEPORT1732-40-29 093-55-59  aE0 LA SHREVEPORT2332-40-41 093-55-35  aE LA SHREVEPORT2832-41-08 093-56-00  aE| LA SHREVEPORT3432-40-00 093-56-02  aE" LA SHREVEPORT4432-40-00 093-56-02  aE LA SLIDELL2430-17-08 089-54-18  aEn LA WEST MONROE3632-05-41 092-10-39  aE LA WEST MONROE3832-30-21 092-08-54  aE MA ADAMS3642-38-14 073-10-07  aE` MA BOSTON1942-18-37 071-14-14  aE MA BOSTON2042-18-37 071-14-14  aE MA BOSTON3042-18-37 071-14-14  aER MA BOSTON3142-18-12 071-13-08  aE MA BOSTON3242-20-50 071-04-59  aE MA BOSTON3942-18-12 071-13-08  aED MA BOSTON4242-18-40 071-13-00  aE MA BOSTON4342-18-37 071-14-14  aE MA CAMBRIDGE4142-18-12 071-13-08  aE6 MA LAWRENCE1842-21-29 071-03-40  aE MA MARLBOROUGH2342-23-01 071-29-35  aE MA NEW BEDFORD2241-46-39 070-55-41  aE( MA NEW BEDFORD4941-35-48 071-11-24  aE MA NORWELL5242-01-36 071-03-35  aEt MA SPRINGFIELD3342-05-05 072-42-14  aE MA SPRINGFIELD5542-14-30 072-38-57  aE MA SPRINGFIELD5842-14-30 072-38-54  aEf MA VINEYARD HAVEN4041-41-19 070-20-49  aE  MA WORCESTER2942-20-07 071-42-54  aE MA WORCESTER4742-08-32 072-13-28  aEX MD ANNAPOLIS4239-00-36 076-36-33  aE MD BALTIMORE2939-27-01 076-46-37  aE MD BALTIMORE3839-20-05 076-39-03  aEJ MD BALTIMORE4039-17-15 076-45-38  aE MD BALTIMORE4139-17-15 076-45-38  aE MD BALTIMORE4639-20-10 076-38-59  aE< MD BALTIMORE5239-20-05 076-39-03  aE MD BALTIMORE5939-20-05 076-39-03  aE MD FREDERICK2839-17-53 077-20-35  aE. MD HAGERSTOWN1639-53-31 077-58-02  aE MD HAGERSTOWN4439-39-04 077-58-15  aEz MD HAGERSTOWN5539-39-35 077-57-57  aE  MD OAKLAND5439-24-14 079-17-37  aE MD SALISBURY2138-30-16 075-38-35  aEl MD SALISBURY5338-30-06 075-44-09  aE! MD SALISBURY5638-23-09 075-35-33  aE! ME AUGUSTA1744-09-16 070-00-37  aE^" ME BANGOR1444-45-35 068-34-01  aE# ME BANGOR1944-42-13 069-04-47  aE# ME BANGOR2544-44-10 068-40-17  aEP$ ME BIDDEFORD4543-25-00 070-48-09  aE$ ME CALAIS1545-01-44 067-19-24  aE% ME LEWISTON3943-51-06 070-19-40  aEB& ME ORONO2244-45-36 068-33-59  aE& ME POLAND SPRING4644-16-13 071-18-13  aE' ME PORTLAND 443-51-06 070-19-40H'8,(( &p!$4(88((HԌ aE ME PORTLAND" " 38 43-55-28<<070-29-28  aE ME PORTLAND" " 44 43-51-32<<070-42-40  aEL ME PRESQUE ISLE" " 16 46-43-44<<068-00-07  aE ME PRESQUE ISLE" " 20 46-33-05<<067-48-37  aE MI ALPENA" " 13 44-42-25<<083-31-23  aE> MI ALPENA" " 57 45-08-17<<084-09-44  aE MI ANN ARBOR" " 33 42-22-25<<084-04-14  aE MI BAD AXE" " 15 43-41-26<<082-56-29  aE0 MI BATTLE CREEK" " 20 42-34-15<<085-28-11  aE MI BATTLE CREEK" " 44 42-40-45<<085-03-57  aE| MI BAY CITY" " 22 43-28-13<<083-50-35  aE" MI CADILLAC" " 40 44-08-12<<085-20-33  aE MI CADILLAC" " 47 44-08-53<<085-20-45  aEn MI CADILLAC" " 58 44-08-22<<085-20-28  aE MI CALUMET" " 18 47-02-12<<088-41-42  aE MI CHEBOYGAN" " 14 45-39-01<<084-20-37  aE` MI DETROIT" " 14 42-29-01<<083-18-44  aE MI DETROIT" " 21 42-29-01<<083-18-44  aE MI DETROIT" " 41 42-28-15<<083-15-00  aER MI DETROIT" " 43 42-29-01<<083-18-44  aE MI DETROIT" " 44 42-27-13<<083-09-50  aE MI DETROIT" " 45 42-28-58<<083-12-19  aED MI DETROIT" " 58 42-27-38<<083-12-50  aE MI EAST LANSING" " 55 42-42-08<<084-24-51  aE MI ESCANABA" " 48 46-08-04<<086-56-52  aE6 MI FLINT" " 16 43-13-18<<084-03-14  aE MI FLINT" " 36 43-13-48<<084-03-35  aE MI FLINT" " 52 42-53-57<<083-27-42  aE( MI GRAND RAPIDS" " 7 42-41-13<<085-30-35  aE MI GRAND RAPIDS" " 11 42-57-35<<085-53-45  aEt MI GRAND RAPIDS" " 19 42-41-15<<085-31-57  aE MI GRAND RAPIDS" " 39 43-18-34<<085-54-44  aE MI IRON MOUNTAIN" " 22 45-49-10<<088-02-35  aEf MI JACKSON" " 34 42-14-08<<084-24-00  aE  MI KALAMAZOO" " 2 42-37-56<<085-32-16  aE MI KALAMAZOO" " 5 42-18-24<<085-39-26  aEX MI KALAMAZOO" " 45 42-33-52<<085-27-31  aE MI LANSING" " 38 42-28-03<<084-39-06  aE MI LANSING" " 51 42-25-11<<084-31-26  aEJ MI LANSING" " 59 42-41-14<<084-22-35  aE MI MANISTEE" " 17 44-03-57<<086-19-58  aE MI MARQUETTE" " 33 46-21-09<<087-51-32  aE< MI MARQUETTE" " 35 46-20-11<<087-50-55  aE MI MOUNT CLEMENS" " 39 42-33-15<<082-53-15  aE MI MOUNT PLEASANT" " 56 43-34-24<<084-46-21  aE. MI MUSKEGON" " 24 42-57-25<<085-54-07  aE MI ONONDAGA" " 57 42-26-33<<084-34-21  aEz MI SAGINAW" " 30 43-13-01<<083-43-17  aE  MI SAGINAW" " 48 43-13-18<<084-03-14  aE MI SAULT STE. MARIE" " 49 46-03-49<<084-06-08  aEl MI SAULT STE. MARIE" " 56 46-03-06<<084-06-40  aE! MI TRAVERSE CITY" " 31 44-44-54<<085-04-08  aE! MI TRAVERSE CITY" " 50 44-16-33<<085-42-49  aE^" MI UNIVERSITY CENTER" " 18 43-33-43<<083-58-54  aE# MI VANDERBILT" " 59 45-10-12<<084-45-04  aE# MI WEST BRANCH" " 24 44-16-42<<084-14-18  aEP$ MN ALEXANDRIA" " 14 45-41-59<<095-10-36  aE$ MN ALEXANDRIA" " 24 45-41-03<<095-08-14  aE% MN APPLETON" " 31 45-10-03<<096-00-02  aEB& MN AUSTIN" " 20 43-40-34<<093-00-09  aE& MN AUSTIN" " 33 43-37-42<<093-09-12  aE' MN BEMIDJI" " 18 47-42-03<<094-29-15"'9,(( &p!"Ԍ aE MN BRAINERD2846-25-21 094-27-41  aE MN DULUTH1746-47-41 092-07-05  aEL MN DULUTH3346-47-07 092-07-15  aE MN DULUTH3846-47-31 092-07-21  aE MN DULUTH4346-47-13 092-07-17  aE> MN HIBBING3647-22-52 092-57-18  aE MN HIBBING5147-25-43 092-56-21  aE MN MANKATO3843-56-14 094-24-41  aE0 MN MINNEAPOLIS2145-03-30 093-07-27  aE MN MINNEAPOLIS2245-03-30 093-07-27  aE| MN MINNEAPOLIS2645-03-30 093-07-27  aE" MN MINNEAPOLIS3245-03-45 093-08-21  aE MN MINNEAPOLIS3545-03-44 093-08-21  aEn MN MINNEAPOLIS4445-03-44 093-08-21  aE MN REDWOOD FALLS2744-29-03 095-29-27  aE MN ROCHESTER3643-34-15 092-25-37  aE` MN ROCHESTER4644-02-39 092-23-56  aE MN ST. CLOUD4045-23-00 093-42-30  aE MN ST. PAUL1645-03-29 093-07-27  aER MN ST. PAUL3445-03-30 093-07-27  aE MN ST. PAUL5045-03-45 093-08-22  aE MN THIEF RIVER FALLS5748-01-19 096-22-12  aED MN WALKER2046-56-03 094-27-25  aE MN WORTHINGTON1543-53-52 095-56-50  aE MO BIRCH TREE 736-59-30 091-29-36  aE6 MO BOWLING GREEN5039-20-32 091-12-02  aE MO CAPE GIRARDEAU2237-24-23 089-33-44  aE MO CAPE GIRARDEAU5737-25-46 089-30-14  aE( MO COLUMBIA2238-46-29 092-33-22  aE MO COLUMBIA3638-53-16 092-15-48  aEt MO HANNIBAL2939-58-22 091-19-54  aE MO JEFFERSON CITY1238-41-28 092-05-43  aE MO JEFFERSON CITY2038-42-16 092-05-20  aEf MO JOPLIN2537-04-36 094-32-10  aE  MO JOPLIN4337-04-36 094-32-10  aE MO JOPLIN4637-04-33 094-33-16  aEX MO KANSAS CITY1439-05-01 094-30-57  aE MO KANSAS CITY1839-04-59 094-28-49  aE MO KANSAS CITY2439-04-15 094-34-57  aEJ MO KANSAS CITY3138-52-16 094-26-15  aE MO KANSAS CITY3439-04-20 094-35-45  aE MO KANSAS CITY4239-04-20 094-35-45  aE< MO KANSAS CITY4739-04-59 094-28-49  aE MO KANSAS CITY5139-01-19 094-30-50  aE MO KING CITY2840-03-12 094-31-24  aE. MO KIRKSVILLE3340-31-47 092-26-29  aE MO POPLAR BLUFF1836-48-04 090-27-06  aEz MO SEDALIA1538-44-47 093-16-30  aE  MO SPRINGFIELD1937-13-08 092-56-56  aE MO SPRINGFIELD2337-13-08 092-56-56  aEl MO SPRINGFIELD2837-11-40 092-56-04  aE! MO SPRINGFIELD4437-10-11 092-56-30  aE! MO SPRINGFIELD5237-13-08 092-56-56  aE^" MO ST. JOSEPH2139-39-03 094-40-11  aE# MO ST. JOSEPH5339-46-12 094-47-53  aE# MO ST. LOUIS1438-21-40 090-32-58  aEP$ MO ST. LOUIS2638-31-47 090-17-58  aE$ MO ST. LOUIS3138-34-50 090-19-45  aE% MO ST. LOUIS3538-34-05 090-19-55  aEB& MO ST. LOUIS3938-28-56 090-23-53  aE& MO ST. LOUIS4338-32-07 090-22-23  aE' MO ST. LOUIS5638-31-47 090-17-58H'9,(( &p!$4(9 9 ((HԌ aE MS BILOXI" " 35 30-45-14<<088-56-44  aE MS BILOXI" " 36 30-43-25<<089-05-29  aEL MS BOONEVILLE" " 55 34-40-00<<088-45-05  aE MS BUDE" " 18 31-22-19<<090-45-05  aE MS COLUMBUS" " 35 33-45-06<<088-52-40  aE> MS GREENVILLE" " 17 33-39-26<<090-42-18  aE MS GREENWOOD" " 26 33-22-34<<090-32-32  aE MS GREENWOOD" " 54 33-22-23<<090-32-31  aE0 MS GULFPORT" " 48 30-44-48<<089-03-30  aE MS HATTIESBURG" " 23 31-24-20<<089-14-13  aE| MS HOLLY SPRINGS" " 41 34-59-20<<089-41-13  aE" MS JACKSON" " 20 32-12-46<<090-22-54  aE MS JACKSON" " 21 32-16-39<<090-17-41  aEn MS JACKSON" " 41 32-14-26<<090-24-15  aE MS JACKSON" " 51 32-12-46<<090-22-54  aE MS JACKSON" " 52 32-14-26<<090-24-15  aE` MS LAUREL" " 28 31-27-12<<089-17-05  aE MS MERIDIAN" " 25 32-18-43<<088-41-33  aE MS MERIDIAN" " 31 32-19-34<<088-41-12  aER MS MERIDIAN" " 47 32-08-18<<089-05-36  aE MS MERIDIAN" " 49 32-19-38<<088-41-28  aE MS MISSISSIPPI STATE" " 38 33-21-07<<089-08-56  aED MS NATCHEZ" " 49 31-40-08<<091-41-30  aE MS OXFORD" " 36 34-17-26<<089-42-24  aE MS TUPELO" " 57 33-47-40<<089-05-16  aE6 MS WEST POINT" " 16 33-47-40<<089-05-16  aE MT BILLINGS" " 11 45-45-35<<108-27-14  aE MT BILLINGS" " 17 45-46-00<<108-27-27  aE( MT BILLINGS" " 18 45-48-26<<108-20-25  aE MT BOZEMAN" " 16 45-40-24<<110-52-02  aEt MT BOZEMAN" " 20 45-40-00<<111-03-10  aE MT BUTTE" " 2 46-00-27<<112-26-30  aE MT BUTTE" " 15 46-00-27<<112-26-30  aEf MT BUTTE" " 19 46-00-24<<112-26-30  aE  MT GLENDIVE" " 15 47-03-15<<104-40-45  aE MT GREAT FALLS" " 39 47-32-08<<111-17-02  aEX MT GREAT FALLS" " 44 47-32-09<<111-17-02  aE MT GREAT FALLS" " 45 47-36-26<<111-21-27  aE MT HARDIN" " 19 45-44-29<<108-08-19  aEJ MT HELENA" " 14 46-49-35<<111-42-33  aE MT HELENA" " 29 46-35-47<<112-17-47  aE MT KALISPELL" " 38 48-00-48<<114-21-55  aE< MT MILES CITY" " 13 46-24-48<<105-51-04  aE MT MILES CITY" " 39 46-24-34<<105-50-30  aE MT MISSOULA" " 27 46-48-09<<113-58-21  aE. MT MISSOULA" " 35 47-01-06<<114-00-41  aE MT MISSOULA" " 36 47-01-10<<114-00-46  aEz MT MISSOULA" " 40 47-01-04<<114-00-47  aE  NC ASHEVILLE" " 25 35-25-32<<082-45-25  aE NC ASHEVILLE" " 45 35-13-20<<082-32-58  aEl NC ASHEVILLE" " 56 35-25-32<<082-45-25  aE! NC ASHEVILLE" " 57 35-10-56<<082-40-56  aE! NC BELMONT" " 47 35-21-44<<081-09-19  aE^" NC BURLINGTON" " 14 35-56-22<<079-25-47  aE# NC CHAPEL HILL" " 59 35-51-59<<079-10-00  aE# NC CHARLOTTE" " 21 35-15-56<<080-44-06  aEP$ NC CHARLOTTE" " 22 35-20-49<<081-10-15  aE$ NC CHARLOTTE" " 23 35-21-51<<081-11-13  aE% NC CHARLOTTE" " 24 35-17-14<<080-41-45  aEB& NC CHARLOTTE" " 34 35-15-41<<080-43-38  aE& NC COLUMBIA" " 20 35-53-59<<076-20-52  aE' NC CONCORD" " 44 35-21-30<<080-36-37"':,(( &p!"Ԍ aE NC DURHAM2735-40-35 078-32-09  aE NC DURHAM5235-40-05 078-31-58  aEL NC FAYETTEVILLE3634-53-05 079-04-31  aE NC FAYETTEVILLE3835-30-45 078-58-40  aE NC GOLDSBORO5535-37-01 078-28-38  aE> NC GREENSBORO3236-08-58 080-03-21  aE NC GREENSBORO3335-52-13 079-50-25  aE NC GREENSBORO5135-52-13 079-50-25  aE0 NC GREENVILLE1035-21-55 077-23-38  aE NC GREENVILLE2135-26-44 077-22-08  aE| NC GREENVILLE2335-33-01 077-36-02  aE" NC HICKORY4035-43-57 081-19-52  aE NC HIGH POINT3535-48-47 079-50-36  aEn NC JACKSONVILLE3434-29-38 077-29-18  aE NC JACKSONVILLE4435-06-18 077-20-15  aE NC KANNAPOLIS5035-15-41 080-43-38  aE` NC LEXINGTON1935-58-09 079-49-29  aE NC LINVILLE5436-03-47 081-50-33  aE NC LUMBERTON2534-47-51 079-02-41  aER NC MOREHEAD CITY2434-53-01 076-30-21  aE NC NEW BERN4835-06-18 077-20-15  aE NC RALEIGH4935-40-35 078-32-09  aED NC RALEIGH5335-40-35 078-32-09  aE NC RALEIGH5735-42-52 078-49-01  aE NC ROANOKE RAPIDS3936-17-28 077-50-10  aE6 NC ROCKY MOUNT1536-06-11 078-11-29  aE NC WASHINGTON3235-21-55 077-23-38  aE NC WILMINGTON2934-07-51 078-11-16  aE( NC WILMINGTON3034-07-51 078-11-16  aE NC WILMINGTON4634-07-51 078-11-16  aEt NC WILMINGTON5434-34-43 078-26-13  aE NC WILSON4235-49-53 078-08-50  aE NC WINSTON-SALEM2936-22-37 080-22-08  aEf NC WINSTON-SALEM3136-22-31 080-22-27  aE  NC WINSTON-SALEM4336-22-34 080-22-14  aE ND BISMARCK1646-35-11 100-48-20  aEX ND BISMARCK2246-35-17 100-48-07  aE ND BISMARCK2346-35-17 100-48-26  aE ND BISMARCK3146-36-19 100-48-30  aEJ ND DEVILS LAKE5948-08-24 097-59-38  aE ND DICKINSON1846-56-49 102-59-17  aE ND DICKINSON1946-43-30 102-54-58  aE< ND DICKINSON2046-43-34 102-54-56  aE ND ELLENDALE2046-17-55 098-51-58  aE ND FARGO1946-40-26 096-13-40  aE. ND FARGO2147-00-43 097-11-58  aE ND FARGO3947-00-48 097-11-37  aEz ND FARGO5847-20-36 097-17-17  aE  ND GRAND FORKS5648-08-24 097-59-38  aE ND JAMESTOWN1446-55-30 098-46-21  aEl ND MINOT1548-03-13 101-23-05  aE! ND MINOT4548-03-02 101-20-29  aE! ND MINOT5748-03-03 101-23-24  aE^" ND MINOT5848-12-56 101-19-05  aE# ND PEMBINA1548-59-42 097-24-26  aE# ND VALLEY CITY3847-16-45 097-20-18  aEP$ ND WILLISTON1448-08-22 103-53-24  aE$ ND WILLISTON5148-08-30 103-53-34  aE% ND WILLISTON5248-08-02 103-51-36  aEB& NE ALBION2341-56-26 098-16-56  aE& NE ALLIANCE2441-50-24 103-03-18  aE' NE BASSETT1542-20-05 099-29-01H':,(( &p!