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FCC 96J-3

Before the
Federal Communications Commission
Washington, DC 20554

In the Matter of)

Federal-State Joint Board on)CC Docket No. 96-45
Universal Service)



By the Chief, Common Carrier Bureau Released: November 19, 1996

On November 7, 1996, the Federal-State Joint Board on universal service adopted a Recommended Decision in the above-captioned proceeding. That Recommended Decision was released on November 8, 1996. These errata amend the Recommended Decision as follows:

Amend footnote 11 to read: "In the Matter of Federal-State Joint Board on Universal Service, Notice of Proposed Rulemaking and Order Establishing a Joint Board, CC Docket No. 96-45, FCC 96-93 (rel. March 8, 1996) (NPRM) at paras. 4, 8";

Amend paragraph 13 by changing "NPRM" to "Notice of Proposed Rulemaking and Order Establishing a Joint Board (NPRM)";

Amend footnote 45 by changing "47 U.S.C. § 25(b)-(c)" to "47 U.S.C. § 255(b)-(c)";

Amend paragraph 48, first sentence, by changing "its" to "is";

Amend paragraph 19, currently located between paragraphs 129 and 130, by changing paragraph 19's number to 129A;

Amend footnote 816 to read: "See, e.g., Citizens Utilities comments at 13; CPI reply comments at 7; Cathey, Hutton reply comments at 7. Contra Telec Consulting comments at 8-9 (FCC will face administrative burdens in handling complaints by those who claim they are aggrieved by proxy cost determination).";

Amend paragraph 576, fourth sentence, by adding a close quotation after "purposes" so that the quoted phrase reads "educational purposes";

Amend paragraph 598, first sentence, by changing "Section 254(c)(3)" to "Section 254(h)(3)'s";

Amend paragraph 778, first sentence, by deleting "interstate and intrastate" and adding "of" between "net" and "payments";

Amend paragraph 830, fourth sentence, by changing second "(3)" to "(4)";

Amend Appendix B by replacing current Appendix B with version attached to this erratum;

Add Appendices C, D, and E (attached to this erratum).


Regina M. Keeney
Chief, Common Carrier Bureau



Commenter Abbreviation

360 Degree Communications Co. 360



Consumer Union

Access to Communication for Education Coalition ACE

AD HOC Rural Consortium ARC

AD HOC Telecommunications Users Committee Ad Hoc Telecom. Users

Airtouch Communications, Inc. Airtouch

Alaska Public Utilities Commission Alaska PUC

Alaska Telephone Association Alaska Tel.

Alliance for Community Media

Alliance for Public Technology Alliance for PublicTechnology

American Association of Community Colleges, Community Colleges

Association of Community College Trustees

American Library Association ALA

American Public Power Association APPA


Association for Local Telecommunications Services ALTS

AT&T Corp. AT&T

Bell Atlantic

BellSouth/National Economic Research Associates BellSouth

Benton Foundation Benton

Black Community Crusade for Children

California Department of Education CDE

Cathey, Hutton and Associates Cathey, Hutton

Century Telephone & TDS Telecommunications Century

Cincinnati Bell Cincinnati Bell

Citizens for a Sound Economy Foundation CSE Foundation

Colorado State Libraries

Commnet Cellular, Inc. Commnet Cellular

Commnet Cellular Inc. (Erratum)

Communications Workers of America CWA

Community Technology Centers' Network

Competition Policy Institute CPI

Competitive Telecommunications Association CompTel

CompuServe Inc. CompuServe

Council for Education Development and Research CEDR

Council of Organizational Representatives

Curtis Telephone Curtis Tel.

Dell Telephone Cooperative Dell Tel.

Edgemont Neighborhood Coalition Edgemont

ETEX Telephone Cooperative EXTEX Tel. Coop.

Evans Telephone Co. Evans Tel.

Humboldt Telephone Co.,

Kerman Telephone Co.,

Oregon-Idaho Utilities, Inc.,

Pinnacles Telephone Co.,

The Ponderosa Telephone Co.,

Siskiyou Telephone Co.,

The Volcano Telephone Co.

Florida Public Service Commission Florida PSC

General Communications, Inc. GCI

General Service Administration GSA

Governor of Guam


Guam Telephone Authority Guam Tel. Authority

GVNW, Inc/Management GVNW

Hauben, Ronda

Idaho Public Utilities Commission (States' Joint Reply) Idaho PUC

Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission Indiana URC

Information Renaissance Information Rennaissance

InformationTechhnology Association of America, ITA/EMA

Electric Messaging Association,

Information Technology Industry Council,

Information Industry Association,

National Retail Federation

Iowa Telephone Association Iowa Tel. Ass'n


LDDS Worldcom LDDS

Libraries for the Future

Lincoln Telephone and Telegraph Lincoln


Metricom, Inc. Metricom

MFS Communications Company, Inc. MFS

Milbury, Peter

Minnesota Independent Coalition Minn. Indep. Coalition

MobileMedia Communications, Inc. MobileMedia

Motorola and Iridium North America

National Association of Broadcasters

National Association of the Deaf NAD

National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners NARUC

National Cable Television Association NCTA

National Council of La Raza (aka Public Advocates, Inc.) National Council of La Raza

National Emergency Number Association NENA

National Exchange Carrier Association NECA

National Public Telecomputing Network

National School Boards Association American Library Association,

American Library Association, including the American Association

of School Librarians, A Division of ALA,

National Education Association,

Consortium for School Networking,

Council of Chief State School Officers,

Education Legislative Service, Inc.,

National Association of Independent Schools,

National Association of Secondary School Principals,

American Federation of Teachers,


Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education,

National Association of Elementary School Principals,

American Association of School Administrators,

American Psychological Association,

Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development,

Council for American Private Education,

Council for Educational Development and Research,

Global Village Schools Institute,

National Association of State Boards of Education,

National Parents and Teachers Association,

United States Distance Learning Association,

Center for Media Education

(Comments) NSBA I

(Flexibility Analysis) NSBA II

New York State Department of Public Service New York DPS

Northern Telecommunications NorTel


Oakland Unified School District Oakland School District

Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel Ohio Consumers' Counsel

Office of People's Counsel of the District of Columbia OPC-DC

Pacific Telesis Group PacTel

Pennsylvania Library Association Pennsylvania Library Ass'n

Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission Pennsylvania PUC

People of the State of California, California PUC, California PUC

The Public Utilities Commission of the State of California

Personal Communications Industry Ass'n PCIA

Plummer, Paul

Public Broadcasting System PBS

Public Service Commission of the District of Columbia DC PSC

Puerto Rico Telephone Company Puerto Rico Tel. Co.

Reed Smith Shaw & McClay Reed, Smith

Rural Telephone Coalition RTC

Rural Utilities Serv. RUS

Siskiyou Telephone Company Siskiyou

South Dakota Independent Telephone Coalition SDITC

Southern New England Telephone Co. SNET

Southwestern Bell Telephone Company SWBT

Sprint Corporation Sprint

Taconic Telephone Corporation Taconic Tel. Corp.



Telefonica Larga Distancia de Puerto Rico TLD

Telephone Association of Michigan Tel. Assoc. of Michigan

Teleport Communications Group, Inc. Teleport

Texas Advisory Comm'n on State Emergency Comm. Texas Emergency

Texas Office of Public Utility Counsel Texas OPUC

Union City Board of Education

United Cerebral Palsy Associations United Cerebral Palsy Ass'n

United States Telephone Association USTA

United Utilities Inc. United Utilities

US Catholic Conf., Catholic Conference

National Coalition for the Homeless,

Washington Legal Clinic for the Homeless,

American Women's Roundtable,

Community Technology Institute,

Consumer Action,

Fifth Street Connection,

Heartland Alliance for Human Needs and Rights,

Interstate Migrant Education Council,

National Association for Migrant Educators,

Marcia Zashin, Education Consultant to Cleveland Public Schools and Project Act,

Migrant Legal Action Program,

Vermont Migrant Education Program

US Distance Learning Association

US National Comm'n on Libraries & Information Science U.S. Libraries

U S West, Inc. U S West

Vanguard Cellular Systems, Inc. Vanguard

Virgin Island Telephone Co. Vitelco

Virginia State Corporate Commission Virginia CC

Washington Independent Telephone Association WITA

Washington State Department of Information Services Washington DIS

Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission Washington UTC

West Virginia Consumer Advocate

Western Alliance Western Alliance

WinStar Communications, Inc. Winstar

Wyoming Public Service Commission Wyoming PSC



Commenter Abbreviation

AirTouch Communications, Inc. AirTouch

Alaska Telephone Association Alaska Tel.

Alaska Public Utilities Commission Alaska PUC

Alliance for Public Technology Alliance for Public Technology

American Library Association ALA

American Public Television Stations and Public Broadcasting APTS/PBS

Service Association


Apple Computer, Inc. Apple

Association for Local Telecommunications Services ALTS

AT&T Corp. AT&T

Bell Atlantic

BellSouth/National Economic Research Associates BellSouth

Benton Foundation Benton

California Library Association

Cathey, Hutton, & Assoc. Cathey, Hutton

Century Telephone & TDS Telecommunications Century

Citizens Utilities Companies Citizens Utilities

Colorado State Library

Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands CNMI

Competitive Telecommunications Association CompTel

Consumer Federation of America

Council of the Great City Schools Great City Schools

Council of Pennsylvania Library Networks

Education and Library Network Coalition EDLINC

Florida Public Service Commission Florida PSC

General Communications, Inc. GCI

General Service Administration GSA


GVNW, Inc./Management GVNW

Illinois State Library

Information Renaissance Information Renaissance

International Business Machines Corporation IBM

ITCs, Inc. ITC

Maine PUC, Maine PUC

The State of Maine Public Utilities Commission,

The State of Montana Public Service Commission,

The State of Nebraska Public Service Commission,

The State of New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission,

The State of New Mexico State Corporation Commission,

The State of Utah Public Service Commission,

The State of Vermont Department of Public Service and Public Service Board,

Public Service Commission of West Virginia

Maryland State Department of Education Maryland DOE


Media Access Project and People for the American Way MAP

Metricom, Inc. Metricom

MFS Communications Company, Inc. MFS

Minnesota Independent Coalition Minnesota Indep. Coalition

National Association of Manufacturers

National Association of Regulatory Utilities Commissioners NARUC

National Cable Television Association NCTA

National Coalition for the Homeless,

American Women's Roundtable,

Community Technology Institute,

Consumer Action,

Fifth Street Connection,

Heartland Alliance for Human Rights and Needs,

Interstate Migrant Education Council,

Migrant Legal Action Program,

National Association of Migrant Educators,

United Church of Christ, Office of Communications,

Marcia Zashin, Education Consultant to Cleveland Public Schools and Project Act,

Washington Legal Clinic for the Homeless,

Vermont Migrant Education Program

National Emergency Number Association NENA

National Exchange Carrier Association NECA

National Public Telecomputing Network

Netscape Communications Corporation Netscape

New York State Department of Education New York DOE


Oakland Unified School District Oakland School District

Pacific Telecom, Inc.

Pacific Telesis Group PacTel

Personal Communications Industry Association PCIA

Puerto Rico Telephone Company Puerto Rico Tel. Co.

Rural Telephone Coalition RTC

Rural Utilities Serv. RUS

Senate Education Technololgy Working Group

Southern New England Telephone Company SNET

Southwestern Bell Telephone Company SWBT

Sprint Corporation Sprint

Superintendent of Public Schools

Tele-Communications, Inc. TCI

Teleport Communications Group, Inc. Teleport

Time Warner Communications Hlds, Inc. Time Warner

Union City Board of Education

United Utilities, Inc. United Utilities

University of California

US Distance Learning Association

US National Commission on Libraries & Information Science U.S. Libraries

US Telephone Association USTA

US West, Inc. U S West

Vanguard Cellular Systems, Inc. Vanguard

Virgin Island Telephone Corp. Vitelco

Washington Superintendent of Public Instruction Washington SPI

Wireless Field Tests

Worthy, Patricia M.



Commenter Abbreviation

Alaska Public Utilities Commission Alaska PUC


AT&T Corp. AT&T

BellSouth/National Economic Research Associates BellSouth

California Public Utility Commission California PUC


Maine PUC Maine PUC


MFS Communications Company, Inc. MFS

National Cable Television Association NCTA

National Exchange Carrier Association NECA


Pacific Telesis Group PacTel

Rural Telephone Coalition RTC

Rural Utilities Serv. RUS

Sprint Corporation Sprint

Southwestern Bell Telephone Company SWBT

United States Telephone Association USTA

U S West, Inc. U S West



CC DOCKET 80-286

Commenter Abbreviation

Ad Hoc Telecommunications Users Committee Ad Hoc Telecom. Users

Alabama Public Service Commission Alabama PSC

Alaska Public Utilities Commission Alaska PUC

Alaska Telephone Association Alaska Tel.

Albion Telephone Company Albion Tel.

Alenco Communications, Inc. Alenco

Allnet Communications Services Allnet

ALLTEL Telephone Services Corporation ALLTEL

Alma Telephone Company Alma


AMSC Subsidiary Corporation AMSC

Arctic Slope Telephone Association Arctic

Arkansas Public Service Commission APSC

Ascension Telephone Company Ascension

Associated Communications & Research Services, Inc. Associated Communications

Association for Local Telecommunications Services ALTS

AT&T Corporation AT&T

Baltic Telecom Cooperative Baltic

Bell Atlantic Bell Atlantic

BellSouth Telecommunications, Inc. BellSouth

Blanca Telephone Company BTC

Buffalo Commons Group BCG

California Telephone Association CTA

Cambridge Telephone Co. Cambridge

Canby Telephone Association Canby

Cascade Utilities Cascade

Cathey, Hutton and Assoc., Inc. Cathey, Hutton

Central Utah Telephone, Inc. CUT

Century Telephone Enterprises, Inc. Century

Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe Telephone Authority Cheyenne River Sioux Tel.

Chillicothe Telephone Company Chillicothe

Churchill County Telephone and Telegraph System Churchill County

Cincinnati Bell Telephone Cincinnati Bell

Citizens Utilities Company Citizens Utilities

City of Ketchikan, Alaska d/b/a Ketchikan Public Utilities KPU

Coastal Utilities, Inc. Coastal

Colorado Independent Telephone Association, Inc. Colorado Indep. Tel.

Colton Telephone Company Colton

Competition Telecommunications Association CompTel

Consumers of Ohio, South Carolina and Florida Consumers

Copper Valley Telephone Cooperative Copper Valley

Cowiche Telephone Cowiche

Crossville Communications Crossville

Dell Telephone Cooperative Dell Tel.

Deposit Telephone Company Deposit

Ellensburg Telephone Company Ellensburg

Emery Telephone Emery

Farmers Telephone Company Farmers

Florida Public Service Commission Florida PSC

Fred Williamson and Associates Fred Williamson

General Communications, Inc. GCI

Golden West Communications, Inc., Golden West

Great Plains Communications, Inc. Great Plains


Gulf Telephone Company Gulf

GVNW, Inc./Management GVNW

Home Telephone Company Home


InterBel Telephone Cooperation InterBel

International Communications Association International Communications Ass'n


John Staurulakis, Inc. John Staurulakis

Kalona Cooperative Telephone Company Kalona

Kerrville Telephone Company Kerrville

Kingdom Telephone Company Kingdom

La Jicarita Rural Telephone Cooperative La Jicarita

LDDS Wolrdcom LDDS

Leaco Rural Telephone Cooperative Leaco

Lincoln County Telephone System, Inc. Lincoln County

Mantanuska Telephone Assn., Inc. Matanuska Tel. Ass'n

MCI Telecommunications Corporation MCI

MFS Communications Company, Inc. MFS

Mid-Rivers Telephone Cooperative, Inc. MRTC

Minnesota Telephone Association Minnesota Tel. Ass'n

Missouri Public Service Commission Missouri PSC

Molalla Telephone Company Molalla

Montana Telephone Assn.

Montana Telephone Company Montana Tel. Co.

Montrose Mutual Telephone Company Montrose

National Exchange Carrier Association NECA

National Rural Telecom Association NRTA

National Telephone Cooperative Association NCTA

Nehalem Telephone & Telegraph Company

New York State Department of Public Service New York DPS

North Carolina Utilities Commission North Carolina UC

North Dakota Telephone Company North Dakota Tel. Co.

North State Telephone Company North State Tel.

Northeast Florida Telephone Company Northeast Florida


Oregon Telephone Cooperative OTC

Oregon Utilities, Inc. Oregon Utilities

Organization for the Protection and Advancement OPASTCO

of Small Telephone Companies

Otz Telephone Cooperative Otz

Pacific Bell

Pacific Telecom, Inc.

Peetz Telephone Company Peetz

Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission Pennsylvania PUC

People of the State of California and the Public Utilities California PUC

Pigeon Telephone Company Pigeon

Pioneer Telephone

Pioneer Telephone Company Pioneer Tel.

Pond Branch Telephone Company Pond Branch Tel.

Puerto Rico Telephone Company Puerto Rico Tel. Co.

Range Telephone Cooperative Range

Rio Virgin Telephone Company Rio Virgin Tel.

Rochester Telephone Corporation Rochester Tel.

Rock Hill Telephone Company

Roggen Telephone Cooperative Roggen

Roosevelt County Rural Telephone Coop. Roosevelt Tel.

Roseville Telephone Company Roseville Tel.

Rural Telephone Company - Idaho RTC-I

Rural Telephone Company - Nevada RTC-N


Scott County Telephone Company Scott County Tel.

Silver Star Telephone Company Silver Star

Smithville Telephone Company Smithville Tel.

South Central Utah Telephone Assn. South Central Utah Tel.

Southern Montana Telephone Company Southern Montana Tel.

Southwestern Bell Telephone Company SWBT

Sprint Corporation Sprint

Taconic Telephone Corp. Taconic Tel. Corp.

Tallon, Cheeseman & Associates, Inc. Tallon, Cheeseman

TDS Telecom

Telec Consulting Resources, Inc.

Telephone Electronics Corporation TEC

Teleport Communications Group, Inc. Teleport

Texas Public Utilities Commission Texas PUC

Time Warner Telecommunications Time Warner

Trans-Cascade Telephone Co. Trans-Cascade

United States Telephone Association USTA

United Telephone Mutual Aid Corporation UTMAC

United Utilities, Inc. United


Vermont Department of Public Service Vermont DPS

Virgin Islands Public Service Commission VIPSC

Virgin Islands Telephone Corporation Vitelco

Washington Independent Telephone Assn. WIT

Small Company Committee

West River Telecommunications Cooperative West River

Western Alliance Western Alliance

Western Wahkiakum County Telephone Company Western Wahkiakum Tel.

Wyoming Public Service Commission Wyoming PSC

Yelm Telephone Company Yelm Tel.