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(.? ?).? ?(.??).(.)/(/?(/(/)/(/)/ ?-/ ./ -/-/?-0.0?-1.718281llmlmlmlllmlmlmlllmlmlmlllmlmlmlllmlmlmlllmlmlmlllmlmlmlllmlmlmll ^     XX Њ Figure 1  Figure 1 #` a2PQ1` P#y!X ddNOT.TIFy$XX%%%%!$PUBLIC NOTICE#q\2PQ=qP# !FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION !1919 M STREET, N.W. !WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554  T'%%XX%%c#YD2PQ$P# cNews Media Information (202) 4180500.  qF' XX Internet http://www.fcc.gov #r\ PQ#XP#  Xs'#N\  PQXP#    k5DA 99117 Released: January 7, 1999     FCC SEEKS COMMENT ON REQUEST FOR EXPEDITIOUS REVIEW OF THE TRANSFER OF THE LOCKHEED MARTIN  X' COMMUNICATIONS INDUSTRY SERVICES BUSINESS   X4S CC Docket No. 92237 ă  X4n[ NSD File No. 98151 ă  X_'  XH'Issues and/or Questions Due: January 22, 1999  X1' Comments on Lockheed Martin Request Due: March 17, 1999  X4  X4e INTRODUCTION ă  x  The Common Carrier Bureau (Bureau) hereby gives notice of a December 21, 1998 filing  !Iby Lockheed Martin IMS Corporation (Lockheed Martin) of a Request for Expeditious Review  !Vof the Transfer of the Lockheed Martin Communications Industry Services (CIS) Business to a  X4 !new independent company, Warburg, Pincus & Co.~  yO 'ԍIn the Matter of Request of Lockheed Martin Corporation and Warburg, Pincus & Co. for Review of the Transfer of the Lockheed Martin Communications Industry Services Business from Lockheed Martin Corporation to an Affiliate of Warburg, Pincus & Co., CC Docket No. 92237, NSD File No. 98151 (Dec. 21, 1998) (Lockheed Martin Request).~ The CIS business unit of Lockheed Martin IMS currently serves as the North American Numbering Plan Administrator (NANPA).  x4To ensure the most comprehensive review of the Lockheed Martin Request, the Bureau  !+seeks input from the public on issues that the Commission should address in considering this  !matter of significant public interest. Comments should be filed in accordance with the procedures outlined below. X!0*0*0*!3 !X| XԌ X4. k BACKGROUND ă  X4 xIn an order released on July 13, 1995, {OK'ԍAdministration of the North American Numbering Plan, Report and Order, CC Docket No. 92237, 11  {O'FCC Rcd 2588, 2590 (1995) (NANP Order). the Commission established the North American  X4 !gNumber Council (NANC) pursuant to the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA).B$ yO'ԍ5 U.S.C., App. 2.B The NANP  X4 !IOrder directed the NANC to recommend to the Commission and to other member countries of  !. the North American Numbering Plan (NANP) a neutral entity to serve as the NANPA and a  !mechanism for recovering the costs of NANP administration in the United States. The  !Commission's charge that the NANC recommend an impartial NANP administrator is consistent  !with Congress' directive in section 251(e) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended by  X54 !the Telecommunications Act of 1996,|5 yO'ԍTelecommunications Act of 1996, Pub. L. No. 101101, 110 Stat. 56 (1996). | that the Commission designate an impartial numbering administrator to make telecommunications numbering available on an equitable basis.  xOn October 9, 1997, the Commission affirmed the NANC's selection of Lockheed Martin  !as the NANPA, subject to conditions outlined in the order and to the rules proposed by the  X 4 !NANC to govern the activities of the NANPA.o\ D yO'ԍIn the Matter of Administration of the North American Numbering Plan and Toll Free Service Access  {O'Codes, Third Report and Order and Third Report and Order, CC Docket Nos. 92237 and 95155, FCC 97372  {OI'(rel. Oct. 9, 1997) (NANP Administration Third Report and Order).o The Commission also accepted the NANC's  !recommendation that Mitretek Systems (Mitretek) serve as the alternate NANPA, to assume  !RNANPA responsibilities for the remainder of the fiveyear term, if it wished to do so, should  X}4Lockheed Martin not perform the NANPA functions in a satisfactory fashion.n}h  {O'ԍNANP Administration Third Report and Order at para. 67.n  xThe NANPA is required by statute and by the Commission's rules to assign and  !