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Release of the full text of a Commission order constitutes official action. See MCI v. FCC. 515 F 2d 385 (D.C. Circ 1974).  ey:  dddhy  M8}i U 1  1  Figure 1  Figure 1 y!HH88@Uddfcclogo.wpgHHy! Xz dd8u H#S2pPG;h# NEWS L   #Xw PE37WXP# #XP\  P6Q ߊXP# # o\  PC ߊXP#     Report No. ET 98$^XX $^ 3 $^  ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY ACTION April 2, 1998 ~WFCC SIMPLIFIES, STREAMLINES EQUIPMENT AUTHORIZATION PROCESS;  ADOPTS ELECTRONIC FILING PROCESS # $^ (ET Docket 9794) T $^  TPxThe FCC today adopted streamlining actions to (1) simplify the existing equipment authorization process, (2) move to a system of electronic filing of equipment authorization applications, and (3) deregulate and relax equipment authorization requirements for a wide number of types of equipment that have demonstrated a good record of compliance. xToday's streamlining Order will cut in half the number of equipment authorization applications required to be filed with the Commission from 3500 to approximately 1800. The FCC said the new procedures will result in savings of at least $100 million to manufacturers of the products covered by the changes, including large and small manufacturers. The FCC said it hoped the simplified procedures would help encourage the development of new, innovative products that could benefit consumers. xThe FCC said it plans to initiate another rule making in the near future to further streamline the equipment authorization process by: (1) allowing parties other than the FCC to certify equipment, and (2) implementing mutual recognition agreements on testing and approval to promote international trade of telecommunications products. xEquipment authorization ensures that radio transmitters and other equipment meet standards to minimize their potential to cause interference to radio services. The equipment authorization process is based on a written application and test results submitted by the manufacturer or other responsible party. xThe Commission reduced from five to three the number of different equipment authorization procedures: Certification, where applications are sent to the FCC, and two manufacturer selfauthorization programs, Declaration of Conformity, and Verification. The Notification program was eliminated, and the Type Acceptance program was combined in the Certification program.  $^ D(over)" 0*f"f"z z "Ԍ3J 2 xThe Commission said implementation of an electronic filing system will significantly reduce processing time by improving efficiency, such as by allowing simultaneous processing of both administrative and technical reviews. The Commission said it expected to complete testing of the system this Spring and could be in service by May 1998. The Commission said it would initially accept dual paper and electronically filed applications to allow manufacturers to become familiar with the new system, but would mandate electronic filing one year after the effective date of the rules. xDeregulatory items in today's Order include: x* relaxing from Certification to the Declaration of Conformity selfapproval procedure for Part 15 TV interface devices, radio receivers (except scanning receivers), and Cable System Terminal Devices; x* changing approval of Part 18 consumer ISM (industrial, scientific, medical equipment) equipment from Certification to Declaration of Conformity; x* changing approval procedures from the Notification requirement to the Verification requirement for a series of delineated transmitters, including: Part 5 wildlife tracking and ocean buoys, Part 101 pointtopoint microwave transmitters, Part 74 Auxiliary Broadcast aural relays and boosters, Part 78 Cable Television Relay fixed transmitters, Part 80 INMARSAT equipment, and Part 87 406 MHz emergency locator transmitters. xAction by the Commission April 2, 1998, by Report and Order, (FCC 98$^XXX.  $^ 58). Chairman Kennard, Commissioners Ness, FurchtgottRoth, Powell and Tristani, which Commissioner Ness issuing a separate statement.  Xe-A  ĩ FCC T  X7-TPNews Media Contact: David Fiske (202) 4180513 Office of Engineering & Technology Contact: Hugh Van Tuyl (202) 4187506.  X -