$4(::::((HԌ aE NE GRAND ISLAND" " 19 40-43-43<<098-34-12  aE NE GRAND ISLAND" " 32 40-35-20<<098-48-10  aEL NE HASTINGS" " 14 40-46-17<<098-05-22  aE NE HASTINGS" " 21 40-39-06<<098-23-04  aE NE HAYES CENTER" " 18 40-37-29<<101-01-58  aE> NE KEARNEY" " 35 40-39-28<<098-52-04  aE NE LEXINGTON" " 26 40-23-05<<099-27-30  aE NE LINCOLN" " 25 40-48-08<<097-10-46  aE0 NE LINCOLN" " 31 40-52-59<<097-18-20  aE NE LINCOLN" " 40 41-08-18<<096-27-19  aE| NE MCCOOK" " 12 39-49-48<<100-42-04  aE" NE MERRIMAN" " 17 42-40-38<<101-42-36  aE NE NORFOLK" " 16 42-14-15<<097-16-41  aEn NE NORTH PLATTE" " 16 41-01-16<<101-09-10  aE NE NORTH PLATTE" " 22 41-12-13<<100-43-58  aE NE OMAHA" " 17 41-15-28<<096-00-32  aE` NE OMAHA" " 20 41-18-32<<096-01-37  aE NE OMAHA" " 22 41-18-40<<096-01-37  aE NE OMAHA" " 38 41-04-15<<096-13-30  aER NE OMAHA" " 43 41-04-15<<096-13-30  aE NE OMAHA" " 45 41-18-25<<096-01-37  aE NE SCOTTSBLUFF" " 19 42-10-21<<103-13-57  aED NE SCOTTSBLUFF" " 29 41-59-58<<103-39-55  aE NE SUPERIOR" " 34 40-05-13<<097-55-13  aE NH BERLIN" " 15 44-22-16<<071-12-53  aE6 NH CONCORD" " 33 43-11-04<<071-19-12  aE NH DERRY" " 35 42-44-07<<071-23-36  aE NH DURHAM" " 57 43-10-33<<071-12-29  aE( NH KEENE" " 49 43-02-00<<072-22-04  aE NH LITTLETON" " 48 44-21-14<<071-44-23  aEt NH MANCHESTER" " 59 42-58-59<<071-35-19  aE NH MERRIMACK" " 34 42-59-02<<071-35-20  aE NJ ATLANTIC CITY" " 46 39-22-51<<074-27-03  aEf NJ ATLANTIC CITY" " 49 39-36-48<<074-15-50  aE  NJ BURLINGTON" " 27 40-02-36<<075-14-33  aE NJ CAMDEN" " 22 39-43-41<<074-50-39  aEX NJ LINDEN" " 36 40-42-43<<074-00-49  aE NJ MONTCLAIR" " 51 40-51-53<<074-12-03  aE NJ NEW BRUNSWICK" " 18 40-37-17<<074-30-15  aEJ NJ NEWARK" " 53 40-44-54<<073-59-10  aE NJ NEWARK" " 61 40-42-43<<074-00-49  aE NJ NEWTON" " 8 41-00-36<<074-35-39  aE< NJ PATERSON" " 40 40-44-54<<073-59-10  aE NJ SECAUCUS" " 38 40-42-43<<074-00-49  aE NJ TRENTON" " 43 40-17-00<<074-41-20  aE. NJ VINELAND" " 66 39-44-07<<074-50-29  aE NJ WEST MILFORD" " 29 41-07-14<<074-12-03  aEz NJ WILDWOOD" " 36 39-07-28<<074-45-56  aE  NM ALBUQUERQUE" " 16 35-12-40<<106-26-57  aE NM ALBUQUERQUE" " 17 35-12-51<<106-27-01  aEl NM ALBUQUERQUE" " 21 35-12-53<<106-27-01  aE! NM ALBUQUERQUE" " 22 35-12-54<<106-27-02  aE! NM ALBUQUERQUE" " 25 35-12-44<<106-26-57  aE^" NM ALBUQUERQUE" " 26 35-12-42<<106-26-57  aE# NM ALBUQUERQUE" " 42 35-12-41<<106-26-56  aE# NM ALBUQUERQUE" " 51 35-12-40<<106-26-57  aEP$ NM CARLSBAD" " 19 32-47-39<<104-12-27  aE$ NM CLOVIS" " 20 34-11-34<<103-16-44  aE% NM FARMINGTON" " 15 36-41-43<<108-13-14  aEB& NM GALLUP" " 8 35-32-29<<108-44-31  aE& NM HOBBS" " 17 32-43-28<<103-05-46  aE' NM LAS CRUCES" " 23 32-15-24<<106-58-34"';,(( &p!"Ԍ aE NM LAS CRUCES2832-02-30 106-27-41  aE NM PORTALES3233-33-19 103-39-03  aEL NM ROSWELL2833-24-58 104-33-59  aE NM ROSWELL3833-22-32 103-46-05  aE NM ROSWELL4133-03-20 103-49-12  aE> NM SANTA FE1035-47-15 106-31-35  aE NM SANTA FE2735-12-55 106-27-02  aE NM SANTA FE2935-42-05 105-57-58  aE0 NM SILVER CITY1232-51-46 108-14-28  aE NM SILVER CITY3332-46-12 108-16-41  aE| NM SOCORRO3134-03-29 106-53-29  aE" NV ELKO 840-41-53 115-54-13  aE NV ELKO1540-50-00 115-45-41  aEn NV HENDERSON2436-00-26 115-00-23  aE NV LAS VEGAS 236-00-30 115-00-20  aE NV LAS VEGAS 735-56-44 115-02-33  aE` NV LAS VEGAS1136-00-27 115-00-24  aE NV LAS VEGAS1635-56-44 115-02-31  aE NV LAS VEGAS1735-56-43 115-02-32  aER NV LAS VEGAS2036-00-26 115-00-24  aE NV LAS VEGAS3235-56-44 115-02-31  aE NV PARADISE3836-00-31 115-00-22  aED NV RENO1539-35-01 119-47-52  aE NV RENO2239-35-04 119-47-51  aE NV RENO2339-18-49 119-53-00  aE6 NV RENO2639-18-47 119-52-59  aE NV RENO3239-15-29 119-42-37  aE NV RENO3339-35-03 119-48-06  aE( NV RENO4139-35-25 119-55-40  aE NV WINNEMUCCA1241-00-41 117-45-59  aEt NY ALBANY 442-37-01 074-00-46  aE NY ALBANY1542-47-08 073-37-44  aE NY ALBANY2642-38-15 073-59-54  aEf NY AMSTERDAM5042-59-05 074-10-49  aE  NY BATAVIA5342-53-42 078-00-56  aE NY BINGHAMTON 442-03-39 075-56-36  aEX NY BINGHAMTON 742-03-33 075-57-06  aE NY BINGHAMTON 842-03-22 075-56-39  aE NY BINGHAMTON4242-03-22 075-56-39  aEJ NY BUFFALO1443-01-27 078-55-40  aE NY BUFFALO3243-01-48 078-55-15  aE NY BUFFALO3342-43-06 078-33-48  aE< NY BUFFALO3442-46-58 078-27-28  aE NY BUFFALO3842-38-15 078-37-12  aE NY BUFFALO3942-39-33 078-37-33  aE. NY BUFFALO4343-01-48 078-55-15  aE NY CARTHAGE3543-57-16 075-43-45  aEz NY CORNING5042-09-43 077-02-15  aE  NY ELMIRA 242-06-22 076-52-17  aE NY ELMIRA5542-06-20 076-52-17  aEl NY GARDEN CITY2240-47-19 073-27-09  aE! NY JAMESTOWN2742-23-36 079-13-44  aE! NY KINGSTON2142-05-06 074-06-00  aE^" NY NEW YORK2440-44-54 073-59-10  aE# NY NEW YORK2840-42-43 074-00-49  aE# NY NEW YORK3040-42-43 074-00-49  aEP$ NY NEW YORK3340-42-43 074-00-49  aE$ NY NEW YORK4440-42-43 074-00-49  aE% NY NEW YORK4540-42-43 074-00-49  aEB& NY NEW YORK5640-42-43 074-00-49  aE& NY NORTH POLE1444-34-26 073-40-29  aE' NY NORWOOD2344-29-30 074-51-29H';,(( &p!$4(; b; b<((HԌ aE NY PLATTSBURGH" " 38 44-41-43<<073-53-00  aE NY POUGHKEEPSIE" " 27 41-43-09<<073-59-47  aEL NY RIVERHEAD" " 57 40-53-50<<072-54-56  aE NY ROCHESTER" " 16 43-08-07<<077-35-03  aE NY ROCHESTER" " 28 43-08-07<<077-35-03  aE> NY ROCHESTER" " 45 43-08-07<<077-35-02  aE NY ROCHESTER" " 58 43-08-07<<077-35-02  aE NY ROCHESTER" " 59 43-08-07<<077-35-03  aE0 NY SCHENECTADY" " 34 42-38-13<<074-00-06  aE NY SCHENECTADY" " 39 42-38-12<<073-59-45  aE| NY SCHENECTADY" " 43 42-37-37<<074-00-40  aE" NY SMITHTOWN" " 23 40-53-23<<072-57-13  aE NY SPRINGVILLE" " 46 42-24-16<<078-39-53  aEn NY SYRACUSE" " 17 42-56-42<<076-01-28  aE NY SYRACUSE" " 19 42-52-50<<076-11-59  aE NY SYRACUSE" " 25 42-56-42<<076-01-28  aE` NY SYRACUSE" " 44 42-52-50<<076-11-59  aE NY SYRACUSE" " 47 42-57-19<<076-06-34  aE NY SYRACUSE" " 54 42-56-40<<076-07-08  aER NY UTICA" " 27 43-02-14<<075-26-40  aE NY UTICA" " 29 43-06-09<<074-56-27  aE NY UTICA" " 30 43-08-43<<075-10-35  aED NY WATERTOWN" " 21 43-52-47<<075-43-11  aE NY WATERTOWN" " 41 43-51-44<<075-43-40  aE OH AKRON" " 30 41-23-02<<081-41-44  aE6 OH AKRON" " 32 41-04-58<<081-38-00  aE OH AKRON" " 59 41-03-51<<081-34-59  aE OH ALLIANCE" " 46 40-54-23<<080-54-40  aE( OH ATHENS" " 27 39-18-50<<082-08-54  aE OH BOWLING GREEN" " 56 41-08-13<<083-54-23  aEt OH CAMBRIDGE" " 35 40-05-32<<081-17-19  aE OH CANTON" " 39 40-51-04<<081-16-37  aE OH CANTON" " 47 41-06-33<<081-20-10  aEf OH CHILLICOTHE" " 46 39-35-20<<083-06-44  aE  OH CINCINNATI" " 10 39-07-31<<084-29-57  aE OH CINCINNATI" " 31 39-06-58<<084-30-05  aEX OH CINCINNATI" " 33 39-12-01<<084-31-22  aE OH CINCINNATI" " 34 39-07-30<<084-31-18  aE OH CINCINNATI" " 35 39-07-27<<084-31-18  aEJ OH CLEVELAND" " 2 41-23-09<<081-41-23  aE OH CLEVELAND" " 15 41-22-27<<081-43-06  aE OH CLEVELAND" " 26 41-20-28<<081-44-24  aE< OH CLEVELAND" " 31 41-21-47<<081-42-58  aE OH CLEVELAND" " 34 41-23-02<<081-42-06  aE OH COLUMBUS" " 11 39-58-16<<083-01-40  aE. OH COLUMBUS" " 13 39-56-16<<083-01-16  aE OH COLUMBUS" " 14 39-58-15<<083-01-39  aEz OH COLUMBUS" " 36 40-09-33<<082-55-21  aE  OH COLUMBUS" " 38 40-09-34<<082-55-22  aE OH DAYTON" " 39 39-43-28<<084-15-18  aEl OH DAYTON" " 41 39-44-02<<084-14-52  aE! OH DAYTON" " 50 39-43-07<<084-15-22  aE! OH DAYTON" " 51 39-43-15<<084-15-39  aE^" OH DAYTON" " 58 39-43-16<<084-15-00  aE# OH LIMA" " 20 40-44-54<<084-07-55  aE# OH LIMA" " 57 40-45-47<<084-10-59  aEP$ OH LORAIN" " 28 41-22-45<<081-43-12  aE$ OH MANSFIELD" " 12 40-45-50<<082-37-04  aE% OH NEWARK" " 24 39-56-53<<082-24-33  aEB& OH OXFORD" " 28 39-30-26<<084-44-09  aE& OH PORTSMOUTH" " 17 38-45-42<<083-03-41  aE' OH PORTSMOUTH" " 43 38-45-42<<083-03-41"'<,(( &p!"Ԍ aE OH SANDUSKY4241-23-48 082-47-31  aE OH SHAKER HEIGHTS1041-23-15 081-41-43  aEL OH SPRINGFIELD1839-54-33 083-51-36  aE OH STEUBENVILLE5740-19-06 080-24-07  aE OH TOLEDO 541-44-41 084-01-06  aE> OH TOLEDO1741-40-22 083-22-47  aE OH TOLEDO1941-41-00 083-24-49  aE OH TOLEDO2941-39-27 083-25-55  aE0 OH TOLEDO4641-39-21 083-26-40  aE OH TOLEDO4941-40-03 083-21-22  aE| OH YOUNGSTOWN2041-04-46 080-38-25  aE" OH YOUNGSTOWN3641-03-43 080-38-07  aE OH YOUNGSTOWN4141-03-28 080-38-42  aEn OH ZANESVILLE4039-55-42 081-59-06  aE OK ADA2634-21-34 096-33-34  aE OK ALTUS4234-38-18 099-19-48  aE` OK BARTLESVILLE1436-30-59 095-46-10  aE OK CHEYENNE 835-35-36 099-40-02  aE OK CLAREMORE3636-24-05 095-36-33  aER OK ENID1836-28-35 097-53-52  aE OK EUFAULA3135-11-01 095-20-20  aE OK GUYMON2936-40-12 101-28-47  aED OK LAWTON2334-12-55 098-43-13  aE OK OKLAHOMA CITY1535-34-30 097-29-04  aE OK OKLAHOMA CITY1635-33-45 097-29-24  aE6 OK OKLAHOMA CITY2435-32-58 097-29-18  aE OK OKLAHOMA CITY2735-34-07 097-29-20  aE OK OKLAHOMA CITY3235-32-58 097-29-50  aE( OK OKLAHOMA CITY3335-33-36 097-29-07  aE OK OKLAHOMA CITY3935-32-58 097-29-50  aEt OK OKLAHOMA CITY4035-35-22 097-29-03  aE OK OKLAHOMA CITY5035-34-24 097-29-08  aE OK OKLAHOMA CITY5135-22-54 097-29-20  aEf OK OKMULGEE2835-50-02 096-07-28  aE  OK SHAWNEE2935-16-50 097-20-14  aE OK TULSA2236-01-36 095-40-44  aEX OK TULSA3836-01-15 095-40-32  aE OK TULSA4236-01-10 095-39-24  aE OK TULSA4836-01-15 095-40-32  aEJ OK TULSA4936-02-34 095-57-11  aE OK TULSA5536-01-15 095-40-32  aE OK TULSA5636-01-15 095-40-32  aE< OK TULSA5835-58-09 095-36-55  aE OR BEND1144-04-41 121-19-57  aE OR BEND1844-04-40 121-19-49  aE. OR COOS BAY2143-23-26 124-07-46  aE OR COOS BAY2243-23-39 124-07-56  aEz OR CORVALLIS3944-38-25 123-16-25  aE  OR EUGENE1444-06-57 122-59-57  aE OR EUGENE1744-06-57 122-59-57  aEl OR EUGENE2544-00-07 123-06-53  aE! OR EUGENE2644-00-04 123-06-22  aE! OR EUGENE2944-00-06 123-06-48  aE^" OR KLAMATH FALLS2942-05-50 121-37-59  aE# OR KLAMATH FALLS3342-05-50 121-37-59  aE# OR KLAMATH FALLS4042-05-48 121-37-57  aEP$ OR LA GRANDE 545-18-35 117-43-57  aE$ OR MEDFORD1542-41-49 123-13-39  aE% OR MEDFORD2742-17-54 122-44-59  aEB& OR MEDFORD3542-04-55 122-43-07  aE& OR MEDFORD3842-41-32 123-13-46  aE' OR MEDFORD4242-41-32 123-13-45H'<,(( &p!$4(<<c((HԌ aE OR PENDLETON" " 4 45-44-51<<118-02-11  aE OR PORTLAND" " 27 45-31-22<<122-45-07  aEL OR PORTLAND" " 30 45-31-19<<122-44-53  aE OR PORTLAND" " 40 45-30-58<<122-43-59  aE OR PORTLAND" " 43 45-31-14<<122-44-37  aE> OR PORTLAND" " 45 45-30-58<<122-43-59  aE OR PORTLAND" " 46 45-31-21<<122-44-46  aE OR ROSEBURG" " 18 43-14-09<<123-19-16  aE0 OR ROSEBURG" " 19 43-14-20<<123-18-42  aE OR ROSEBURG" " 45 43-12-22<<123-21-56  aE| OR SALEM" " 20 45-00-00<<122-41-37  aE" OR SALEM" " 33 45-00-28<<122-20-05  aE PA ALLENTOWN" " 46 40-33-54<<075-26-26  aEn PA ALLENTOWN" " 62 40-33-58<<075-26-06  aE PA ALTOONA" " 24 40-34-06<<078-26-38  aE PA ALTOONA" " 32 40-34-01<<078-26-31  aE` PA ALTOONA" " 46 40-34-12<<078-26-26  aE PA BETHLEHEM" " 59 40-33-54<<075-26-26  aE PA CLEARFIELD" " 15 41-07-21<<078-26-28  aER PA ERIE" " 16 42-02-20<<080-03-45  aE PA ERIE" " 22 42-02-31<<080-03-57  aE PA ERIE" " 50 42-02-31<<080-03-57  aED PA ERIE" " 52 42-03-52<<080-00-19  aE PA ERIE" " 58 42-02-24<<080-04-08  aE PA GREENSBURG" " 50 40-23-30<<079-46-51  aE6 PA HARRISBURG" " 4 40-20-44<<076-52-09  aE PA HARRISBURG" " 36 40-20-45<<076-52-06  aE PA HARRISBURG" " 57 40-18-57<<076-57-02  aE( PA HAZLETON" " 9 41-02-13<<076-05-07  aE PA JOHNSTOWN" " 29 40-10-53<<079-09-05  aEt PA JOHNSTOWN" " 30 40-10-51<<079-09-46  aE PA JOHNSTOWN" " 34 40-22-17<<078-58-58  aE PA LANCASTER" " 23 40-15-45<<076-27-53  aEf PA LANCASTER" " 58 40-02-04<<076-37-08  aE  PA PHILADELPHIA" " 26 40-02-39<<075-14-26  aE PA PHILADELPHIA" " 32 40-02-21<<075-14-13  aEX PA PHILADELPHIA" " 34 40-02-26<<075-14-20  aE PA PHILADELPHIA" " 42 40-02-26<<075-14-20  aE PA PHILADELPHIA" " 54 40-02-30<<075-14-24  aEJ PA PHILADELPHIA" " 64 40-02-39<<075-14-26  aE PA PHILADELPHIA" " 67 40-02-36<<075-14-12  aE PA PITTSBURGH" " 25 40-29-38<<080-01-09  aE< PA PITTSBURGH" " 26 40-26-46<<079-57-51  aE PA PITTSBURGH" " 38 40-26-46<<079-57-51  aE PA PITTSBURGH" " 42 40-26-23<<079-43-11  aE. PA PITTSBURGH" " 43 40-29-43<<080-00-17  aE PA PITTSBURGH" " 48 40-27-48<<080-00-18  aEz PA PITTSBURGH" " 51 40-16-49<<079-48-11  aE  PA READING" " 25 40-19-35<<075-42-15  aE PA RED LION" " 30 39-54-18<<076-35-00  aEl PA SCRANTON" " 13 41-10-58<<075-52-26  aE! PA SCRANTON" " 31 41-26-09<<075-43-45  aE! PA SCRANTON" " 32 41-26-09<<075-43-33  aE^" PA SCRANTON" " 41 41-10-55<<075-52-17  aE# PA SCRANTON" " 49 41-10-58<<075-52-21  aE# PA WILKES-BARRE" " 11 41-11-01<<075-52-02  aEP$ PA WILLIAMSPORT" " 29 41-11-57<<077-07-38  aE$ PA YORK" " 47 40-01-38<<076-36-00  aE% RI BLOCK ISLAND" " 17 41-29-41<<071-47-05  aEB& RI PROVIDENCE" " 13 41-52-37<<071-16-56  aE& RI PROVIDENCE" " 21 41-48-18<<071-28-24  aE' RI PROVIDENCE" " 51 41-51-54<<071-17-15"'=,(( &p!"