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Release of the full text of a Commission order constitutes official action. See MCI v. FCC. 515 F 2d 385 (D.C. Circ 1974).  y: 5 dddhy  U 1  1  Figure 1  Figure 1 y!HH,,@Uddfcclogo.wpgHHy! X dd8u H#S2pPG;7# NEWS 8 X   #Xw PE37XP# Report No. ET 988 ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY ACTION October 22, 1998  Q/% f@X` hp x (#%'0*,.8135@8: <;;Yx  U 1 1 !0   dd98u Hck s#{+ 3#ck s#{+ 3#cc# 2PQ ]K P#USUS NEWS#  2PQ{`P# X` ` X # ,-2PQ Yg,P#??US   ><ck s#{+ 3#ck s#{+ 3#cc# Xv6X@C 1^X@#ѣ sR/%  ><#Xv6X@C 1^X@#US?? XM  U 1 1 !3#Xa dd X<X` hp x (#%'0*,.8135@8:<#Xv6X@C 1^X@#&s )ck s#{+ 3#%? GOW"_$c  ><#Xv6X@C 1^X@#US?? XXy  U 1 1 ! addX X<? GOW"_$j$USUSm# XP\  P6QXP#؃ yx ??US &Q ) ><ck s#{+ 3#%? GOW"_$c#Xv6X@C 1^X@# &sRs )ck s#{+ 3#%? GOW"_$c  ><#Xv6X@C 1^X@#US?? XXy  U 1 1 ! addX X<? GOW"_$j$USUSm# XP\  P6QXP#؃ yx ??US ck s#{+ 3#%? GOW"_$cP JSTD025 Standard P PIn the Further Notice, the Commission acknowledges the immense time and effort both industry and government representatives have put into the development of CALEA standards, noting that the Act expresses a preference for industry to set CALEA standards, in consultation with the Attorney General, and that the Act's legislative history also reveals that Congress envisioned that industry would have primary responsibility in defining standards. Consequently, the Commission indicates that the most efficient and effective method for ensuring that CALEA can be implemented as soon as possible is to build on the work that has been done to date. Therefore, it does not intend to reexamine any of the uncontested technical requirements of the JSTD025 standard. Instead, the Commission states that it would make determinations only regarding whether each of the items in dispute (including location information and packetmode provisions currently included within JSTD025, and the nine additional items raised by DOJ/FBI that are currently not included) meet the assistance capability requirements of Section 103. The other elements of the core JSTD025 are beyond the scope of this proceeding. R -w  ><#Xv6X@C 1^X@#Rs s-w  ><#Xv6X@C 1^X@#US?? XXy  U 1 1 ! addX X<? GOW"_$j$USUSm# XP\  P6QXP#؃ yx ??US R -w ><#Xv6X@C 1^X@# Rs s-w  ><#Xv6X@C 1^X@#US?? XXy  U 1 1 ! addX X<? GOW"_$j$USUSm# XP\  P6QXP#؃ yx ??US   XK-R-w  ><#Xv6X@C 1^X@#Rss-w  ><#Xv6X@C 1^X@#US?? XXy  U 1 1 ! addX X<? GOW"_$j$USUSm# XP\  P6QXP#؃ yx ??US R-w ><#Xv6X@C 1^X@# Rss-w  ><#Xv6X@C 1^X@#US?? XXy  U 1 1 ! addX X<? GOW"_$j$USUSm# XP\  P6QXP#؃ yx ??US PLocation Information: The Commission tentatively concludes that location information falls under CALEA's definition of call identifying information because location information identifies the origin or destination of a communication. Therefore, where location information is reasonably available to a carrier, the Further Notice proposes that a provision of location information to LEAs is necessary to meet the mandates of section 103. The Commission also seeks comment on its proposal that location information necessary to meet section 103 would include only the caller's cell site location at the beginning and termination of a call. P  X-PPacketmode Communications: The Commission concludes that the record is not sufficiently developed to support any particular technical requirements for packetmode communications and therefore does not propose technical requirements for such communications at this time. However, in the Further Notice, the Commission seeks comment on a wide range of issues to develop a sufficient record. P  X - PTechnical Requirements Proposed by DOJ/FBI PAs noted above, DOJ/FBI has stated that nine additional capabilities must be added to JSTD025 in order for carriers it to meet section 103's mandates and qualify as a for the safe harbor under section 107(a). The Commission has made tentative conclusions regarding whether those capabilities fall within the definitions expressly delineated in section 103, and has asked for comment on the section 107(b) factors relating to each capability. In addition, for those capabilities falling under CALEA's definition of callidentifying information, the Commission has sought comment on how it should interpret CALEA's requirement that such information be "reasonably available" to a carrier and whether, in fact, callidentifying information needed to meet CALEA's section 103 requirements is reasonably available. The Commission tentatively concludes that the capability to intercept subjectinitiated conference calls is necessary to meet the assistance capability requirements under section 103(a). In addition, the Commission tentatively concludes that the other four capabilities listed below are callidentifying information and proposes that, if" ( ,,M)&" reasonably available to the carrier, these capabilities are necessary to meet the assistance capability requirements under section 103(a):  X-PSubjectinitiated Conference Calls: This capability would permit the LEA, pursuant to a court order or other lawful authorization, to intercept, to the exclusion of any other communications, the content of conversations connected via a conference call set up by the facilities under surveillance.  