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Peoples Telephone Co. IA  X-Peoples Telephone Company, Inc.TN  X (-Peoples Telephone Com=@U =X7'*&'&'& && ?%% $#?$" $" #" ?#" ?# ?À" ?"  ?"  "  " ? ?" ? ?" ? ?" " ? ?  ?? ?  ?  ? ?!?!?!??!~???!?!????????????|??? ??  ???? ? ? ???????8?x?x? ? ??? ?? ?? ? ?? ? ? ?  ? ? ?  ??  ?  ?? 0? ?? 8 ?? 8?? ?? ??? ???   @ ? ? ? ! ?!$$?$?$??#??#?8?##?# ??# ?# ?% %~&''?''?'?'''?'*)*?*p*|*~*?*?*?À**?----CCC C ?C ?C E E E ?E E E ?EEEE?EDEEEG?GGG G G ?8 6 6 6 ?6? ?5 5 7 7 7       ?   ?  ?  ? ?? ?  ? ?  ? ?  ?? ??  ?? ??  ?? ??  ?? ?  ??   ?   ?   ?          ǀ      ?              ?  ? ? ?  ?? ? À8 ? ?         ?  ? ?   ?       ?  ?À   À      ??    ? ?? ?   ?    ?  ?  À    ??    ?  ?   ? ?           ?      ? ?        ?     >   ??       ?  ?          ?     ?   ?   ?            ?? ? ??  ? ?   ?            ?        ??  ?  ?    &  '  '        ?       ?            ??  ??  ? ? ?   ?    ?                        ?   ??   ?   ? ?ǀ   ?ǀ  ? ?À  ? ?À   ?À   ?À   ?         ?         ?  ?  π       ?   ?            ?  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X-WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554hh@hpp  xx DA 98 2642  yx\ dddhy  aE#6\  P6QАP#News media information 202/4180500 FaxOnDemand 202/4182830 Internet: http://www.fcc.gov ftp.fcc.gov  X-x` `  hh@hpp #Xj\  P6G;XP#CORRECTED VERSION  X-x%#XP\  P6QXP# COMMON CARRIER BUREAU SENDS LIST OF RURAL TELEPHONE `COMPANIES TO THE UNIVERSAL SERVICE ADMINISTRATIVE COMPANY sFOR PURPOSES OF DETERMINING FEDERAL UNIVERSAL SERVICE  X - HIGH COST SUPPORT BEGINNING JULY 1, 1999 T  Xg -T CC Docket 9645 T  X9-T= Released: December 31, 1998 X(#  X -X(#PxOn May 8, 1997, the Commission established in the Universal Service Order that rural and nonrural LECs will receive federal universal service support determined by separate  X-mechanisms. XX-  1#Xj\  P6G;XP#эxFederalState Joint Board on Universal Service, Report and Order, 12 FCC Rcd 8776,  XC-8927,  273 (1997) (Universal Service Order). In order to differentiate between rural and nonrural carriers, the Common Carrier Bureau (Bureau) released a Public Notice on September 23, 1997 that requires local exchange carriers (LECs) seeking to be classified as rural telephone companies to file a letter with the Commission by April 30 of each year in which they selfcertify that they meet the  X-statutory definition of "rural telephone company."+f X-  #Xj\  P6G;XP#эxSelfCertification as a Rural Telephone Company, Public Notice, DA 971748 (rel. Sept.  X-23, 1997) (SelfCertification Public Notice). See 47 U.S.C.  153(37).+ In the SelfCertification Public Notice, the Bureau stated that it would send a list of carriers certified as rural telephone companies to the  XW-Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) by July 31 of each year.aW X -#Xj\  P6G;XP#эxId.a On June 22, 1998, the Bureau released a Public Notice acknowledging the receipt of such selfcertification  X)-letters.)) X#-  #Xj\  P6G;XP#эxCommission Acknowledges Receipt of Letters SelfCertifying LECs as Rural Telephone  Xz$-Companies, Public Notice, DA 981205 (rel. June 22, 1998) (June 22 Public Notice).) The new support system for nonrural companies was scheduled to be implemented  X-January 1, 1999. On July 17, 1998, however, the Commission released an Order indicating that the revised high cost support mechanisms for nonrural carriers will take effect July 1,  X-1999.S  X(-  #Xj\  P6G;XP#эxFederalState Joint Board on Universal Service, Order and Order on Reconsideration,  X)-FCC 98160 (rel. July 17, 1998) (Order). The Bureau released a Public Notice on July 31, 1998, indicating that it would submit ,,,e@k[!\Locket 9645 \ '#k X\ hT  X-a list of rural telephone companies to USAC on January 1, rather than July 31, of each year.: Xy- xN#Xj\  P6G;XP#э Common Carrier Bureau Announces New Date for Sending List of Rural Telephone  Xb- xCompanies to the Universal Service Administrative Company, Public Notice, DA 981520 (rel. July 31, 1998).: xFor purposes of determining federal universal service high cost support for July 1, 1999 through June 30, 2000, we will treat as rural carriers the LECs that filed rural selfcertification letters this year. The list of carriers in Attachment 1 that we are sending to  X-USAC includes those carriers listed in the attachment to the June 22 Public Notice announcing receipt of the rural selfcertification letters as well as those carriers that submitted  Xa-selfcertification letters after release of the June 22 Public Notice. The Bureau's acceptance of a carrier's selfcertification as rural in this Public Notice is not intended to confer status as a "rural telephone company" on such carrier for future years or for any other purpose. This does not preclude further guidance in interpreting the definition of "rural telephone company" in the future or a determination for future years that a carrier that has selfcertified as rural should be instead treated as a nonrural carrier. xFor further information contact Katie King, Accounting Policy Division, Common  X -Carrier Bureau at (202) 4187400. "fM,**"  X- %S;    %S;  #XP\  P6QXP##XP\  P6QXP# )Attachment 1 ă  X-  List Of Carriers Who Filed Rural SelfCertification Letters ă J ddx!((J    3 Rivers Telephone Cooperative, Inc.Absaraka Cooperative Telephone CompanygAccent Communications, Inc.*Accipiter Communications, Inc.Accucomm Telecommunications, Inc.Ace Telephone AssociationsAce Telephone Company of Michigan, Inc.6Adams Telephone Cooperative, Inc.Agate Mutual Telephone Alaska Telephone Company Albany Mutual Telephone Assoc.B Albion Telephone Company, Inc. Alenco Communications, Inc. AlhambraGrantfork Telephone Company All West Communications/UTNAll West Communications/WYAllendale Telephone CompanyALLTEL Alabama, Inc.ALLTEL Arkansas, Inc.ZALLTEL Carolina, Inc.NorthALLTEL Florida, Inc.ALLTEL Georgia Communications CorporationALLTEL Georgia, Inc.fALLTEL Kentucky, Inc.)ALLTEL Mississippi, Inc.ALLTEL Missouri, Inc.ALLTEL New York, Inc.rALLTEL Ohio, Inc.5ALLTEL Oklahoma, Inc.ALLTEL Pennsylvania, Inc.ALLTEL South Carolina, Inc.