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Average Burden Hours Per Response: 227.5 Hrs.  S- zmOUTSIDE PLANT STRUCTURE AND CABLE COSTS DATA COLLECTION ă Pursuant to Congress's directive in the Telecommunications Act of 1996 that the Commission establish support mechanisms to ensure the delivery of affordable telecommunications service to all Americans, the Commission determined on May 8, 1997 that universal service support for rural, insular, and high cost areas should be based on forwardlooking economic costs. The forwardlooking cost methodology will calculate federal universal service support for nonrural carriers in four steps. First, we will develop a mechanism to estimate the forwardlooking costs of providing universal service in rural, insular, and high cost areas. Second, we will use these forward looking costs to determine the amount of federal universal service support. The outside plant structure and cable cost data are integral to this methodology because estimates of these costs are needed to determine the overall size  S-of the universal service fund. Your response is voluntary. The Commission is requesting that responses be received within 30 days. We have estimated that each response to this collection of information will take, on average 227.5 hours. Our estimate includes the time to read the instructions, look through existing records, gather and maintain required data, and actually complete and review the form or response. If you have any comments on this estimate, or how we can improve the collection and reduce the burden it causes you, please write the Federal Communications Commission, AMDPERM, Paperwork Reduction Project (30600870), Washington, D.C. 20554. We will also accept your comments via the Internet if you send them to jboley@fcc.gov. PLEASE DO NOT SEND COMPLETED FORMS TO THIS ADDRESS. Remember You are not required to respond to a collection of information sponsored by the Federal government, and the government may not conduct or sponsor this collection, unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number or if we fail to provide you with this notice. This collection has been assigned an OMB control number of 30600870. The foregoing Notice is required by the Privacy Act of 1974, P.L. 93579, December 31, 1974, 5 U.S.C. 552a(e)(3), and the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, P.L. 10413, October 1, 1995, 44  S -U.S.C. 3507.  S"- ""0*0*0* $"  S-   Request for Data on Outside Plant Structure and Cable ă  S-x1.` ` On October 28, 1998, the Commission selected a model platform for estimating forwardlooking costs used in determining federal high cost universal service support for nonrural  S8-carriers.8/% O<ԍ#]\  PCɒP#` ` FederalState Joint Board on Universal Service, Fifth Report and Order, CC Docket Nos. 9645, 97160, FCC 98279 (rel. Oct. 28, 1998). The selection of the model platform, which are the fixed assumptions about the design of the network and network engineering and fixed characteristics such as soil and terrain, is the first of two stages in estimating such forwardlooking costs. In the second stage, the Commission will select inputs for the model platform, including the cost of outside plant structure and cable. The Commission intends to issue an order on the input values in time to implement the federal universal  Sp-service mechanism for nonrural carriers by July 1, 1999.64p0/% O@ <ԍ` ` #X\  P6G;ɒP##]\  PCɒP#The Commission has referred to the FederalState Joint Board on Universal Service several questions related to how nonrural carriers' high cost support should be determined once forwardlooking costs  {O-have been estimated. See FederalState Joint Board on Universal Service, Order and Order on Reconsideration,  {O-CC Docket No. 9645, FCC 98160 (rel. July 17, 1998) (Referral Order).6  S -x2.` ` Although we have received significant comment on input values in this proceeding, the record is more complete for some inputs than for others. In particular, as we have discussed with you, we believe that it would be very helpful to obtain additional data on the costs for underground and buried cable structure and copper and fiber cable. We request that you submit on the following four tables data on your company's costs for projects in the geographic regions of central offices identified  SX-in Section IV.B for the outside plant structure and cable described below.0X,/% O$<Ѝ` ` #X\  P6G;ɒP##]\  PCɒP#We do not request that you submit cost data on poles, anchors and guys, handholes, pedestals, cross connect boxes, pullboxes, controlled environmental vaults (CEVs), huts, serving area interfaces (SAIs), digital loop carriers (DLCs), or punch down blocks.Г Due to the tight deadlines under which we are operating, we ask you to submit the information that we request on or before  S- January 14, 1999. Thank you for agreeing to try to provide this information. Section VII below provides general instructions for preparing and filing your response to this request. If you have any questions regarding the data that we request, please contact Richard J. Kwiatkowski of the Accounting Policy Division at (202) 4181383.  S@- I.XxOutside Plant Structure Cost Tables (#  S-x3.` ` In tables I and II, we request that you provide further information on costs of two types of outside plant structure. Table I, which is labeled "Underground Cable Structure Cost," focuses on conduit that houses underground feeder and distribution cable and on manholes that house underground feeder cable. Table II, which is labeled "Buried Cable Structure Cost," focuses on outside plant structure that houses buried feeder and distribution cable. Section III identifies the types of projects and particular wire centers for which we seek data. Sections IV.A and V provide detailed instructions for completing tables I and II."$ 0*((M"  S- II.XxCable Cost Tables (#  S-x4.` ` In tables III and IV, we request that you provide further information on cable costs. Table III, which is labeled "Copper Cable Cost," focuses on the cost of copper feeder and distribution cable. Table IV, which is labeled "Fiber Cable Cost," focuses on the cost of fiber feeder and distribution cable. Section III identifies the types of projects and particular wire centers for which we seek data. Sections IV.B and VI provide detailed instructions for completing tables III and IV.  S- III.XxReporting Basis for Outside Plant Structure and Cable Costs (#  Sp-x5.` ` We request that you submit outside plant structure and cable cost data for "growth" projects on which your company: (1) completed work on or after January 1, 1996; and (2) incurred total outside plant structure and cable costs of at least $50,000. Growth projects are those that a company undertakes to construct new plant or to add capacity to existing plant. Growth projects exclude those that a company undertakes to maintain, rehabilitate, or remove existing plant. For purposes of determining whether your company incurred total outside plant structure and cable costs of at least $50,000 for a particular growth project, total outside plant structure and cable costs are for buried feeder and distribution cable, underground feeder and distribution cable, and aerial feeder and distribution cable. When we refer to a project in the instructions below for reporting outside plant structure and cable cost data, we mean a growth project that satisfies the criteria set forth in this paragraph.  