Ԍ aE RI PROVIDENCE5441-52-14 071-17-45  aE SC ALLENDALE3333-11-13 081-23-54  aEL SC ANDERSON1434-38-51 082-16-13  aE SC BEAUFORT4432-42-44 080-40-49  aE SC CHARLESTON3532-47-15 079-51-00  aE> SC CHARLESTON4032-56-24 079-41-45  aE SC CHARLESTON4932-55-28 079-41-58  aE SC CHARLESTON5232-55-28 079-41-58  aE0 SC CHARLESTON5332-55-28 079-41-58  aE SC CHARLESTON5932-56-24 079-41-45  aE| SC COLUMBIA 834-03-23 080-58-49  aE" SC COLUMBIA1734-05-49 080-45-51  aE SC COLUMBIA3234-07-07 080-56-12  aEn SC COLUMBIA4134-07-27 080-45-25  aE SC COLUMBIA4834-02-39 080-59-52  aE SC CONWAY5833-57-05 079-06-31  aE` SC FLORENCE1634-21-53 079-19-49  aE SC FLORENCE2034-21-53 079-19-49  aE SC FLORENCE4534-16-46 079-44-37  aER SC FLORENCE5634-22-02 079-19-22  aE SC GREENVILLE 934-56-26 082-24-38  aE SC GREENVILLE5234-56-26 082-24-41  aED SC GREENVILLE5935-06-40 082-36-17  aE SC GREENWOOD1834-22-21 082-10-03  aE SC HARDEEVILLE2732-02-48 081-20-27  aE6 SC MYRTLE BEACH1834-11-19 079-11-00  aE SC ROCK HILL1534-50-24 081-01-07  aE SC ROCK HILL3935-21-44 081-09-19  aE( SC SPARTANBURG4334-53-09 081-49-15  aE SC SPARTANBURG5335-10-12 082-17-27  aEt SC SUMTER2833-52-52 080-16-14  aE SC SUMTER3833-54-52 080-17-39  aE SD ABERDEEN1745-29-55 097-40-35  aEf SD ABERDEEN2845-06-32 097-53-30  aE  SD BROOKINGS1844-20-10 097-13-41  aE SD EAGLE BUTTE2445-03-20 102-15-40  aEX SD FLORENCE2544-57-57 097-35-22  aE SD HURON2244-11-39 098-19-05  aE SD LEAD2644-19-30 103-50-14  aEJ SD LEAD2744-19-36 103-50-12  aE SD LOWRY1545-16-34 099-59-03  aE SD MARTIN2043-26-06 101-33-14  aE< SD MITCHELL2643-37-56 097-22-21  aE SD PIERRE1944-03-07 100-05-03  aE SD PIERRE2143-57-55 099-35-56  aE. SD RAPID CITY1644-04-14 103-15-01  aE SD RAPID CITY1844-04-00 103-15-01  aEz SD RAPID CITY2244-04-08 103-15-03  aE  SD RAPID CITY2344-03-07 103-14-36  aE SD RELIANCE1443-57-55 099-36-11  aEl SD SIOUX FALLS 743-29-20 096-45-40  aE! SD SIOUX FALLS2443-32-07 096-44-34  aE! SD SIOUX FALLS2943-31-07 096-32-05  aE^" SD SIOUX FALLS3243-30-11 096-34-38  aE# SD SIOUX FALLS4743-30-17 096-33-22  aE# SD SIOUX FALLS4843-51-57 096-37-15  aEP$ SD VERMILLION3443-03-00 096-47-12  aE$ TN CHATTANOOGA2935-12-26 085-16-52  aE% TN CHATTANOOGA3535-09-41 085-19-03  aEB& TN CHATTANOOGA4035-12-34 085-16-39  aE& TN CHATTANOOGA4735-08-06 085-19-25  aE' TN CHATTANOOGA5535-09-40 085-18-52H'=,(( &p!$4(= = ((HԌ aE TN CLEVELAND" " 42 34-55-57<<084-58-32  aE TN COOKEVILLE" " 36 36-07-44<<085-20-47  aEL TN COOKEVILLE" " 52 36-10-26<<085-20-37  aE TN CROSSVILLE" " 50 36-06-33<<084-20-17  aE TN GREENEVILLE" " 38 36-01-24<<082-42-56  aE> TN HENDERSONVILLE" " 51 36-28-02<<086-28-53  aE TN JACKSON" " 39 35-47-22<<089-06-14  aE TN JACKSON" " 43 35-38-15<<088-41-32  aE0 TN JELLICO" " 23 36-24-36<<084-10-38  aE TN JOHNSON CITY" " 58 36-25-55<<082-08-15  aE| TN KINGSPORT" " 27 36-25-54<<082-08-15  aE" TN KNOXVILLE" " 17 36-00-19<<083-56-23  aE TN KNOXVILLE" " 26 36-00-13<<083-56-35  aEn TN KNOXVILLE" " 30 36-00-36<<083-55-57  aE TN KNOXVILLE" " 31 36-00-19<<083-56-23  aE TN KNOXVILLE" " 34 35-59-20<<083-57-45  aE` TN LEBANON" " 44 36-09-13<<086-22-46  aE TN LEXINGTON" " 47 35-42-12<<088-36-10  aE TN MEMPHIS" " 25 35-12-11<<089-48-16  aER TN MEMPHIS" " 28 35-10-52<<089-49-56  aE TN MEMPHIS" " 29 35-09-17<<089-49-20  aE TN MEMPHIS" " 31 35-09-17<<089-49-20  aED TN MEMPHIS" " 51 35-12-41<<089-48-54  aE TN MEMPHIS" " 52 35-10-09<<089-53-12  aE TN MEMPHIS" " 53 35-10-28<<089-50-41  aE6 TN MURFREESBORO" " 38 36-04-54<<086-25-57  aE TN NASHVILLE" " 10 36-08-27<<086-51-56  aE TN NASHVILLE" " 15 36-08-27<<086-51-56  aE( TN NASHVILLE" " 21 36-15-50<<086-47-38  aE TN NASHVILLE" " 23 35-55-20<<086-42-46  aEt TN NASHVILLE" " 27 36-02-49<<086-49-49  aE TN NASHVILLE" " 46 36-02-49<<086-49-49  aE TN NASHVILLE" " 56 36-16-05<<086-47-16  aEf TN SNEEDVILLE" " 41 36-22-52<<083-10-48  aE  TX ABILENE" " 24 32-16-38<<099-35-51  aE TX ABILENE" " 29 32-17-13<<099-44-20  aEX TX ALVIN" " 36 29-34-06<<095-29-57  aE TX AMARILLO" " 9 35-17-34<<101-50-42  aE TX AMARILLO" " 15 35-20-33<<101-49-21  aEJ TX AMARILLO" " 19 35-18-52<<101-50-47  aE TX AMARILLO" " 21 35-20-33<<101-49-21  aE TX AMARILLO" " 24 35-22-29<<101-52-58  aE< TX ARLINGTON" " 42 32-35-24<<096-58-21  aE TX AUSTIN" " 21 30-19-33<<097-47-58  aE TX AUSTIN" " 22 30-19-20<<097-48-10  aE. TX AUSTIN" " 33 30-19-20<<097-48-10  aE TX AUSTIN" " 43 30-19-10<<097-48-06  aEz TX AUSTIN" " 49 30-19-33<<097-47-58  aE  TX AUSTIN" " 56 30-18-36<<097-47-33  aE TX BAYTOWN" " 41 29-17-56<<095-14-11  aEl TX BEAUMONT" " 21 30-08-24<<093-58-44  aE! TX BEAUMONT" " 33 30-10-41<<093-54-26  aE! TX BEAUMONT" " 50 30-11-26<<093-53-08  aE^" TX BELTON" " 47 30-59-12<<097-37-47  aE# TX BIG SPRING" " 33 32-15-14<<101-26-44  aE# TX BROWNSVILLE" " 24 26-05-59<<097-50-16  aEP$ TX BRYAN" " 29 30-41-18<<096-25-35  aE$ TX BRYAN" " 59 30-33-10<<096-01-50  aE% TX COLLEGE STATION" " 12 30-37-48<<096-20-33  aEB& TX CONROE" " 5 30-15-45<<095-14-50  aE& TX CONROE" " 42 30-13-50<<095-07-25  aE' TX CORPUS CHRISTI" " 18 27-46-50<<097-38-03"'>,(( &p!"Ԍ aE TX CORPUS CHRISTI2227-39-12 097-33-55  aE TX CORPUS CHRISTI2727-45-11 097-38-14  aEL TX CORPUS CHRISTI4727-39-29 097-36-04  aE TX CORPUS CHRISTI5027-44-28 097-36-08  aE TX DALLAS 932-35-06 096-58-41  aE> TX DALLAS1432-34-43 096-57-12  aE TX DALLAS3232-35-22 096-58-10  aE TX DALLAS3532-35-06 096-58-41  aE0 TX DALLAS3632-35-22 096-58-10  aE TX DALLAS4032-35-07 096-58-06  aE| TX DALLAS4532-35-22 096-58-10  aE" TX DECATUR3032-52-16 096-55-22  aE TX DEL RIO2829-20-39 100-51-39  aEn TX DENTON3132-35-22 096-58-10  aE TX EAGLE PASS1828-43-32 100-28-35  aE TX EL PASO1531-48-55 106-29-20  aE` TX EL PASO1631-47-46 106-28-57  aE TX EL PASO1731-47-15 106-28-47  aE TX EL PASO1831-48-18 106-28-57  aER TX EL PASO2531-47-46 106-28-57  aE TX EL PASO2931-47-15 106-28-47  aE TX EL PASO3931-48-55 106-29-17  aED TX EL PASO5131-48-55 106-29-17  aE TX FORT WORTH1832-35-22 096-58-10  aE TX FORT WORTH1932-34-43 096-57-12  aE6 TX FORT WORTH4132-35-15 096-57-59  aE TX FORT WORTH5132-45-01 097-16-07  aE TX GALVESTON2329-17-56 095-14-11  aE( TX GALVESTON4729-27-57 095-13-23  aE TX GARLAND2432-54-04 096-41-14  aEt TX GREENVILLE4633-09-32 096-08-34  aE TX HARLINGEN3126-08-55 097-49-17  aE TX HARLINGEN3426-13-00 097-46-48  aEf TX HARLINGEN3826-07-14 097-49-18  aE  TX HOUSTON1929-34-34 095-30-36  aE TX HOUSTON2429-33-25 095-30-04  aEX TX HOUSTON2729-34-28 095-29-37  aE TX HOUSTON3129-33-40 095-30-04  aE TX HOUSTON3229-34-27 095-29-37  aEJ TX HOUSTON3529-34-06 095-29-57  aE TX HOUSTON3829-34-06 095-29-57  aE TX HOUSTON4429-33-25 095-30-04  aE< TX HOUSTON5329-34-28 095-29-37  aE TX IRVING4832-35-24 096-58-21  aE TX JACKSONVILLE2232-03-40 095-18-50  aE. TX KATY5229-33-40 095-30-04  aE TX KERRVILLE1729-36-37 098-53-35  aEz TX KILLEEN2331-18-52 097-19-37  aE  TX LAKE DALLAS4333-00-19 096-59-00  aE TX LAREDO1427-31-14 099-31-19  aEl TX LAREDO1527-40-21 099-39-51  aE! TX LAREDO1927-30-03 099-30-37  aE! TX LLANO2730-40-36 098-33-59  aE^" TX LONGVIEW5232-15-35 094-57-02  aE# TX LUBBOCK2533-33-12 101-49-13  aE# TX LUBBOCK2733-30-57 101-50-54  aEP$ TX LUBBOCK3533-30-08 101-52-20  aE$ TX LUBBOCK3933-34-55 101-53-25  aE% TX LUBBOCK4033-31-33 101-52-07  aEB& TX LUBBOCK4433-32-32 101-50-14  aE& TX LUFKIN4331-25-09 094-48-02  aE' TX MCALLEN3026-05-20 098-03-44H'>,(( &p!$4(>>((HԌ aE TX MIDLAND" " 26 32-05-14<<102-17-12  aE TX NACOGDOCHES" " 18 31-24-28<<094-45-53  aEL TX ODESSA" " 15 31-59-17<<102-51-59  aE TX ODESSA" " 22 31-51-59<<102-22-50  aE TX ODESSA" " 23 32-05-51<<102-17-21  aE> TX ODESSA" " 31 31-51-50<<102-34-41  aE TX ODESSA" " 43 32-02-53<<102-17-44  aE TX PORT ARTHUR" " 40 30-09-31<<093-59-11  aE0 TX RIO GRANDE CITY" " 20 26-25-47<<098-49-25  aE TX ROSENBERG" " 46 29-33-25<<095-30-04  aE| TX SAN ANGELO" " 11 31-22-01<<100-02-48  aE" TX SAN ANGELO" " 16 31-37-22<<100-26-14  aE TX SAN ANGELO" " 19 31-35-21<<100-31-00  aEn TX SAN ANTONIO" " 16 29-31-25<<098-43-25  aE TX SAN ANTONIO" " 20 29-19-33<<098-21-25  aE TX SAN ANTONIO" " 30 29-17-27<<098-16-12  aE` TX SAN ANTONIO" " 39 29-17-39<<098-15-30  aE TX SAN ANTONIO" " 40 29-17-39<<098-15-30  aE TX SAN ANTONIO" " 48 29-16-11<<098-15-31  aER TX SAN ANTONIO" " 55 29-16-07<<098-15-55  aE TX SAN ANTONIO" " 58 29-16-10<<098-15-55  aE TX SHERMAN" " 20 34-01-58<<096-48-00  aED TX SNYDER" " 10 32-46-52<<100-53-52  aE TX SWEETWATER" " 20 32-24-48<<100-06-25  aE TX TEMPLE" " 50 31-16-24<<097-13-14  aE6 TX TEXARKANA" " 15 32-54-12<<094-00-23  aE TX TEXARKANA" " 50 33-25-29<<094-02-34  aE TX TYLER" " 38 32-32-21<<095-13-16  aE( TX VICTORIA" " 15 28-48-06<<096-33-09  aE TX VICTORIA" " 34 28-46-41<<096-57-38  aEt TX WACO" " 20 31-30-31<<097-10-03  aE TX WACO" " 26 31-20-15<<097-18-37  aE TX WACO" " 53 31-19-19<<097-18-58  aEf TX WACO" " 57 31-18-52<<097-19-37  aE  TX WESLACO" " 13 26-09-54<<097-48-45  aE TX WICHITA FALLS" " 17 34-12-06<<098-43-44  aEX TX WICHITA FALLS" " 22 33-54-04<<098-32-21  aE TX WICHITA FALLS" " 28 33-53-23<<098-33-20  aE UT CEDAR CITY" " 14 37-32-32<<113-04-05  aEJ UT CEDAR CITY" " 44 37-40-41<<113-04-08  aE UT MONTICELLO" " 41 37-52-12<<109-20-30  aE UT OGDEN" " 29 40-39-25<<112-12-07  aE< UT OGDEN" " 35 40-36-30<<112-09-34  aE UT PROVO" " 17 39-51-54<<111-53-39  aE UT PROVO" " 39 40-36-28<<112-09-33  aE. UT SALT LAKE CITY" " 27 40-39-12<<112-12-06  aE UT SALT LAKE CITY" " 28 40-39-33<<112-12-08  aEz UT SALT LAKE CITY" " 34 40-36-23<<112-09-47  aE  UT SALT LAKE CITY" " 36 40-39-35<<112-12-05  aE UT SALT LAKE CITY" " 38 40-36-50<<112-11-05  aEl UT SALT LAKE CITY" " 40 40-36-29<<112-09-36  aE! UT ST. GEORGE" " 9 37-03-49<<113-34-20  aE! VA ARLINGTON" " 15 38-56-24<<077-04-54  aE^" VA ASHLAND" " 47 37-44-32<<077-15-18  aE# VA BRISTOL" " 28 36-26-57<<082-06-31  aE# VA CHARLOTTESVILLE" " 14 37-58-58<<078-29-00  aEP$ VA CHARLOTTESVILLE" " 32 37-59-00<<078-28-54  aE$ VA DANVILLE" " 41 36-30-36<<079-28-23  aE% VA FAIRFAX" " 57 38-52-28<<077-13-24  aEB& VA FRONT ROYAL" " 21 38-57-36<<078-19-52  aE& VA GOLDVEIN" " 30 38-37-42<<077-26-20  aE' VA GRUNDY" " 49 36-49-47<<082-04-45"'?,(( &p!"Ԍ aE VA HAMPTON4136-49-00 076-28-05  aE VA HAMPTON-NORFOLK1636-48-32 076-30-13  aEL VA HARRISONBURG4938-36-05 078-37-57  aE VA LYNCHBURG2037-19-14 079-37-59  aE VA LYNCHBURG3437-24-51 079-08-37  aE> VA LYNCHBURG5637-18-52 079-38-04  aE VA MANASSAS3638-47-16 077-19-49  aE VA MARION4236-54-01 081-32-35  aE0 VA NORFOLK1436-48-32 076-30-13  aE VA NORFOLK3836-48-32 076-30-13  aE| VA NORFOLK5836-48-56 076-28-00  aE" VA NORTON3236-53-52 082-37-22  aE VA PETERSBURG2237-30-46 077-36-06  aEn VA PORTSMOUTH1936-48-43 076-27-49  aE VA PORTSMOUTH3136-49-14 076-30-41  aE VA RICHMOND2437-30-46 077-36-06  aE` VA RICHMOND2537-34-00 077-28-36  aE VA RICHMOND2637-30-22 077-42-03  aE VA RICHMOND4437-30-46 077-36-06  aER VA RICHMOND5437-30-23 077-30-12  aE VA ROANOKE 337-11-45 080-09-18  aE VA ROANOKE1737-11-46 080-09-16  aED VA ROANOKE1837-11-42 080-09-22  aE VA ROANOKE3037-12-02 080-08-55  aE VA ROANOKE3637-11-35 080-09-29  aE6 VA STAUNTON1938-09-54 079-18-51  aE VA VIRGINIA BEACH2936-49-14 076-30-41  aE VA WEST POINT4637-31-54 076-47-49  aE( VT BURLINGTON1644-31-40 072-48-58  aE VT BURLINGTON3244-31-32 072-48-54  aEt VT BURLINGTON4344-31-32 072-48-54  aE VT BURLINGTON5344-31-36 072-48-57  aE VT HARTFORD2543-26-38 072-27-17  aEf VT RUTLAND5643-39-32 073-06-25  aE  VT ST. JOHNSBURY1844-34-16 071-53-39  aE VT WINDSOR2443-26-15 072-27-09  aEX WA BELLEVUE3247-36-17 122-19-46  aE WA BELLEVUE5047-30-14 121-58-29  aE WA BELLINGHAM1948-40-48 122-50-23  aEJ WA BELLINGHAM3548-40-40 122-49-48  aE WA CENTRALIA1946-33-16 123-03-26  aE WA EVERETT3147-37-55 122-20-59  aE< WA KENNEWICK1446-06-11 119-07-54  aE WA PASCO2046-05-51 119-11-30  aE WA PULLMAN1746-51-43 117-10-26  aE. WA RICHLAND2646-06-11 119-07-47  aE WA RICHLAND3046-06-23 119-07-50  aEz WA SEATTLE2547-36-57 122-18-26  aE  WA SEATTLE3847-37-55 122-21-09  aE WA SEATTLE3947-38-01 122-21-20  aEl WA SEATTLE4147-36-58 122-18-28  aE! WA SEATTLE4447-36-17 122-19-46  aE! WA SEATTLE4847-37-55 122-20-59  aE^" WA SPOKANE2947-34-44 117-17-46  aE# WA SPOKANE3847-36-04 117-17-53  aE# WA SPOKANE3947-34-34 117-17-58  aEP$ WA SPOKANE5447-55-18 117-06-48  aE$ WA SPOKANE5547-34-52 117-17-47  aE% WA SPOKANE5747-35-42 117-17-53  aEB& WA TACOMA1447-32-50 122-47-39  aE& WA TACOMA1847-32-53 122-48-22  aE' WA TACOMA2647-16-41 122-30-42H'?,(( &p!$4(? ? ((HԌ aE WA TACOMA" " 36 47-36-56<<122-18-29  aE WA TACOMA" " 42 47-32-53<<122-48-22  aEL WA VANCOUVER" " 48 45-31-22<<122-45-07  aE WA WENATCHEE" " 56 47-19-26<<120-13-55  aE WA YAKIMA" " 16 46-31-59<<120-30-26  aE> WA YAKIMA" " 21 46-31-58<<120-30-33  aE WA YAKIMA" " 34 46-31-57<<120-30-37  aE WA YAKIMA" " 52 46-31-58<<120-30-33  aE0 WI APPLETON" " 59 44-21-30<<087-58-48  aE WI CHIPPEWA FALLS" " 49 44-57-27<<091-40-08  aE| WI EAGLE RIVER" " 17 45-46-30<<089-14-55  aE" WI EAU CLAIRE" " 15 44-57-39<<091-40-05  aE WI EAU CLAIRE" " 39 44-39-51<<090-57-41  aEn WI FOND DU LAC" " 44 43-21-44<<088-53-45  aE WI GREEN BAY" " 23 44-24-35<<088-00-05  aE WI GREEN BAY" " 41 44-21-30<<087-58-48  aE` WI GREEN BAY" " 42 44-24-35<<088-00-05  aE WI GREEN BAY" " 51 44-24-31<<087-59-29  aE WI GREEN BAY" " 56 44-24-21<<088-00-19  aER WI JANESVILLE" " 32 42-43-40<<089-13-54  aE WI KENOSHA" " 40 42-45-38<<087-57-55  aE WI LA CROSSE" " 14 43-48-23<<091-22-04  aED WI LA CROSSE" " 17 43-48-16<<091-22-18  aE WI LA CROSSE" " 30 43-48-17<<091-22-06  aE WI LA CROSSE" " 53 44-05-28<<091-20-15  aE6 WI MADISON" " 11 43-03-21<<089-32-06  aE WI MADISON" " 19 43-03-03<<089-29-13  aE WI MADISON" " 20 43-03-21<<089-32-06  aE( WI MADISON" " 26 43-03-21<<089-32-06  aE WI MADISON" " 50 43-03-21<<089-32-06  aEt WI MANITOWOC" " 19 44-07-31<<087-37-41  aE WI MAYVILLE" " 43 43-26-11<<088-31-34  aE WI MENOMONIE" " 27 45-02-49<<091-51-47  aEf WI MILWAUKEE" " 8 43-05-38<<087-54-10  aE  WI MILWAUKEE" " 22 43-05-15<<087-54-12  aE WI MILWAUKEE" " 25 43-05-15<<087-54-13  aEX WI MILWAUKEE" " 28 43-05-29<<087-54-07  aE WI MILWAUKEE" " 33 43-05-24<<087-53-47  aE WI MILWAUKEE" " 34 43-06-41<<087-55-38  aEJ WI MILWAUKEE" " 35 43-05-48<<087-54-19  aE WI MILWAUKEE" " 46 43-06-42<<087-55-50  aE WI MILWAUKEE" " 61 43-05-48<<087-54-19  aE< WI PARK FALLS" " 47 45-56-43<<090-16-28  aE WI RACINE" " 48 43-05-15<<087-54-01  aE WI RHINELANDER" " 16 45-40-02<<089-12-27  aE. WI SUPERIOR" " 19 46-47-21<<092-06-51  aE WI SURING" " 21 44-44-00<<088-15-25  aEz WI WAUSAU" " 24 44-55-14<<089-41-31  aE  WI WAUSAU" " 29 44-55-14<<089-41-31  aE WI WAUSAU" " 40 44-55-14<<089-41-31  aEl WV BLUEFIELD" " 14 37-13-08<<081-15-39  aE! WV BLUEFIELD" " 46 37-15-21<<081-10-55  aE! WV CHARLESTON" " 16 38-21-01<<081-37-52  aE^" WV CHARLESTON" " 19 38-25-15<<081-55-27  aE# WV CHARLESTON" " 39 38-28-12<<081-46-35  aE# WV CHARLESTON" " 55 38-24-28<<081-54-13  aEP$ WV CLARKSBURG" " 28 39-18-02<<080-20-37  aE$ WV CLARKSBURG" " 52 39-17-06<<080-19-46  aE% WV GRANDVIEW" " 53 37-53-46<<080-59-21  aEB& WV HUNTINGTON" " 23 38-30-34<<082-13-09  aE& WV HUNTINGTON" " 34 38-29-41<<082-12-03  aE' WV HUNTINGTON" " 54 38-30-21<<082-12-33"'@,(( &p!"