~Alma Telephone Company GeorgiaAAlma Telephone Company MissouriAlpine Communications, L.C.Amana Colonies Telephone CompanyAmelia Telephone CorporationMAmerican Samoa Telecommunications AuthorityAmery Telecom, Inc.Amherst Telephone Company Andrew Telephone Co.Y!Arcadia Telephone Company"Arcadia Telephone Cooperative"Ardmore Telephone Company#Arizona Telephone Companye$Arkansas Telephone Company, Inc.(%Arlington Telephone Company%Armour Independent Telephone Company&  Armstrong Telephone Company Northern Divisionq'  Armstrong Telephone Company MD4(Armstrong Telephone Company NY(Armstrong Telephone Company PA"),**m8@8")Armstrong Telephone Company WVArmstrong Telephone Company NorthArrowhead Communications Corp.Arthur Mutual Telephone CompanyIArtic Slope Telephone Association Coop., Inc. Arvig Telephone CompanyAsotin Telephone CompanyATC CommunicationsUAtkins Telephone Company, Inc.Atlantic Telephone Membership CorporationAtlas Telephone Co., Inc.Ayersville Telephone Co.aAyrshire Farmers Mutual Telephone Company$ Baca Valley Telephone Co Inc Badger Telecom, Inc. Baldwin Telecom, Inc.m BaldwinNashville Telephone Company, Inc.0 Ballard Rural Telephone Cooperative, Inc. Baltic Telecom Cooperative Baraga Telephone CompanyyBarnardsville Telephone Company<Barnes City Cooperative Telephone Co.Barry County Telephone CompanyBascom Mutual Telephone CompanyBay Springs Telephone CompanyHBayland Telephone, Inc. Bear Lake Communications, Inc.Beaver Creek Cooperative Telephone Co.Beehive Telephone CompanyTBeehive Telephone Company, Inc. NevadaBeggs Telephone Co., Inc.BEK Communications Cooperative  BEK Communications I, Inc.`  Belmont Telephone Company#Ben Lomand Rural Telephone Coop., Inc.Benkelman Telephone Company, Inc.Benton Cooperative TelephonelBenton Ridge Telephone Company/Beresford Municipal Telephone CompanyBergen Telephone Company IllinoisBergen Telephone Company WisconsinxBerkshire Telephone Corporation;Bernard Telephone Co., Inc.Bettles Telephone, Inc. Big Bend Telephone Company!Big Sandy Telecom, Inc.G"Bijou Telephone CoOp Assn. #Bixby Telephone Co.#Black Earth Telephone Company$Blackduck Telephone CompanyS%Blackfoot Telephone Cooperative, Inc.&Blair Telephone Company&Blanca Telephone Company'Blanchard Telephone Association_(Bledsoe Telephone Cooperative")Bloomer Telephone Company" *,**/::")Bloomingdale Home Telephone Co.Bloomingdale Telephone Company, Inc.Blossom Telephone Co., Inc.Blountsville Telephone CompanyIBlue Earth Valley Telephone Company Blue Ridge Telephone CompanyBlue Valley Telephone CompanyBluestem Telephone CompanyUBluffton Telephone Co., Inc.Bonduel Telephone CompanyBorder to Border Communications, Inc.Bourbeuse Telephone CompanyaBPM, Inc. dba Noxapater Company$ BPS Telephone Company Brandenburg Telephone Co. Brantley Telephone Company, Inc.m Brazoria Telephone Company0 Brazos Telecommunications, Inc. Brazos Telephone Cooperative, Inc. Breda Telephone CorporationyBretton Woods Telephone Company<Bridge Watter Telephone CompanyBridgewaterCanistota Independent Tel. Co.Brindlee Mountain Tel Co.Bristol Bay Telephone Cooperative, Inc.HBrooklyn Mutual Telephone Company Bruce Telephone Co., Inc. MississippiBruce Telephone Company WisconsinBryant Pond Telephone CompanyTBuckland Telephone CompanyBuffalo Valley TelephoneBuggs Island Telephone CooperativeBulloch Telephone Cooperative, Inc.`Burke's Garden Telephone Company#Burlington, Brighton & Wheatland Telephone Co.BushTell, Inc.Butler Telephone CompanylCML Telephone Cooperative, Ass'n/CR Telephone CompanyC.R.S.T. Telephone AuthorityCalaveras Telephone CompanyxCalhoun City Telephone Company;CaliforniaOregon Telephone CompanyCallaway Telephone Company Cambridge Telephone Company Idaho!Cambridge Telephone Company IllinoisG"Cambridge Telephone Company Nebraska #Camden Telephone and Telegraph, Inc.#Camden Telephone Company$Cameron Telephone CompanyS%Cameron Telephone Company Texas&CamptiPleasant Hill Telephone Co., Inc.&Canadian Valley Tel. Co.'Canby Telephone Association_(Cannon Valley Telecom, Inc.")Cap Rock Telephone Cooperative, Inc." *,**/::")Carnegie Telephone Company, Inc.Carr Telephone CompanyCascade Telephone CompanyCascade Utilities, Inc.ICasco Telephone Company Casey Mutual Telephone CompanyCass County Telephone Company IllinoisCass County Telephone Company MissouriUCassadaga Telephone CorporationCastleberry Tel. Co., Inc.Cencom of WisconsinCenter Junction Telephone Company, Inc.aCentral Arkansas Telephone Cooperative, Inc.$ Central Montana Communications, Inc. Central Oklahoma Telephone Co. Central Scott Telephonem Central State Telephone Company0 Central Telephone Company of Illinois Central Texas Telephone Cooperative, Inc. Central Utah Telephone, Inc.yCentury Tel. of Southwest, Inc. (New Mexico)<Century Telephone of Adamsville, Inc.Century Telephone of Arkansas, Inc.Century Telephone of Central Indiana, Inc.Century Telephone of Central Louisiana, Inc.HCentury Telephone of Chatham, Inc. Century Telephone of Chester, Inc.Century Telephone of Claiborne, Inc.Century Telephone of Colorado, Inc.TCentury Telephone of East Louisiana, Inc.Century Telephone of Evangeline, Inc.Century Telephone of FairwaterBrandonAlto, Inc.Century Telephone of Forestville, Inc.`Century Telephone of Idaho, Inc.#Century Telephone of Lake Dallas, Inc.Century Telephone of LarsenReadfield, Inc.Century Telephone of Michigan, Inc.lCentury Telephone of Midwest, Inc./Century Telephone of Monroe County, Inc.Century Telephone of Mountain Home, Inc.Century Telephone of North Louisiana, Inc.xCentury Telephone of North Mississippi, Inc.;Century Telephone of Northern Michigan, Inc.Century Telephone of Northern Wisconsin, Inc. Century Telephone of Northwest Louisiana, Inc.!Century Telephone of Northwest Wisconsin, Inc.G"Century Telephone of Odon, Inc. #Century Telephone of Ohio, Inc.#Century Telephone of OoltewahCollegedale, Inc.$Century Telephone of Port Arnsas, Inc.S%Century Telephone of Redfield, Inc.&Century Telephone of Ringgold, Inc.