+administer NANP resources in an efficient, effective, fair, unbiased, and nondiscriminatory  X!4 !manner.j!  {O'ԍSee 47 U.S.C.  251(e); 47 C.F.R.  52.13(b).j For this reason, in its February 20, 1997 NANP Administration Requirements  X 4 !+Document (Requirements Document), the NANC established specific criteria to ensure the  X4 !Ineutrality of the NANPA.U  yO0#'ԍRequirements Document at section 1.2U In general, the NANPA must be a "nongovernmental entity that is  X4 !not aligned with any particular telecommunications industry segment."U  yO%'ԍRequirements Document at section 1.2U More specifically, the" 0*(({"  !Requirements Document establishes that the NANPA may not be an affiliate of any  X4telecommunications service provider, and defined the term "affiliate."V  yOb'ԍRequirements Document at section 1.2.V  X4  X4 x=In its NANP Administration Third Report and Order, in evaluating possible NANP  !3administrators, the Commission addressed questions that had been raised about Lockheed Martin's  X4 !neutrality.r X {O'ԍNANP Administration Third Report and Order at paras. 7081.r Although the Commission determined that Lockheed Martin IMS could serve as the  !NANPA without compromising the purposes of the statute and the resulting neutrality criteria,  !pit also stated that if Lockheed Martin or its affiliates in the future offer common carrier services  XJ4 !that are more than de minimis in nature, we would reconsider the issue of Lockheed Martins  !Ineutrality under section 52.12 of the Commission's rules and consider ways to ensure continued  X 4neutrality.n   {O'ԍNANP Administration Third Report and Order at para. 81.n  X 4 xLockheed Martin assumed the NANPA functions in February 1998E \ | yO'ԍThe Commission's order required Bellcore, the previous NANPA, to transition the NANP functions to  {O'Lockheed Martin no later than 90 days after selection of Lockheed Martin. NANP Administration Third Report  {O'and Order at n.226. E and will have  !assumed the central office (CO) code administrator functions from all 11 regional CO code  X 4 !uadministrators by early June 1999."  {O'ԍNANP Administration Third Report and Order at n.226. Although the 18month time frame provided by the Commission for the transition of the Central Office (CO) code administration functions from the 11 regional CO code administrators to Lockheed Martin does not expire until August 1999, Lockheed Martin will complete the transition schedule in advance of that time frame. Recently, the Commission was placed on notice that  !Lockheed Martin is seeking to acquire Comsat Government Services, Inc., a wholly owned  !Vsubsidiary of Comsat, to facilitate the strategic aims of Lockheed Martin's newly formed Global  X}4 !Telecommunications subsidiary.yX}  yO'ԍ#X\  P6G;P#Lockheed Martin Corporation, Regulus, LLC, COMSAT Corporation, and COMSAT Government Services, Inc., application to International Bureau, Satellite Policy Branch, Report No. SPB139 (rel. Oct. 23, 1998). COMSAT holds a 214 authorization to provide international common carrier services. y On October 22, 1998, Lockheed Martin issued a report to the  !NANC, following upon several previous reports to the NANC, in which Lockheed Martin  !announced its intention to divest the CIS unit, in order to adhere to the Commissions neutrality  !requirement for the NANPA, as the third party administrator of numbering resources. The  !ILockheed Martin Request, outlined below, describes Lockheed Martin's proposed divestiture of the CIS unit. "0*((w"Ԍ X4  OVERVIEW OF LOCKHEED MARTIN REQUEST  xIn its filing, Lockheed Martin states that it has signed an agreement (Transaction  !<Agreement) to sell its CIS business unit to CIS management and an affiliate of E. M. Warburg,  X4 !Pincus & Co. (Warburg), Warburg, Pincus Equity Partners, L.P. (WPEP).Q yO'ԍLockheed Martin Request at 1, 5.Q Pursuant to the  !Transaction Agreement, 95% of Lockheed Martins equity interest in CIS will be acquired by CIS  !