X_-PParty Hold, Join, Drop on Conference Calls: This capability would permit the LEA to receive messages indicating whether a party is on hold, has joined or has been dropped from the conference call.  X -PSubjectinitiated Dialing and Signaling Information: This capability would permit the LEA to be informed when a subject using the facilities under surveillance uses services such as call forwarding, call waiting, call hold, and threeway, calling. , etc.  X -PTiming Information: In those cases where the LEA has obtained authorization to intercept both content and callidentifying information, this capability would require that a telecommunications carrier send call timing information to the LEA so the LEA could associate the callidentifying information with the actual content of the call.  XK-PDialed Digital Extraction: This capability (also known as "postcutthrough digits") would require the telecommunications carrier to provide a LEA any digits dialed by the subject after connecting to another carrier's service if such information is reasonably available. PThe Commission proposes that the following three items do not fall within any of the provisions of section 103 and therefore should not be required for CALEA compliance:  X-PSurveillance Status: This capability would require the telecommunications carrier to send information to the LEA to verify that a wiretap has been established and is still functioning correctly.  V%Vx   V%Vx   Xe-PContinuity Check Tone: This capability would require that, in cases where a LEA has obtained authority to intercept wire or electronic communications, a Ctone or dial tone be placed on the call content channel received by the LEA from the telecommunications carrier until a user of the facilities under surveillance initiates or receives a call.  X-PFeature Status: This capability would require a carrier to notify the LEA when specific subscriptionbased calling services are added to or deleted from the facilities under surveillance, including when the subject modifies capabilities remotely though another phone or through an operator. Examples of such services are call waiting, call hold, threeway calling, conference call, and return call. PThe Commission makes no proposal on one item:  XQ%-PInband and Outofband Signaling: This capability would allow a telecommunications carrier to"Q%,&&& $" send a notification message to the LEA when any network message (ringing, busy, call waiting signal or message light) is sent to the subject using facilities under surveillance. The Further Notice does not propose to either include or exclude this feature as a CALEA requirement. However, the Commission seeks comment on what types of inband and outofband signaling should constitute a technical requirement necessary to meet the CALEA assistance capability requirements. PThe Commission emphasizes that while the Further NPRM proposes only initial threshold judgments on each of the above issues, the Commission in this proceeding as directed by Congress will also take into account five factors that must be considered under section 107(b). Those factors are: (1) meeting the assistance capability requirements of section 103 by costeffective methods; (2) protecting the privacy and security of communications not authorized to be intercepted; (3) minimizing the cost of CALEA compliance on residential ratepayers; (4) serving the policy of the United States to encourage the provision of new technologies and services to the public; and  V%Vx  V%Vx   V%Vx (5) providing a reasonable time and conditions for CALEA compliance. PThe Commission also tentatively concludes that the technical requirements proposed in the Further Notice can be most efficiently implemented by permitting TIA to modify JSTD025 in accord with the Commission's determinations. The Commission believes that although TIA may have to undertake additional work to implement the technical requirements identified in the Further Notice, TIA has the experience and resources to develop technical specifications and implement CALEA's requirements most rapidly. PFinally, the Further NPRM seeks comment on what role, if any, the Commission can or should play in assisting telecommunications carriers other than wireline, cellular, and broadband PCS to set standards for, or to achieve compliance with, CALEA's requirements. PAction by the Commission, October 22, 1998, by Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (FCC 98282). Chairman Kennard, Commissioners Ness, FurchtgottRoth, Powell and Tristani with Chairman Kennard and Commissioner FurchtgottRoth issuing separate statements.  Xe- DԩFCCT(X PNews Media contact: Meribeth McCarrick at 2024180654 POffice of Engineering and Technology contacts: Julius Knapp at 2024182468,  X-PCharles Iseman at 2024182444 or Rodney Small at 2024182452  xx 0  X-PWireless Telecommunications Bureau contact: David Wye at 2024181897xx "Q%,&&& $"Ԍ"Q%,&&& $"Ԍ "Q%,&&& $"Ԍ"Q%,&&& $"Ԍ "Q%,&&& $"Ԍ