&Century Telephone of San Marcos, Inc.'Century Telephone of South Arkansas, Inc._(Century Telephone of Southeast Louisiana, Inc.")Century Telephone of Southern Wisconsin, Inc." *,**/::")Century Telephone of Southwest Louisiana, Inc.Century Telephone of Southwest, Inc. (Arizona)Century Telephone of Wisconsin, Inc.CFW Telephone Inc.IChamplain Telephone Company Champlain Valley TelecomChapin Telephone CompanyChariton Valley Telephone Corp.UChatham Telephone CompanyChautauqua & Erie Telephone CorporationChazy & Westport Telephone Corp.Chequamegon Telephone Cooperative, Inc.aCherokee Telephone Company$ Chesnee Telephone Company, Inc. Chester Telephone Company Chibardun Telephone Cooperative, Inc.m Chichester Telephone Company0 Chickamauga Telephone Corporation Chickasaw Telephone Company Chillicothe Telephone CompanyyChina Telephone Company<Chippewa County Telephone CompanyChoctaw Telephone Co.Chouteau Telephone CompanyChristensen Communications Co. d/b/a Madelia Telephone Co. HChugwater Telephone Company Churchill County Telephone & TelegraphCimarron Telephone Company, Inc.Circle TelephoneTCitizen's Telephone CorporationCitizens Mountain State Telephone CompanyCitizens Telecommunications Co. of the Volunteer State, LLCCitizens Telecommunications Co. of the White Mountains, Inc. `Citizens Telecommunications Company of California#Citizens Telecommunications Company of IdahoCitizens Telecommunications Company of MontanaCitizens Telecommunications Company of NevadalCitizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada/Citizens Telecommunications Company of New YorkCitizens Telecommunications Company of New YorkCitizens Telecommunications Company of New YorkxCitizens Telecommunications Company of Oregon;Citizens Telecommunications Company of Tennessee, LLCCitizens Telecommunications Company of the Golden State Citizens Telecommunications Company of Tuolomne!Citizens Telecommunications Company of UtahG"Citizens Telecommunications Company West Virginia #Citizens Telephone Company North Carolina#Citizens Telephone Company of Hammond, NY, Inc.$Citizens Telephone Company of Higginsville MissouriS%Citizens Telephone Company of Kecksburg&Citizens Telephone Company, Inc. Georgia&Citizens Telephone Cooperative, Inc.WI'Citizens Telephone CooperativeVA_(Citizens Utilities Rural Company, Inc.")City of Barnesville" *,**/::")City of Brookings Municipal TelephoneClara City Telephone CompanyClarence Telephone Company, Inc.Clark Fork Telecommunications, Inc.IClarks Telecommunications Co. Clay County Rural Telephone Cooperative, Inc.Clear Creek Mutual Telephone CompanyClear Lake Independent Telephone Company IowaUClear Lake Independent Telephone CompanyClear Lake Telephone Company, Inc. WisconsinClements Telephone Co., Inc.Cleveland County Telephone Company, Inc.aClimax Telephone Co.$ Coastal Utilities, Inc. Cobbosseecontee Tel & Tel Co. Cochrane Cooperative Telephone Companym Coleman County Telephone Cooperative0 Colo Telephone Company Colorado Valley Telephone Cooperative, Inc. Colton Telephone CompanyyColumbine Telecom Company<Columbine Telephone Company dba Teton TelecomColumbus Grove Telephone CompanyColumbus Telephone CompanyComanche County Telephone Company, Inc.HCommonwealth Telephone Company Communications Corporation of Indiana, Inc.Communications Corporation of MichiganCommunications Corporation of Southern Indiana, Inc.TCommunity Service Telephone CompanyCommunity Telephone Co., Inc.ComSouth Telecommunications, Inc.Concord Telephone Company`Concord Telephone Exchange, Inc.#Conestoga Telephone & TelegraphConneaut Telephone CompanyConsolidated Telco., Inc.lConsolidated Telephone Co. Minnesota/Consolidated Telephone Company NebraskaConsolidated Telephone CooperativeContel of Arkansas, Inc. dba GTE Arkansas, Inc.xContel of CA Nevada;Contel of California, Inc.Continental Telephone Company Contoocook Valley Telephone Co, Inc.!Coon Creek Telephone CompanyG"Coon Valley Coop Telephone Assn. #Coon Valley Farmers Telephone Company, Inc.#Cooperative Telephone Company$Cooperative Telephone ExchangeS%Copper Valley Telephone Cooperative, Inc.&Copper Valley Telephone, Inc.&Cordova Telephone Cooperative, Inc.'Corn Belt Telephone Co._(Council Grove Telephone Co.")Cowiche Telephone Company" *,**/::")Cozad Telephone CompanyCraigville Telephone CompanyCrandon Telephone CompanyCrawKan Telephone Cooperative, Inc. KansasICrawKan Telephone Cooperative, Inc. Missouri CrockettTelephone Company, Inc.Cross Telephone CompanyCrosslake Telephone CompanyUCrossville Telephone CompanyCrown Point Telephone CorporationCTC Communications, Inc.Cuba City Telephone ExchangeaCumberland Telephone Company$ Cumby Telephone Cooperative, Inc. Cunningham Telephone Company, Inc. Curtis Telephone Company, Inc.m Custer Telephone Cooperative, Inc.0 Dakota Central Telecom I   Dakota Central Telecommunications Cooperative   Dakota Telecommunications Group, Inc.yDalton Telephone Company, Inc.<  Danube Telephone Company   Danville Mutual Telephone CompanyDarien Telephone CompanyDaviessMartin County Rural Telephone CorporationHDecatur Telephone Co., Inc. Decatur Telephone CompanyDeep River Mutual Telephone CompanyDeerfield Farmers Tel. Co.TDefiance Telephone Company, Inc.DeKalb Telephone CooperativeDelavan Telephone CompanyDelcambre Telephone Company, Inc.`Delhi Telephone Company#Dell Tel Coop New MexicoDell Telephone Cooperative TexasDelta County TeleComm, Inc.lDelta Telephone Company, Inc./Denver and Ephrata Tel. and Telegraph Co. dba D&E Tel. Co. Deposit Telephone Company  Dickey Rural Communications, Inc.x  Dickey Rural Telephone Cooperative;Dickeyville Telephone CorporationDiller Telephone Company Dixon Telephone Company!Dixville Telephone Co.G"Dobson Telephone Company, Inc. #Doylestown Telephone Company#Drenthe Telephone Co.$Dubois Telephone Exchange, Inc.S%Ducor Telephone Company&Dumont Telephone Company&Dunbarton Telephone Company'Dunkerton Telephone Cooperative_(Dunkirk and Fredonia Telephone Company")Dunnell Telephone Co., Inc." * ,**/::")Duo County Telephone Cooperative Corp., Inc.E. Ritter Telephone CompanyE.N.M.R. Telephone Cooperative IncEagle Valley Telephone CompanyIEagle Telecommunications, Inc. Eagle PTI Eagle Telephone System, Inc.EagleNet, Inc.East Ascension Telephone Company, Inc.UEast Buchanan Telephone CooperativeEast Plains Telecom, Inc.EastCoast Telecom, Inc.Eastern Nebraska Telephone CompanyaEastern Slope Rural Telephone Assoc., Inc.$ Eastex Telephone Cooperative, Inc. Easton Telephone Company Eckles Telephone Companym Edwards Telephone Company, Inc.0 Egyptian Telephone Cooperative Association El Paso County Telephone Company El Paso Telephone CompanyyElectra Telephone Company, Inc.