Ԍ aE WV LEWISBURG4837-46-22 080-42-25  aE WV MARTINSBURG1239-27-27 078-03-53  aEL WV MORGANTOWN3339-41-45 079-45-45  aE WV OAK HILL5037-57-30 081-09-03  aE WV PARKERSBURG4939-20-59 081-33-56  aE> WV WESTON5839-04-27 080-25-28  aE WV WHEELING5640-03-41 080-45-08  aE WY CASPER1542-44-26 106-21-34  aE0 WY CASPER1742-44-03 106-20-00  aE WY CASPER1842-44-37 106-18-31  aE| WY CHEYENNE1141-08-55 104-57-22  aE" WY CHEYENNE2841-02-55 104-53-28  aE WY CHEYENNE3041-06-01 105-00-23  aEn WY JACKSON1443-27-42 110-45-10  aE WY LANDER 742-53-43 108-43-34  aE WY LANDER 842-34-59 108-42-36  aE` WY RAWLINS 941-46-15 107-14-25  aE WY RIVERTON1643-27-26 108-12-02  aE WY ROCK SPRINGS1941-26-21 109-06-42  aER WY SHERIDAN2144-37-20 107-06-57HR @,(( p!$4(@'@` ((H  aE PR AGUADA" " 62 18-19-06<<067-10-49  aE PR AGUADILLA" " 17 18-19-06<<067-10-42  aEL PR AGUADILLA" " 34 18-18-46<<067-11-09  aE PR AGUADILLA" " 69 18-09-00<<066-59-00  aE PR ARECIBO" " 53 18-14-06<<066-45-36  aE> PR ARECIBO" " 61 18-27-21<<066-52-59  aE PR BAYAMON" " 59 18-16-40<<066-06-38  aE PR CAGUAS" " 56 18-16-54<<066-06-46  aE0 PR CAGUAS" " 57 18-16-40<<066-06-38  aE PR CAROLINA" " 51 18-16-44<<065-51-12  aE| PR FAJARDO" " 33 18-18-36<<065-47-41  aE" PR FAJARDO" " 38 18-18-36<<065-47-41  aE PR GUAYAMA" " 45 18-16-48<<065-51-08  aEn PR HUMACAO" " 49 18-16-44<<065-51-12  aE PR MAYAGUEZ" " 23 18-09-05<<066-59-20  aE PR MAYAGUEZ" " 29 18-09-03<<066-59-21  aE` PR MAYAGUEZ" " 35 18-09-00<<066-59-00  aE PR MAYAGUEZ" " 63 18-19-06<<067-10-42  aE PR NARANJITO" " 65 18-17-34<<066-16-02  aER PR PONCE" " 19 18-04-50<<066-44-50  aE PR PONCE" " 25 18-04-50<<066-44-54  aE PR PONCE" " 43 18-10-09<<066-34-36  aED PR PONCE" " 47 18-04-50<<066-44-50  aE PR PONCE" " 66 18-09-17<<066-33-16  aE PR PONCE" " 67 18-10-11<<066-34-38  aE6 PR SAN JUAN" " 21 18-16-47<<065-51-14  aE PR SAN JUAN" " 27 18-06-42<<066-03-05  aE PR SAN JUAN" " 28 18-06-54<<066-03-10  aE( PR SAN JUAN" " 31 18-16-30<<066-05-36  aE PR SAN JUAN" " 32 18-18-36<<065-47-41  aEt PR SAN JUAN" " 55 18-06-42<<066-03-05  aE PR SAN SEBASTIAN" " 39 18-19-06<<067-10-42  aE PR YAUCO" " 41 18-10-10<<066-34-36  aEf VI CHARLOTTE AMALIE" " 44 18-21-26<<064-56-50  aE  VI CHARLOTTE AMALIE" " 48 18-21-24<<064-56-47  aE VI CHARLOTTE AMALIE" " 50 18-21-23<<064-56-43  aEX VI CHRISTIANSTED" " 5 17-44-53<<064-43-40  aE VI CHRISTIANSTED" " 20 17-45-21<<064-47-56"A,(( p!" LFHA,**p!$A @A))**Hԯ "JA,**`p!"  X0  # Xj\  P6G;XP#@B-C-@ ? XN h!(#%'0*,.8135@8:63.rrgCordon and Kelly, filing for Tazewell Television Corporation, Universal Media of Central Iowa, Inc., and three others (C&K)(#r  X0?64.rrgRaoul Lowery Contereras  X0@65.rrgCornell University  X|0A66.rrgCosta de Oro Television, Inc. (KSTVTV, Ventura, CA)  Xe0B67.rrgCreative Educational Media Corporation, Inc.  XN0C68.rrgCrossville TV Limited Partnership (WINTTV, Crossville, TN)  X70D69.rrgArnold Cruze  X 0E70. rrgCooperative Television Association of Southern Minnesota  X 0F71. rrgVern Corkins  X0G72.rrgDavis Television Topeka, LLC, et al.  X0H73. rrgDelaware County, PA Department of Emergency Services  X 0I74.rrgDeSoto Broadcasting, Inc. (WBSVTV, VeniceBradenton, FL)  X!0J75.rrgDispatch Broadcast Group (WBNSTV, Columbus, OH, and others)  X"0K76.rrgDouglas Policy Institute  X#0L77.rrgdu Treil, Lundin and Rackley, Inc.  Xh$0M78.rrgEagle Communications, Inc.  XQ%0N79.rrgEagle Television, Inc.  X:&0O80.rrgTownship of East Brunswick, NJ  X#'0P81.rrgThe Electronic Industries Association and The EIA Advanced Television Committee  X (0Q82. rrgEricsson, Inc  X(0R83.rrgEngle Broadcasting, WPSJLP  X)0S84.rrgBoard of County Commissioners, Esmeralda County, Nevada")C,** +p!"Ԍ X0T85.rrgTownship of Fairfield, NJ.  X0U86. rrgFederated Rural Electric  X0V87.rrgFireweed Communications Corporation (KYESTV, Anchorage, AK) (2 filings)  X0W88. rrgF.L.V. TV District  X0X89.rrgFox Television Stations, Inc.  X0Y90.rrgFouce Amusement Enterprises (KCRATV, Los Angeles, CA)  Xv0Z91.rrgFreedom Communications, Inc. (WANETV, New BedfordProvidence, MA, and others)(#r  X_0[92.rrgForestryConservation Communications Association (FCCA)  XH0\93.rrgDoug Garcia Construction Permit Owner of K33EJ and K25CB  X10]94.rrgGateway Communications, Inc. (WBNGTV, Binghamton, NY, and others)  X 0^95.rrgGEP, Inc.  X 0_96.rrgSteve Gimbert, Director of Engineering, W47BD  X 0`97.rrgGlassboro Emergency Medical Services  X 0a98.rrgGibbstown Volunteer Fire Company No. 1  X 0b99.rrgGloucester County Ambulance and Rescue Assn.  X 0c100.rrgGloucester County, NJ Communications Center  X0d101.rrgGolden Orange Broadcasting Co., Inc. (KDOCTV, Los Angeles, CA)  Xy0e102.rrgGoldfield Television District  Xb0f103.rrgGood News Television, Inc.  XK0g104.rrgGrant Broadcasting Group (WZDXTV, Huntsville, AL, and others)  X40h105.rrgGreat Trails Broadcasting Corporation (WHAGTV, Hagerstown, MD and another)  X0i106.rrgGrupo Televisa, S.A.  X0j107.rrgJeffery W. Gnagey, General Manager, WIWULP51  X0k108.rrgHarry and Anna Hain  X0l109.rrgHarris Corporation  X0m110.rrgHe's Alive Broadcasting Association  X0n111.rrgHoman Communications, Inc.  X0o112.rrgHoney Lake Community Television Corporation  X|0p113.rrgHolston Valley Broadcasting (WKPTTV, Kingsport, TN, and low power stations)  Xe0q114.rrgHutchens Communications, Inc. (WGVPTV, Valdosta, GA)  XN0r115.rrgRobert Heitmeyer, President WOHL, TV67  X70s116.rrgMartin Hensley, involved in construction and operation of LPTV stations  X 0t117.rrgFred Hildebrand, Owner Majic Tree of Wyoming  X 0u118.rrgAnn K. Hoyt  X0v119.rrgHumboldt County, Nevada  X0w120.rrgIBL, LLC; licensee of LPTV station W53AV  X 0x121.rrgIberia Communications, L.L.C.  X!0y122.rrgIndependent Broadcasting Company (KOLRTV, Springfield, MO)  X"0z123.rrgInnovative Technologies, Inc.  X#0{124.rrgInnovative Television, Inc.  Xh$0|125.rrgInternational Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP)  XQ%0}126.rrgInternational Broadcasting Network  X:&0~127.rrgInternational Broadcasting Networks  X#'0128.rrgInternational Municipal Signal Association and the International Association of Fire Chiefs, Inc. (IAFC/IMSA)(#r  X(0129.rrgIsland Broadcasting Co. (LPTV station WXNYTV, Long Island City, NY, and others)(#r  X)0130.rrgJackson Township, NJ Police Department")D,** +p!"Ԍ X0131.rrgJB Broadcasting, Inc.  X0132.rrgJet Broadcasting Company (WJETTV, Erie, PA) 133. William F. Jenkins  X0134.rrgJovon Broadcasting Corporation (WJYSTV, Hammond, IN)  X0135.rrgKARKTV, Inc, Little Rock, AR  X0136.rrgKentuckiana Broadcasting, Inc. (WFTETV, Salem, IN)  Xv0137.rrgKLGTTV (Steven Lunde)  X_0138.rrgKSCITV  XH0139.rrgKTWO Television (KTWOTV, Casper, WY)  X10140.rrgKUEDTV and KULCTV, noncommercial full service stations, Salt Lake City, UT  X 0141.rrgKULRTV, Billings, MT  X 0142.rrgKUPNTV, Las Vegas, NV (Gregory Ferris)  X 0143.rrgKXII Broadcasters, Inc. (KXIITV, Sherman, TX)  X 0144.rrgKY New Era, Inc. (LPTV station WKAGLP in Hopkinsville, KY)  X 0145.rrgMarilyn King  X 0146.rrgKit Carson County Board of County Commissioners  X0147.rrgKM Communications, Inc.  Xy0148.rrgPaul E. Knies, WJTSLP  Xb0149.rrgJohn Kompas and Jackie Biel, KB Limited  XK0150.rrgKUSK, Inc.  X40151.rrgLa Dov Educational Outreach, Inc.  X0152.rrgLake Powell Television Association  X0153.rrgLand Mobile Communications Council  X0154.rrgLander County General Improvement District #1  X0155.rrgLandmark Broadcasting, LTD.  X0156.rrgLaredo Community College  X0157.rrgLarmie Plains Antenna TV Association  X0158.rrgLas Tres Palmas Corporation  X|0159.rrgLeSEA Broadcasting  Xe0160.rrgLewis Broadcasting Company (WJCLTV, Savannah, GA and others)  XN0161.rrgJoint Comments of Lin Television Corporation, 54 Broadcasting, Inc., Channel 41, Inc., KXTX of Texas, Inc., and KW TV, Inc. (The Modifiers)(#r  X 0162.rrgD. Lindsey Communications  X 0163.rrgLindsay Television, Inc.  X0164.rrgLinear Research Associates (Curt R. Dunnam)  X0165.rrgLightning Broadcasting, WEIL LP  X 0166.rrgBoard of Logan County Commissioners  X!0167.rrgLicom Communications & Electronics, Co.  X"0168.rrgTownship of Little Egg Harbor Police Department, NJ  X#0169.rrgLos Angeles Broadcasters For A Common Transmission Site (KSCITV, KZKITV, and KRPATV)(#r  XQ%0170.rrgCounty of Los Angeles  X:&0171.rrgMacon Urban Ministries, Inc. (WGNMTV, Macon, GA)  X#'0172.rrgMalrite Communications Group, Inc. (WFLXTV, West Palm Beach, FL, and others)  X (0173.rrgMantua Township Community Ambulance, Sewell, NJ  X(0174.rrgMantua Volunteer Fire Company (Mantua, NJ)  X)0175.rrgMaranatha Broadcasting Company (WFMZTV, Allentown, PA)")E,** +p!"Ԍ X0176.rrgMarcom and its president Martin Jackson  X0177.rrgMARRI Broadcasting, LP  X0178.rrgWilliam E. Mattis, Jr.  X0179.rrgWilliam Mayo, General Manager, KOKTLP  X0180.rrgMcGrawHill Broadcasting Company  X0181.rrgJoint Comments of Media General, Inc. and Park Acquisitions, Inc.  Xv0182.rrgMedia Properties, Inc. (holder of a CP in Janesville, WI)  X_0183.rrgMediacom Television, Inc.  XH0184.rrgMedia Venture Management, Inc. (WTXLTV, Tallahassee, FL)  X10185.rrgMeredith Corporation (KCTVTV, Kansas City, MO and other stations)  X 0186.rrgCity of Mesa, AR  X 0187.rrgMesa County Purchasing Division  X 0188.rrgMidState Television, Inc. (WMFDTV, Mansfield, OH)  X 0189.rrgMonmouth County Sheriff's Office, NJ  X 0190.rrgMotorola  X 0191.rrgMountain Broadcasting Corporation (WMBCTV, Newton, NJ)  X0192.rrgMountain Laurel Township Police  Xy0193.rrgMountain States Broadcasting, Inc. (KMSBTV, Tucson, AZ)  Xb0194.rrgMt. Mansfield Television, Inc. (WCAXTV, Burlington, VT)  XK0195.rrgMineral Television District No. 1  X40196.rrgMinnesota Valley Television Improvement Corporation (MVTV)  X0197.rrgMontgomery Publication, Inc.  X0198.rrgLarry Morton, President, Kaleidoscope Affiliates, LLC  X0199.rrgNational Broadcasting Company  X0200.rrgNational Translator Association  X0201.rrgNational Cable Television Association  X0202.rrgNational Public Radio  X0203.rrgNational Radio Astronomy Observatory, Socorro, MN  X|0204.rrgNational Religious Broadcasters  Xe0205.rrgNational Park Community Ambulance, National Park, NJ  XN0206.rrgGovernor Christine Todd Whitman of the State of New Jersey  X70207.rrgNew Jersey State Board of Public Utilities  X 0208.rrgNew Providence Police Department, NJ  X 0209.rrgNew York Times Company (WHNTTV, Huntsville, AL, and others)  X0210.rrgNew York Metropolitan Advisory Committee (NYMAC) made up of public safety entities in and around NYC that use land mobile freq. at issue.(#r  X 0211.rrgNew York Police Department, NY, NY  X!0212.rrgNextel Communications, Inc.  X"0213.rrgNorthern California Chapter of the Association of Public/Safety Officials, Inc. (N. CalAPCO)(#r  Xh$0214.rrgNorthwest Central Dispatch System  XQ%0215.rrgJoint Comments of Dan Nungesser, Vincent Ugoletti and Dennis Spagnolo, TV station chief engineers(#r  X#'0216.rrgOcean County Sheriff's Department, NJ  X (0217.rrgPacific FM, Inc. (KOFYTV, San Francisco, CA)  X(0218.rrgLaVerta W. Page and Victor W. Page, LPTV owners  X)0219.rrgPaging Associates, Inc.")F,** +p!"Ԍ X0220.rrgPaging Systems, Inc.  X0221.rrgPalm Beach Television Broadcasting, Inc.  X0222.rrgDarwin R. Paustian, General Manager K63FD  X0223.rrgPappas Telecasting Companies (WPWBTV, Sacramento, CA, and others)  X0224.rrgPaso Del Notre Broadcasting Corporation (KINTTV, EL Paso, TX)  X0225.rrgKaren A. Pharis & Bill Pharis  Xv0226.rrgPine River T.V. Association, Inc.  X_0227.rrgPikes Peak Broadcasting Company (KRDOTV, Colorado Springs, CO, and KJCTTV, Grand Junction, CO)(#r  X10228.rrgJohn S. Powell (interests in public safety communications.)  X 0229.rrgCaroline Powley (Unicorn Communications, WNGSTV, Springville, NY)  X 0230.rrgPress Broadcasting Company, Inc. (WKCFTV, Clermont, FL)  X 0231.rrgPulitzer Broadcasting Company (WDSUTV, New Orleans, LA, and others)  X 0232.rrgPolar Broadcasting, Inc.  