}Acquisition Corporation, a newly organized corporation, and WPEP. The remaining 5% interest  X_4will be maintained by Lockheed Martin.N_X yOh 'ԍLockheed Martin Request at 6.N  X14 xAccording to Lockheed Martin, the Transaction Agreement is structured so that the newly  X 4 !formed CIS Acquisition Corporation "stands in the shoes of its predecessor."N  yO'ԍLockheed Martin Request at 6.N Lockheed Martin  !maintains that the restructured CIS will deliver the same services using the same systems,  !processes and staff, and that all of the staff, systems and infrastructure required to deliver CIS  X 4 !services will transfer from Lockheed Martin to the newly structured CIS.N x yO'ԍLockheed Martin Request at 6.N Lockheed Martin  X 4 !states that the restructured CIS will offer services under the identical pricing, terms and  !conditions agreed to in CIS's response to the Requirements Documents and in subsequent  X4industryapproved statements of work.N yOI'ԍLockheed Martin Request at 6.N  x According to Lockheed Martin, the proposed transfer of the CIS business will serve the  XK4 !public interest. First, Lockheed Martin maintains that the CIS sale will be seamless to the  !industry and to CIS customers. As such, the proposed transfer is intended to ensure CIS's  X4 !Vcontinued ability to provide "high quality neutral third party numbering administration services."Q yOf'ԍLockheed Martin Request at 910.Q  xdSecond, Lockheed Martin states that the restructured CIS business will have a stable,  X4 !reliable and broadbased financial investor in Warburg. In this regard, Lockheed Martin notes  !that Warburg intends that CIS have access to the resources it needs to fulfill its existing  X4commitments and to grow and develop.O(  yO#'ԍLockheed Martin Request at 10.O " 0*(("Ԍ xThird, Lockheed Martin states that the ownership of the CIS business by Warburg will  X4 !ensure that CIS's operations remain neutral.O yOb'ԍLockheed Martin Request at 12.O Lockheed Martin claims that, as a financial  !investor, Warburg does not have the same neutrality conflicts as an operating company.  !&Lockheed Martin claims that Warburg will depend on CIS management team to lead and manage  X4 !cCIS.RX yO'ԍLockheed Martin Request at 1314.R Although Lockheed Martin acknowledges that Warburg has certain telecommunications  !Iinterests, it maintains that those telecommunications investments currently account for less than  !five percent of the value of Warburg's total private equity investments and that Warburg does  X_4not have a vested interest in the outcome of numbering administration decisions.R_ yO 'ԍLockheed Martin Request at 1519.R  xLockheed Martin also states that CIS and Warburg have committed to a Code of Conduct  !'to further ensure that neutrality is maintained. According to Lockheed Martin, the Code  !pguarantees that CIS will manage all of its operations in competitively neutral ways that meet the  !needs of the industry, that all service providers are treated equally, and that the confidentiality  X 4 !'of all CIS data is maintained.H x yO'ԍLockheed Request at 20.H In addition, CIS will conduct at its expense, "audits of its  X 4 !adherence to and performance relative to the neutrality requirements of the industry."O  yOw'ԍLockheed Martin Request at 20.O  !&Moreover, Lockheed Martin states that Warburg also has agreed to be bound by certain additional  !conditions "to ensure the continued neutrality of CIS regardless of the telecommunications  Xy4 !interests of its parent company."Oy yO'ԍLockheed Martin Request at 20.O Finally, any future investments by Warburg's private equity  !funds in telecommunications service providers, that meet the NANPA affiliation thresholds, would  !dbe the subject of discussions between Warburg and the Commission as to appropriate  !3informational barriers, safeguards or other alternatives to preserve the service levels and neutrality  X4of the CIS business.O(  yO'ԍLockheed Martin Request at 21.O  X4  REQUEST FOR PUBLIC COMMENT  X4 xN The NANP is the basic numbering scheme for the telecommunications networks located  !in 18 countries, including the United States, U.S. territories, Canada and countries in the  !Caribbean. Because of the importance of the NANPA's neutrality to the administration of  !Vnumbering resources on a neutral, fair, effective and efficient basis, the Bureau seeks to ensure  !Va comprehensive review of the Lockheed Martin Request. Moreover, because of the nature of  !the functions performed by the NANPA, the Bureau believes that public input into the review of"N 0*(("  !the Lockheed Martin Request is particularly important. For these reasons, the Bureau has  !