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No. 815CF0001(# Michael A. GureckisR) Licensee of WETT(AM)R) Ocean City, MarylandR) T  S -+ FORFEITURE ORDER TP  Sp -X` hp x (#%'0*,.8135@8:%X new its request for an STA. Moreover, it points out that an STA was applied for and issued prior to issuance of the NOV. WETT also asserts that contrary to the finding that the station had no public file for the year 1996, the only documents missing from its public file were "quarterly reports program lists." With respect to the forfeiture amount, the station argues that it is excessive considering that the station is a "lowpower, small market AM station struggling to survive". Station tax records for the years 1995 and 1996 show that the station operated with a cashflow loss for both years. Additionally, the station projected a cash flow loss for 1997 because considerable sums had been expended for transmitter repairs.  S -x5.` ` We have reviewed the NAL, WETT's Response, and supporting documentation. We note that there are no disputes as to the facts relating to the violation of the requirements regarding the operating parameters. WETT admits that it was not operating within these parameters, but argues that its only failure was to obtain an extension of its STA, and that it had applied for one prior to the issuance of the NAL. A review of the record indicates that the STA had expired in December 1995. Even assuming arguendo that the Commission would have issued an STA to WETT for the asking, as the station implies, this excessive time between the expiration of the STA and its renewal, does not  S-support mitigation of the amount on this basis.R yO -ԍ WETT's STA was renewed on April 22 1997. R We are also not persuaded by the station's argument that there were public files available. At the time of the request to inspect the station files, no such documents were made available to the FCC agents.  S-x6.` ` In light of the factors set forth in Section 503(b)(2)(D) of the Act, 47 U.S.C.  503(b)(2)(D), we have also reviewed the documents submitted by the station in support of its argument that it is a small AM station and cannot afford to pay the $8,500 assessed. Further, two subsequent inspections of WETT's facilities demonstrate that the station has made considerable expenditures to come into compliance. We are persuaded that a forfeiture in the amount of $1,500 will be sufficient to deter further violations, and will ensure future compliance by WETT with Commission Rules. We are, therefore, reducing the amount of the forfeiture.  S-T Ã  S-zIV. Ordering Clauses ĐTP  S-x7.` ` IT IS ORDERED , pursuant to Section 503(b) of the Act, 47 U.S.C.  503(b), and  S`-Section 1.80(h) of the Commission's Rules, 47 C.F.R. 1.80(h), that WETT must FORFEIT the amount of one thousand fivehundred ($1,500) dollars within thirty (30) days of receipt of this Order. Payment may be made by check, money order, or credit card drawn on a U.S. financial institution," X,N(N(ZZu!"  S-payable to the Federal Communications Commission.  yOh-  =ԍxPayment of the forfeiture in installments may be considered as a separate matter in accordance with Section  xk1.1914 of the Commission's Rules. Requests for installment plans should be mailed to: Chief, Billings and  xiCollections, Mail Stop 1110A2, 1919 M Street, Washington, D.C. 20554. For information regarding credit card payments, contact Chief, Billings and Collections.  Please place NAL/Acct. No. 815CF0001 on the remittance and mail to: XxX` ` X Federal Communications Commission(# XxX` ` X Post Office Box 73482(# XxX` ` X Chicago, Illinois 606737482(# Any responses or appeals of this Forfeiture Order pursuant to 47 C.F.R.  1.106 or 1.115 should be mailed to the Bureau or the Commission, at the following address: XxX` ` X Legal Services Group(# x` `  Compliance Division XxX` ` X Compliance and Information Bureau(# XxX` ` X Mail Stop 1500E3 AJC(# XxX` ` X 1919 M Street, N.W.(# XxX` ` X Washington, D.C. 20554(# XxX` ` (#`  SX-x8.` ` IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this Order shall be sent by certified mail, returnreceipt requested, to Michael A. Gureckis/WETT.  S-XxX` ` X XXhh FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION (#h XxX` ` X XXhhRicardo M. Durham(#h x` `  hhDirector, Legal Services Group x` `  hhCompliance Division XxX` ` X XXhhCompliance and Information Bureau(#h