X 0233.rrgCity of Prichard, Alabama  X 0234.rrgRahway City Department of Public Safety, NJ  X0235.rrgRapid Broadcasting Company  Xy0236.rrgRamar Communications, Inc. (KJTVTV, Lubbock, TX)  Xb0237.rrgRed River Broadcasting Corporation (KDLTTV, Mitchell, SD, and others)  XK0238.rrgRegion 1 Translator Association  X40239.rrgRegion 10 League for Economic Assistance and Planning  X0240.rrgRenaissance Communications Corporation (WTICTV, Hartford, CT, and others)  X0241.rrgRGV Educational Broadcasting, Inc. (KMBHTV, Harlingen, TX)  X0242.rrgRivertonFremont TV Club, Inc.  X0243.rrgRural California Broadcasting Corporation (KRCBTV, adjacent to San Francisco,CA)(#r  X0244.rrgRocky Mountain Corporation for Public Broadcasting  X0245.rrgRobert R. Rule, d.b.a. Rule Communications  X0246.rrgEve Runnels, citizen  X|0247.rrgRussellville Community Television, Inc.  Xe0248.rrgSalem County Department of Emergency Services  XN0249.rrgSan Antonio College, Robert E. Zeigler, President  X70250.rrgSan Diego, CA  X 0251.rrgSan Juan County Communications  X 0252.rrgSan Mateo County, CA  X0253.rrgSanta Monica Community College District  X0254.rrgSarkes Tarzian, Inc. (WRCBTV, Chattanooga, TN and KTVNTV, Reno, NV)  X 0255.rrgBorough of Sayreville Police Department  X!0256.rrgLarry L. Schrecongost, permittee of W49BV and WTYM  X"0257.rrgScripps Howard Broadcasting Company (Multiple TV stations)  X#0258.rrgSecond Generation of Iowa Ltd. (KFXATV, Cedar Rapids, IA)  Xh$0259.rrgSelective TV, Inc.  XQ%0260.rrgSherjan Broadcasting Co, Inc.  X:&0261.rrgSignal Sciences  X#'0262.rrgSilver King Communications, Inc. (WHESTV, Aurora, IL, and others)  X (0263.rrgSkinner Broadcasting, Inc.  X(0264.rrgThomas C. Smith  X)0265.rrgSmoky Valley Television District")G,** +p!"Ԍ X0 266.rrgSonshine Family TV Corporation (WBPHTV, Bethlehem, PA)  X0 267.rrgSouth Central Communications Corporation  X0 268.rrgSoutheastern Ohio Television System (WHIZTV, Zanesville, OH)  X0 269.rrgSouthwest Colorado Television Translator Association  X0 270.rrgThe Department of Special Districts, San Bernardino County, CA  X0271.rrgSunbelt Communications Company (KRNVTV, Reno, NV, and others)  Xv0272.rrgSunbelt Television, Inc. (KHIZTV, Barstow, CA) (#r  X_0273.rrgCity of Sunnyvale, CA  XH0274.rrgRobert Swain  X10275.rrgSyracuse Minority Television, Inc.  X 0276.rrgTanana Valley Television Company (KFXFTV, Fairbanks, AK)  X 0277.rrgTelemundo Group, Inc. (KVEATV, Corona, CA, and others)  X 0278.rrgTiger Eye Broadcasting Corporation  X 0279.rrgTriState Public Teleplex, Inc. (WNINTV, Evansville, IN)  X 0280.rrgMartha Thompson  X 0281.rrgThree Angels Broadcasting Network, Inc.  X0282.rrgTrinity Broadcasting Network  Xy0283.rrgTurnpike Television  Xb0284.rrgTuWay Mobile Communications, Inc.  XK0285.rrgTV San Diego, CA, KGH61  X40286.rrgTV 58, St Louis, Inc., K58DH  X0287.rrgTV52, Inc. (WWRSTV, Mayville, WI)  X0288.rrgUniversity of Montana (KUFMTV, Missoula, MT)  X0 289.rrgUnivision Communications, Inc. (KLUZTV, Albuquerque, NM, and others)  X0!290.rrgUS Broadcast Group Licensee, L.P.I. (WMGCTV, Binghamton, NY and others)  X0"291.rrgUTC, the Telecommunications Association(#r  X0#292.rrgUnderwoodMemorial Hospital  X0$293.rrgUniversity of Pennsylvania  X|0%294.rrgUwchlan Township, PA  Xe0&295.rrgUnity Service Ambulance Association, South Harrison Township, NJ  XN0'296.rrgValley Channel 48, Inc. (KNVOTV, McAllen, TX)  X70(297.rrgValley of Peace Christian Television (K07WD)  X 0)298.rrgVenture Technologies Group  X 0*299.rrgVCY America (WVCYTV, Milwaukee, WI, and others)  X0+300.rrgVictoriaVision, Inc. (KVCTTV, Victoria, TX)  X0,301.rrgViking Communications, Inc.  X 0-302.rrgViking Communications, Inc.  X!0.303.rrgWabash Valley Broadcasting Corporation (WTHITV, Terre Haute, IN, and others)  X"0/304.rrgWatchTV, Inc.  X#00305.rrgBoard of Washington County Commissioners  Xh$01306.rrgWashington County Television, Inc.  XQ%02307.rrgWashington Township Fire District, Gloucester County, NJ  X:&03308.rrgWaukesha Tower Associates, d.b.a. WTAS  X#'04309.rrgWB Television Network  X (05310.rrgWCETTV (WCETTV, Cincinnati, OH)  X(06311.rrgWeigel Broadcasting Co.  X)07312.rrgWelltonMohawk Irrigation and Drainage District, Wellton AR")H,** +p!"Ԍ X08313.rrgBorough of Wenonah, Office of Emergency Management, NJ  X09314.rrgWenonah Fire Company, NJ  X0:315.rrgWenonah Borough, NJ Office of Emergency Management  X0;316.rrgWestern New York Public Broadcasting Association (WNEDTV, Buffalo, NY, and others)(#r  X0<317.rrgWHDHTV, Inc. (WHDHTV, Boston, MA)  Xv0=318.rrgMicheal W. Whipple, First Cullman Broadcasting, Inc.  X_0>319.rrgWhite Pine Television District No. 1  XH0?320.rrgTown of Wilmington Police Department  X10@321.rrgTom Winkle Radio & T.V. Ser.  X 0A322.rrgRussell Withers, Jr. (KREXTV, Grand Junction, CO, and others)  X 0B323.rrgWJYLLP 26  X 0C324.rrgWLEXTV, Inc., Lexington, KY  X 0D325.rrgWord Broadcasting Network, Inc. (WBNATV, Louisville, KY)  X 0E326.rrgWRNNTV Associates, L.P. (WRNNTV, Kingston, NY)  X 0F327.rrgWWACTV, Inc. (WWACTV, Atlantic City, NJ)  X0G328.rrgWWWBTV Company (WWWBTV, Lakeland, FL)  Xy0H329.rrgW25AW (WZBN), LP Trenton NJ  Xb0I330.rrgYoneide Dinzey, Construction Permit Owner (Parties Filing Comments By Letter)  X0J331.rrgAssociation of Public Safety Communications Officials  X0K332.rrgBaldwin Fire District Operations  X0L333.rrgClackamas County, OR Department of Communications  X0M334.rrgEast Rockaway Fire Department  X0N335.rrgElk Grove Village, IL Fire Department  X0O336.rrgFlorida Department of Management Services  X|0P337.rrgGlendale CA File Chief  Xe0Q338.rrgCounty of Gloucester, NJ Office of Emergency Management  XN0R339.rrgCounty of Hamilton, OH Board of County Commissioners  X70S340.rrgThe Illinois State Toll Highway Authority  X 0T341.rrgInternational Association of Chiefs of Police  X 0U342.rrgIsland County Emergency Services Communications Center  X0V343.rrgCity of La Grande, OR  X0W344.rrgLong Beach CA Mayor  X 0X345.rrgLos Angeles Police Department  X!0Y346.rrgCounty of Lucas, OH Emergency Communications Center  X"0Z347.rrgMargate Fire Department  X#0[348.rrgMarin County Board of Supervisors  Xh$0\349.rrgMetroNorth Police, NY, NY  XQ%0]350.rrgNassau County Police Department  X:&0^351.rrgState of Nebraska, Governor E. Benjamin Nelson  X#'0_352.rrgNew Hyde Park Fire Department  X (0`353.rrgNewport Beach Police Department  X(0a354.rrgCity of New York, Department of Corrections  X)0b355.rrgCity of New York, Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications")I,** +p!"Ԍ X0c356.rrgCity of New York, Fire Department  X0d357.rrgNew York State Police  X0e358.rrgNew York State Thruway Authority  X0f359.rrgNorth Bellmore Fire District  X0g360.rrgCounty of Orange, SheriffCoroner Department  X0h361.rrgCity of Orlando, FL  Xv0i362.rrgMayor of Orlando, FL  X_0j363.rrgPreble County 911 Advisory Board  XH0k364.rrgRichardson TX, Police Department  X10l365.rrgRockland County NY Chief of Police, South Nyack, Grand View  X 0m366.rrgSherman County Communications and Emergency Management  X 0n367.rrgSNOPAC 911 Communications, Thomas Howell, Director  X 0o368.rrgCounty of Suffork, NY Police Department  X 0p369.rrgTriCom, Jerry Bleck, Director  X 0q370.rrgUnion County Sheriff  X 0r371.rrgUniversity of California, Irvine  X0s372.rrgCity of Yonkers, NY Fire Department Additionally, the following parties filed comments electronically:  X40t373.rrgJohn W. Andrews  X0u374.rrgWayne Banwart  X0v375.rrgGreg Barnes  X0w376.rrgH. Buse  X0x377.rrgHoward Perry Beckman  X0y378.rrgKen Bolen  X0z379.rrgKelton L. Clark  X0{380.rrgKaren Craig  X|0|381.rrgLarry Coyle  Xe0}382.rrgAlexander Eddie Currin, Jr.  XN0~383.rrgJack Dallas  X70384.rrgMark P. Dessauer  X 0385.rrgBill Devlin  X 0386.rrgPrescott Eaton  X0387.rrgMary Emery  X0388.rrgFrank Emspak  X 0389.rrgPaul Espinosa  X!0390.rrgDonald W. Fancher  X"0391.rrgWayne Fanno  X#0392.rrgDave Farley  Xh$0393.rrgRodney Foil  XQ%0394.rrgErik C. France  X:&0395.rrgJames W. Freeze  X#'0396.rrgDan Granger  X (0397.rrgTimothy Gunn  X(0398.rrgJames Christopher Hayes  X)0399.rrgDr. Jim Henley")J,** +p!"Ԍ X0400.rrgDane K. Henry  X0401.rrgEric Helmuth  X0402.rrgRuth Holder  X0403.rrgPhil Hoy  X0404.rrgDr. Robert Huesca  X0405.rrgArt Hussey  Xv0406.rrgKirvin Knox  X_0407.rrgRalph Kranz  XH0408.rrgArlene Krebs  X10409.rrgMary M. Kirby  X 0410.rrgFrank Leibrock  X 0411.rrgCharles M. Lohr  X 0412.rrgRobert Lucas  X 0413.rrgBret Luick  X 0414.rrgDarlene Martin  X 0415.rrgDenise Matthews  X0416.rrgGeorge Mays  Xy0417.rrgPhillip McCarty  Xb0418.rrgDavid Metzler  XK0419.rrgP.E. Morgen  X40420.rrgCarrick Mundell  X0421.rrgBarry C. Nelson  X0422.rrgCarl B. Page  X0423.rrgJohn M. Phelan  X0424.rrgJanet Poley  X0425.rrgBarbara Popovic  X0426.rrgRalph T. Posadas  X0427.rrgAl Powell  X|0428.rrgJohn T. Powers Jr.  Xe0429.rrgGordon Quinn  XN0430.rrgShare Reeves  X70431.rrgAnthony T. Riddles  X 0432.rrgFoil Rodney  X 0433.rrgNeil Ruggles  X0434.rrgWilliam P. Russell  X0435.rrgEugene G. Sander  X 0436.rrgKara Schiff  X!0437.rrgRon Schutte  X"0438.rrgFrank Scott  X#0439.rrgJ. Sebastian  Xh$0440.rrgFrancis X. Sheehan  XQ%0441.rrgLaura Sigal  X:&0442.rrgScott M. Smith  X#'0443.rrgD.J. ShraderSmith  X (0444.rrgKen Snider  X(0445.rrgJoseph Straubhaar  X)0446.rrgJames C. Wade")K,** +p!"Ԍ X0447.rrgScott Walker  X0448.rrgCarroll Webber  X0449.rrgJim Wohlleb  X0450.rrgKevin Wolf  X0451.rrgCraig Wood  X0452.rrgPeter Wright  Xv0453.rrgLarry Yager  X10Parties Filing Reply Comments  X 0 1. A. 1. a.(1)(a) i) a) 1. 1. 1. a.(1)(a) i) a)Xr` hp x (#%'0*,.8135@8:63.lPulitzer Broadcasting Company  Xe0?64.lRetlaw Enterprises, Inc.  XN0@65.lRobert R. Rule, d.b.a Rule Communications  X70A66.lSinclair Broadcast Group, Inc.  X 0B67.lSkinner Broadcasting, Inc.  X 0C68.lDepartment of Special Districts, San Bernardino County, CA  X0D69.lSpectrum Initiatives, Inc.  X0E70.lCounty of Suffolk Police Department  X 0F71.lSullivan Broadcsting Company, Inc. (WUTVTV, Buffalo, NY)  X!0G72.lTanana Valley Television Company  X"0H73.lTelevision Wisconsin, Inc.  X#0I74.lThird Coast Broadcasting, Inc.  Xh$0J75.lTribune Broadcasting  XQ%0K76.lTV67, Inc. (Fox67, WOHLTV)  X:&0L77. lUS West, Inc. (supports National Cable Television Association, Inc.)(#  X#'0M78.lVenture Technologies Group  X (0N79.lWashington County Television, Inc.  X(0O80.lWatchTV, Inc.  X)0P81.lWB Television Network")M,** +p!"Ԍ X0Q82.lWeigel Broadcasting Co.  X0R83.lWHRTLP  X0S84.lWRIWLP, Viking Communications, Inc.  X0T85.lWRNNTV Associates Limited Partnership  X0U86.lViacom  X0V87.lZenith Electronics Corporation"N,**p!"  X0 3'v??,[3'StandardHPLAS4.PRSX\ 3'3'StandardHPLAS4.PRSX\ X3[ O   @C-D-@  #Xj\  P6G;XP# ]APPENDIX D FINAL REGULATORY FLEXIBILITY ANALYSIS  X0  X0lAs required by the Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA),Fc yO4 ԍ See 5 U.S.C.  603.F an Initial Regulatory Flexibility  X0Analysis (IRFA) was incorporated in the Sixth Further Notice of Proposed Rule Making  X0(Sixth Further Notice) in this proceeding.IXc yO ԍ 11 FCC Rcd 10968, 11060 (1996).I The Commission sought public comment on the  Xv0proposals in the Sixth Further Notice, including comment on the IRFA. This present Final  X_0Regulatory Flexibility Analysis (FRFA) conforms to the RFA, as amended.UX_c yO ԍ See 5 U.S.C.  604. The RFA, see 5 U.S.C.  601 et seq., has been amended by the Contract With America Advancement Act of 1996, Pub. L. No. 1045121, 110 Stat. 847 (1996) (CWAAA). Title II of the CWAAA is the "Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996" (SBREFA).U  X10 A.lNeed for and Objectives of this Sixth Report and Order lIn this rule making action, the Commission adopts policies, procedures and technical criteria for use in conjunction with broadcast digital television (DTV), adopts a DTV Table of Allotments, adopts a plan for the recovery of a portion of the spectrum currently allocated to  X 0TV broadcasting, and provides procedures for assigning DTV frequencies. We seek to allot DTV channels in a manner that is most efficient for broadcasters and the public and least disruptive to broadcast television service during the period of transition from NTSC to DTV service. The overarching goals in this phase of the DTV proceeding are to ensure that the spectrum is used efficiently and effectively through reliance on market forces and to ensure that the introduction of digital TV fully serves the public interest  X0 B.lSummary of Significant Issues Raised by Public Comments In Response  X0lto the IRFA lThree comments were received specifically in response to the IRFA contained in the  X0Sixth Further Notice. First, Apogee Broadcasting Corporation (Apogee), which is the owner, operator, and licensee of an LPTV station, states that its station will be forced from the air under the proposed Table of Allotments. Apogee also estimates that over half of the current LPTV stations will be threatened under the proposed Table of Allotments. Apogee argues that such a result will lead to less diversity in programming on LPTV. Apogee endorses the  XN0series of technical proposals put forth by the Community Broadcasters Association (CBA),QNc yO$ ԍ See paras. 