April 28, 1998 RICHARD M. SMITH TO LEAVE COMMISSION Richard M. Smith announced today that he will be leaving his position as Chief of the Commission's Office of Engineering and Technology at the end of June to pursue other opportunities. Smith, as OET Chief since 1994, has been the senior engineer responsible for providing technical, engineering and scientific direction for matters before the Commission, including the recent Digital Television proceeding. FCC Chairman William Kennard said, "Dick has been a tremendous asset to this agency for 35 years and he will be missed immensely. He has been a hard working, loyal public servant, dedicated to the responsible and wise use of our electromagnetic spectrum. We wish him well in his future endeavors." Smith started his FCC career as an entry level engineer in the Commission's Los Angeles field office after receiving his B.S.E.E. from Tennessee Technological University in 1963. Smith held many FCC positions culminating in his appointment as Chief of the Field Operations Bureau in 1981. The Field Operations Bureau, subsequently renamed Compliance and Information Bureau, is responsible for all FCC field engineering and enforcement activities. Smith led many investigations of illegal uses of the radio spectrum, including the successful apprehension of "Captain Midnight" who overrode a satellite television broadcasting signal. Because of Smith's knowledge and experience in the technical and scientific fields, he was involved in a wide variety of international activities on behalf of the FCC. He participated in numerous government to government assistance trips in coordination with the U.S. State Department. In the course of these trips, he advised governmental agencies on how to establish structures like the FCC within their countries, and briefed government officials on telecommunications issues, such as Digital Television, safety issues of RF exposure, enforcement structuring, spectrum management, advanced telecommunications and engineering models. Smith has become a specialist in Latin American telecommunications and privatization issues. -FCC-