}determined that interested parties should be permitted to raise reasonable and relevant questions concerning the Lockheed Martin Request and adopts the following procedures for this purpose:  X4 ( v(1)` ` Interested parties should submit to the Bureau issues and/or questions that they  ( believe should be addressed by Lockheed Martin before the Commission reaches  ( a determination on the Lockheed Martin Request. All issues and/or questions must be filed with the Bureau on or before January 22, 1999.(#`  X14 ( ,(2)` ` After evaluating all issues and questions raised by commenters, to ensure that the  ( 9subject matter is relevant to the decision that must be reached by the Commission  ( and to avoid duplication of issues and questions, the Bureau will forward, as soon  ( as possible, a consolidated list of issues and questions to Lockheed Martin for response.(#`  X 4 ( BX(3)X` ` Lockheed Martin should respond to all issues and questions propounded by the  ( Bureau within 15 days following receipt of the issues and questions from the  ( Bureau. If it objects to responding to an issue or question, Lockheed Martin  ( should state with specificity the nature of the objection. Thereafter, the Bureau may issue further rulings on the objections.(#`  X4 ( `X(4)X` ` The Bureau will place Lockheed Martin's responses on public notice as soon upon  ( Breceipt as possible. The Bureau seeks comment from the public by March 17,  ( 1999, on whether it should recommend to the Commission that the Lockheed Martin Request be granted, with or without any conditions.(#`  xExamples of the kinds of issues on which the Bureau seeks public input by January 22, 1999, include, but are not limited to, the following:  Xe4 ( X(1)X` ` the neutrality of the CIS Acquisition Corporation, on the basis of the neutrality  ( criteria set forth in the Requirements Document, as well as the Commission's rules and orders;(#`  X 4 ( (2)` ` the ability of the CIS Acquisition Corporation to perform the functions of the NANPA in accordance with the Requirements Document;(#`  X 4 ( vX(3)X` ` the commitment of the CIS Acquisition Corporation to perform the functions of the NANPA at the price agreed to by Lockheed Martin; and,(#`  X#4 (  X(4)X` ` the ability and commitment of the CIS Acquisition Corporation to fulfill the  ( remainder of Lockheed Martin's current term as NANPA, without compromising its neutrality and the resources needed to administer the NANP.(#` ":&0*((B$"Ԍ x'The Bureau also recognizes that the Commission adopted the NANC's recommendation  X4 !tthat Mitretek serve as the alternate NANPA, to assume NANPA responsibilities for the remainder  !&of the fiveyear term should Lockheed Martin not perform the NANPA functions in a satisfactory  !fashion. We note that Mitretek has urged the Commission to name it, the designated alternate,  X4 !Ias the NANPA successor to Lockheed Martin." {O'ԍSee, e.g., Letter from Dr. H. Gilbert Miller, Vice President, Center for Telecommunications and Advanced Technology, Mitretek, to Lawrence E. Strickling, Chief, Common Carrier Bureau, FCC, dated Dec. 8, 1998. Mitretek's December 8 letter is available on the NANC website, www.fcc.gov/ccb/Nanc, or from the Network Services Division Public Reference Room at the address provided below. For this reason, the Bureau also seeks public  !"input on issues and questions that Mitretek should be permitted to answer following procedures identical to those outlined above. Example of issues or questions for Mitretek might include:  XH4 ( m(1)` ` the ability of Mitretek to perform the functions of the NANPA in accordance with the Requirements Document;(#`  X 4 ( X(2)X` ` the price at which Mitretek would agree to perform the functions of the NANPA  ( Xand its ability and commitment to fulfill the remainder of Lockheed Martin's  ( current term as the NANPA, without compromising its neutrality and the resources needed to administer the NANP; and, (#`  X4 ( (3)` ` the manner in which Mitretek would transition the NANPA responsibilities to ensure a transparent and seamless transfer from the standpoint of the industry. (#`  !Interested parties also may wish to raise questions for either Lockheed Martin or Mitretek  !