<Elizabeth Telephone CompanyElkhart Telephone Company, Inc.Ellensburg Telephone CompanyEllerbe Telephone CompanyHEllijay Telephone Company Ellington Telephone CompanyEllsworth Cooperative Telephone AssociationElsie Mutual Telephone Co.TEmery TelephoneEmily Cooperative TelephoneEmpire Telephone CorporationEtex Telephone Coop., Inc.`Eustis Telephone Exchange#Evans Telephone CompanyFaith Municipal Telephone CompanyFarber Telephone Co.lFarmers & Merchants Mutual Telephone Co./Farmers Cooperative Telephone Company DysartFarmers Independent Telephone CompanyFarmers Mutual Cooperative Telephone Company HarlanxFarmers Mutual Cooperative Telephone Company Moulton;Farmers Mutual Telephone Company OhioFarmers Mutual Telephone Company Idaho Farmers Mutual Telephone Company Bellingham!Farmers Mutual Telephone Company JesupG"Farmers Mutual Telephone Company Nora Springs #Farmers Mutual Telephone Company Stanton#Farmers Mutual Telephone Cooperative of Shellsburg$Farmers Telephone Company WisconsinS%Farmers Telephone Company Essex&Farmers Telephone Company Riceville&Farmers Telephone Company, Inc.Colorado'Farmers Telephone Cooperative, Inc.AL_(Farmers Telephone Cooperative, Inc.SC")Farmers' & Business Mens' Telephone Company" * ,**/::")Farmers' Telephone Company BataviaFederated Telephone CooperativeFelton Telephone Co.Fenton Cooperative Telephone CompanyIFidelity Telephone Company Filer Mutual Telephone Company Idaho  Filer Mutual Telephone Company Nevada  Fishers Island Telephone CompanyUFive Area Telephone Coop, Inc.Flat Rock Telephone CoOp, Inc.Foothills Rural Telephone Cooperative corporation, Inc.Foresthill Telephone Co., Inc.aFort Bend Telephone Company$ Fort Jennings Telephone Company Fort Mill Telephone Company Fort Mojave Telecommunications, Inc.m Fort Randall Telephone Company0 Franklin Telephone Co., Inc. Franklin Telephone Company, Inc. Fremont TelcomyFrontier Comm of Alabama, Inc.<Frontier Comm of AuSable Valley, Inc.Frontier Comm of Breezewood, Inc.Frontier Comm of Canton, Inc.Frontier Comm of DePue, Inc.HFrontier Comm of Fairmount, Inc. Frontier Comm of Georgia, Inc.Frontier Comm of Illinois, Inc.Frontier Comm of Indiana, Inc.TFrontier Comm of Lakeshore, Inc.Frontier Comm of Lakeside, Inc.Frontier Comm of Lakewood, Inc.Frontier Comm of Lamar County, Inc.`Frontier Comm of Michigan Ohio#Frontier Comm of Michigan, Inc.Frontier Comm of Midland, Inc.Frontier Comm of Minnesota, Inc.lFrontier Comm of Mississippi, Inc./Frontier Comm of Mondovi, Inc.Frontier Comm of Mt. Pulaski, Inc.Frontier Comm of New York, Inc.xFrontier Comm of Orion, Inc.;Frontier Comm of Oswayo River, Inc.Frontier Comm of Pennsylvania, Inc. Frontier Comm of Prairie, Inc.!Frontier Comm of Schuyler, Inc. IAG"Frontier Comm of Schuyler, Inc. IL #Frontier Comm of Seneca Gorham, Inc.#Frontier Comm of St. Croix, Inc.$Frontier Comm of Sylvan Lake, Inc.S%Frontier Comm of the South, Inc. AL&Frontier Comm of the South, Inc. FL&Frontier Comm of Thorntown, Inc.'Frontier Comm of Viroqua, Inc._(Frontier Comm of Wisconsin, Inc.")Frontier Communications of Iowa, Inc." * ,**/::")Fulton Telephone Company, Inc.  Gallatin River Communications  Ganado Telephone Company, Inc.Garden Valley Telephone CompanyIGardonville Coop. Tel. Assn. Geetingsville Telephone, Inc.Gem State Utilities Corporation IdahoGem State Utilities Corporation NevadaUGeneseo Telephone CompanyGeorgetown Telephone Company, Inc.Georgia ALLTEL Telecom, Inc.Georgia Telephone CorporationaGermantown Independent Telephone Company$ Germantown Telephone Company, Inc. Gervais Telephone Company Gila River Telecommunications, Inc.m Glacier State Telephone Company0 Glandorf Telephone Co., Inc. Glasford Telephone Company Glenwood Telephone CompanyyGlenwood Telephone Membership Corporation<Golden Belt Telephone Association, Inc.Golden West TelecommunicationsGoldfield Telephone CompanyGoodman Telephone CompanyHGorham Telephone Company, Inc. Goshen Telephone CompanyGraceba Total Communications, Inc.Grafton Telephone CompanyTGranada Telephone CompanyGranby Tel. & Telegraph Company, Inc. of MassachusettsGranby Telephone CompanyGrand Mound Cooperative Telephone Association`Grand River Mutual Telephone Corporation Iowa#Grand River Mutual Telephone Corporation MissouriGrand Telephone Company, Inc.Granite State TelephonelGrantland Telecom, Inc./Great Plains Communications, Inc.Green Hills Telephone CorporationGridley Telephone Co.xGriggs County Telephone Co.;Griswold Cooperative Telephone CompanyGrove Hill Telephone Corporation GTC, Inc. dba GT Com. AL!GTC, Inc. dba GT Com. GAG"GTE Alaska, Inc. #GTE IowaContel#GTE Kentucky Contel$GTE Midwest IowaS%GTE Midwest Nebraska&GTE Minnesota&GTE Northwest, Inc.'GTE NW Washington Contel_(GTE of Eastern MO Contel")GTE Pennquaker State contel" * ,**/::")GTE Pennsylvania ContelGTE SE New Mexico Contel GTE South New MexicoGTE South VirginiaIGTE South Carolina Contel GTE South, Inc.Alltel IllinoisGTE Southwest, Inc.GTE Systems of the So. Alltel MIUGTE Systems of IowaContelGTE Systems of MO ContelGTE Systems of the SOAlltel IndianaGTE West Coast, Inc.aGuadalupe Valley Telephone Cooperative, Inc.$ Guam Telephone Authority Gulf Telephone Company Gunnison Telephone Companym H & B Communications, Inc.0 Hager Telecom, Inc. Halstad Telephone Company Hamilton County Telephone CoopyHamilton Telephone Company<Hampden Telephone CompanyHancock Rural Telephone Corp.Hancock Telephone Co. MinnesotaHancock Telephone Company New YorkHHanson County Telephone Company Happy Valley Telephone CompanyHardy Telecommunications, Inc.Hargray Telephone Co., Inc.THarmony Telephone Co.Harold Telephone Company, Inc.Harrisonville Telephone CompanyHart Telephone Company`Hartington Telecommunications, Inc.#Hartland & St. Albans Telephone CompanyHartman Telephone CompanyHat Island Telephone CompanylHaviland Telephone Co., Inc./Hawkeye Telephone Co.Haxtum Telephone CompanyHayneville Telephone Company, Inc.xHeadwaters Telephone Company;Heart of Iowa Tel. CooperativeHeartland Communications, Inc. Heartland Telecommunications Company of Iowa!Heath Springs Telephone CompanyG"Helix Telephone Company #Hemingford Cooperative Telephone Company#Henderson Coop Telephone Company$Henry County Telephone CompanyS%Hershey Cooperative Telephone Company&Hiawatha Telephone Co.