113147, passim.Q and suggests that the Table of Allotments be redrafted with an eye toward protecting LPTV stations wherever possible, with full power stations being required to negotiate engineering solutions with LPTV stations. Apogee argues that unused spectrum due to DTV implementation should be offered for use first to displaced LPTV stations, and that DTV licensees that displace LPTV stations should pay for the costs associated with frequency changes, pay for the costs of lost business opportunities, and, if necessary, provide spectrum" O,**@"p!" from their DTV allotment for LPTV replacement channels. Apogee supports the proposal that LPTV stations be permitted to seek "primary" channel status ahead of any new entrants. Finally, Apogee argues that the Table of Allotments, as proposed, will lead to costly and timeconsuming litigation. lSecond, Fireweed Communications Corporation (Fireweed), licensee of a full power  Xv0station in Anchorage, Alaska, notes that, in the Sixth Further Notice IRFA, we requested comment on "whether the Commission should adopt measures that will assist small stations...in their transition, either in their cost to upgrade technical operations or new  X10channel identification."D1c yO ԍ IRFA, 11 FCC Rcd at 11067.D In this regard, Fireweed notes that the IRFA also cited the expected cost of equipment to operate on the new DTV channels as varying "from $750,000 upwards to  X 0$10 million."= Xc yO  ԍ Id. at 11065.= Fireweed argues that conversion costs to DTV can be kept lower by providing for continued operation on all VHF channels. Firewood states that its station, and other smallmarket stations, already possess the most expensive part of a DTV transmission plant an existing transmitter and antenna. On behalf of its station, Fireweed proposes that it be permitted to retain its current VHF channel for DTV while initiating a temporary UHF channel for NTSC, later to drop the temporary UHF channel. Fireweed estimates that this approach would accomplish the conversion to DTV for under $80,000. lFinally, MARRI Broadcasting, Inc. (MARRI), argues generally that we should ensure certainty in the time frame for the implementation of DTV, and that we should tolerate no  X0delays by those unable to meet the time frames for providing service. c yO ԍ MARRI also argues that mutually exclusive applicants should be permitted to settle disputes among themselves without necessarily resorting to frequency coordination committees, and that small business broadcast owners should be permitted to form partnerships to deliver DTV to designated areas of the country. These  yO additional issues are beyond the scope of this present Sixth Report and Order.  X0lWe have taken the commenters' views and arguments into account in the Sixth Report  X0and Order. As there described,Hc yOY ԍ See paras. 11, 113147. H we determined, first, that the primary allotment objective should be to develop a DTV Table of Allotments that provides a channel for all eligible broadcasters, consistent with the provisions of the 1996 Telecommunications Act regarding initial eligibility for DTV licenses. The Commission also noted that low power television and TV translator operations have always been authorized on a secondary basis. For these reasons, we rejected an approach that would have resulted in providing allotments for fewer than all full service licensees in order to avoid the displacement of some LPTV stations. We did, however, take into account the views of the commenters and others in recognizing the public benefits from LPTV stations and in adopting measures to mitigate the impact of DTV implementation on such stations. The mitigating measures adopted by the Commission,  X0including those in response to the views of the commenters, are described infra in Section E  X0of this FRFA ("Steps Taken to Minimize Burdens on Small Entities, and Significant"P` ,**P!p!" Alternatives Considered and Rejected"). We note that, as a result of these actions, the great  X0majority of LPTV operations should be able to continue to operate.@ c yOb ԍ Id. at para. 11.@ lWe have limited compensation issues to those of low power services affected by new service providers on channels 6069, and will address such issues in a forthcoming Notice of  X0Proposed Rule Making on reallocation of those channels.F Xc yO ԍ Id. at paras. 80, 143.F Concerning Fireweed's request for relief specific to its own full power station, we note that such specific request must be handled outside of this rule making, and Fireweed has submitted a separate request for such  XH0consideration. Hc yO ԍ Fireweed Communications Corporation, "In re: Allotment for Homer, Alaska," filed Nov. 22, 1996 (filed in MM Docket No. 87268). And finally, consistent with MARRI's concern, we have stated our intention,  X10through use of the DTV Table of Allotments and other policies described in the Sixth Report  X 0and Order, to promote an orderly and efficient transition to DTV.i X @c yO  ԍ Sixth Report and Order at, e.g., paras. 11, 34, 76, 112, 142, 144; see also Fifth Report and Order in this  yO proceeding at paras. 7691. (The Fifth Report and Order has been adopted concurrently with the present Sixth  yO Report and Order.) i  X 0 C.lDescription and Estimate Of The Number Of Small Entities To Which  X 0lThe Rules Will Apply l1. Definition of a "Small Business" lUnder the RFA, small entities may include small organizations, small businesses, and small governmental jurisdictions. 5 U.S.C.  601(6). The RFA, 5 U.S.C.  601(3), generally defines the term "small business" as having the same meaning as the term "small business concern" under the Small Business Act, 15 U.S.C.  632. A small business concern is one which: (1) is independently owned and operated; (2) is not dominant in its field of operation; and (3) satisfies any additional criteria established by the Small Business Administration ("SBA"). According to the SBA's regulations, entities engaged in television broadcasting Standard Industrial Classification ("SIC") Code 4833 Television Broadcasting Stations, may have a maximum of $10.5 million in annual receipts in order to qualify as a small business concern. This standard also applies in determining whether an entity is a small business for purposes of the RFA. lPursuant to 5 U.S.C.  601(3), the statutory definition of a small business applies "unless an agency after consultation with the Office of Advocacy of the SBA and after opportunity for public comment, establishes one or more definitions of such term which are appropriate to the activities of the agency and publishes such definition(s) in the Federal Register." While we tentatively believe that the foregoing definition of "small business" greatly overstates the number of television broadcast stations that are small businesses and is not suitable for purposes of determining the impact of the new rules on small television"Q` ,**P!p!"  X0stations, we did not propose an alternative definition in the IRFA. c yOy ԍ We have pending proceedings seeking comment on the definition of and data relating to small businesses.  yOA In our Notice of Inquiry in GN Docket No. 96113 (In the Matter of Section 257 Proceeding to Identify and Eliminate Market Entry Barriers for Small Businesses), FCC 96216, released May 21, 1996, we requested commenters to provide profile data about small telecommunications businesses in particular services, including television, and the market entry barriers they encounter, and we also sought comment as to how to define small businesses for purposes of implementing Section 257 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996, which requires us to identify market entry barriers and to prescribe regulations to eliminate those barriers. Additionally, in our  yO Order and Notice of Proposed Rule Making in MM Docket No. 9616 (In the Matter of Streamlining Broadcast EEO Rule and Policies, Vacating the EEO Forfeiture Policy Statement and Amending Section 1.80 of the Commission's Rules to Include EEO Forfeiture Guidelines), 11 FCC Rcd 5154 (1996), we invited comment as to whether relief should be afforded to stations: (1) based on small staff and what size staff would be considered  yO sufficient for relief, e.g., 10 or fewer fulltime employees; (2) based on operation in a small market; or (3) based on operation in a market with a small minority work force. We have not concluded the foregoing proceedings.  Accordingly, for  X0purposes of this Sixth Report and Order, we utilize the SBA's definition in determining the number of small businesses to which the rules apply, but we reserve the right to adopt a more suitable definition of "small business" as applied to television broadcast stations and to consider further the issue of the number of small entities that are television broadcasters in the future. Further, in this FRFA, we will identify the different classes of small television  Xv0stations that may be impacted by the rules and policies adopted in this Sixth Report and  X_0Order. l l2. Issues in Applying the Definition of a "Small Business" lAs discussed below, we could not precisely apply the foregoing definition of "small business" in developing our estimates of the number of small entities to which the rules will apply. Our estimates reflect our best judgments based on the data available to us. lAn element of the definition of "small business" is that the entity not be dominant in its field of operation. We were unable at this time to define or quantify the criteria that would establish whether a specific television station is dominant in its field of operation. Accordingly, the following estimates of small businesses to which the new rules will apply do not exclude any television station from the definition of a small business on this basis and are therefore overinclusive to that extent. An additional element of the definition of "small business" is that the entity must be independently owned and operated. As discussed further below, we could not fully apply this criterion, and our estimates of small businesses to which the rules may apply may be overinclusive to this extent. The SBA's general size standards are developed taking into account these two statutory criteria. This does not preclude us from taking these factors into account in making our estimates of the numbers of small entities. lWith respect to applying the revenue cap, the SBA has defined "annual receipts" specifically in 13 C.F.R  121.104, and its calculations include an averaging process. We do not currently require submission of financial data from licensees that we could use in applying the SBA's definition of a small business. Thus, for purposes of estimating the number of small entities to which the rules apply, we are limited to considering the revenue data that are publicly available, and the revenue data on which we rely may not correspond completely" R ,** p!" with the SBA definition of annual receipts. lUnder SBA criteria for determining annual receipts, if a concern has acquired an affiliate or been acquired as an affiliate during the applicable averaging period for determining annual receipts, the annual receipts in determining size status include the receipts of both firms. 13 C.F.R.  121.104(d)(1). The SBA defines affiliation in 13 C.F.R. 121.103. In this context, the SBA's definition of affiliate is analogous to our attribution rules. Generally, under the SBA's definition, concerns are affiliates of each other when one concern controls or has the power to control the other, or a third party or parties controls or has the power to control both. 13 C.F.R.  121.103(a)(1). The SBA considers factors such as ownership, management, previous relationships with or ties to another concern, and contractual relationships, in determining whether affiliation exists. 13 C.F.R.  121.103(a)(2). Instead of making an independent determination of whether television stations were affiliated based on SBA's definitions, we relied on the data bases available to us to provide us with that information. l3. Television Station Estimates Based on Census Data  Xb0lThe Sixth Report and Order will affect full service television stations, TV translator facilities, and LPTV stations. The Small Business Administration defines a television broadcasting station that has no more than $10.5 million in annual receipts as a small  X0business.mc yO ԍ 13 C.F.R.  121.201, Standard Industrial Code (SIC) 4833 (1996).m Television broadcasting stations consist of establishments primarily engaged in broadcasting visual programs by television to the public, except cable and other pay television  X0services.XXc yO ԍ Economics and Statistics Administration, Bureau of Census, U.S. Department of Commerce, 1992 Census of Transportation, Communications and Utilities, Establishment and Firm Size, Series UC92S1, Appendix A9 (1995). Included in this industry are commercial, religious, educational, and other  X0television stations.