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Release of the full text of a Commission order constitutes official action. See MCI v. FCC. 515 F 2d 385 (D.C. Circ 1974).  y: 5 dddhy  K: U 1  1  Figure 1  Figure 1 y!HH,,@Uddfcclogo.wpgHHy! XO ddm8H #S2pPG;.# NEWS L X    #\  P6G;EP# #Xw PE37 * XP# `(#(# Report No. GN 9813 GENERAL ACTION %U  December 17, 1998  X4X FCC STREAMLINES EQUIPMENT APPROVAL PROCEDURES TO INCREASE RkSPEED TO MARKET AND REDUCE BARRIERS TO INTERNATIONAL TRADE 0(GEN. DOCKET 9868)  YH4\  "iAs part of its biennial review of its rules and processes, the FCC has modified its  xauthorization rules for devices that emit radio frequency energy and for terminal equipment that  x'may be attached to the telecommunications network. These modifications are intended to  ximprove the efficiency of the equipment approval process so that communications equipment may be introduced more rapidly. Specifically, the FCC amended its rules to:  "d1) further streamline the equipment authorization process by allowing accredited private parties in the United States designated by the FCC to certify that equipment;  "2) implement Mutual Recognition Agreements (MRAs) that would allow the designation  xVof parties in foreign countries to approve equipment as conforming to the United States' technical requirements; and  "3) make provision for the interim approval of Global Mobile Personal Communications  Y4by Satellite (GMPCS) mobile terminals.  ""\The Commission noted that certain equipment that uses radio frequencies or is connected  xto the public switched telecommunications network (PSTN) must be approved by the FCC before  xit can be marketed. Allowing parties other than the FCC to certify that equipment complies with  x#our rules will provide manufacturers with alternatives where they could possibly obtain  xcertification faster than from the FCC. Manufacturers also will have the option of obtaining  xEcertification from a facility in a more convenient location. Because the number of applications  xfiled with the FCC will likely decrease as a result of its action today, the Commission will  xuredirect resources to enforcement of its rules. Finally, allowing private entities in the U.S. to  xcertify that equipment meets the FCC's rules would parallel the FCC's obligations under the MRAs to allow equipment to be certified by parties located in other countries.  Y!4  %U w %U (over) %U "#,$$ !"ԑ\ %U   "The United States has entered into agreements with the European Community (EC) and  xthe AsiaPacific Economic Cooperation (APEC). MRAs provide numerous benefits for the  xRUnited States. Under an MRA, products can be tested and certified in the United States to the  xEtechnical requirements of other countries. The products may then be shipped directly to those  xcountries without the need to obtain an approval there. In return, the MRAs obligate the United  xRStates to permit parties in other countries to test and authorize equipment based on the United  xStates' technical requirements. MRAs thereby ensure market access and promote competition  xin the provision of telecommunications products and electronic equipment. Further, the MRAs  xserve to reduce the burden and delays of testing and obtaining approval for products marketed in the United States and other countries.  "In February 1997, the United States agreed to a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)  xand Arrangements to facilitate the roaming of GMPCS mobile terminals worldwide without confiscation, tariffs or taxation.  "The Commission will soon begin consideration of full implementation of the GMPCS  xMOU and Arrangements. However, adoption of this interim certification procedure will enable  xlplanned GMPCS systems and those currently in operation to obtain an FCC identifier in order  xto facilitate the global circulation of GMPCS terminals and allow GMPCS users to obtain seamless GMPCS service in all parts of the world.  xAction by the Commission December 17, 1998, by Report and Order (FCC 98xxx). Chairman.... uԩFCC\ News Media contact: Audrey Spivack at (202) 4180500 Office of Engineering and Technology contact: Hugh L. Van Tuyl, (202) 4187506 Common Carrier Bureau contact: Vincent M. Paladini, (202) 4182332 International Bureau contact: Tracey Weisler, (202) 4180744 xԩ2\