NEWSReport No. CI 98- 2 COMPLIANCE AND INFO ACTION March 9, 1998 COMMISSION ADOPTS SECOND FURTHER NOTICE OF PROPOSED RULE MAKING REGARDING EMERGENCY ALERT SYSTEM MESSAGE OVERRIDES (FO Docket Nos. 91-171, 91-301) On March 4, 1998, the Commission adopted a Second Further Notice of Proposed Rule Making that seeks comment on whether the Commission should adopt rules that prohibit cable systems from overriding a broadcasters station's emergency related programming with state and local Emergency Alert System (EAS) messages. EAS state and local messages are voluntarily transmitted by EAS participants. The Commission's rules currently permit a cable system to enter into a voluntary agreement with a broadcast station to not override emergency information with a state or local EAS message. The Commission also seeks comment to: (1) determine any additional costs and equipment that may be required for a cable system to perform selective channel overrides; (2) to determine whether the broadcaster or the cable system should be responsible for those costs; and (3) the affect of this proposal on local franchise provisions. Action by the Commission March 4, 1998, by Second Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (FCC 98-33). Chairman Kennard, Commissioners Ness, Furchtgott-Roth, Powell and Tristani. - FCC - Compliance and Information Bureau contact: EAS staff at (202) 418-1220.