S-x6.` ` We request that incumbent local exchange carriers (ILECs) report either: (1) separate  Sh-outside plant structure and cable costs for each different project, for a sample of projects, i.e., on a project by project basis, or (2) outside plant structure and cable costs for all projects in the geographic  S-region of a central office, for a sample of central offices, i.e., on a central office by central office  S-basis./% O\<Ѝ` ` #X\  P6G;ɒP#We request that the following ILECs submit data on outside plant structure and cable costs: BellSouth Telecommunications, Inc. (BellSouth); Ameritech Operating Companies (Ameritech); U S West Communications, Inc. (U S West); Pacific Bell Telephone Company and Nevada Bell Telephone Company (collectively Pacific Bell and Nevada Bell); Southwestern Bell Telephone Company (Southwestern Bell); Bell Atlantic Telephone Companies (Bell Atlantic) other than New York Telephone Company and New England Telephone and Telegraph Company, the former NYNEX Telephone Companies (NYNEX); NYNEX; Sprint Local Telephone Companies (Sprint); GTE System Telephone Companies and GTE Telephone Operating Companies (collectively GTE); Aliant Communications Company (Aliant); Cincinnati Bell Telephone Company (Cincinnati Bell); Frontier Corporation (Frontier); Southern New England Telephone Company (SNET); and Citizens Telecommunications Companies (Citizens).  We request that competitive local exchange carriers (CLECs) report separate outside plant structure and cable costs for each different project, for all projects. x  S|-x7.` ` We request that ILECs that report separate outside plant structure and cable costs for each different project report these separate costs for the project that is the most recently completed in  S,-the geographic region of each of the ILEC's central offices that are identified in Chart 1.,8 /% O&<ԍ` ` #X\  P6G;ɒP#Common language location identifier (CLLI) codes on chart 1 identify the central offices in these samples. Chart 1 includes a sample of central offices of each ILEC participating in this survey for each of nine density" 0*((>"  S-zones./% Oh<Ѝ` ` #X\  P6G;ɒP##C\  P6QɒP#Density refers to the number of lines per square mile in the geographic region in which a project is located. The lower and upper bounds for these nine density zones (measured in terms of the number of lines per square mile) are: (1) zero 5; (2) 6 100; (3) 101 200; (4) 201 650; (5) 651 850; (6) 851 2,550; (7) 2,551 5,000; (8) 5,001 10,000; (9) 10,001 or a greater number. If, for each of these nine density zones, the outside plant structure and cable costs that these ILECs report for these most recently completed projects do not include those for at least one buried cable project, one underground cable project, and one aerial cable project, then for each density zone we ask that these ILECs also report these costs for one buried cable project, one underground cable project, and one aerial cable project in the geographic region of a central office of their choice. For example, if an ILEC's reported outside plant structure and cable costs for the most recently completed projects in the geographic regions of the central offices identified in Chart 1 for the lowest density zone includes only costs for buried cable projects, then we request that the ILEC report for the lowest density zone the costs for one underground project and one aerial cable project in the geographic region of a central office of its choosing. In such cases, we request that these ILECs explain on a separate sheet of paper how they selected the projects on which they report these costs. We also request that these ILECs determine the density zone for the central offices that they choose by using the table of densities for central offices posted on the Commission's web site at  S - http://www.fcc.gov/ccb/universal_service/highcost.html#determine . x  S0-x8.` ` We request that ILECs that report outside plant structure and cable costs for all projects in the geographic region of a central office report these costs for projects in the geographic region of each central office listed in the sample of central offices in Chart 1. If, for each of the nine density zones identified in the preceding paragraph, the outside plant structure and cable costs that these ILECs report for projects in the geographic regions of these central offices do not include those for buried cable projects, underground cable projects, and aerial cable projects, then for each density zone we request that these ILECs also report these costs for buried cable projects, underground cable projects, and aerial cable projects in the geographic region of a central office of their choice. For example, if an ILEC's reported outside plant structure and cable costs for projects in the geographic regions of the central offices identified in Chart 1 for the lowest density zone includes only costs for buried cable projects, then we request that the ILEC also report for the lowest density zone costs for underground projects and aerial cable projects in the geographic region of a central office of its choosing. In such cases, we request that these ILECs explain on a separate sheet of paper how they selected the central offices on which they report these costs. We also request that these ILECs determine the density zone for the central offices that they choose by using the table of densities for central offices posted on the Commission's web site at  S- http://www.fcc.gov/ccb/universal_service/highcost.html#determine . x"00*(("Ԍ S- hIV. xCost Definitions  S-x9.` ` We define in this section outside plant structure and cable costs. Please report your company's costs for outside plant structure and cable in accordance with these definitions.  S8-x A.` ` Outside Plant Structure Costs  S-x 10.` ` We request that you report outside plant structure costs separately for two categories  S-of outside plant. These two categories of outside plant are: (1) buriedh/% O( <Ѝ` ` #]\  PCɒP#Buried cable comes into direct contact with the soil. It typically is placed in a trench or plowed directly into the earth. feeder./% OX <Ѝ` ` #]\  PCɒP#Copper feeder cables extend between the main distribution frame in the end central office (i.e., the central office that serves the end user) and one or more SAIs in the serving area. The SAI crossconnects copper feeder cables to copper distribution cables. Fiber feeder cables extend between a fiber distribution frame in the end central office and a digital loop carrier remote terminal (DLC) in the serving area. The DLC demultiplexes optical digital signals and converts these signals to analog signals. An SAI that is adjacent to the DLC crossconnects individual circuits from the DLC to copper distribution cables. Feeder cable excludes cable that extends from an end central office to another end central office, to a tandem switch, to an interexchange carrier's point of presence, or to an operator tandem. It also excludes cable that extends between a CLEC's collocation arrangement inside an ILEC's end central office and another central office. . and distribution 0 /% O8<Ѝ` ` #]\  PCɒP#Copper distribution cables extend from the SAI in the serving area and pass through block terminals serving one or more customer premises. The block terminal is where individual copper pairs in the distribution cable are spliced to drops that extend from the terminal to the customer's premises.  