Common Carrier Scorecard Fall 1996

picture of Common Carrier Scorecard cover

The Common Carrier Bureau's Enforcement and Industry Analysis Divisions are proud to make the fall 1996 edition of the Scorecard available to the public via the FCC World Wide Web site on the Internet. ( News Release )

The Scorecard includes an overview of how companies performed individually and as a group, and highlights the types of telephone-related consumer complaints and inquiries processed by the FCC during the most recent reporting period. Consumers can use this information to make informed decisions about which company and service they want to use. The Scorecard also includes valuable tips on how to avoid pitfalls and what steps to take if problems occur. Additionally, the Scorecard provides an in-depth look into the actions taken by the Commission to protect consumers against slamming.

The Scorecard is available here in Adobe Acrobat format so that when you look at it on your screen or print it out on your printer it will look identical to the FCC's original version regardless of the computer platform, operating system, browser, or fonts that you may be using.

To view the Scorecard you must have Acrobat Reader software installed on your computer and configured as a "helper" or "plug-in" application in your browser. If not, you need to download, install, and configure the free Adobe Acrobat Reader Software . If you already have the Reader installed and configured, you can go ahead and view the Scorecard now (27 pages, 710 KB).

posted 12/10/96

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