&Hickory Telephone co.'Highland Telephone Cooperative_(Hill Country Telephone Cooperative, Inc.")Hills Telephone Company" * ,**/::")Hillsboro Telephone Co., Inc.Hinton Telephone CompanyHollis Telephone Company, Inc.Holway Telephone CompanyIHome Telephone Co. Home Telephone Co. of NebraskaHome Telephone Co.St. JacobHome Telephone Company oregonUHome Telephone Company of PittsboroHome Telephone Company, Inc. KansasHome Telephone Company, Inc. IndianaHome Telephone Company, Inc.SCaHome Telephone CompanyMN$ Hood Canal Telephone Hooper Telephone Company Hopper Telecommunications Co., Inc.m Hornitos Telephone Company0 Horry Telephone Cooperative, Inc. Hospers Telephone Company Hot Springs Telephone Co.yHubard Cooperative Telephone Association<Humboldt Telephone CompanyHumphrey's County Telephone CompanyHutchinson Telephone CompanyHuxley Cooperative Telephone CompanyHIAMO Telephone Company IA IAMO Telephone Company MissouriIllinois Consolidated Telephone CompanyIndianhead Telephone CompanyTIndiantown Telephone Systems, Inc.Industry Telephone CompanyInland Telephone CompanyInter Island Telephone Company, Inc.`  InterCommunity Telephone Company#  InterCommunity Telephone Company IIInterBel Telephone Cooperative, Inc.Interior Telephone CompanylInterstate 35 Telephone Company/Interstate Telecommunications Cooperative, Inc.Interstate Telephone Company GA  Intrastate Telephone Company, Inc. SDx  Intrastate Telephone Company, Inc. MN;Iowa Network Services, Inc.Ironton Telephone Company Island Telephone Company Maine!Island Telephone Company MichiganG"James Valley Cooperative Telephone company #JBN Telephone Company#JED Enterprises, Inc. dba Pine Drive Telephone Co.$Jefferson Telephone Company South DakotaS%Jefferson Telephone Company Iowa&Johnson Telephone Co.&JordanSoldier Valley Telephone Company'Juneau Douglas Telephone Company_(K & M Telephone Company, Inc.")Kadoka Telephone Co." *,**/::")Kalama Telephone CompanyKaleva Telephone CompanyKalida Telephone Company, Inc.Kalona Cooperative Telephone CompanyIKanOkla Telephone Association, Inc. Kaplan Telephone Company, Inc.Kasson & Mantorville Telephone CompanyKearsarge Telephone CompanyUKendall Telephone, Inc.Kennebec Telephone Company, Inc.Kerman Telephone Co.Kerrville Telephone CompanyaKetchikan Public Utilities$ Keystone Farmers Cooperative Telephone Co. KeystoneArthur Telephone Company Kingdom Telephone Companym Kingsgate Telephone, Inc.0 Kinsman Mutual Telephone Company KLM Telephone Company La Porte City Telephone Co.yLa Ward Telephone Exchange, Inc.<Lackawaxen Telephone CompanyLafourche Telephone Co.LaHarpe Telephone Company, Inc.ILLaHarpe Telephone Company, Inc.KSHLaJicarita Rural Telephone Cooperative, Inc. Lake Livingston Telephone Company, Inc.Lakedale Telephone CompanyLakefield Telephone CompanyTLakeside Telephone Company, Inc.LaMotte Telephone CompanyLancaster Telephone CompanyLathrop Telephone Company`Laurel Highland Telephone Company#Laurel Telephone Company, Inc.Lavaca Telephone Co., Inc., dba Pinnacle CommunicationsLaValle Telephone Cooperative, Inc.lLeRu Telephone Company/Leaco Rural Telephone Cooperative, Inc.Leaf River Telephone CompanyLehigh Valley Cooperative Telephone AssociationxLemonweir Valley Telephone Company;Lennon Telephone CompanyLeslie County Telephone Company Lewis River Telephone Company!Lewisport Telephone Company, Inc.G"Lexington Telephone Co. dba Lexcom Telephone Company #Ligonier Telephone Company, Inc.#Lincoln County Telephone Systems, Inc.$Lincoln Telephone Company, Inc. MontanaS%Lincolnville Telephone Company&Lipan Telephone Company, Inc.&Lismore Cooperative Telephone Co.'Little Miami Communications Corporation_(Livingston Telephone Co.")Lockhart Telephone Company" *,**/::")Logan Telephone Cooperative, Inc.Lone Rock Cooperative Telephone CompanyLonsdale Telephone Co., Inc.Loretel Systems, Inc.ILoretto Telephone Company, Inc. Lost NationElwood Telephone CompanyLowry Telephone Co.Luck Telephone CompanyULudlow Telephone CompanyLufkinConroe Telephone Exchange, Inc.Lynnville Community Telephone Company, Inc.Mabel Cooperative Telephone Co. IowaaMabel Cooperative Telephone Company Minnesota$ Madison County Telephone Company, Inc. Madison Telephone Co. Illinois Madison Telephone Company Kansasm Magazine Telephone Co.0 Mahoney & Mahantango Telephone Company Maine Telephone Company Malheur Bell Telephone CompanyyManawa Telephone Company<ManchesterHartland Telephone Co.Manilla Telephone CompanyMankato Citizens Telephone CompanyMantanuska Telephone Association, Inc.HManti Telephone Company Margaretville Telephone Co., Inc.Marianna Scenery Hill Telephone CompanyMark Twain Rural Telephone CompanyTMarne & Elk Horn Telephone CompanyMarquetteAdams Telephone Cooperative, Inc.Marseilles Telephone CompanyMartelle Cooperative Telephone Association`Mashell Telecom, Inc.#Massena Telephone CompanyMatanuska Telephone Association, Inc.McClellanville Telephone Company, Inc.lMcClure Telephone Company/McCook Cooperative Telephone CompanyMcDaniel Telephone CompanyMcDonald County Telephone Co.xMcDonough Telephone Cooperative;McLoud Telephone Company, Inc.McNabb Telephone Company MEBTEL, Inc.!Mechanicsville Telephone CompanyG"Mediapolis Telephone Company #Medicine Park Telephone Co.#Melrose Telephone Company$Merchants & Farmers Telephone CompanyS%Meriden Telephone Company, Inc.&Merrimack County Telephone Company&Metamora Telephone Company'MGW Telephone Company_(Micronesia Telephone Co.")Mid Century Telephone Cooperative, Inc." *,**/::")Mid Plains Rural Telephone Cooperative, Inc.MidAmerica Telephone CompanyMidCommunications, Inc.MidIowa Telephone Coop AssociationIMidMaine Telecom MidMissouri Telephone CompanyMidPlains Telephone, Inc.MidRivers Telephone Cooperative, Inc.UMidState Telephone Company MinnesotaMidState Telephone Company, Inc.Middle Point Home Telephone CompanyMiddleburgh Telephone CompanyaMidstate Communications$ Midstate Telephone Co. ND Midstate Telephone Company, Inc. Midvale Telephone Exchange, Inc.m Midvale Telephone Exchange, Inc.AZ0 Midvale Telephone Exchange, Inc.OR Midway Telephone Company Midway Telephone CompanyyMidwest Telephone Co.<Miles Cooperative Telephone AssociationMiller Telephone Co. IowaMiller Telephone Co. MissouriMillington Telephone Company, Inc.HMillry Telephone Company, Inc. Milltown Mutual Telephone CompanyMinburn Telephone CompanyMinerva Valley Telephone Co., Inc.TMinford Telephone CompanyMinnesota Lake Telephone CompanyMinnesota Valley TelephoneMoapa Valley Telephone Company`Mobridge Telecommunications Co.