hcable;  S-and (2) underground /% O<ԍ` ` #]\  PCɒP#Underground cable is placed in conduit. feeder and distribution cable. Outside plant structure is the set of facilities that support, house, guide, or otherwise protect distribution and feeder cable. We define outside plant structure costs as the initial capital outlay for physical material associated with outside plant structure, including manholes, conduit, trenches, poles, anchors and guys, and other facilities, the capitalized cost for supplies, delivery, provisioning, right of way fees, taxes, and any other capitalized costs directly attributable to these assets, and the capitalized cost for the labor, engineering, and materials required to install these assets. These outside plant structure costs include capitalized labor, engineering, and material costs for such activities as plowing or trenching, backfilling, boring cable, and cutting and restoring asphalt, concrete, or sod, or any combination of such activities. For buried feeder and buried distribution cable only, outside plant structure costs also include the capitalized labor, engineering, and material costs for pushing pipe, placing and pulling cable, and designing a cable run. The capitalized labor, engineering, and material costs associated with outside plant structure are for both contractor and telephone companyprovided labor, engineering, and materials. Outside plant structure costs exclude the cost of the cable itself.  S@-x 11.` ` Outside plant structure costs for your company are costs for outside plant structure that your company incurs exclusively. That is, your company's outside plant structure costs exclude any portion of the total cost for outside plant structure that represents costs that companies other than your"p 0*((" company incur for use of the same outside plant structure as your company uses to support cable. Assume that your company is an ILEC, for example, and that your company, a CLEC, an electric power company, and a cable television company install underground cable in the same conduit. If the total cost to install all of the conduit that your company shares with these other companies is $100,000 and your company and these other companies share these conduit installation costs equally, then your company's conduit installation costs are 25 percent of $100,000, or $25,000. If any of the outside plant structure costs that you report do not represent costs that your company incurs exclusively, but total costs that your company shares with other companies, please submit a statement on a separate piece of paper that separately identifies the particular reported outside plant structure costs that represent costs that your company incurs exclusively and the particular reported outside plant structure costs that represent total costs that your company shares with other companies. Please also identify in this statement the table number and the column letter corresponding to the table and the column where you report the particular outside plant structure costs that represent costs that your company incurs exclusively and the particular reported outside plant structure costs that represent total costs that your company shares with other companies. Please do not submit such a statement if all of the outside plant structure costs that you report represent costs that your company incurs exclusively. x  SX-x B.` ` Cable Costs  S-x 12.` ` We request that you report separate copper cable costs and fiber cable costs for three categories of outside plant. These three categories of outside plant are: (1) underground feeder and distribution cable; (2) aerial feeder and distribution cable; and (3) buried feeder and distribution cable. We define cable costs as the initial capital outlay for the physical material of the cable itself, the capitalized cost for the labor and material required for splicing, the capitalized cost for supplies, delivery, provisioning, taxes, and any other capitalized costs directly attributable to cable, except those specifically defined above as outside plant structure costs. For aerial feeder and distribution cable, cable costs include capitalized labor, engineering, and material costs associated with hanging cable and designing a cable run. Aerial feeder and distribution cable costs also include the initial capital outlay for the physical material of any messenger strand from which the aerial cable hangs and the capitalized cost for the labor, engineering, and material required to install and engineer messenger strand. Aerial feeder and distribution cable costs exclude the initial capital outlay for physical material associated with outside plant structure, including poles and anchors and guys, the capitalized cost for supplies, delivery, provisioning, right of way fees, taxes, and any other capitalized costs directly attributable to these structure assets, the capitalized cost for the labor, engineering, and materials required to install these structure assets. For underground feeder and distribution cable, cable costs include capitalized labor, engineering, and material costs associated with placing and pulling cable and designing a cable run. These labor, engineering, and material costs are for both contractor and telephone companyprovided labor, engineering, and materials.  S - V.XxOutside Plant Structure Cost Data (#  S"-x A.` ` Underground Cable Structure Cost Data  SH$-x 13.` ` We request that you report on table I, labeled "Underground Cable Structure Cost," cost data on conduit that houses underground feeder and distribution cable and on manholes that house underground feeder cable. We request that ILECs that report separate outside plant structure and cable costs for each different project and CLECs submit a separate table I for each project on which they"& 0*((n(" report conduit and manhole cost data. We request that ILECs that report outside plant structure and cable costs for all projects in the geographic region of a central office submit a separate table I for each central office on which they report conduit and manhole cost data.  S`-x 14.` ` In the space provided at the top of table I, please identify the name of your company.  S-x15.` ` In the space provided immediately below the space provided for the name of your company at the top of table I, please identify the specific authorization number or the project authorization number of the particular project(s) on which you report conduit and manhole cost data.  Sp-x16.` ` In the space provided immediately below the space provided for the specific or project authorization number on table I, please identify the cities or towns and the state(s) associated with the cities or towns that together make up the geographic region of the particular project(s) on which you report conduit and manhole cost data. For the particular project(s), in columns AK on table I, please report the cost data that we describe below. x  S -x17.