}concerning the impact of the transfer of the NANPA functions from Lockheed Martin to a new entity on the other 18 members of the NANP and on the seven LLCs in the United States.  xFinally, the Bureau notes that it is also contemporaneously requesting the NANC to  !Nprovide its input to the Bureau on the issues and questions that should be directed both to  !Lockheed Martin and to Mitretek. Based on the NANC's expertise, the Bureau believes its input  !ywill assist the Commission in reaching a decision that ensures the NANPA's neutrality to the  X4administration of numbering resources on a neutral, fair, effective and efficient basis.    Xe' BPROCEDURAL MATTERS  X74 ! Proposed issues and/or questions on the Lockheed Martin Request must be filed with the Bureau  X 4 !*by January 22, 1999 . Comments on the Lockheed Martin Request must be filed with the Bureau  X 4 !C!by March 17, 1999. Parties should reference CC Docket No. 92237 and NSD File No. 98151  !lin their comments. Parties may obtain the Lockheed Martin Request at the NANC website,  !www.fcc.gov/ccb/Nanc. The Lockheed Martin Request is available for public inspection and  !copying in the Network Services Division Public Reference Room, Room 220, 2000 M Street,  !NW, Washington, DC 20554. Copies of the Lockheed Martin Request also are available from ITS, at 1231 20th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20036, or by calling (202) 857-3800.""0*((!"Ԍ !ԙComments may be filed using the Commission's Electronic Comment Filing System (ECFS) or  X4 !/by filing paper copies. {Ob'#X\  P6G;P#эSee Electronic Filing of Documents in Rulemaking Proceedings, 63 Fed. Reg. 24,121 (1998). Comments filed through the ECFS can be sent as an electronic file via  !pthe Internet to . Generally, only one copy of an electronic  !psubmission must be filed. If multiple docket or rulemaking numbers appear in the caption of this  !proceeding, however, commenters must transmit one electronic copy of the comments to each  !docket or rulemaking number referenced in the caption. In completing the transmittal screen,  !commenters should include their full name, Postal Service mailing address, and the applicable  !docket or rulemaking number. Parties may also submit an electronic comment by Internet email.  !To get filing instructions for email comments, commenters should send an email to  !ecfs@fcc.gov, including "get form " in the body of the message. A sample  ! form and directions will be sent in reply.Comments may be filed using the Commission's  X 4Electronic Comment Filing System (ECFS) or by filing paper copies.  Z {O'#X\  P6G;P#эSee Electronic Filing of Documents in Rulemaking Proceedings, 63 Fed. Reg. 24,121 (1998).  X 4 xThis proceeding is considered exempt for ex parte purposes. 47 C.F.R.  1.1200(a),  !1.1204(b). Interested parties should file an original and four copies of their comments with the  !Office of the Secretary, Federal Communications Commission, 445 Twelfth St., S.W., Room TW !A325, Washington, D.C. 20554. In addition, parties should send two copies to Jeannie Grimes,  !Common Carrier Bureau, FCC, Suite 235, 2000 M Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20554, and one copy to ITS, at 1231 20th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036.  XM4  X64 ! FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Kris Monteith at (202) 4181520 or Jared  !Carlson or Jeannie Grimes at (202) 4182320. The address is: Network Services Division,  !pCommon Carrier Bureau, Federal Communications Commission, 2000 M Street, NW, Suite 235,  !pWashington, D.C. 20054. The fax number is: (202) 4182345. The TTY number is: (202) 4180484.