#Modern Cooperative Telephone CompanyModern Telecommunications CompanyMoKan Dial, Inc. KansaslMoKan Dial, Inc. Missouri/Molalla Telephone CompanyMonCre Telephone Cooperative, Inc.Monitor Cooperative Telephone CompanyxMonon Telephone Co., Inc.;Monroe Telephone CompanyMontezuma Mutual Telephone Co. Montrose Mutual Telephone Company!Moore & Liberty Telephone Co.G"Mosinee Telephone Company #Moultrie Independent Telephone Company#Mound Bayou Telephone and Communications, Inc.$Moundridge Telephone CompanyS%Moundville Telephone Company, Inc.&Mount Horeb Telephone Company&Mount Vernon Telephone Company'Mountain Rural Telephone Cooperative, Inc._(Mountain Telecommunications, Inc.")  Mountain View Telephone Company" *,**/::")  Mt. Angel Telephone CompanyMt. Rushmore Telephone CompanyMud Lake Telephone Cooperative Association, Inc.Muenster Telephone Corporation of TexasIMukluk Telephone Company Mulberry Cooperative Telephone Co., Inc.Mutual Telephone Company IowaMutual Telephone Company KansasUMutual Telephone Company of Morning SunMyrtle Telephone CompanyNational Telephone of Alabama, Inc.Navajo Communications Company, Inc.AZaNavajo Communications Company, Inc.NM$ Navajo Communications Company, Inc.UT NebCom, Inc. Nebraska Central Telephone Companym Nehalem Telephone and Telegraph Company0 Nelson Telephone Cooperative, Inc. NelsonBall Ground Telephone Company Nemont Telephone Cooperative, Inc.yNew Castle Telephone Company<New Florence Telephone Co.New Hope Telephone CompanyNew Hope Telephone Cooperative, Inc.New Lisbon Telephone Co., Inc.HNew London Telephone Company New Paris Telephone, Inc.New Ulm Telecom, Inc.New Windsor Telephone Company, Inc.TNewport Telephone CompanyNiagara Telephone CompanyNicholville Telephone Company, Inc.Noonan Farmers Telephone Co.`North Central Telephone Cooperative, Inc.#North Country Telephone, Inc.North Dakota Telephone CompanyNorth English Cooperative Telephone CompanylNorth Penn Telephone Company/North Pittsburgh Telephone CompanyNorth River Telephone CooperativeNorth State Telephone Co.xNorth Texas Telephone Company;NorthEastern Pennsylvania Telephone CompanyNorthWest Telephone Company Northeast Florida Telephone Company, Inc.!Northeast Iowa Telephone CompanyG"Northeast Louisiana Telephone Company, Inc. #Northeast Missouri Rural Telephone Company#Northeast Nebraska Telephone Company$Northeast Telephone CompanyS%Northern Arkansas Telephone Company, Inc.&Northern Iowa Telephone Co.&Northern Telephone Co.'Northern Telephone Cooperative, Inc._(Northfield Telephone Company")Northland Telephone Company Minnesota" *,**/::")Northland Telephone Company of Maine, Inc. MaineNorthland Telephone Company of Maine, Inc. NHNorthland Telephone Company of Vermont, Inc.Northwest Communications CooperativeINorthwest Iowa Telephone Company Northwest Telephone Cooperative AssociationNorthwestern Indiana Telephone CompanyNorthwest Telephone Systems, Inc.UNorway Rural Telephone CompanyNorway Telephone CompanyNuclaNaturita Telephone Co.Nunn Telephone CompanyaNushagak Telephone Cooperative, Inc.$ Oakman Telephone Company, Inc. Oakwood Telephone Company Odin Telephone Companym Odin Telephone Exchange, Inc.0 Ogden Telephone Company Iowa Ogden Telephone Company Michigan Ogden Telephone Company New YorkyOklahoma ALLTEL, Inc.<Oklahoma Communication Systems, Inc.Oklahoma Telephone and TelegraphOklahoma Western Telephone CompanyOlin TelephoneHOneida County Rural Telephone Company Oneida Telephone ExchangeOneonta Telephone Company, Inc.Onslow Cooperative Telephone AssociationTOntario Telephone Company, Inc.Ontonagon County Telephone CompanyOran Mutual Telephone CompanyOrchard Farm Telephone Company`Oregon Farmers Mutual Telephone Company#Oregon Telephone CorporationOregonIdaho Utilities, Inc.Oriskany Falls Telephone CorporationlOrwell Telephone Company/Osakis Telephone CompanyOtter Tail Telephone CompanyOttoville Mutual TelephonexOTZ Telephone Cooperative, Inc.;Oxford Telephone CompanyOxford West Telephone Company Ozark Telephone Company!Palmer Mutual Telephone CompanyG"Palmerton Telephone Co. #Palmetto Rural Telephone Coop, Inc.#Palo Cooperative Telephone Association$Panhandle Telephone Cooperative, Inc.S%Panora Cooperative Telephone Association, Inc.&Park Region Mutual Telephone Company&Pattersonville Telephone Company Ohio'Pattersonville Telephone Company New York_(Paul Bunyan Rural Telephone Coop")Peace Valley Telephone Company, Inc." *,**/::")Peetz CoOperative Telephone Co.Pembroke Telephone Company, Inc. Pembroke Telephone Cooperative  Penasco Valley Telephone Cooperative, Inc.I  Pend Oreille Telephone Peninsula Telephone CompanyPennsylvania Telephone CompanyPeoples Mutual Telephone Co.KSUPeoples Mutual Telephone Company, Inc.VAPeoples Rural Telephone Cooperative Corp., Inc.Peoples Telephone Co. IAPeoples Telephone Company, Inc.TNaPeoples Telephone CompanyAL$ Peoples Telephone CompanyMN Peoples Telephone CompanyOR Peoples Telephone Cooperative, Inc.TXm Perkinsville Telephone Company0 PerrySpencer Rural Telephone Cooperative, Inc. Phillips County Telephone Company Piedmont Rural Telephone Cooperative, Inc.yPiedmont Telephone Membership Corporation<Pierce Telephone Company, Inc.Pigeon Telephone CompanyPine Belt Telephone Company, Inc.Pine Island Telephone CompanyHPine Telephone Company, Inc. Pine Telephone System, Inc.Pine Tree Telephone and Telegraph CompanyPineland Telephone Cooperative, Inc.TPineville Telephone Co.Pinnacles Telephone CompanyPioneer Telephone Association, Inc.Pioneer Telephone Company`Pioneer Telephone Cooperative Oregon#Pioneer Telephone Cooperative, Inc. OklahomaPlains Cooperative Telephone Association, Inc.Plainview Telephone CompanylPlant Telephone Company/Planters Rural Telephone Cooperative, Inc.Platteville Telephone CompanyPoka Lambro Telephone Cooperative, Inc.xPolar Communications Mutual Aid Corporation;Polar Telecommunications, Inc.Pond Branch Telephone Company Port Byron Telephone Company!Postville Telephone CompanyG"Potlatch Telephone Company #Pottawatomie Telephone Company, Inc.#Prairie Grove Telephone Company$Prairie Telephone CompanyS%Prairieburg Telephone Company, Inc.&Preston Telephone Company, Inc.