` ` In column A on table I, please identify the CLLI codes for each ILEC switch located in the geographic region represented by the cities or towns that you identify on table I. If the respondent is an ILEC that reports separate outside plant structure and cable costs for each different project or a CLEC, and if the level of outside plant structure and cable costs varies within a geographic region, please identify on separate rows in column A the CLLI codes associated with each area within that region that has separately identifiable outside plant structure and cable costs.  Sh-x18.` ` In column B on table I, please indicate the total project outside plant structure and cable cost for buried feeder and distribution cable, underground feeder and distribution cable, and aerial feeder and distribution cable in the geographic region, or in each area within the geographic region for which you separately identify CLLI codes in column A.  S-x19.` ` In column C on table I, please identify the number of lines per square mile in the geographic region, or in each area within the geographic region for which you separately identify CLLI codes in column A. The number of lines should reflect all lines that are in service, including those that ILECs use to provide service and those that CLECs use to provide service.  S- x  S-x20.` ` In column D on table I, please indicate the construction method that your company uses to place conduit in the geographic region, or in each area within the geographic region for which you separately identify CLLI codes in column A. To indicate the conduit placement method in column D, on the numbered rows below table I, please describe briefly the different construction methods that your company uses to place conduit. The number of the row on which you describe a given construction method identifies that method for the purpose of completing table I. Please place in column D on table I the row number identified below this table that identifies the construction method that your company uses to place conduit in the geographic region, or in each area within the geographic region for which you separately identify CLLI codes in column A.  Sp#-  SH$-x21.` ` In column E on table I, please indicate the design depth at which your company installs conduit in the geographic region, or in each area within the geographic region for which you separately identify CLLI codes in column A. Please use as the measure of design depth for conduit the number of inches below ground level. "& 0*((n("Ԍ S-ԙx22.` ` In column F on table I, please indicate the per foot average cost for conduit that houses underground feeder and distribution cable in the geographic region, or in each area within the geographic region for which you separately identify CLLI codes in column A. Please include in the per foot average cost for conduit the initial capital outlay for physical material associated with conduit, the capitalized cost for supplies, delivery, provisioning, right of way fees, taxes, and any other capitalized costs directly attributable to conduit, and the capitalized cost for the labor, engineering, and materials required to install conduit. Please exclude from the per foot average cost for conduit the initial capital outlay for physical material associated with manholes, handholes, pullboxes, cross connect boxes, CEVs, and huts, and the capitalized cost for supplies, delivery, provisioning, right of way fees, taxes, and any other capitalized costs directly attributable to these assets, and the capitalized  Sp-cost for the labor, engineering, and materials required to install these assets.[ Pp/% O <Ѝ` ` #]\  PCɒP#If you are unable to exclude from the per foot average conduit cost these costs for manholes, handholes, pullboxes, cross connect boxes, CEVs, or huts, however, please report the per foot average conduit cost inclusive of the costs for these assets. In this case, please submit a statement on a separate sheet of paper explaining that the per foot average conduit cost reported in column D on table I includes the cost for manholes, handholes, pullboxes, cross connect boxes, CEVs, or huts.  [  S -x23.` ` In column G on table I, please indicate the frequency with which innerduct for fiber is installed with conduit that houses underground feeder and distribution cable in the geographic region, or in each area within the geographic region for which you separately identify CLLI codes in column A.  SX-x24.` ` In column H on table I, if innerduct for fiber is installed with conduit, but the per foot average material cost for conduit reported in column F excludes the material cost for innerduct, please indicate the per foot average material cost for innerduct in the geographic region, or in each area within the geographic region for which you separately identify CLLI codes in column A. Please include in the per foot average material cost for innerduct the initial capital outlay for physical material associated with innerduct and the capitalized cost for supplies, delivery, provisioning, right of way fees, taxes, and any other capitalized costs directly attributable to innerduct.  S-x25.` ` In column I on table I, please indicate the average capacity of the manholes that house underground feeder cable in the geographic region, or in each area within the geographic region for which you separately identify CLLI codes in column A. Please use as the measure of manhole capacity the number of ducts per manhole.  SP-x26.` ` In column J on table I, please indicate the per manhole average cost for the manholes in the geographic region, or in each area within the geographic region for which you separately identify CLLI codes in column A. Please include in the per foot average cost for manholes the initial capital outlay for physical material associated with manholes, the capitalized cost for supplies, delivery, provisioning, right of way fees, taxes, and any other capitalized costs directly attributable to manholes, and the capitalized cost for the labor, engineering, and materials required to install manholes. "8 0*(( "Ԍ S-x27.` ` In column K on table I, please indicate the average number of feet between manholes in the geographic region, or in each area within the geographic region for which you separately identify CLLI codes in column A. x  S`-x B.` ` Buried Cable Structure Cost Data  S-x28.` ` We request that you report on table II, labeled "Buried Cable Structure Cost," outside plant structure cost data on buried feeder and distribution cable. We request that ILECs that report separate outside plant structure and cable costs for each different project and CLECs submit a separate table II for each project on which they report outside plant structure cost data on buried cable. We request that ILECs that report outside plant structure and cable costs for all projects in the geographic region of a central office submit a separate table II for each central office on which they report outside plant structure cost data on buried cable.  S -x29.` ` In the space provided at the top of table II, please identify the name of your company.  