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X-WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554hh@hpp  xx DA 982559  yx\ dddhy  aE#6\  P6QАP#News media information 202/4180500 FaxOnDemand 202/4182830 Internet: http://www.fcc.gov ftp.fcc.gov  X-[ #XP\  P6QXP#BUREAU GRANTS CLASSIC TELEPHONE, INC.'S MOTION TO DISMISS ITS  X-  PETITION FOR RECONSIDERATION T  X -P CC Docket No. 9645  X -0  AAD 9773 Đ X -TP  X~ -Release Date: January 11, 1999  Xg - xOn October 16, 1997, Classic Telephone, Inc. (Classic) filed a Petition for  X9-Reconsideration of the October 9, 1997 Memorandum Opinion and Order,$9 yO-  ԍxRural Telephone Service Company, Inc. and United Telephone Company of Kansas, Joint Petition for  xWaiver Concerning Section 61.41(c)(2) and the Definition of "Study Area" Contained in the Part 36, Appendix {OB- xKGlossary, of the Commission's Rules, AAD 9773, DA 972104, Memorandum Opinion and Order, 12 FCC Rcd  {O -16343 (October 9, 1997) (Rural Telephone Order). granting the Joint Petition for Waiver of the Definition of "Study Area" contained in Part 36, AppendixGlossary of the Commission's Rules, and of Section 61.41(c) of the Commission's rules filed by Rural Telephone Service Company and United Telephone Company of Kansas. In the Petition for Reconsideration, Classic requested that the Common Carrier Bureau (Bureau)  X-reconsider the Rural Telephone Order under the public interest standard and deny the requested waiver so as to avoid rewarding Rural Telephone Service Company, Inc. for its alleged anticompetitive behavior and intentions. Rural Telephone Service Company, Inc. filed an Opposition to the Petition for Reconsideration filed by Classic Telephone, Inc. and Classic filed a reply comment. xOn November 20, 1998, Classic filed a Motion to Dismiss its Petition for  X)-Reconsideration with the Commission requesting that its Petition for Reconsideration of the  X-Memorandum Opinion and Order issued in the study area waiver proceeding be dismissed with prejudice. Classic explains that it has decided not to provide telephone service to the  X-communities of Wakeeney and Quinter, Kansas that were the subject of the study area waiver request and consequently, the reasons for seeking reconsideration of the Commission's action in this proceeding are now moot. xThe Bureau grants Classic's motion to dismiss its petition for reconsideration with prejudice. xFor further information, contact Adrian Wright, Accounting Policy Division, Common Carrier Bureau, at (202) 4187400. T