&Price County Telephone Company'Progressive Rural Telephone CoOperative, Inc._(Project Mutual Telephone Cooperative Association, Inc.")Project Telephone Company" *,**/::")PTI Communications of Alaska, Inc. FairbanksPTI Communications of Michigan, Inc.Public Service Telephone CompanyPulaski White Rural Telephone Cooperative, Inc.IPymatuning Independent Telephone Company Quincy Telephone Company GeorgiaQuincy Telephone Company FloridaRadcliffe Telephone CompanyURagland Telephone Co., Inc.Rainbow Telephone Coop Association, Inc.Randolph Telephone CompanyRandolph Telephone Membership CorporationaRange Telephone Cooperative, Inc. Montana$ Range Telephone Cooperative, Inc. Wyoming RC Communications, Inc. Readlyn Telephone Companym Red River Rural Telephone Association0 Redwood County Telephone Co. Reservation Telephone Cooperative Reserve Telephone Co., Inc.yReynolds Telephone Company<Rhinelander Telephone CompanyRib Lake Telephone CompanyRice Belt Telephone Co., Inc.RichlandGrant Telephone Cooperative, Inc.HRichmond Telephone Company Rico Telephone Co.Ridgeville Telephone CompanyRidgeway Telephone CompanyTRinggold Telephone CompanyRingsted Telephone CompanyRio Virgin Telephone CompanyRiver Valley Telephone Coop`Riverside Telecom, Inc.#Riviera Telephone Company, Inc.Roanoke & Botetourt Telephone CompanyRoanoke Telephone Company, Inc.lRoberts County Telephone Cooperative Association/  Rochester Telephone Co., Inc.  Rock County Telephone Co.Rock Hill Telephone CompanyxRock Port Telephone Co.;Rockland Telephone Company, Inc. Rockwell Cooperative Telephone Association Roggen Telephone Cooperative Company!Ronan Telephone CompanyG"Roome Telecommunications Inc. #Roosevelt County Rural Telephone Cooperative, Inc.#Rothsay Telephone Co., Inc.$Royal Telephone CompanyS%RT Communications, Inc.&Runestone Telephone Association&Rural Telephone CompanyID'Rural Telephone CompanyNV_(Rural Telephone Service Company, Inc.")Ruthven Telephone Exchange Co." *,**/::")Rye Telephone CompanyS & A Telephone Co., Inc.S & T Communications of Dighton, Inc.S & T Telephone Co Op AssociationIS & W Telephone Co., Inc. Sac County Mutual Telephone CompanySaco River Telegraph & Telephone CompanySacred Heart Telephone CompanyUSaddleback CommunicationsSalem Telephone Company, Inc.SalinaSpavinaw Telephone Company, Inc.Saluda Mountain Telephone CompanyaSan Carlos Apache Telecommunications Utility, Inc.$ Sanborn Telephone Cooperative Sancom, Inc. Sand Creek Telephone Co.m Sandhill Telephone Company0 Sandwich Isles Communications, Inc. Santa Rosa Telephone Coop. Santa Rosa Telephone Coop.ySawtooth Telephone, Inc.<Scandinavia Telephone CompanySchaller Telephone CompanyScio Mutual Telephone AssociationScott County Telephone CompanyHScott County Telephone Cooperative ScottRice Telephone Co.Scranton Telephone CompanySearsboro Telephone Co.TSeneca Telephone CompanyService Telephone CompanySharon Telephone Company, Inc.IASharon Telephone CompanyIL`Sharon Telephone CompanyWI#Shawnee Telephone Company, Inc.Shell Rock Telephone CompanyShenandoah Telephone CompanylSherburne County Rural Telephone Co./Sherwood Mutual Telephone CompanyShiawassee Telephone CompanyShidler Telephone CompanyxShoreham Telephone Company, Inc.;Sidney Telephone CompanySierra Telephone Co., Inc. Silver Star Communications dba Silver Star Telecom Idaho!Silver Star Communications dba Silver Star Telecom WY wyomin G"Sioux Valley Telephone Company #Siren Telephone Co., Inc.#Sitka Telephone Company$Skyline TelecomS%Skyline Telephone Membership Corporation&Sledge Telephone Company&Sleepy Eye Telephone Company'Smithville Telephone Co., Inc. Indiana_(Smithville Telephone Company, Inc. Mississippi")Sodtown Telephone Co." *,**/::")Somerset Telephone Company MaineSomerset Telephone Company, Inc. WisconsinSouris River Telecommunications cooperativeSouth Arkansas Telephone CompanyISouth Central Communications, Inc. South Central Rural Telephone Cooperative Corporation, Inc.South Central Telecommunications of Kiowa, Inc.South Central Telephone Association, Inc.KSUSouth Central Telephone Association, Inc.OKSouth Central Utah Telephone AssociationSouth Park Telephone CompanySouth Plains Telephone CooperativeaSouth Slope Cooperative Telephone Company$ Southeast Mississippi Telephone Company Southeast Nebraska Telephone Company SouthEast Telephone, Inc.m Southeast Telephone Company of Wisconsin, Inc.0 Southeastern Indiana Rural Telephone Cooperative, Inc. Southern Kansas Telephone Co., Inc. Southern Montana Telephone CompanyySouthwest Arkansas Telephone Cooperative, Inc.<Southwest Oklahoma Telephone Co.Southwest Telephone Exchange, Inc.Southwest Texas Telephone CompanySouthwestern Telephone CompanyHSplitrock Properties, Inc. Splitrock Telecom Cooperative, Inc.Spring Grove Cooperative Tel. Co.Spring Valley Telephone Company, Inc.TSpringport Telephone CompanySpringville Cooperative Telephone Association, Inc.Spruce Knob Seneca Rocks Telephone, Inc.SRT Communications, Inc.`St. John Telephone Company#St. Paul Cooperative Telephone AssociationSt. Stephen Telephone CompanyStandard Telephone Company GeorgialStandish Telephone Company Maine/Stanton Telecom, Inc.Star Telephone Company, Inc.Star Telephone Membership CorporationxStarbuck Telephone Company;State Long Distance Telephone CompanyState Telephone Company Stateline Telecommunications, Inc.!Stayton Cooperative Telephone CompanyG"Steelville Telephone Exchange, Inc. #Stelle Telephone Co.#Stockbridge & Sherwood Telephone Company, Inc.$StockholmStrandburg TelephoneS%Stoneham CoOperative Telephone Corporation&Stoutland Telephone Company&Strasburg Telephone Company'Stratford Mutual Telephone Company_(Sugar Land Telephone Company")Sugar Valley Telephone Company" *,**/::")Sully Buttes Telephone Cooperative, Inc.Sully Telephone AssociationSummit Tel. & Telegraph Co. of Alaska, Inc. dba Summitz Co., Inc.Sunflower Telephone Company, Inc.ISunman Telecommunications Corporation Superior Telephone CoopSurry Telephone Membership CorporationSwayzee Telephone Co., Inc.USweetser Rural Telephone CompanySwisher Telephone CompanySycamore Telephone CompanyTable Top Telephone Company, Inc.aTaconic Telephone Corp.