S -x30.` ` In the space provided immediately below the space provided for the name of your company at the top of table II, please identify the specific authorization number or the project authorization number of the particular project(s) on which you report outside plant structure cost data on buried cable.  S-x31.` ` In the space provided immediately below the space provided for the specific or project authorization number on table II, please identify the cities or towns and the state(s) associated with the cities or towns that together make up the geographic region of the particular project(s) on which you report conduit cost data. For the particular project(s), in columns AG on table II, please report the cost data that we describe below. x  S-x32.` ` In column A on table II, please identify the CLLI codes for each ILEC switch located in the geographic region represented by the cities or towns that you identify on table II. If the respondent is an ILEC that reports separate outside plant structure and cable costs for each different project or a CLEC, and if the level of outside plant structure and cable costs varies within a geographic region, please identify on separate rows in column A the CLLI codes associated with each area within that region that has separately identifiable outside plant structure and cable costs. x  S-x 33.` ` In column B on table II, please indicate the total project outside plant structure and cable cost for buried feeder and distribution cable, underground feeder and distribution cable, and aerial feeder and distribution cable in the geographic region, or in each area within the geographic region for which you separately identify CLLI codes in column A.  S -x!34.` ` In column C on table II, please identify the number of lines per square mile in the geographic region, or in each area within the geographic region for which you separately identify CLLI codes in column A. The number of lines should reflect all lines that are in service, including those that ILECs use to provide service and those that CLECs use to provide service.  S %-x"35.` ` In column D on table II, please indicate the design depth at which your company buries copper cable in the geographic region, or in each area within the geographic region for which you separately identify CLLI codes in column A. Please use as the measure of design depth for"& 0*((n(" buried copper cable the number of inches below ground level.  S-x#36.` ` In column E on table II, please indicate the design depth at which your company buries fiber cable in the geographic region, or in each area within the geographic region for which you separately identify CLLI codes in column A. Please use as the measure of design depth for buried fiber cable the number of inches below ground level.  S-x$37.` ` In column F on table II, please indicate the per foot average outside structure cost for buried cable in the geographic region, or in each area within the geographic region for which you separately identify CLLI codes in column A. Please include in the per foot average outside structure cost for buried cable the cost of placing one sheath of cable (by trenching, plowing, or whatever method is used). Please include in the per foot average outside structure cost for buried cable only the capitalized labor, engineering, and material costs for pushing pipe, placing and pulling cable, and designing a cable run. The initial capital outlay for the physical material of the buried cable itself, the capitalized cost for the labor and material required for splicing, the capitalized cost for supplies, delivery, provisioning, taxes, and any other capitalized costs directly attributable to buried cable, except those specifically defined above as outside plant structure costs, are reported in columns H and G on tables III and IV, respectively.  S-x%38.` ` In column G on table II, please indicate the per foot incremental cost for a second sheath of cable that is installed simultaneously with the first sheath of cable in the geographic region, or in each area within the geographic region for which you separately identify CLLI codes in column A. Please include in the per foot incremental cost for buried cable only the capitalized incremental labor, engineering, and material costs for pushing pipe, placing and pulling cable, and designing a cable run. The initial capital outlay for the physical material of the buried cable itself, the capitalized cost for the labor and material required for splicing, the capitalized cost for supplies, delivery, provisioning, and any other capitalized costs directly attributable to buried cable, except those specifically defined above as outside plant structure costs, are reported in columns H and G on tables III and IV, respectively.  SP- VI.XxCable Cost Data (# x` `  S-x A.` ` Copper Cable Cost Data  S-x&39.` ` We request that you report on table III, labeled "Copper Cable Cost," cable cost data on copper feeder and distribution cable. We request that ILECs that report separate outside plant structure and cable costs for each different project and CLECs submit a separate table III for each project on which they report cost data on copper cable. We request that ILECs that report outside plant structure and cable costs for all projects in the geographic region of a central office submit a separate table III for each central office on which they report cost data on copper cable.  S"-x'40.` ` In the space provided at the top of table III, please identify the name of your company.  S %-x(41.` ` In the space provided immediately below the space provided for the name of your company at the top of table III, please identify the specific authorization number or the project authorization number of the particular project(s) on which you report cost data on copper cable."& 0*((n("Ԍ S-ԙx)42.` ` In the space provided immediately below the space provided for the specific or project authorization number on table III, please identify the cities or towns and the state(s) associated with the cities or towns that together make up the geographic region of the particular project(s) on which you report copper cable cost data. For the particular project(s), in columns AH on table III, please report the cost data that we describe below. x  S-x*43.` ` In column A on table III, please identify the CLLI codes for each ILEC switch located in the geographic region represented by the cities or towns that you identify on table III. If the respondent is an ILEC that reports separate outside plant structure and cable costs for each different project or a CLEC, and if the level of outside plant structure and cable costs varies within a geographic region, please identify on separate rows in column A the CLLI codes associated with each area within that region that has separately identifiable outside plant structure and cable costs. In columns FH, we request that you report copper cable costs for each different feeder, distribution, or feeder and distribution cable size and cable gauge combination in the geographic region, or in each area within the geographic region. Accordingly, in column A, please set forth the CLLI codes for the geographic region, or for each area within the geographic region, on as many consecutive rows as the number of different copper feeder, copper distribution, or copper feeder and distribution cable size and gauge combinations in the region, or in each area. For example, if your company uses 600 pair of 26 gauge copper cable for feeder cable, 400 pair of 26 gauge copper cable for feeder and distribution cable, and 400 pair of 24 gauge copper cable for distribution cable in the area defined by CLLI codes 77777778 and 77777779, you enter "77777778, 77777779" on three consecutive rows in column A.  