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Release of the full text of a Commission order constitutes official action. See MCI v. FCC. 515 F 2d 385 (D.C. Circ 1974).  y: 5 dddhy  M8h U 1  1  Figure 1  Figure 1 y!HH88@Uddfcclogo.wpgHHy! Xz dd{8k @#S2pPG;z# NEWS L X   #Xw PE37XP# Report No. CIB 9822 COMPLIANCE & INFORMATION ACTION November 10, 1998   Y4 FCC FIELD STAFF PROVIDES TRAINING TO USTTI STUDENTS  Y`4 The Federal Communications Commission announced today it has begun another twoweek tuitionfree training course for telecommunications officials from developing countries. Officials from Bhutan, Hong Kong, Latvia, and Panama are attending the course, entitled, "Radio Spectrum Monitoring, Techniques and Procedures," which is being conducted  j% M at the FCC's Compliance and Information Bureau Columbia, MD., Training Center. This international training program is conducted with the United States Telecommunications Training Institute (USTTI), a government program that provides assistance to developing nations.  The training course includes radio spectrum monitoring j% M ; j% M  compliance techniques and procedures such as fixed monitoring, mobile monitoring, remote monitoring, fixed HF directionfinding, mobile directionfinding, offair signal identification and measurement techniques; interference resolution; and regulatory compliance and investigation techniques utilized by the FCC. The students are provided classroom and handson measurements instruction by CIB engineers and technical specialists who conduct FCC regulatory compliance work. Highlights of the course include utilization of the FCC's 14 site, remotecontrolled, stateoftheart high frequency direction finders, operation of the FCC's modern mobile digital direction finder, field trips to local attractions such as the National Security Agency Cryptology Museum and a special presentation by the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration concerning worldwide interference issues and the use of search andrescue satellites. "!,## "Ԍ  The FCC also offers a USTTI oneweek course at Columbia in the area of "Radio Spectrum Monitoring and Measuring" which includes an overview of compliance techniques. The course is provided yearly to 16 or more visiting foreign spectrum managers. CIB has hosted over 250 participants from various countries since the inception of USTTI in 1983. Within the past year, training facilitators at Columbia have trained 26 students from the countries of Columbia, Cyprus, Guatemala, Israel, Jordan, Moldavia, Palestine, Russia, Slovenia, South Africa, Tanzania, and Taiwan. FCC Chairman William E. Kennard serves on the USTTI Board of Directors, which is composed of communications leaders from the U.S. private sector and the federal government. This cooperative effort serves to ensure that the USTTI provides a maximum training opportunity through its diverse, comprehensive array of tuitionfree curriculum for women and men who manage the communications systems within developing countries. o FCC  News Media contact: David H. Fiske at (202) 4180500. Compliance and Information Bureau contact: Charles Magin at (301) 7253474.