@xc yO ԍlId. See Executive Office of the President, Office of Management and Budget, Standard Industrial Classification Manual (1987), at 283, which describes "Television Broadcasting Stations (SIC Code 4833) as:  lEstablishments primarily engaged in broadcasting visual programs by television to the public, except cable and other pay television services. Included in this industry are commercial, religious, educational and other television stations. Also included here are establishments primarily engaged in television broadcasting and which produce taped television program materials.!Ɣ Also included are establishments primarily engaged in television  X0broadcasting and which produce taped television program materials. c {O$ ԍ Economics and Statistics Administration, Bureau of Census, U.S. Department of Commerce, supra note 7, Appendix A9. Separate establishments primarily engaged in producing taped television program materials are classified under another  X0SIC number.c yO) ԍ Id.; SIC 7812 (Motion Picture and Video Tape Production); SIC 7922 (Theatrical Producers and Miscellaneous Theatrical Services (producers of live radio and television programs). "S2,**p!"Ԍ X0ԙlThere were 1,509 television stations operating in the nation in 1992.c yOy ԍ FCC News Release No. 31327, Jan. 13, 1993; Economics and Statistics Administration, Bureau of Census,  yOA U.S. Department of Commerce, supra note 7, Appendix A9. That number has remained fairly constant as indicated by the approximately 1,551 operating television  X0broadcasting stations in the nation as of February 28, 1997.S c yO ԍ FCC News Release No. 7033, March 6, 1997.S For 1992c yO3 ԍ Census for Communications' establishments are performed every five years ending with a "2" or "7". See  yO Economics and Statistics Administration, Bureau of Census, U.S. Department of Commerce, supra note 7, at III. the number of television stations that produced less than $10.0 million in revenue was 1,155 establishments,  X0or approximately 77 percent of the 1,509 establishments.cXc yO] ԍ The amount of $10 million was used to estimate the number of small business establishments because the relevant Census categories stopped at $9,999,999 and began at $10,000,000. No category for $10.5 million existed. Thus, the number is as accurate as it is possible to calculate with the available information.c Thus, the rules will affect approximately 1,551 television stations; approximately 1,194 of those stations are considered  Xv0small businesses.v( c yOO ԍ We use the 77 percent figure of TV stations operating at less than $10 million for 1992 and apply it to the 1997 total of 1551 TV stations to arrive at 1,194 stations categorized as small businesses. These estimates may overstate the number of small entities since the revenue figures on which they are based do not include or aggregate revenues from nontelevision affiliated companies. We recognize that the rules may also impact minority and women owned stations, some of which may be small entities. In 1995, minorities owned and  X 0controlled 37 (3.0%) of 1,221 commercial television stations in the United States.^ c yOK ԍ Minority Commercial Broadcast Ownership in the United States, U.S. Dep't of Commerce, National Telecommunications and Information Administration, The Minority Telecommunications Development Program ("MTDP") (April 1996). MTDP considers minority ownership as ownership of more than 50% of a broadcast corporation's stock, voting control in a broadcast partnership, or ownership of a broadcasting property as an  yOk individual proprietor. Id. The minority groups included in this report are Black, Hispanic, Asian, and Native American.^ According to the U.S. Bureau of the Census, in 1987 women owned and controlled 27 (1.9%)  X 0of 1,342 commercial and noncommercial television stations in the United States.L c yO ԍ See Comments of American Women in Radio and Television, Inc. in MM Docket No. 94149 and MM  yO] Docket No. 91140, at 4 n.4 (filed May 17, 1995), citing 1987 Economic Censuses, WomenOwned Business, WB871, U.S. Dep't of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, August 1990 (based on 1987 Census). After the 1987 Census report, the Census Bureau did not provide data by particular communications services (fourdigit Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Code), but rather by the general twodigit SIC Code for communications (#48). Consequently, since 1987, the U.S. Census Bureau has not updated data on ownership of broadcast facilities by women, nor does the FCC collect such data. However, we sought comment on whether the Annual Ownership Report Form 323 should be amended to include information on the gender and race of broadcast license owners.  yO$ Policies and Rules Regarding Minority and Female Ownership of Mass Media Facilities, Notice of Proposed Rule Making, 10 FCC Rcd 2788, 2797 (1995).L lIt should also be noted that the foregoing estimates do not distinguish between network" T,** p!"ԫ X0affiliatedZXc yOy ԍ In this context, "affiliation" refers to any local broadcast television station that has a contractual arrangement with a programming network to carry the network's signal. This definition of affiliated station includes both stations owned and operated by a network and stations owned by other entities.Z stations and independent stations. As of April, 1996, the BIA Publications, Inc. Master Access Television Analyzer Database indicates that about 73 percent of all commercial television stations were affiliated with the ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox, UPN, or WB networks.  X0Moreover, seven percent of those affiliates have secondary affiliations.c yOT ԍ Secondary affiliations are secondary to the primary affiliation of the station and generally afford the affiliate additional choice of programming.  X0 lThere are currently 4,977 TV translator stations and 1,952 LPTV stations which would  Xv0be affected by the allotment policy and other policies in this proceeding.Sv@c yOg ԍ FCC News Release No. 7033, March 6, 1997.S The Commission does not collect financial information of any broadcast facility and the Department of Commerce does not collect financial information on these broadcast facilities. We will assume for present purposes, however, that most of these broadcast facilities, including LPTV stations, could be classified as small businesses. As indicated earlier, approximately 77 percent of television stations are designated under this analysis as potentially small business. Given this, LPTV and TV translator stations would not likely have revenues that exceed the SBA maximum to be designated as small businesses. l4. Alternative Classification of Small Television Stations  X0 lAn alternative way to classify small television stations is by the number of employees. The Commission currently applies a standard based on the number of employees in  XK0administering its Equal Employment Opportunity ("EEO") rule for broadcasting.#xKc yO ԍ The Commission's definition of a small broadcast station for purposes of applying its EEO rule was adopted prior to the requirement of approval by the Small Business Administration pursuant to Section 3(a) of the Small Business Act, 15 U.S.C.  632(a), as amended by Section 222 of the Small Business Credit and Business Opportunity Enhancement Act of 1992, Pub. L. No. 102366,  222(b)(1), 106 Stat. 999 (1992), as further amended by the Small Business Administration Reauthorization and Amendments Act of 1994, Pub. L. No. 103403,  301, 108 Stat. 4187 (1994). However, this definition was adopted after public notice and an  yO| opportunity for comment. See Report and Order in Docket No. 18244, 23 FCC 2d 430 (1970).# Thus, radio or television stations with fewer than five fulltime employees are exempted from  X0certain EEO reporting and recordkeeping requirements.ic yO" ԍ See, e.g., 47 C.F.R.  73.3612 (Requirement to file annual employment reports on Form 395B applies to  yO# licensees with five or more fulltime employees); First Report and Order in Docket No. 21474 (In the Matter of Amendment of Broadcast Equal Employment Opportunity Rules and FCC Form 395), 70 FCC 2d 1466 (1979). The Commission is currently considering how to decrease the administrative burdens imposed by the EEO rule  yO% on small stations while maintaining the effectiveness of our broadcast EEO enforcement. Order and Notice of  yO& Proposed Rule Making in MM Docket No. 9616 (In the Matter of Streamlining Broadcast EEO Rule and Policies, Vacating the EEO Forfeiture Policy Statement and Amending Section 1.80 of the Commission's Rules to Include EEO Forfeiture Guidelines), 11 FCC Rcd 5154 (1996). One option under consideration is whether to  yO) define a small station for purposes of affording such relief as one with ten or fewer fulltime employees. Id. at  21.i We estimate that the total number"U,**0p!" of commercial television stations with 4 or fewer employees is 132 and that the total number  X0of noncommercial educational television stations with 4 or fewer employees is 136.c yOb ԍ We base this estimate on a compilation of 1995 Broadcast Station Annual Employment Reports (FCC Form 395B), performed by staff of the Equal Opportunity Employment Branch, Mass Media Bureau, FCC.  X0 l 5. Other Industry Groups. lWhile we do not believe that the following groups of equipment manufacturers constitute regulated entities for the purpose of this FRFA, we note that these entities were interested in certain technical issues in this proceeding and, accordingly, submitted comments  XH0for the record. Because the rule changes and textual discussions in the Sixth Report and  X10Order may ultimately have some affect on equipment compliance, we include these entities for the purpose of this FRFA.  X 0lTelevision Equipment Manufacturers: The Commission has not developed a definition  X 0of small entities applicable to manufacturers of television equipment. Therefore, we will utilize the SBA definition of manufacturers of Radio and Television Broadcasting and  X 0Communications Equipment.  c yOx ԍ This category excludes establishments primarily engaged in the manufacturing of household audio and  {O@ visual equipment which is categorized as SIC 3651. See infra for SIC 3651 data. According to the SBA's regulations, a TV equipment manufacturer must have 750 or fewer employees in order to qualify as a small business  Xy0concern.M!yzc yO ԍ 13 C.F.R. 121.201, (SIC) Code 3663.M Census Bureau data indicates that there are 858 U.S. firms that manufacture radio  Xb0and television broadcasting and communications equipment, and that 778 of these firms have  XK0fewer than 750 employees and would be classified as small entities."K c yO ԍ U.S. Dept. of Commerce, 1992 Census of Transportation, Communications and Utilities, Table 1D (issued May 1995), SIC category 3663. The Census Bureau category is very broad, and specific figures are not available as to how many of these firms are exclusive manufacturers of television equipment or how many are independently owned and operated. We conclude that there are approximately 778 small manufacturers of radio and television equipment.  X0lHousehold/Consumer Television Equipment: The Commission has not developed a definition of small entities applicable to manufacturers of television equipment used by  X0consumers, as compared to industrial use by television licensees and related businesses. Therefore, we will utilize the SBA definition applicable to manufacturers of Household Audio and Visual Equipment. According to the SBA's regulations, a household audio and visual equipment manufacturer must have 750 or fewer employees in order to qualify as a small  X70business concern.M#7b c yOJ' ԍ 13 C.F.R. 121.201, (SIC) Code 3651.M Census Bureau data indicates that there are 410 U.S. firms that  X 0manufacture radio and television broadcasting and communications equipment, and that 386" V #,**p!"  X0of these firms have fewer than 500 employees and would be classified as small entities.$Xc yOy ԍ U.S. Small Business Administration 1995 Economic Census Industry and Enterprise Report, Table 3, SIC Code 3651 (Bureau of the Census data adapted by the Office of Advocacy of the U.S. Small Business Administration). The remaining 24 firms have 500 or more employees; however, we are unable to determine how many of those have fewer than 750 employees and therefore, also qualify as small entities under the SBA definition. Furthermore, the Census Bureau category is very broad, and specific figures are not available as to how many of these firms are exclusive manufacturers of television equipment for consumers or how many are independently owned  Xv0and operated. We conclude that there are approximately 386 small manufacturers of television equipment for consumer/household use.  