S-x+44.` ` In column B on table III, please indicate the total project outside plant structure and cable cost for buried feeder and distribution cable, underground feeder and distribution cable, and aerial feeder and distribution cable in the geographic region, or in each area within the geographic region for which you separately identify CLLI codes in column A.  S-x,45.` ` In column C on table III, please identify the number of lines per square mile in the geographic region, or in each area within the geographic region for which you separately identify CLLI codes in column A. The number of lines should reflect all lines that are in service, including those that ILECs use to provide service and those that CLECs use to provide service.  S-x-46.` ` In column D on table III, please identify the size of each copper distribution cable, feeder cable, or distribution and feeder cable in the geographic region, or in each area within the geographic region for which you separately identify CLLI codes in column A. Please use as the measure of size for copper cable the number of pairs. Please set forth each copper cable size on as many consecutive rows in column B as the number of different gauges associated with that cable size in the geographic region, or in each area within the geographic region for which you separately identify CLLI codes in column A. For example, if your company uses 600 pair of 26 gauge copper cable for feeder cable, 400 pair of 26 gauge copper cable for distribution and feeder cable, and 400 pair of 24 gauge copper for distribution cable in the area defined by CLLI codes 77777778 and 77777779, in column D you enter 400 on two consecutive rows and 600 on one row in the range of rows on which area "77777778, 77777779" is identified in column A.  S %-x.47.` ` In column E on table III, please identify the gauge of copper distribution cable, feeder cable, or distribution and feeder cable in the geographic region, or in each area within the geographic region for which you separately identify CLLI codes in column A. If more than one gauge applies to"& 0*((n(" any of the copper cable sizes you identify in column D, please identify on separate rows in column E the gauges that apply to each cable size in column D. For example, if your company uses 400 pair of 26 gauge copper cable for distribution and feeder cable and 400 pair of 24 gauge copper cable for distribution cable in the area defined by CLLI codes 77777778 and 77777779, in column E you enter 24 and 26 on separate rows corresponding to those on which a cable size of 400 pairs is identified in column D and the area "77777778, 77777779" is identified in column A.  S-x/48.` ` In column F on table III, please indicate the per foot average copper cable cost for each underground feeder, underground distribution, or underground feeder and distribution cable size and gauge combination in the geographic region, or in each area within the geographic region for which you separately identify CLLI codes in column A. Please include in the per foot average copper cable cost for underground cable the cost for one cable. Please include in the per foot average copper cable cost for underground cable the initial capital outlay for the physical material of the cable itself, the capitalized cost for the labor and material required for splicing and placing and pulling cable, the capitalized cost for the engineering required to design a cable run, the capitalized cost for supplies, delivery, provisioning, taxes, and any other capitalized costs directly attributable to cable, except those specifically defined above as outside plant structure costs. Please exclude from the per foot average copper cable cost for underground cable the initial capital outlay for the physical material of SAIs, terminals, and pedestals, the capitalized cost for the labor, material, and engineering required for installing these assets, and the capitalized cost for supplies, delivery, provisioning, right of way fees, taxes, and any other capitalized costs directly attributable to these assets.  S-x049.` ` In column G on table III, please indicate the per foot average copper cable cost for each aerial feeder, aerial distribution, or aerial feeder and distribution cable size and gauge combination in the geographic region, or in each area within the geographic region for which you separately identify CLLI codes in column A. Please include in the per foot average copper cable cost for aerial cable the cost for messenger strand. Please include in the per foot average copper cable cost for aerial cable the cost for one cable. Please include in the per foot average copper cable cost for aerial cable the initial capital outlay for the physical material of the cable itself, the capitalized cost for the labor and material required for splicing and hanging cable, the capitalized cost for the engineering required to design a cable run, the capitalized cost for supplies, delivery, provisioning, taxes, and any other capitalized costs directly attributable to cable, except those specifically defined above as outside plant structure costs. Please exclude from the per foot average copper cable cost for aerial cable the initial capital outlay for the physical material of SAIs, terminals, and pedestals, the capitalized cost for the labor, material, and engineering required for installing these assets, and the capitalized cost for supplies, delivery, provisioning, right of way fees, taxes, and any other capitalized costs directly attributable to these assets. x  S -x150.` ` In column H on table III, please indicate the per foot average copper cable cost for each buried feeder, buried distribution, or buried feeder and distribution cable size and gauge combination in the geographic region, or in each area within the geographic region for which you separately identify CLLI codes in column A. Please include in the per foot average copper cable cost for buried cable the cost for one cable. Please include in the per foot average copper cable cost for buried cable the initial capital outlay for the physical material of the cable itself, the capitalized cost for the labor and material required for splicing, the capitalized cost for supplies, delivery, provisioning, taxes, and any other capitalized costs directly attributable to cable, except the capitalized labor, engineering, and material costs for pushing pipe, placing and pulling cable, and designing a cable run. "& 0*((n(" For buried cable, the capitalized labor, engineering, and material costs for pushing pipe, placing and pulling cable, and designing a cable run are reported in column F on table II. Please exclude from the per foot average copper cable cost for buried cable the initial capital outlay for the physical material of SAIs, terminals, and pedestals, the capitalized cost for the labor, material, and engineering required for installing these assets, and the capitalized cost for supplies, delivery, provisioning, right of way fees, taxes, and any other capitalized costs directly attributable to these assets.  