PUBLIC NOTICE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 1919 M STREET, N.W. WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554 News media information 202/418-0500 Fax-On-Demand 202/418-2830 Internet: Released: April 5, 1996 FCC POLICY FOR HANDLING COMPLAINTS OF INTERFERENCE TO HOME ELECTRONICS EQUIPMENT Each year the FCC receives thousands of complaints of interference to televisions, radios, audio systems, telephones, and other home electronics equipment. In most instances the FCC cannot resolve the problem because the cause of this interference is the design or construction of these products and not a violation of any FCC rule. To help consumers deal with these interference problems, basic information concerning interference solutions is now available on the Internet through the FCC Compliance and Information Bureau Home Page. This basic information includes the CIB Interference Handbook and the CIB Telephone Interference Bulletin. The CIB Interference Handbook includes a list of equipment manufacturers who provide specific assistance with interference problems. The list also is available through the Commission's Fax on Demand at 202-418- 2830. Callers should request document number 6904. Involving dealers and manufacturers in the resolution process should give them knowledge of the problems and provide both the opportunity and incentive to protect their products through customer service. At the same time, however, it should be emphasized that the Compliance and Information Bureau will continue to take appropriate enforcement action where it has been determined that the interference is caused by violations of the Communications Act or the Commission's rules or policies. For further information, contact Compliance and Information Bureau, John R. Winston (202- 418-1100) or Dan S. Emrick (202-418-1170).