X10lComputer Manufacturers: The Commission has not developed a definition of small  X 0entities applicable to computer manufacturers. Therefore, we will utilize the SBA definition. According to SBA regulations, a computer manufacturer must have 1,000 or fewer  X 0employees in order to qualify as a small entity.J% c yO ԍ 13 CFR 121.201, (SIC) Code 3571.J Census Bureau data indicates that there are 716 firms that manufacture electronic computers and of those, 659 have fewer than 500  X 0employees and qualify as small entities.&  xc yO ԍ U.S. Small Business Administration 1995 Economic Census Industry and Enterprise Report, Table 3, SIC Code 3571, (Bureau of the Census data adapted by the Office of Advocacy of the U.S. Small Business Administration).  The remaining 57 firms have 500 or more  X 0employees; however, we are unable to determine how many of those have fewer than 1,000 employees and therefore also qualify as small entities under the SBA definition. We conclude that there are approximately 659 small computer manufacturers.  XK0 D.lDescription of Projected Reporting, Recordkeeping and  X40lOther Compliance Requirements  X0 lThe rules adopted will result in no changes to reporting, recordkeeping, or other compliance requirements beyond that already required under current regulation.  X0 E.lSteps Taken to Minimize Burdens on Small Entities, and Significant  X0lAlternatives Considered and Rejected  X0 lThe DTV Table of Allotments will affect all of the commercial and noncommercial broadcast television stations eligible for a DTV channel in the transition period and a  XN0significant number of the LPTV and TV translator stations.' N` c yO_& ԍ As noted earlier in Section C of this FRFA ("Description and Estimate Of The Number Of Small Entities To Which The Rules Will Apply"), approximately 77 percent of television stations are designated under this present analysis as potentially small business. Given this, LPTV and TV translator stations, especially, are likely to be small businesses.  It is expected that the allotments will constitute the population of channels on which broadcasters will operate DTV"7WH ',**p!" service in the future. Affected stations will need to modify or obtain new transmission facilities and, to a varying extent, production equipment to operate on the new DTV channels.  X0The actual cost of equipment is expected to vary in accordance with the degree to which the station becomes involved in DTV programming and origination.  X0lAs noted supra in Section B of this FRFA ("Summary of Significant Issues Raised by Public Comments In Response to the IRFA"), we have determined that the primary allotment objective should be to develop an Allotments Table that provides a channel for all eligible broadcasters, consistent with the provisions of the 1996 Telecommunications Act regarding initial eligibility for DTV licenses. As a result, some LPTV and TV translator licensees currently on the subject DTV spectrum will be displaced. One alternative to this approach would have been to permit existing LPTV and TV translator stations to remain on their incumbent channels; this approach was not chosen because it would have resulted in providing  X 0allotments for fewer than all full service licensees.g( c yON ԍ Sixth Report and Order at paras. 11, 141. g In making this determination, the Commission noted that LPTV and TV translator operations have always been authorized on a  X 0secondary basis.@) Xc yO ԍ Id. at para. 11.@ To mitigate the effect of this determination on those LPTV stations likely to be displaced, we adopted the following policies. lFirst, we will permit LPTV and TV translator stations that are displaced by DTV stations to apply for a suitable replacement channel in the same area without being subject to  X40competing applications.;*4c yO ԍ Id. at para. 144.; In this regard, we also are amending our rules to indicate that such applications will be considered on a firstcome, firstserved basis without waiting for the  X0Commission to issue a low power application window. Also, we will permit displaced stations to request an increase in power or other facility modifications necessary to avoid an  X0interference conflict or to continue serving the previous coverage area.>+xc yO ԍ Id. at n.263. >  X0 lSecond, we have adopted a number of changes to our technical rules, including many changes requested by the LPTV and TV translator industries, that will provide additional  X|0flexibility to accommodate low power operations during and after the transition to DTV.J,|c yO5" ԍ See id. at paras. 144147.J These changes include permitting closer spacing of channels, new criteria for accepting low power station applications for adjacent channel operations within a DTV station's noiselimited service area, and the possibility of waivers for low power stations where interference to the DTV station will not occur or where the DTV station has consented.  X0lFinally, we will permit unused DTV spectrum to be used by both new and displaced LPTV and TV translator stations, and will permit existing LPTV and TV translator stations to continue to operate, as secondary operations, until a displacing DTV station or a new primary" X,,**`"p!" service provider is operational and is not receiving interference from the LPTV or TV  X0translator station.@-c yOb ԍ Id. at paras. 95, 142.@  X0lIn the Sixth Report and Order we have also adopted, as proposed, a "service replication/maximization" approach to identify digital TV allotments that, to the extent possible, will allow all existing broadcasters to provide DTV service to a geographic area that  Xv0is comparable to their existing NTSC service area.J.vXc yO ԍ See id. at paras. 2933. J Some entities, primarily those representing primarily the interests of existing UHF stations, disagreed with this approach, arguing that it would perpetuate the existing competitive disparities between UHF and VHF  X10stations.@/1c yO ԍ Id. at para. 25.@ We determined to adopt the approach, however, to ensure that broadcasters have the ability to reach the audiences that they now serve and that viewers have access to the stations that they can now receive overtheair. Partly as a result of comments received, we adopted a minimum power level in the Table of Allotments, for DTV facilities on UHF frequencies, of 50 kW, along with a maximum of 1000 kW. This "minimum power" approach, with a maximum of 1000 kW, should accommodate UHF providers, many of whom  X 0are small entities, while posing less potential for interference with full power stations.D0 xc yO ԍ Id. at paras. 2930.D lWe have also adopted a spectrum "core approach" in our Table of Allotments. One of our principal concerns in this proceeding has been to provide the new digital TV stations with  XK0the spectrum that is the most appropriate and technically suitable for their operation. Also, we believe it is important to recover efficiently those channels temporarily assigned for the  X0transition to DTV. As described in the Sixth Report and Order,M1c yO ԍ See id. at paras. 45, 3539.M in the Sixth Further Notice we proposed that channels 751 be used for DTV service, that channels 6069 be recovered almost immediately (to be reused for public safety purposes), and that, in the longer term,  X0channels 26 and 5259 also be recovered. In response, some commenters argued that, to lessen the impact on LPTV and TV translator stations, the core spectrum should be modified to include channels 26, and that no spectrum should be recovered prior to the end of the  X0transition to DTV service.I2c yO" ԍ See id., at paras. 4358.I Some commenters also argued that the proposed approaches would impact adversely the interference and service replication goals in the implementation of  Xe0DTV by full service broadcasters.W3e( c yO>& ԍ See, e.g., id. at para. 44.W  XN0 lWe have determined that, given the divergence of comment regarding the suitability of channels 26 for DTV, the best approach at this time is to develop the DTV Table of Allotments based on the use of channels 251. If the lower VHF channels 26 prove" Y 3,**p!" acceptable for DTV use, we will consider retaining these channels for DTV and adjusting the  X0core spectrum to encompass channels 246 rather than channels 751.D4c yOb ԍ See id. at para. 83.D We also believe that the early recovery of channels 6069 will not have a significant impact on the flexibility needed for the implementation of DTV, and we will retain this approach. In response to the concerns of commenters, we have noted that the ATSC digital system has been rigorously  X0tested and studied, that significant industry efforts have gone into developing the technical planning criteria to be used in the implementation of DTV, and that the Table of Allotments  X_0as adopted is fully consistent with these technical decisions.D5_Xc yOh ԍ See id. at para. 77.D We also believe that any  XH0problems in implementation will be better be addressed through technical solutions other than a reliance channels 6069. For example, some technical solutions to unexpected interference could include using directional antennas or crosspolarization of DTV and NTSC signals, or  X 0limiting power or antenna height during the transition.=6 c yO ԍ See id.= We also have found the impact of  X 0our core and spectrum recovery approaches on interference and service replication to be  X 0insubstantial.D7 xc yO ԍ See id. at para. 78.D Finally, we have noted that the public safety community and other land mobile interests support the core approach and argue that spectrum recovery is needed to meet important communications needs, and that the record clearly demonstrates this need for  X0spectrum.L8c yOI ԍ See id. at paras. 6371, 79.L  Xb0lFinally, another issue addressed in the Sixth Report and Order that may affect small entities concerns the disposition of digital channels that remain unused for DTV following the transition period. Some commenters argue that our policy toward these channels should include fostering the broadcast policy goals of increased diversity and new entry, particularly by minorities and women, and one commenter argues that we should not permit existing  X0broadcasters to have the exclusive right to use any such vacant channels.H9c yO8 ԍ See id. at paras. 9394.H As a result, while we have determined that new entrants may seek and apply for these DTV allotments, we have also determined to permit the unused DTV spectrum to be used by both new and displaced  X0LPTV and TV translator stations, and by noneligible broadcasters.D:( c yO# ԍ See id. at para. 95.D In addition, we will allow noneligible broadcasters to convert their existing NTSC operations to DTV service at  X|0any time during the transition, provided those operations are within the core spectrum area.=;| c yO& ԍ See id.= Last, we have encouraged incumbent broadcasters to seek partnerships with new entrants in  XN0developing new stations in areas where additional unused spectrum may be available, and we"NZH ;,** p!"  X0will consider waivers of our multiple ownership rules to allow such ventures.7<c yOy ԍ See id.7  X0Report to Congress: The Commission shall include a copy of this Final Regulatory Flexibility  X0Analysis, along with this 6th Report and Order, in a report to be sent to Congress pursuant to  X0the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996, 5 U.S.C.  801(a)(1)(A). A copy of this FRFA (or summary thereof) will also be published in the Federal Register."[X<,**p!"  X0  @D-E-@ APPENDIX E ă >AMENDMENTS TO THE RULES Parts 2, 73 and 74 of the Commission's Rules and Regulations (Chapter I of title 47 of the Code of Federal Regulations) is amended to read as follows:  XH02P PART 2 FREQUENCY ALLOCATIONS AND RADIO TREATY MATTERS;  X10 GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS ă 1. The authority citation for Part 2 is revised to read as follows: AUTHORITY: Sec. 4, 302, 303, and 307 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. Sections 154, 302, 303, 307 and 336, unless other wise noted. 2. Section 2.106 is amended by revising nongovernment footnote 66 to read as follows:  2.106 Table of Frequency Allocations. * * * * * NONGOVERNMENT (NG) FOOTNOTES * * * * * NG66 The frequency band 470512 MHz is allocated for use in the broadcasting and land mobile radio services. In the land mobile services, it is available for assignment in the domestic public, public safety, industrial, and land transportation radio services at, or in the vicinity of 11 urbanized areas of the United States, as set forth in the table below. Additionally, in the land mobile services, TV channel 16 is available for assignment in the public safety radio services at, or in the vicinity of, Los Angeles. Such use in the land mobile services is subject to the conditions set forth in parts 22 and 90 of this chapter. X` hp x (#%'0*,.8135@8: