DA 99-2567 Released: November 18, 1999 FCC COMMISSIONERS TO JOIN SEN. BYRON DORGAN AND THE NORTH DAKOTA PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION AT PUBLIC HEARING ON BRINGING BROADBAND SERVICES TO RURAL AMERICA Members of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), Sen. Byron Dorgan and the North Dakota Public Service Commission will conduct a Public Hearing on November 22, 1999 to examine issues related to the deployment of broadband services to rural America. The Hearing will be held November 22, 1999 from 12:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. at the Bismarck State College Student Union, Missouri Room, 1500 Edwards Avenue, Bismarck, North Dakota. FCC Chairman William Kennard, FCC Commissioner Susan Ness, FCC Commissioner Harold Furtchgott-Roth, Sen. Byron Dorgan, State Commissioner Bruce Hagen and State Commissioner Susan Wefald are expected to attend. Prior to the hearing, at 12:15 p.m. the FCC Commissioners and Sen. Dorgan will hold a brief press conference at the Bismarck State College Student Union, Alumni Room. The FCC is committed to ensuring that all Americans have access to the advanced telecommunications services that are an essential link to the new economy. At this hearing witnesses will discuss efforts to invest in broadband infrastructure to deliver services to rural America; any obstacles that may impede investment; the role of universal service mechanisms; the importance of access to this infrastructure to the economy of rural areas and what state and federal governments can do to accelerate investment. For further information please contact: Ellen Blackler, eblackle@fcc.gov, (202) 418- 0491. Media Contact: Michael Balmoris, mbalmoris@fcc.gov, (202) 418-0253. -- FCC--