S-x B.` ` Fiber Cable Cost Data  S-x251.` ` We request that you report on table IV, labeled "Fiber Cable Cost," cable cost data on fiber feeder and distribution cable. We request that ILECs that report separate outside plant structure and cable costs for each different project and CLECs submit a separate table V for each project on which they report cost data on fiber cable. We request that ILECs that report outside plant structure and cable costs for all projects in the geographic region of a central office submit a separate table IV for each central office on which they report cost data on fiber cable.  S -x352.` ` In the space provided at the top of table IV, please identify the name of your company.  S-x453.` ` In the space provided immediately below the space provided for the name of your company at the top of table IV, please identify the specific authorization number or the project authorization number of the particular project(s) on which you report cost data on fiber cable.  Sh-x554.` ` In the space provided immediately below the space provided for the specific or project authorization number on table IV, please identify the cities or towns and the state(s) associated with the cities or towns that together make up the geographic region of the particular project(s) on which you report fiber cable cost data. For the particular project(s), in columns AG on table IV, please report the cost data that we describe below. x  Sx-x655.` ` In column A on table IV, please identify the CLLI codes for each ILEC switch located in the geographic region represented by the cities or towns that you identify on table IV. If the respondent is an ILEC that reports separate outside plant structure and cable costs for each different project or a CLEC, and if the level of outside plant structure and cable costs varies within a geographic region, please identify on separate rows in column A the CLLI codes associated with each area within that region that has separately identifiable outside plant structure and cable costs. In columns EG, we request that you report fiber cable costs for each different feeder, distribution, or feeder and distribution cable size in the geographic region, or in each area within the geographic region. Accordingly, in column A, please set forth the CLLI codes for the geographic region, or for each area within the geographic region, on as many consecutive rows as the number of different fiber feeder, distribution, or feeder and distribution cable sizes in the region, or in each area. For example, if your company uses 12 strand, 18 strand, and 24 strand fiber cable for feeder cable in the area defined by CLLI codes 77777778 and 77777779, you enter "77777778, 77777779" on three consecutive rows in column A.  S %-x756.` ` In column B on table IV, please indicate the total project outside plant structure and cable cost for buried feeder and distribution cable, underground feeder and distribution cable, and aerial feeder and distribution cable in the geographic region, or in each area within the geographic"& 0*((n(" region for which you separately identify CLLI codes in column A.  S-x857.` ` In column C on table IV, please identify the number of lines per square mile in the geographic region, or in each area within the geographic region for which you separately identify CLLI codes in column A. The number of lines should reflect all lines that are in service, including those that ILECs use to provide service and those that CLECs use to provide service.  S-x958.` ` In column D on table IV, please identify on separate rows the size of each fiber feeder, distribution, or feeder and distribution cable in the geographic region, or in each area within the geographic region for which you separately identify CLLI codes in column A. Please use as the measure of size for fiber cable the number of strands.  S -x:59.` ` In column E on table IV, please indicate the per foot average fiber cable cost for each underground feeder, underground distribution, or underground feeder and distribution cable size in the geographic region, or in each area within the geographic region for which you separately identify CLLI codes in column A. Please include in the per foot average fiber cable cost for underground cable the cost for one cable. Please include in the per foot average fiber cable cost for underground cable the initial capital outlay for the physical material of the cable itself, the capitalized cost for the labor and material required for splicing and placing and pulling cable, the capitalized cost for the engineering required to design a cable run, and the capitalized cost for supplies, delivery, provisioning, taxes, and any other capitalized costs directly attributable to cable, except those specifically defined above as outside plant structure costs. Please exclude from the per foot average fiber cable cost for underground cable the initial capital outlay for the physical material of SAIs, DLCs and other terminals, and pedestals, the capitalized cost for the labor, material, and engineering required for installing these assets, and the capitalized cost for supplies, delivery, provisioning, right of way fees, taxes, and any other capitalized costs directly attributable to these assets.  S-x;60.` ` In column F on table IV, please indicate the per foot average fiber cable cost for each aerial feeder, aerial distribution, or aerial feeder and distribution cable size in the geographic region, or in each area within the geographic region for which you separately identify CLLI codes in column A. Please include in the per foot average fiber cable cost for aerial cable the cost for messenger strand. Please include in the per foot fiber cable cost for aerial cable the cost for one cable. Please include in the per foot average fiber cable cost for aerial cable the initial capital outlay for the physical material of the cable itself, the capitalized cost for the labor and material required for splicing and hanging cable, the capitalized cost for the engineering required to design a cable run, and the capitalized cost for supplies, delivery, provisioning, taxes, and any other capitalized costs directly attributable to cable, except those specifically defined above as outside plant structure costs. Please exclude from the per foot average fiber cable cost for aerial cable the initial capital outlay for the physical material of SAIs, DLCs and other terminals, and pedestals, the capitalized cost for the labor, material, and engineering required for installing these assets, and the capitalized cost for supplies, delivery, provisioning, right of way fees, taxes, and any other capitalized costs directly attributable to these assets.  Sp#-x<61.` ` In column G on table IV, please indicate the per foot average fiber cable cost for each buried feeder, buried distribution, or buried feeder and distribution cable size in the geographic region, or in each area within the geographic region for which you separately identify CLLI codes in column A. Please include in the per foot average fiber cable cost for buried cable the cost for one cable. Please include in the per foot average fiber cable cost for buried cable the initial capital outlay for the"& 0*((n(" physical material of the cable itself, the capitalized cost for the labor and material required for splicing, the capitalized cost for supplies, delivery, provisioning, taxes, and any other capitalized costs directly attributable to cable, except the capitalized labor, engineering, and material costs for pushing pipe, placing and pulling cable, and designing a cable run. For buried cable, the capitalized labor, engineering, and material costs for pushing pipe, placing and pulling buried cable, and designing a cable run are reported in column E on table II. Please exclude from the per foot average fiber cable cost for buried cable the initial capital outlay for the physical material of SAIs, DLCs and other terminals, and pedestals, the capitalized cost for the labor, material, and engineering required for installing these assets, and the capitalized cost for supplies, delivery, provisioning, right of way fees, taxes, and any other capitalized costs directly attributable to these assets.  SH - VII.xSubmitting the Information  S -x=62.` ` We request that you submit the outside plant structure and cable cost data on tables formatted identically to tables I through IV. Please submit these data on these tables in hard copy and on a 3.5" computer disk in Excel 4.0 or 5.0 format in accordance with the instructions that we set forth below. Please do not insert, delete, or move any rows, columns, or text other than those that are necessary for a complete response. Please do not enter dollar signs or the unit of measure. Please indicate dollar values by entering decimal numbers showing the number of dollars to the left of the decimal point and the number of cents to the right of the decimal point. For example, you indicate an average cost for conduit of five dollars and 25 cents per foot by entering "5.25." Please indicate values other than dollar values by entering whole numbers with all of the necessary digits. For example, you indicate the density for the geographic region of a central office that has 8,000 lines per square mile by entering "8000" (not "8" or "80" or "8000.00" or "8000 lines"). Please identify a "not applicable" response by entering "NA" in the appropriate row and column. Please explain each such response on a separate sheet of paper. You may obtain a complete set of these tables in Excel 4.0 format from the Commission's web site at  S- http://www.fcc.gov/ccb/universal_service/highcost.html#determine . If you have questions regarding the data that we request, please contact Richard J. Kwiatkowski of the Accounting Policy Division at (202) 4181383.  S(-x>63.` ` We also request that you explain and document fully the data, assumptions, and methodologies on which you base the costs set forth on the data tables for outside plant structure and cable. Please submit, as part of this documentation, worksheets showing the data and the calculations that underlie these estimates.  S`-x?64.` ` Please file a signed original and a complete paper copy of the information that we request and a complete copy of the information in electronic format with the Office of the Secretary, Federal Communications Commission, 445 Twelfth Street, S.W., Room TWA325, Washington, DC  S -20554. Please submit two complete paper copies of the information, and two complete copies of the  S!-information in electronic format, to Sheryl Todd, Accounting Policy Division, Common Carrier Bureau, Federal Communications Commission, 2100 M Street, N.W., Room 8611, Washington, DC 20554. Please submit one paper copy and one copy of the information in electronic format to the Commission's copy contractor, International Transcription Service, 1231 20th Street, N.W., 8th Floor, Washington, DC 20036.  S&-x@65.` ` Confidential Information. If you consider a portion of the information that you submit"& 0*((n(" in response to this request confidential commercial or financial information, you should comply with  S-section 0.459 of the Commission's rules 2/% O@<Ѝ` ` #]\  PCɒP#See 47 C.F.R.  0.459. See also FederalState Joint Board on Universal Service, Forward {O-Looking Mechanism for High Cost Support for NonRural LECs, Protective Order, CC Docket Nos. 9645, 97 yO-160, DA 981490 (rel. July 27, 1998) (explaining the manner in which confidential information is treated in this proceeding).   and should observe the following procedure: complete the entire request with the exception of the specific information that you consider confidential information. You should file and distribute this expurgated version in accordance with section 0.459 of the Commission's rules and the instructions set forth below for submitting the data. You then should duplicate the filed computer disks and paper copies, add the confidential data, and return one full confidential copy to Richard J. Kwiatkowski, Competitive Pricing Division, Common Carrier Bureau, Federal Communications Commission, 1919 M Street, NW, Room 518H, Washington, DC 20554. You should mark "Confidential" each confidential disk and paper copy. In addition, you should file the confidential disks and paper copies together with a completed copy of the "Designation of Confidential Information" form set forth in Attachment 1. An authorized corporate officer or agent must sign the "Designation of Confidential Information" form. The "Designation of Confidential Information" form must list by paragraph number of this request all of the data responses considered confidential commercial or financial information. For each such response, indicate the reason for withholding the information from public inspection, and the facts on which those reasons are based. File and distribute copies of the "Designation of Confidential Information" form with the expurgated data response, in accordance with the instructions set forth below for submitting the data. "X 0*(("  S-ІA  S - +Attachment 1 ă " 0*0*0*"  S-DESIGNATION OF CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION xI hereby certify that the information designated as confidential in the attached response(s) is protected by ___________________ (name of company) as confidential or financial information:  S-SIGNATURE:` ` ___________________________hpp  xx  S-TITLE:` `  ___________________________  SH -ADDRESS:` `  ___________________________ x` `  ___________________________  S -TELEPHONE:` ` ___________________________  SX-FAX:x` `  ___________________________ On a separate sheet of paper, please list the responses designated confidential. For data set forth on tables, please list the responses designated confidential by table number and column letter. Please submit a statement of the reasons for withholding the information from the public record, and the facts on which those reasons are based. x S-#&a\  P6G;u&P#