$ Tatum Telephone Company Taylor Telephone Cooperative, Inc. TCT West, Inc.m Telephone Service Company0 Telephone Utilities of Alaska, Inc. Telephone Utilities of Eastern Oregon, Inc. Telephone Utilities of Oregon, Inc.yTelephone Utilities of Washington, Inc.<Telephone Utilities of Wyoming, Inc.TelHawaii, Inc.Tellico Telephone CompanyTempleton Telephone Co.HTenino Telephone Company Tennessee Telephone CompanyTenney Telephone CompanyTerral Telephone CompanyTTerril Telephone CompanyTeton TelecomTexas ALLTEL, Inc.ThackerGrigsby Telephone Company`The Bayou Telephone Company, Inc.#The Bentleyville Telephone CompanyThe Burt Telephone CompanyThe Champaign Telephone CompanylThe Citizens Mutual Telephone Company/The Grandview Mutual Telephone Co.The New Knoxville Telephone Co.The Nova Telephone CompanyxThe Ponderosa Telephone Co.;The Rye Telephone CompanyThe Siskiyou Telephone Co. Thorp Telephone Company!Three River TelcoG"Tidewater Telecom, Inc. #Tipton Telephone Company#Titonka Telephone Company$Tohono O'odham Utility AuthorityS%Toledo Telephone Company&Tonica Telephone Company&Topsham Telephone Company'Totah Telephone Company, Inc. Kansas_(Totah Telephone Company, Inc. Oklahoma")Township Telephone Company" *,**/::")TransCascades Telephone CompanyTrenton Telephone Co.TriCounty Telecom, Inc.TriCounty Telephone Association, Inc.KSITriCounty Telephone Association, Inc.WY TriCounty Telephone Company, Inc.ARTriCounty Telephone Company, Inc.INTriCounty Telephone Cooperative, Inc.UTriCounty Telephone Membership CorporationTriangle Telephone Cooperative Association, Inc.Troy Telephone Company, Inc.Trumansburg Home Telephone CompanyaTularosa Basin Telephone Co.$ Turtle Mountain Communications Twin Lakes Telephone Cooperative Corporation Twin Valley Telephone, Inc.m Twin ValleyUlen Telephone Company0 UBTA Communications Union River Telephone Company Union Springs Telephone CompanyyUnion Telephone CompanyNH<Union Telephone CompanySDUnion Telephone CompanyWIUnion Telephone CompanyWYUnited Farmers Telephone CompanyHUnited Telephone Association, Inc. United Telephone CompanyUnited Telephone Company of Indiana, Inc.United Telephone Company of KansasTUnited Telephone Company of MinnesotaUnited Telephone company of MissouriUnited Telephone Company of New Jersey, Inc.United Telephone Company of Northwest`United Telephone Company of Pennsylvania#United Telephone Company of Southcentral KansasUnited Telephone Company of Texas, Inc.United Telephone Company of the CarolinaslUnited Telephone Company of the NorthwestWA/United Telephone Company of the WestUnited Telephone Company of the WestUnited Telephone Mutual Aid CorporationxUnited Utilities, Inc.;Unitel, Inc.Universal Communications of Allison, Inc. Upper Peninsula Telephone Company!Upsala Cooperative TelephoneG"UTELCO, Inc. #Valley Cable & Satellite communications, Inc.#Valley Telecommunications Cooperative Association, Inc.$Valley Telecommunications, Inc.S%Valley Telephone&Valley Telephone Co.MN&Valley Telephone Cooperative, Inc.AZ'Valley Telephone Cooperative, Inc.TX_(Valliant Telephone Co.")Van Buren Telephone Co., Inc." *,**/::")Van Horne Cooperative Telephone Co.Vanlue Telephone CompanyVaughnsville Telephone CompanyVentura Telephone CompanyIVenture Communications, Inc. Venus telephone CorporationVermont Telephone Company, Inc.Vernon Telephone Company, Inc.UVernon Telephone CooperativeVillisca Farmers Telephone CompanyViola Home Telephone Co.Virgin Islands Telephone CorporationaVirginia Telephone Company$ VistaUnited Telecommunications Volcano Telephone Company Wabash Mutual Telephone Co.m Wabash Telephone Cooperative, Inc.0 WaitsfieldFayston Telephone Company, Inc. Waldron Telephone Company Walnut Hill Telephone CompanyyWalnut Telephone Company<Wamego Telephone Company, Inc.War Telephone CompanyWarren Telephone CompanyWarwick Valley Telephone Company New JerseyHWarwick Valley Telephone Company New York Washington County Rural Telephone Cooperative, Inc.Waunekee Telephone CompanyWauneta Telephone CompanyTWaverly Hall Telephone Co., Inc.Wayside Telephone CompanyWebbDickens Telephone CompanyWebsterCalhoun Cooperative Telephone Association`Wellman Coop Telephone Association#WesTex Telephone Cooperative, Inc.West Carolina Rural Telephone Cooperative, Inc.West Central TelephonelWest Iowa Telephone Association/West Iowa Telephone CompanyWest Kentucky Rural Telephone Cooperative Corporation, Inc. West Liberty Telephone CompanyxWest Penobscot Telephone & Telegraph Company;West Plains Telecommunications, Inc.West Point Telephone Company, Inc. West River Communications, Inc.!West River Cooperative Telephone CompanyG"West River Telecommunications Cooperative #West Side Telephone Company Pennsylvania#West Side Telephone Company West Virginia$West Tennessee Telephone Company, Inc.S%West Texas Rural Telephone Coop., Inc.&West Wisconsin Telecom Cooperative&Western New Mexico Telephone Company'Western Reserve Telephone Company_(Western Telephone Company Minnesota")Western Telephone Company South Dakota" *,**/::")Western Wahkiakum County Telephone CompanyWestphalia Telephone CompanyWestside Independent Telephone CompanyWheat State Telephone, Inc.IWhidbey Telephone Company Wiggins Telephone AssociationWikstrom Telephone Co., Inc.Wilderness Valley Telephone Co.UWilkes Telephone & Electric CompanyWilkes Telephone Membership CorporationWillard Telephone CompanyWilliston Telephone CompanyaWilson Telephone Company, Inc.$ Wilton Telephone Company Wilton Telephone Company, Inc.NH Winn Telephone Companym Winnebago Cooperative Telephone AssociationIA0 Winnebago Cooperative Telephone AssociationMN Winsted Telephone Company Winterhaven Telephone CompanyyWinthrop Telephone Company<Wittenberg Telephone CompanyWolverine Telephone CompanyWolverton Telephone CompanyMNWolverton Telephone CompanyNDHWood County Telephone Company Woodbury TelephoneWoodhull Community Telephone CompanyWoodstock Telephone CompanyTWoolstock Mutual Telephone AssociationWyandotte Telephone CompanyWyoming Mutual Telephone Company  Vivian Telephone Company`  XIT Rural Telephone Cooperative, Inc.#Yadkin Valley Telephone Membership Corp.Yates City Telephone CompanyYelcot Telephone CompanylYell County Telephone Company/Yelm Telephone CompanyYeoman Telephone Company, Inc.Yorkville Telephone CooperativexYukon Telephone Company, Inc.;YukonWaltz Telephone CompanyZenda Telephone Company, Inc. Zumbrota Telephone Co.g!